130 research outputs found

    Sabi\'a: Portuguese Large Language Models

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    As the capabilities of language models continue to advance, it is conceivable that "one-size-fits-all" model will remain as the main paradigm. For instance, given the vast number of languages worldwide, many of which are low-resource, the prevalent practice is to pretrain a single model on multiple languages. In this paper, we add to the growing body of evidence that challenges this practice, demonstrating that monolingual pretraining on the target language significantly improves models already extensively trained on diverse corpora. More specifically, we further pretrain GPT-J and LLaMA models on Portuguese texts using 3% or less of their original pretraining budget. Few-shot evaluations on Poeta, a suite of 14 Portuguese datasets, reveal that our models outperform English-centric and multilingual counterparts by a significant margin. Our best model, Sabi\'a-65B, performs on par with GPT-3.5-turbo. By evaluating on datasets originally conceived in the target language as well as translated ones, we study the contributions of language-specific pretraining in terms of 1) capturing linguistic nuances and structures inherent to the target language, and 2) enriching the model's knowledge about a domain or culture. Our results indicate that the majority of the benefits stem from the domain-specific knowledge acquired through monolingual pretraining

    Authoring gamified intelligent tutoring systems.

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    Sistemas Tutores Inteligentes (STIs) têm recibo a atenção de acadêmicos e profissionais desde da década de 70. Tem havido um grande número de estudos recentes em apoio da efetividade de STIs. Entretanto, é muito comum que estudantes fiquem desengajados ou entediados durante o processo de aprendizagem usando STIs. Para considerar explicitamente os aspectos motivacionais de estudantes, pesquisadores estão cada vez mais interessados em usar gamificação em conjunto com STIs. Contudo, apesar de prover tutoria individualizada para estudantes e algum tipo de suporte para professores, estes usuários não têm recebido alta prioridade no desenvolvimento destes tipos de sistemas. De forma a contribuir para o uso ativo e personalizado de STIs gamificados por professores, três problemas técnicos devem ser considerados. Primeiro, projetar STI é muito complexo (deve-se considerar diferentes teorias, componentes e partes interessadas) e incluir gamificação pode aumentar significativamente tal complexidade e variabilidade. Segundo, as funcionalidades de STIs gamificados podem ser usadas de acordo com vários elementos (ex.: nível educacional, domínio de conhecimento, teorias de gamificaçãoe STI, etc). Desta forma, é imprescindível tirar proveito das teorias e práticas de ambos os tópicos para reduzir o espaço de design destes sistemas. Terceiro, para efetivamente auxiliar professores a usarem ativamente estes sistemas, faz-se necessário prover uma solução simples e usável para eles. Para lidar com estes problemas, o principal objetivo desta tese é projetar uma solução computacional de autoria para fornecer aos professores uma forma de personalizar as funcionalidades de STIs gamificados gerenciando a alta variabilidade destes sistemas e considerando as teorias/práticas de gamificação e STI. Visando alcançar este objetivo, nós identificamos o espaço de variabilidade e o representamos por meio do uso de uma abordagem de modelagem de features baseada em ontologias (OntoSPL). Desenvolvemos um modelo ontológico integrado (Ontologia de tutoria gamificada ou Gamified tutoring ontology) que conecta elementos de design de jogos apoiados por evidências no domínio de e-learning, além de teorias e frameworks de gamificação aos conceitos de STI. Finalmente, desenvolvemos uma solução de autoria (chamada AGITS) que leva em consideração tais ontologias para auxiliar professores na personalização de funcionalidades de STIs gamificados. As contribuições deste trabalho são avaliadas por meio da condução de quatro estudos empíricos: (1) conduzimos um experimento controlado para comparar a OntoSPL com uma abordagem de modelagem de features bem conhecida na literatura. Os resultados sugerem que esta abordagem é mais flexível e requer menos tempo para mudar; (2) avaliamos o modelo ontológico integrado usando um método de avaliação de ontologias (FOCA) com especialistas tanto de contexto acadêmico quanto industrial. Os resultados sugerem que as ontologias estão atendendo adequadamente os papeis de representação do conhecimento; (3) avaliamos versões não-interativas da solução de autoria desenvolvida com 59 participantes. Os resultados indicam uma atitude favorável ao uso da solução de autoria projetada,nos quais os participantes concordaram que a solução é fácil de usar, usável, simples, esteticamente atraente,tem um suporte bem percebido e alta credibilidade; e (4) avaliamos, por fim,versões interativas (do zero e usando um modelo) da solução de autoria com 41 professores. Os resultados sugerem que professores podem usar e reusar, com um alto nível de aceitação, uma solução de autoria que inclui toda a complexidade de projetar STI gamificado.Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs) have been drawing the attention of academics and practitioners since early 70’s. There have been a number of recent studies in support of the effectiveness of ITSs. However, it is very common that students become disengaged or bored during the learning process by using ITSs. To explicitly consider students’ motivational aspects, researchers are increasingly interested in using gamification along with ITS.However, despite providing individualized tutoring to students and some kind of support for teachers, teachers have been not considered as first-class citizens in the development of these kinds of systems. In order to contribute to the active and customized use of gamified ITS by teachers, three technical problems should be considered. First, designing ITS is very complex (i.e., take into account different theories, components, and stahekolders) and including gamification may significantly increase such complexity and variability. Second, gamified ITS features can be used depending on several elements (e.g., educational level, knowledge domain, gamification and ITS theories, etc). Thus, it is imperative to take advantage of theories and practices from both topics to reduce the design space of these systems. Third, in order to effectively aid teachers to actively use such systems, it is needed to provide a simple and usable solution for them. To deal with these problems, the main objective of this thesis is to design an authoring computational solution to provide for teachers a way to customize gamified ITS features managing the high variability of these systems and considering gamification and ITS theories/practices. To achieve this objective, we identify the variability space and represent it using an ontology-based feature modeling approach (OntoSPL). We develop an integrated ontological model (Gamified tutoring ontology) that connects evidence-supported game design elements in the e-learning domain as well as gamification theories and frameworks to existing ITS concepts. Finally, we develop an authoring solution (named AGITS) that takes into account these ontologies to aid teachers in the customization of gamified ITS features. We evaluate our contributions by conducting four empirical studies: (1) we perform a controlled experiment to compare OntoSPL against a well-known ontology-based feature modeling approach. The results suggest that our approach is more flexible and requires less time to change; (2) we evaluate the ontological integrated model by using an ontology evaluation method (FOCA) with experts from academic and industrial settings. The results suggest that our ontologies are properly targeting the knowledge representation roles; (3) we evaluate non-interactive versions of the designed authoring solution with 59 participants. The results indicate a positive attitude towards the use of the designed authoring solutions, in which participants agreed that they are ease to use, usable, simple, aesthetically appealing, have a well-perceived system support and high credibility; and (4) we also evaluate interactive versions (scratch and template) of our authoring solution with 41 teachers. The results suggest that teachers can use and reuse, with a high acceptance level, an authoring solution that includes all the complexity to design gamified ITS

    Philanthropy in Brazil Report

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    This report on Brazilian philanthropy is part of a larger study by Philanthropy for Social Justice and Peace (PSJP), started in 2016, to review the current state of philanthropy in emerging economies and the role philanthropy is playing in the world today. This is the fourth report from the study, which will eventually form part of the Philanthropy Bridge Series

    Noninvasive methods for children\u27s cholesterol level determination

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    Today, there is a controversy about the role of cholesterol in infants and the measurement and management of blood cholesterol in children. Several scientific evidences are supporting relationship between elevated blood cholesterol in children and high cholesterol in adults and development of adult arteriosclerotic diseases such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease. Therefore controlling the level of blood cholesterol in children is very important for the health of the whole population. Non-invasive methods are much more convenient for the children because of their anxieties about blood examinations. In this paper we will present a new try to find non-invasive methods for determining the level of blood cholesterol in children with the use of intelligent system

    Artificial intelligence in education : challenges and opportunities for sustainable development

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    Artificial Intelligence is a booming technological domain capable of altering every aspect of our social interactions. In education, AI has begun producing new teaching and learning solutions that are now undergoing testing in different contexts. AI requires advanced infrastructures and an ecosystem of thriving innovators, but what about the urgencies of developing countries? Will they have to wait for the “luxury” of AI? Or should AI be a priority to tackle as soon as possible to reduce the digital and social divide?These are some of the questions guiding this document. In this regard, this urgent discussion should be taken up with a clear picture of what is happening and what can be done. This document gathers examples of how AI has been introduced in education worldwide, particularly in developing countries. It also sows the seeds of debates and discussions in the context of the 2019 Mobile Learning Week and beyond, as part of the multiple ways to accomplish Sustainable Development Goal 4, which targets education. The first section of this document analyses how AI can be used to improve learning outcomes. It presents examples of how AI technology can help education systems use data to improve educational equity and quality in the developing world. The section is divided into two topics that address pedagogical and system-wide solutions:i) AI to promote personalisation and better learning outcomes, exploring how AI can favour access to education, collaborative environments and intelligent tutoring systems to support teachers. We briefly introduce cases from countries such as China, Uruguay, Brazil, South Africa and Kenya as examples experimental solutions conceived from public policies, philanthropic and private organisations. ii) Data analytics in Education Management Information Systems (EMIS). Here we present opportunities for improving a state’s capacity to manage large-scale educational systems by increasing data from schools and learning, presenting cases from United Arab Emirates, Kenya, Bhutan, Kyrgyzstan and Chile.The second section “Preparing learners to thrive in an AI-saturated future” explores the different means by which governments and educational institutions are rethinking and reworking educational programmes to prepare learners for the increasing presence of AI in all aspects of human activity. Based on examples from different contexts, the section is also divided into two main parts: i) “A new curriculum for a digital and AI powered world” elaborates further on the importance of advancing in digital competency frameworks for teachers and students. Some current initiatives are presented such as the “Global Framework to Measure Digital Literacy” and “ICT Competencies and Standards from the Pedagogical Dimension”. The discussion of the curricular dimension is broadened to include new experiences for developing computational thinking in schools with examples from the European Union, United Kingdom, Estonia, Argentina, Singapore and Malaysia.ii) The second part is more focused on strengthening AI capacities through post-basic education and training. How can each country prepare the conditions for an AI-powered world? Here we present some of the most advanced cases from developed countries who are generating comprehensive plans to tackle this question, namely France, South Korea and China. We also present some cases from the technical and vocational education and training sector and some opportunities from non-formal and informal learning scenarios.The last section addresses the challenges and policy implications that should be part of the global and local conversations regarding the possibilities and risks of introducing AI in education and preparing students for an AI-powered context. Six challenges are presented: The first challenge lies in developing a comprehensive view of public policy on AI for sustainable development. The complexity of the technological conditions needed to advance in this field require the alignment of multiple factors and institutions. Public policies have to work in partnership at international and national levels to create an ecosystem of AI that serves sustainable development. The second challenge is to ensure inclusion and equity for AI in education. The least developed countries are at risk of suffering new technological, economic and social divides with the development of AI. Some main obstacles such as basic technological infrastructure must be faced to establish the basic conditions for implementing new strategies that take advantage of AI to improve learning.The third challenge is to prepare teachers for an AI-powered education while preparing AI to understand education, though this must nevertheless be a two-way road: teachers must learn new digital skills to use AI in a pedagogical and meaningful way and AI developers must learn how teachers work and create solutions that are sustainable in real-life environments. The fourth challenge is to develop quality and inclusive data systems. If we are headed towards the datafication of education, the quality of data should be our chief concern. It ́s essential to develop state capabilities to improve data collection and systematisation. AI developments should be an opportunity to increase the importance of data in educational system management.The fifth challenge is to make research on AI in education significant. While it can be reasonably expected that research on AI in education will increase in the coming years, it is nevertheless worth recalling the difficulties that the education sector has had in taking stock of educational research in a significant way both for practice and policy-making.The sixth challenge deals with ethics and transparency in data collection, use and dissemination. AI opens many ethical concerns regarding access to education system, recommendations to individual students, personal data concentration, liability, impact on work, data privacy and ownership of data feeding algorithms. AI regulation will thus require public discussion on ethics, accountability, transparency and security.The document ends with an open invitation to create new discussions around the uses, possibilities and risks of AI in education for sustainable development