5,084 research outputs found

    Distributed Models for Filter Synthesis

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    The limitations of filter synthesis methods based on classic equivalent circuits with the enhanced distributed models and synthesis procedures able to overcome such limitations are presented. A modified procedure that corrects the waveguide lengths has been proposed. The input and output reflection coefficients of the ideal prototype steps are real. The shunt capacitive effect introduces a phase shift in the reflection coefficients of each waveguide step. The representation of the filter structure can be improved if the waveguide steps are analyzed with a full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulator, and their responses are stored in the form of ABCD matrices. The desired filter passband cutoff frequency was 11 GHz, with a specified return loss of 25 dB, and a gap height greater than 4.25 mm. High-power applications with wide stopbands often require impractical waveguide sections. The accurate EM simulators are used to find an almost exact equivalence between the prototype and the filter parts.Boria Esbert, VE.; Soto Pacheco, P.; Cogollos Borras, S. (2011). Distributed Models for Filter Synthesis. IEEE Microwave Magazine. 12(6):87-100. doi:10.1109/MMM.2011.942010S8710012

    Layout-level Circuit Sizing and Design-for-manufacturability Methods for Embedded RF Passive Circuits

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    The emergence of multi-band communications standards, and the fast pace of the consumer electronics markets for wireless/cellular applications emphasize the need for fast design closure. In addition, there is a need for electronic product designers to collaborate with manufacturers, gain essential knowledge regarding the manufacturing facilities and the processes, and apply this knowledge during the design process. In this dissertation, efficient layout-level circuit sizing techniques, and methodologies for design-for-manufacturability have been investigated. For cost-effective fabrication of RF modules on emerging technologies, there is a clear need for design cycle time reduction of passive and active RF modules. This is important since new technologies lack extensive design libraries and layout-level electromagnetic (EM) optimization of RF circuits become the major bottleneck for reduced design time. In addition, the design of multi-band RF circuits requires precise control of design specifications that are partially satisfied due to manufacturing variations, resulting in yield loss. In this work, a broadband modeling and a layout-level sizing technique for embedded inductors/capacitors in multilayer substrate has been presented. The methodology employs artificial neural networks to develop a neuro-model for the embedded passives. Secondly, a layout-level sizing technique for RF passive circuits with quasi-lumped embedded inductors and capacitors has been demonstrated. The sizing technique is based on the circuit augmentation technique and a linear optimization framework. In addition, this dissertation presents a layout-level, multi-domain DFM methodology and yield optimization technique for RF circuits for SOP-based wireless applications. The proposed statistical analysis framework is based on layout segmentation, lumped element modeling, sensitivity analysis, and extraction of probability density functions using convolution methods. The statistical analysis takes into account the effect of thermo-mechanical stress and process variations that are incurred in batch fabrication. Yield enhancement and optimization methods based on joint probability functions and constraint-based convex programming has also been presented. The results in this work have been demonstrated to show good correlation with measurement data.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Swaminathan, Madhavan; Committee Member: Fathianathan, Mervyn; Committee Member: Lim, Sung Kyu; Committee Member: Peterson, Andrew; Committee Member: Tentzeris, Mano

    Accurate Derivation of Lossy Equivalent Circuit of Waveguide External Coupling

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    A novel technique to derive the lossy equivalent circuit of waveguide external couplings of narrowband cavity filters with arbitrary cavity cross section and arbitrary coupling geometry is presented in this contribution. The technique makes use of a reduced CAD model to obtain the element values of the equivalent lossy circuit. Therefore the contribution of the external coupling structures to the total dissipated power and total stored energy of the filter can be derived and a clear separation between resonators and couplings is established. A first degree filter has been designed, simulated, and manufactured. Its lossy equivalent circuit has been extracted and comparisons with simulation and measurement show excellent agreement.Agencia Espacial Europe

    Advanced Techniques for the Design and Optimization of Multi-Band and Reconfigurable Microwave Waveguide Filters

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    [ES] El creciente número de dispositivos intercambiando datos ha empujado a las empresas del sector espacial a utilizar bandas de frecuencia cada vez más altas, como Ku, K y Ka, ya que permiten emplear canales de frecuencia más anchos. A medida que disminuye la longitud de onda, el tamaño de los filtros se reduce y, por tanto, son más sensibles a las desviaciones de fabricación. Para compensar estos errores, es necesario emplear elementos de sintonía en la etapa de diseño. En este contexto presentamos una estrategia de diseño que permite incluir todos los factores no ideales, como elementos de sintonía o esquinas redondeadas, en las simulaciones finales de filtros y multiplexores. Una vez se han fabricado los filtros es necesario ajustar manualmente los elementos de sintonía hasta recuperar la respuesta objetivo. Sin embargo, para realizar esta tarea con éxito es necesario tener mucha experiencia previa y, aún así, conlleva un tiempo considerable. Por tanto, también proponemos un procedimiento de sintonización eficiente y sistemático que permite a cualquier persona, independientemente de su experiencia previa en sintonización, realizar esta tarea con éxito. Además del aumento de las tasas de transmisión, otros desafíos del sector espacial son reducir el tamaño y peso de sus componentes, así como dotarlos de capacidad dereconfiguración. Emplear dispositivos multifunción como filtros multibanda o dispositivos reconfigurables es una posible solución. En este contexto, proponemos una nueva familia de filtros multibanda en guía de ondas que puede adaptarse a las futuras necesidades del sector espacial. Con el mismo objetivo, también proponemos una familia de dispositivos reconfigurables de varios estados discretos que pueden modificar su comportamiento de forma remota.[CA] El creixent nombre de dispositius intercanviant dades ha empés a les empreses del sector espacial a utilitzar bandes de freqüència cada vegada més altes, com Ku, K i Ka, ja que permeten fer servir canals de freqüència més amples. A mesura que la longitud d'ona disminueix, la mida dels filtres es redueix i, per tant, són més sensibles a les desviacions de fabricació. Per compensar aquests errors, és necessari fer servir elements de sintonia en l'etapa de disseny. En aquest context presentem una estratègia de disseny que permet incloure tots els factors no ideals, com a elements de sintonia o cantonades arrodonides, en les simulacions finals de filtres i multiplexors. Una vegada s'han fabricat els filtres és necessari ajustar manualment els elements de sintonia fins a recuperar la resposta objectiu. Però, per realitzar aquesta tasca amb èxit és necessari tenir molta experiència prèvia i, així i tot, comporta un temps considerable. Per tant, també proposem un procediment de sintonització eficient i sistemàtic que permet a qualsevol persona, independentment de la seua experiència prèvia en sintonització, realitzar aquesta tasca amb èxit. A més de l'augment de les taxes de transmissió, altres desafiaments de el sector espacial són reduir la mida i pes dels seus components, així com dotar-los de capacitat de reconfiguració. Emprar dispositius multifunció com filtres multibanda o dispositius reconfigurables és una possible solució. En aquest context, proposem una nova família de filtres multibanda en guia d'ones que pot adaptar-se a les futures necessitats del sector espacial. Amb el mateix objectiu, també proposem una família de dispositius reconfigurables de diversos estats discrets que poden modificar el seu comportament de forma remota.[EN] The need for ever increasing data rate of modern communication systems has motivated companies in the space sector to exploit higher frequency bands, such as Ku, K and Ka, in order to offer wider bandwidths to their customers. However, as the frequency increases, the wavelength decreases, and all waveguide hardware becomes smaller and more sensitive to deviations from the ideal dimensions that normally occur when manufacturing the devices. In order to compensate for these deviations (or errors), tuning elements must then be added to the hardware and included in the design process. In this context, therefore, we focus on the investigation of novel design strategies for filters and multiplexers with the objective of including all necessary non-ideal factors in the design process. It is important to note in this context that, once the filters are manufactured, the tuning elements are usually adjusted manually until the desired target performance has been achieved. However, successfully performing this task requires a considerable amount of time and very significant previous experience in tuning microwave filters. Consequently, an additional goal of our research work is to propose efficient and systematic tuning procedures so that anyone, regardless of their previous tuning experience, can successfully perform this difficult task. In addition to the increasing data rates, another current challenge of advanced communication systems is the ability to be reconfigured remotely to adjust to changes in costumer demands. The use of multi-function or reconfigurable devices is then an attractive possible solution. In this context, therefore, we also investigate new families of multi-band waveguide filters that can be used to accommodate several pass bands in the same filtering device. Furthermore, we also propose a new family of reconfigurable devices with several discrete states that can be easily controlled remotely.Melgarejo Lermas, JC. (2021). Advanced Techniques for the Design and Optimization of Multi-Band and Reconfigurable Microwave Waveguide Filters [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/172728TESI