42 research outputs found

    The Impact of E-learning on L2 Learning: A Paradigm of Action Research

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    With the developments in science & technology, the education system across the world has undergone a number of changes in pedagogical frameworks. The effective learning is not thought to be limited to classrooms, but it extends beyond the class relating it with involvement in real world situations. The 21st century education thus highly prepares learners to compete in the world of rapid change and progress. L2 learning is also one such dimension that has been revisited over the past few decades. The use of modern technology and e-sources is at the core of learning and teaching practices. This study aims to investigate the learners’ perceptions about e-learning in context of a foreign language i.e. English in case of Pakistan. The study is qualitative in nature. It uses action research paradigm to address the problem. The semi-structured interviews were conducted from students (n=10) who participated in collaborative writing in an online classroom using docs.google.com. The interview data was analyzed qualitatively using content analysis. The study found that online collaborative writing is an effective strategy to develop L2 learners’ writing skills. The students are highly motivated to participate in online learning where the participants help each other to develop any piece of writing under the guidance of teacher. The study recommends that L2 learners’ writing can be improved through online collaborative strategy under the guidance of L2 instructor. The study suggests that the use of technology in L2 learning and teaching through e-sources can enhance L2 learning comparatively better than that of teaching in a traditional classroom. Keywords: E-learning, Action Research, Collaborative Writing, Technology, online Resources DOI: 10.7176/JLLL/68-02 Publication date:May 31st 202

    The effects of social marketing techniques on attitudes and knowledge of health scholars of Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences Hospital Hyderabad Sindh, Pakistan

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    The Purpose of the study is to examine the effect of Social Marketing Techniques on the Knowledge and Attitude of health scholars at the Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences Hospital Hyderabad Sindh, Pakistan. Quantitative study methods to use for analysis. The study population includes all students and faculty members of the Liaquat University Hospital, and the simple random sampling technique was used. Primary data collected through an adapted questionnaire. SPSS 20 software were used to analyze the tests like; validity and reliability, Cronbach\u27s alpha, descriptive and inferential statistics paired t-test and test. Result of validity and reliability was 0.82 and 0.92. Social marketing intervention has significantly increased on the average knowledge and attitude of the target population. The change of awareness in the dimension of accessibility (3.3), cost of participation, and communication also increased significantly. The lack of awareness about the role of medical library services leads to reduced. Social marketing is an appropriate way of information to users regarding services and resources creates a positive attitude among the health communities. According to the libraries\u27 social role, social marketing is an appropriate way to inform library users and helps to create a positive attitude among the country\u27s health community

    Strategy Model To Build Employee Discipline

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    Employee’s discipline is an essential factor in achieving corporate objectives, however numerous managers are not able to adapt ideal leadership behaviour, reward and punishment to improve employee’s discipline. Based on present study analysis, reward and punishment have a positive and significant impact towards the non-physical environment which could be seen from the positive result of coefficient value which is around 0.2165 with T-statistics more than 1.96 around 2.059. It can be concluded that punishment influences non-physical environment since it affects psychological condition of the employee. Besides, reward and punishment also play important role in improving employee discipline. Fair treatment of the manager in regard to reward and punishment depicts manager’s ability to be objective in enforcing corporate regulations. The present condition creates a comfortable and stable environment for the employee in performing their duty. Non-physical working environment is based on four indicators which are: monitoring, working environment, reward and fair treatment. The indicators mentioned above influence positive and significant impacts toward work discipline. Corporate managers need to consider psychological characters of the employee in implementing reward and punishment scheme as the improvement to enhance discipline of the employee Keywords Reward and punishment, non-physical work environment, employee disciplin

    Model of Customer Knowledge Level of Moslem Women and Its Impact on Hijab Purchase Decisions in Surabaya Indonesia

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    The purpose of this study is to prevent further misunderstanding regarding hijab for Moslems in Surabaya, understanding the correct knowledge of hijab will affect hijab manufacturers to produce hijab in accordance with Islamic Shari’a. This research is causal conclusive type with quantitative approach, since it aims to test specific relations. Analytical technique used in this research is logistic regression analysis to reveal the strength of prediction on knowledge level towards hijab purchasing decision. The results that the level of customer knowledge in hijab purchase is still at the level of know-how, which is not yet at the know-why level. Customer’s buying decision of hijab is based on the quality and color of the fabric, then whether the brand is famous or not. Afterwards, customer generally gains more knowledge regarding hijab and prefer hijab that is complying Islamic Shari'a. Keywords Hijab, Moslem Women, Level of Customer Knowledge, Hijab Purchase Decisions

    Political factors affecting parents’ perceptions on televised polio messages in Sindh, Pakistan: a critical investigation

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    Television messages are one of the essential means to disseminate polio messages in the prevention of infectious diseases. However, little is known about the hegemony of political actors specifically government in power over televised health content and its impact on people’s perceptions to adopt or reject a health attitude, particularly in developing countries. Theoretically, Bandura in his social cognitive theory (1997) has examined the change in mind-sets through observational learning, media and social surroundings. However, his research lacks to underline state dominancy over people’s health decisions with reference to political leadership. This study fills the gap by critically investigating political factors that obstruct Pakistani television channels to disseminate productive and informative polio messages, for boosting self-efficacy among lower middle class Jamshoro parents, thus encouraging them to vaccinate their children against polio in Sindh province of Pakistan. The methodological approach employs critical paradigm with qualitative investigation through in-depth interviews. Low level of awareness, less credibility of television channels and political hegemony over health messages contributed and enlarged self-efficacy to collective efficacy of political actors during findings of this research study as a new domain in social cognitive theory. In addition, this research sheds light by critically analysing the elements of corruption, unaccountability and lack of transparency involved in ineffective televised polio messages in developing nations as Pakistan, opening a space for policy makers and television officials for a positive health change in designing health awareness campaigns

    Digital Divide among Pakistani Faculty regarding their Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Access

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    The issue of digital divide is a complex and multidimensional phenomenon. It centers on various dimensions of information and communication technology (ICT) access including physical access, motivation, skills, and actual usage of digital technologies. The examination of digital divide is helpful in taking necessary measures to remove or at least minimize the problem of digital divide. The past research does not provide adequate literature on digital divide among higher education faculty especially in the context of developing countries.;I developed and validated a quantitative survey instrument to examine digital divide among higher education faculty in terms of their access to information and communication technologies at motivational, physical, skills, and usage levels. The survey was used in a cross-sectional design to provide a broad view of Pakistani faculty\u27s motivation to adopt digital technologies, their physical access to various ICTs, their digital skills, and actual use of such technologies by them. The data were collected from 322 faculty members working in public and private sector universities in Sindh, Pakistan. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and multiple regressions.;In addition, I investigated the digital gap among the faculty in respect of their personal and positional categories including their age, gender, academic disciplines, and university type. The dissertation also attempted to examine the relationship between faculty\u27s instructional usage of ICT and other dimensions of ICT access. The findings from this study indicated that faculty\u27s endogenous motivation, physical access to ICT at university, and general usage of ICT predicted their instructional usage of digital technologies.;The findings of the study are discussed with theoretical and practical implications. Based on the findings of the study, recommendations are provided for educational administrators and policy makers. The dissertation ends with directions for future research

    IEOM Society International

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    IEOM Society Internationa