8 research outputs found

    Hybrid energy storage systems via power electronic converters

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    In recent years, many research lines have focused their efforts on improving energy efficiency and developing renewable energy sources. In this context, the use of energy storage systems is on the rise, as they can contribute to the integration of renewables to the main electrical grid. However, energy storage systems are divided into high energy or high power devices. Due to the lack of a solution covering both aspects, researchers are forced to find alternatives. The hybridization of different energy storage technologies is presented as a suitable solution for this problem, since it combines high power and high energy within the same system. The main goal of this thesis is the design and implementation of a hybrid energy storage system (HESS), capable of improving the performance provided by a single storage technology. As a first step in this direction, this document reviews and classifies the most relevant HESS topologies found in the literature. This allows a better understanding of the drawbacks and benefits of each configuration. To ensure the optimal use of this HESS, it is essential to design a suitable energy management strategy and a proper power electronic converter control. To this end, the control structure has been analyzed from different approaches. On the one hand there would be the classic multilevel control structure, which usually consists of three levels among which are the operating constraints, the power sharing and at the lowest level the control of the converter. On the other hand there would be the single level control structure in which both, the power distribution and the control of the converter, are integrated within the same level by using modern MPC control algorithms. Finally, three different case studies are presented to show the practical application of the developed control strategies together with the main conclusions of the thesis.Azken urteetan, ikerketa-lerro askok eraginkortasun energetikoa hobetzeko eta energia berriztagarriak garatzeko ahaleginak egin dituzte. Testuinguru honetan, energia metatze sistemen erabilera geroz eta handiagoa da, berriztagarrien integrazioa sare elektrikoarekin erraztu dezaketelako. Hala ere, energia altuko edo potentzia altuko metatze sistemak bakarrik aukeratu daitezke. Horregatik, ikertzaileek alternatiba berriak bilatzera behartuta daude. Energia metatze sistema desberdinen hibridazioa, arazo horri irtenbidea ematen dio. Honekin, potentzia eta energia maila altuak sistema bakar batetan batu daitezke. Tesi honen helburu nagusia, energia metatze sistema hibrido (HESS sigla, ingelesetik Hybrid Energy Storage System) bat diseinatzea eta inplementatzea da. Sistema honek, teknologia bakar batek eskaintzen duen errendimendua hobetzeko gai izan beharko luke. Lehen urratsa bezala, dokumentu honek literaturan aurkitutako topologia hibrido garrantzitsuenak laburbildu eta batzen ditu. Honi esker, konfigurazio bakoitzaren abantaila eta desabantailak hobeto ulertzea ahal da. HESS honen erabilera optimoa bermatzeko, ezinbestekoa da energia kudeatzeko estrategia on bat diseinatzea bihurgailu elektronikoaren kontrol egokiarekin batera. Horretarako, kontrol egitura ikuspegi desberdinetatik aztertuko da. Alde batetik, maila anitzeko kontrol egitura klasikoa egongo litzateke, normalean hiru mailaz osatua dagoena. Goi mailan funtzionamendu eta segurtasun mugak egongo lirateke, erdiko mailan potentzia banaketa, eta azkenik bihurgailuaren maila baxuko kontrola. Bestalde, maila bakarreko kontrol egitura egongo litzateke non mugak, potentzia banaketa eta bihurgailuaren kontrola maila berean integratzen dira kontrol iragarleko algoritmoen bidez (MPC). Azkenik, hiru kasu desberdin aurkezten dira garatutako kontrolen aplikazio praktikoa erakusteko tesiaren ondorio nagusiekin batera.En los últimos años, numerosas líneas de investigación han centrado sus esfuerzos en mejorar la eficiencia energética junto con el desarrollo de fuentes de generación renovables. En este contexto, el uso de sistemas de almacenamiento de energía está al alza, ya que estos pueden contribuir a la integración de las renovables en la red eléctrica convencional. Sin embargo, la necesidad de elegir entre dispositivos de alta energía o alta potencia, obliga a los investigadores a buscar otras alternativas. La hibridación de diferentes sistemas de almacenamiento se presenta como una solución apropiada para este problema, ya que combina alta energía y alta potencia dentro de un mismo sistema. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es el diseño e implementación de un sistema híbrido de almacenamiento de energía (sigla HESS, del inglés Hybrid Energy Storage System), capaz de mejorar las prestaciones que proporcionaría el uso de una única tecnología. Como primer paso en esta dirección, en este documento resume y clasifica las topologías de hibridación más relevantes encontradas en la literatura. Esto permite una mejor comprensión de los beneficios e inconvenientes de cada configuración. Para garantizar el uso óptimo de dicho HESS, es esencial diseñar una estrategia adecuada de gestión de energía junto con un control óptimo del convertidor electrónico de potencia. Para lograr este fin, la estructura de control ha sido analizada desde diferentes enfoques. Por un lado se encontraría la estructura de control multinivel clásica, la cual generalmente consta de tres niveles. En el nivel más alto se encontrarían las restricciones operativas y de seguridad, en el intermedio se encontraría la división de potencia, y por último el control de nivel bajo del convertidor. Por otro lado, se encontraría la estructura de control de un único nivel, en la que tanto las restricciones, el reparto de potencia y el control del convertidor se integran dentro del mismo nivel mediante algoritmos de control predictivo (MPC). Finalmente, se presentan tres casos de estudio para mostrar la aplicación práctica de las estrategias de control desarrolladas junto con las principales conclusiones de la tesis

    Fault Management in DC Microgrids:A Review of Challenges, Countermeasures, and Future Research Trends

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    The significant benefits of DC microgrids have instigated extensive efforts to be an alternative network as compared to conventional AC power networks. Although their deployment is ever-growing, multiple challenges still occurred for the protection of DC microgrids to efficiently design, control, and operate the system for the islanded mode and grid-tied mode. Therefore, there are extensive research activities underway to tackle these issues. The challenge arises from the sudden exponential increase in DC fault current, which must be extinguished in the absence of the naturally occurring zero crossings, potentially leading to sustained arcs. This paper presents cut-age and state-of-the-art issues concerning the fault management of DC microgrids. It provides an account of research in areas related to fault management of DC microgrids, including fault detection, location, identification, isolation, and reconfiguration. In each area, a comprehensive review has been carried out to identify the fault management of DC microgrids. Finally, future trends and challenges regarding fault management in DC-microgrids are also discussed

    E-Mobility -- Advancements and Challenges

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    Mobile platforms cover a broad range of applications from small portable electric devices, drones, and robots to electric transportation, which influence the quality of modern life. The end-to-end energy systems of these platforms are moving toward more electrification. Despite their wide range of power ratings and diverse applications, the electrification of these systems shares several technical requirements. Electrified mobile energy systems have minimal or no access to the power grid, and thus, to achieve long operating time, ultrafast charging or charging during motion as well as advanced battery technologies are needed. Mobile platforms are space-, shape-, and weight-constrained, and therefore, their onboard energy technologies such as the power electronic converters and magnetic components must be compact and lightweight. These systems should also demonstrate improved efficiency and cost-effectiveness compared to traditional designs. This paper discusses some technical challenges that the industry currently faces moving toward more electrification of energy conversion systems in mobile platforms, herein referred to as E-Mobility, and reviews the recent advancements reported in literature

    Optimum Distribution System Architectures for Efficient Operation of Hybrid AC/DC Power Systems Involving Energy Storage and Pulsed Loads

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    After more than a century of the ultimate dominance of AC in distribution systems, DC distribution is being re-considered. However, the advantages of AC systems cannot be omitted. This is mainly due to the cheap and efficient means of generation provided by the synchronous AC machines and voltage stepping up/down allowed by the AC transformers. As an intermediate solution, hybrid AC/DC distribution systems or microgrids are proposed. This hybridization of distribution systems, incorporation of heterogeneous mix of energy sources, and introducing Pulsed Power Loads (PPL) together add more complications and challenges to the design problem of distribution systems. In this dissertation, a comprehensive multi-objective optimization approach is presented to determine the optimal design of the AC/DC distribution system architecture. The mathematical formulation of a multi-objective optimal power flow problem based on the sequential power flow method and the Pareto concept is developed and discussed. The outcome of this approach is to answer the following questions: 1) the optimal size and location of energy storage (ES) in the AC/DC distribution system, 2) optimal location of the PPLs, 3) optimal point of common coupling (PCC) between the AC and DC sides of the network, and 4) optimal network connectivity. These parameters are to be optimized to design a distribution architecture that supplies the PPLs, while fulfilling the safe operation constraints and the related standard limitations. The optimization problem is NP-hard, mixed integer and combinatorial with nonlinear constraints. Four objectives are involved in the problem: minimizing the voltage deviation (ΔV), minimizing frequency deviation (Δf), minimizing the active power losses in the distribution system and minimizing the energy storage weight. The last objective is considered in the context of ship power systems, where the equipment’s weight and size are restricted. The utilization of Hybrid Energy Storage Systems (HESS) in PPL applications is investigated. The design, hardware implementation and performance evaluation of an advanced – low cost Modular Energy Storage regulator (MESR) to efficiently integrate ES to the DC bus are depicted. MESR provides a set of unique features: 1) It is capable of controlling each individual unit within a series/parallel array (i.e. each single unit can be treated, controlled and monitored separately from the others), 2) It is able to charge some units within an ES array while other units continue to serve the load, 3) Balance the SoC without the need for power electronic converters, and 4) It is able to electrically disconnect a unit and allow the operator to perform the required maintenance or replacement without affecting the performance of the whole array. A low speed flywheel Energy Storage System (FESS) is designed and implemented to be used as an energy reservoir in PPL applications. The system was based on a separately excited DC machine and a bi-directional Buck-Boost converter as the driver to control the charging/discharging of the flywheel. Stable control loops were designed to charge the FESS off the pulse and discharge on the pulse. All the developments in this dissertation were experimentally verified at the Smart Grid Testbed

    Advances in Supercapacitor Technology and Applications â…¡

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    Energy storage is a key topic for research, industry, and business, which is gaining increasing interest. Any available energy-storage technology (batteries, fuel cells, flywheels, and so on) can cover a limited part of the power-energy plane and is characterized by some inherent drawback. Supercapacitors (also known as ultracapacitors, electrochemical capacitors, pseudocapacitors, or double-layer capacitors) feature exceptional capacitance values, creating new scenarios and opportunities in both research and industrial applications, partly because the related market is relatively recent. In practice, supercapacitors can offer a trade-off between the high specific energy of batteries and the high specific power of traditional capacitors. Developments in supercapacitor technology and supporting electronics, combined with reductions in costs, may revolutionize everything from large power systems to consumer electronics. The potential benefits of supercapacitors move from the progresses in the technological processes but can be effective by the availability of the proper tools for testing, modeling, diagnosis, sizing, management and technical-economic analyses. This book collects some of the latest developments in the field of supercapacitors, ranging from new materials to practical applications, such as energy storage, uninterruptible power supplies, smart grids, electrical vehicles, advanced transportation and renewable sources

    Managing electric vehicles with renewable generation through energy storage and smart grid principles

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    Electric vehicles (EVs) are the most comprehensive method of sustainable transportation because they are environmentally friendly, quiet and low maintenance. However, they suffer from low usability because of the limited distance that can be covered on a single charge, which limits the freedom of transportation. Further, the charging process to restore the initial driving range is relatively long compared with conventional solutions. The only proposed way to improve the distance on a charge is to install a large energy storage system (ESS), which takes up more space, thereby limiting the usability of space by passengers and increasing the weight of the EV. The increased weight and size of the EV also negatively affect the distance range. In addition, the larger size of the battery, which is the main component of the ESS, requires a longer charging time. The current solution for fast charging requires more time than traditional refuelling techniques. This study aims to design, develop and analyse a novel approach for improving the energy consumption of EVs using optimisation techniques. In the first phase of the study, detailed analysis is conducted of the existing systems of EVs to determine which areas can be improved. The outcome of this investigation is used to determine presented loading profile of the various loads in EVs and determine the way to characterise them. These results are applied to design the new architecture for the loads to improve the connectivity of the various components of EVs and introduce interaction between loads. The developed architecture has centralised topology with separated control bus for the safety systems to satisfy the ISO 26262 safety standard. The newly developed system considers various loading requests at the same time to supply the load. The control algorithm schedules the power supply to the selected loads or, in some cases, clips the load request to decrease the momentary energy consumption. To achieve better optimisation, the thermal energy generation is analysed because it has a significant effect on the electric energy consumption in the heating elements. The second part of the developed approach is deep integration of loads with the overall energy flow in EVs. As a result, the recuperated energy in the propulsion system can be transferred to the components of the ESS and to supply the auxiliary loads on demand. The xviii generation units are combined with a photovoltaic system to improve the generation capability of the architecture. One of the key aims of this research is the simulation and experimental study of the developed architecture to identify weak spots in the solution and compare its performance with existing solutions under various solutions that go beyond traditional driving cycles

    Advanced Secondary Voltage Recovery Control for Multiple HESSs in a Droop-Controlled DC Microgrid

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    For distributed heterogeneous energy storage systems (HESSs) in a dc microgrid, a virtual impedance droop (VID) control, composed of virtual resistance droop control and virtual capacitor droop control, can realize low- and high-frequency power sharing between a battery and supercapacitor (SC) automatically. However, it still suffers from voltage deviation. In this paper, a secondary voltage recovery (SVR) control is proposed for a battery and SC on the basis of VID control. The SVR control for batteries is designed to regulate the average bus voltage to the reference value, depending on the communication between neighboring batteries. Nevertheless, the SVR control for SCs is decentralized to facilitate fast recovery of the state of charge, in spite of the existence of leakage current. Detailed impedance characteristics analysis and small-signal stability analysis are performed to find that the proposed SVR control does not affect the power sharing dominated by the primary VID control and the system stability. Simulations for both a single HESS and multiple HESSs are conducted to verify the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy