2,164 research outputs found

    Controlled metamorphosis between skeleton-driven animated polyhedral meshes of arbitrary topologies

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    Enabling animators to smoothly transform between animated meshes of differing topologies is a long-standing problem in geometric modelling and computer animation. In this paper, we propose a new hybrid approach built upon the advantages of scalar field-based models (often called implicit surfaces) which can easily change their topology by changing their defining scalar field. Given two meshes, animated by their rigging-skeletons, we associate each mesh with its own approximating implicit surface. This implicit surface moves synchronously with the mesh. The shape-metamorphosis process is performed in several steps: first, we collapse the two meshes to their corresponding approximating implicit surfaces, then we transform between the two implicit surfaces and finally we inverse transition from the resulting metamorphosed implicit surface to the target mesh. The examples presented in this paper demonstrating the results of the proposed technique were implemented using an in-house plug-in for Maya™. © 2013 The Authors Computer Graphics Forum © 2013 The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd

    Hybrid modelling of time-variant heterogeneous objects.

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    The physical world consists of a wide range of objects of a diverse constitution. Past research was mainly focussed on the modelling of simple homogeneous objects of a uniform constitution. Such research resulted in the development of a number of advanced theoretical concepts and practical techniques for describing such physical objects. As a result, the process of modelling and animating certain types of homogeneous objects became feasible. In fact most physical objects are not homogeneous but heterogeneous in their constitution and it is thus important that one is able to deal with such heterogeneous objects that are composed of diverse materials and may have complex internal structures. Heterogeneous object modelling is still a very new and evolving research area, which is likely to prove useful in a wide range of application areas. Despite its great promise, heterogeneous object modelling is still at an embryonic state of development and there is a dearth of extant tools that would allow one to work with static and dynamic heterogeneous objects. In addition, the heterogeneous nature of the modelled objects makes it appealing to employ a combination of different representations resulting in the creation of hybrid models. In this thesis we present a new dynamic Implicit Complexes (IC) framework incorporating a number of existing representations and animation techniques. This framework can be used for the modelling of dynamic multidimensional heterogeneous objects. We then introduce an Implicit Complexes Application Programming Interface (IC API). This IC API is designed to provide various applications with a unified set of tools allowing these to model time-variant heterogeneous objects. We also present a new Function Representation (FRep) API, which is used for the integration of FReps into complex time-variant hybrid models. This approach allows us to create a practical multilevel modelling system suited for complex multidimensional hybrid modelling of dynamic heterogeneous objects. We demonstrate the advantages of our approach through the introduction of a novel set of tools tailored to problems encountered in simulation applications, computer animation and computer games. These new tools empower users and amplify their creativity by allowing them to overcome a large number of extant modelling and animation problems, which were previously considered difficult or even impossible to solve

    Distance based heterogeneous volume modelling.

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    Natural objects, such as bones and watermelons, often have a heterogeneous composition and complex internal structures. Material properties inside the object can change abruptly or gradually, and representing such changes digitally can be problematic. Attribute functions represent physical properties distribution in the volumetric object. Modelling complex attributes within a volume is a complex task. There are several approaches to modelling attributes, but distance functions have gained popularity for heterogeneous object modelling because, in addition to their usefulness, they lead to predictability and intuitiveness. In this thesis, we consider a unified framework for heterogeneous volume modelling, specifically using distance fields. In particular, we tackle various issues associated with them such as the interpolation of volumetric attributes through time for shape transformation and intuitive and predictable interpolation of attributes inside a shape. To achieve these results, we rely on smooth approximate distance fields and interior distances. This thesis deals with outstanding issues in heterogeneous object modelling, and more specifically in modelling functionally graded materials and structures using different types of distances and approximation thereof. We demonstrate the benefits of heterogeneous volume modelling using smooth approximate distance fields with various applications, such as adaptive microstructures, morphological shape generation, shape driven interpolation of material properties through time and shape conforming interpolation of properties. Distance based modelling of attributes allows us to have a better parametrization of the object volume and design gradient properties across an object. This becomes more important nowadays with the growing interest in rapid prototyping and digital fabrication of heterogeneous objects and can find practical applications in different industries

    Hybrid modelling of time-variant heterogeneous objects

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    The physical world consists of a wide range of objects of a diverse constitution. Past research was mainly focussed on the modelling of simple homogeneous objects of a uniform constitution. Such research resulted in the development of a number of advanced theoretical concepts and practical techniques for describing such physical objects. As a result, the process of modelling and animating certain types of homogeneous objects became feasible. In fact most physical objects are not homogeneous but heterogeneous in their constitution and it is thus important that one is able to deal with such heterogeneous objects that are composed of diverse materials and may have complex internal structures. Heterogeneous object modelling is still a very new and evolving research area, which is likely to prove useful in a wide range of application areas. Despite its great promise, heterogeneous object modelling is still at an embryonic state of development and there is a dearth of extant tools that would allow one to work with static and dynamic heterogeneous objects. In addition, the heterogeneous nature of the modelled objects makes it appealing to employ a combination of different representations resulting in the creation of hybrid models. In this thesis we present a new dynamic Implicit Complexes (IC) framework incorporating a number of existing representations and animation techniques. This framework can be used for the modelling of dynamic multidimensional heterogeneous objects. We then introduce an Implicit Complexes Application Programming Interface (IC API). This IC API is designed to provide various applications with a unified set of tools allowing these to model time-variant heterogeneous objects. We also present a new Function Representation (FRep) API, which is used for the integration of FReps into complex time-variant hybrid models. This approach allows us to create a practical multilevel modelling system suited for complex multidimensional hybrid modelling of dynamic heterogeneous objects. We demonstrate the advantages of our approach through the introduction of a novel set of tools tailored to problems encountered in simulation applications, computer animation and computer games. These new tools empower users and amplify their creativity by allowing them to overcome a large number of extant modelling and animation problems, which were previously considered difficult or even impossible to solve.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Hybrid modelling of heterogeneous volumetric objects.

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    Heterogeneous multi-material volumetric modelling is an emerging and rapidly developing field. A Heterogeneous object is a volumetric object with interior structure where different physically-based attributes are defined. The attributes can be of different nature: material distributions, density, microstructures, optical properties and others. Heterogeneous objects are widely used where the presence of the interior structures is an important part of the model. Computer-aided design (CAD), additive manufacturing, physical simulations, visual effects, medical visualisation and computer art are examples of such applications. In particular, digital fabrication employing multi-material 3D printing techniques is becoming omnipresent. However, the specific methods and tools for representation, modelling, rendering, animation and fabrication of multi-material volumetric objects with attributes are only starting to emerge. The need for adequate unifying theoretical and practical framework has been obvious. Developing adequate representational schemes for heterogeneous objects is in the core of research in this area. The most widely used representations for defining heterogeneous objects are boundary representation, distance-based representations, function representation and voxels. These representations work well for modelling homogeneous (solid) objects but they all have significant drawbacks when dealing with heterogeneous objects. In particular, boundary representation, while maintaining its prevailing role in computer graphics and geometric modelling, is not inherently natural for dealing with heterogeneous objects especially in the con- text of additive manufacturing and 3D printing, where multi-material properties are paramount as well as in physical simulation where the exact representation rather than an approximate one can be important. In this thesis, we introduce and systematically describe a theoretical and practical framework for modelling volumetric heterogeneous objects on the basis of a novel unifying functionally-based hybrid representation called HFRep. It is based on the function representation (FRep) and several distance-based representations, namely signed distance fields (SDFs), adaptively sampled distance fields (ADFs) and interior distance fields (IDFs). It embraces advantages and circumvents disadvantages of the initial representations. A mathematically substantiated theoretical description of the HFRep with an emphasis on defining functions for HFRep objects’ geometry and attributes is provided. This mathematical framework serves as the basis for developing efficient algorithms for the generation of HFRep objects taking into account both their geometry and attributes. To make the proposed approach practical, a detailed description of efficient algorithmic procedures has been developed. This has required employing a number of novel techniques of different nature, separately and in combination. In particular, an extension of a fast iterative method (FIM) for numerical solving of the eikonal equation on hierarchical grids was developed. This allowed for efficient computation of smooth distance-based attributes. To prove the concept, the main elements of the framework have been implemented and used in several applications of different nature. It was experimentally shown that the developed methods and tools can be used for generating objects with complex interior structure, e.g. microstructures, and different attributes. A special consideration has been devoted to applications of dynamic nature. A novel concept of heterogeneous space-time blending (HSTB) method with an automatic control for metamorphosis of heterogeneous objects with textures, both in 2D and 3D, has been introduced, algorithmised and implemented. We have applied the HSTB in the context of ‘4D Cubism’ project. There are plans to use the developed methods and tools for many other applications

    Exploring figurative language recognition: a comprehensive study of human and machine approaches

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Llengües i Literatures Modernes. Facultat de Filologia. Universitat de Barcelona. Curs: 2022-2023. Tutora: Elisabet Comelles Pujadas[eng] Figurative language (FL) plays a significant role in human communication. Understanding and interpreting FL is essential for humans to fully grasp the intended message, appreciate cultural nuances, and engage in effective interaction. For machines, comprehending FL presents a challenge due to its complexity and ambiguity. Enabling machines to understand FL has become increasingly important in sentiment analysis, text classification, and social media monitoring, for instance, benefits from accurately recognizing figurative expressions to capture subtle emotions and extract meaningful insights. Machine translation also requires the ability to accurately convey FL to ensure translations reflect the intended meaning and cultural nuances. Therefore, developing computational methods to enable machines to understand and interpret FL is crucial. By bridging the gap between human and machine understanding of FL, we can enhance communication, improve language-based applications, and unlock new possibilities in human-machine interactions. Keywords: figurative language, NLP, human-machine communication.[cat] El Llenguatge Figuratiu (LF) té un paper important en la comunicació humana. Per entendre completament els missatges, apreciar els matisos culturals i la interacció efectiva, és necessària la capacitat d'interpretar el LF. No obstant això, els ordinadors tenen dificultats per entendre la LF a causa de la seva complexitat i ambigüitat. És crític que els ordinadors siguin capaços de reconèixer el LF, especialment en àrees com l'anàlisi de sentiments, la classificació de textos i la supervisió de les xarxes socials. El reconeixement precís del LF permet capturar emocions i extreure idees semàntiques. La traducció automàtica també requereix una representació precisa del LF per reflectir el significat previst i els matisos culturals. Per tant, és rellevant desenvolupar mètodes computacionals que ajudin els ordinadors a comprendre i interpretar el LF. Fer un pont entre la comprensió humana i màquina del LF pot millorar la comunicació, desenvolupar aplicacions de llenguatge i obrir noves possibilitats per a la interacció home-màquina. Paraules clau: llenguatge figuratiu, processament del llenguatge natural, interacció home-màquina

    Multi-temporal time-dependent terrain visualization through localized spatial correspondence parameterization

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    Visualizing quantitative time-dependent changes in the topography requires relying on a series of discrete given multi-temporal topographic datasets that were acquired on a given time-line. The reality of physical phenomenon occurring during the acquisition times is complex when trying to mutually model the datasets; thus, different levels of spatial inter-relations and geometric inconsistencies among the datasets exist. Any straight forward simulation will result in a truncated, ill-correct and un-smooth visualization. A desired quantitative and qualitative modelling is presumed to describe morphologic changes that occurred, so it can be utilized to carry out more precise and true-to-nature visualization tasks, while trying to best describe the reality transition as it occurred. This research paper suggests adopting a fully automatic hierarchical modelling mechanism, hence implementing several levels of spatial correspondence between the topographic datasets. This quantification is then utilized for the datasets morphing and blending tasks required for intermediate scene visualization. The establishment of a digital model that stores the local spatial transformation parameterization correspondences between the topographic datasets is realized. Along with designated interpolation concepts, this complete process ensures that the visualized transition from one topographic dataset to the other via the quantified correspondences is smooth and continuous, while maintaining morphological and topological relations. © 2013 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    2D and 3D surface image processing algorithms and their applications

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    This doctoral dissertation work aims to develop algorithms for 2D image segmentation application of solar filament disappearance detection, 3D mesh simplification, and 3D image warping in pre-surgery simulation. Filament area detection in solar images is an image segmentation problem. A thresholding and region growing combined method is proposed and applied in this application. Based on the filament area detection results, filament disappearances are reported in real time. The solar images in 1999 are processed with this proposed system and three statistical results of filaments are presented. 3D images can be obtained by passive and active range sensing. An image registration process finds the transformation between each pair of range views. To model an object, a common reference frame in which all views can be transformed must be defined. After the registration, the range views should be integrated into a non-redundant model. Optimization is necessary to obtain a complete 3D model. One single surface representation can better fit to the data. It may be further simplified for rendering, storing and transmitting efficiently, or the representation can be converted to some other formats. This work proposes an efficient algorithm for solving the mesh simplification problem, approximating an arbitrary mesh by a simplified mesh. The algorithm uses Root Mean Square distance error metric to decide the facet curvature. Two vertices of one edge and the surrounding vertices decide the average plane. The simplification results are excellent and the computation speed is fast. The algorithm is compared with six other major simplification algorithms. Image morphing is used for all methods that gradually and continuously deform a source image into a target image, while producing the in-between models. Image warping is a continuous deformation of a: graphical object. A morphing process is usually composed of warping and interpolation. This work develops a direct-manipulation-of-free-form-deformation-based method and application for pre-surgical planning. The developed user interface provides a friendly interactive tool in the plastic surgery. Nose augmentation surgery is presented as an example. Displacement vector and lattices resulting in different resolution are used to obtain various deformation results. During the deformation, the volume change of the model is also considered based on a simplified skin-muscle model