173 research outputs found

    On vertex adjacencies in the polytope of pyramidal tours with step-backs

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    We consider the traveling salesperson problem in a directed graph. The pyramidal tours with step-backs are a special class of Hamiltonian cycles for which the traveling salesperson problem is solved by dynamic programming in polynomial time. The polytope of pyramidal tours with step-backs PSB(n)PSB (n) is defined as the convex hull of the characteristic vectors of all possible pyramidal tours with step-backs in a complete directed graph. The skeleton of PSB(n)PSB (n) is the graph whose vertex set is the vertex set of PSB(n)PSB (n) and the edge set is the set of geometric edges or one-dimensional faces of PSB(n)PSB (n). The main result of the paper is a necessary and sufficient condition for vertex adjacencies in the skeleton of the polytope PSB(n)PSB (n) that can be verified in polynomial time.Comment: in Englis

    Estructura Combinatoria de Politopos asociados a Medidas Difusas

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Matemáticas, leída el 23-11-2020This PhD thesis is devoted to the study of geometric and combinatorial aspects of polytopes associated to fuzzy measures. Fuzzy measures are an essential tool, since they generalize the concept of probability. This greater generality allows applications to be developed in various elds, from the Decision Theory to the Game Theory. The set formed by all fuzzy measures on a referential set is a polytope. In the same way, many of the most relevant subfamilies of fuzzy measures are also polytopes. Studying the combinatorial structure of these polytopes arises as a natural problem that allows us to better understand the properties of the associated fuzzy measures. Knowing the combinatorial structure of these polytopes helps us to develop algorithms to generate points uniformly at random inside these polytopes. Generating points uniformly inside a polytope is a complex problem from both a theoretical and a computational point of view. Having algorithms that allow us to sample uniformly in polytopes associated to fuzzy measures allows us to solve many problems, among them the identi cation problem, i.e. estimate the fuzzy measure that underlies an observed data set...La presente tesis doctoral esta dedicada al estudio de distintas propiedades geometricas y combinatorias de politopos de medidas difusas. Las medidas difusas son una herramienta esencial puesto que generalizan el concepto de probabilidad. Esta mayor generalidad permite desarrollar aplicaciones en diversos campos, desde la Teoría de la Decision a laTeoría de Juegos. El conjunto formado por todas las medidas difusas sobre un referencial tiene estructura de politopo. De la misma forma, la mayora de las subfamilias mas relevantes de medidas difusas son tambien politopos. Estudiar la estructura combinatoria de estos politopos surge como un problema natural que nos permite comprender mejor las propiedades delas medidas difusas asociadas. Conocer la estructura combinatoria de estos politopos tambien nos ayuda a desarrollar algoritmos para generar aleatoria y uniformemente puntos dentro de estos politopos. Generar puntos de forma uniforme dentro de un politopo es un problema complejo desde el punto de vista tanto teorico como computacional. Disponer de algoritmos que nos permitan generar uniformemente en politopos asociados a medidas difusas nos permite resolver muchos problemas, entre ellos el problema de identificacion que trata de estimarla medida difusa que subyace a un conjunto de datos observado...Fac. de Ciencias MatemáticasTRUEunpu

    Polyhedra in loop quantum gravity

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    Interwiners are the building blocks of spin-network states. The space of intertwiners is the quantization of a classical symplectic manifold introduced by Kapovich and Millson. Here we show that a theorem by Minkowski allows us to interpret generic configurations in this space as bounded convex polyhedra in Euclidean space: a polyhedron is uniquely described by the areas and normals to its faces. We provide a reconstruction of the geometry of the polyhedron: we give formulas for the edge lengths, the volume and the adjacency of its faces. At the quantum level, this correspondence allows us to identify an intertwiner with the state of a quantum polyhedron, thus generalizing the notion of quantum tetrahedron familiar in the loop quantum gravity literature. Moreover, coherent intertwiners result to be peaked on the classical geometry of polyhedra. We discuss the relevance of this result for loop quantum gravity. In particular, coherent spin-network states with nodes of arbitrary valence represent a collection of semiclassical polyhedra. Furthermore, we introduce an operator that measures the volume of a quantum polyhedron and examine its relation with the standard volume operator of loop quantum gravity. We also comment on the semiclassical limit of spinfoams with non-simplicial graphs.Comment: 32 pages, many figures. v2 minor correction

    Laplacian Mixture Modeling for Network Analysis and Unsupervised Learning on Graphs

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    Laplacian mixture models identify overlapping regions of influence in unlabeled graph and network data in a scalable and computationally efficient way, yielding useful low-dimensional representations. By combining Laplacian eigenspace and finite mixture modeling methods, they provide probabilistic or fuzzy dimensionality reductions or domain decompositions for a variety of input data types, including mixture distributions, feature vectors, and graphs or networks. Provable optimal recovery using the algorithm is analytically shown for a nontrivial class of cluster graphs. Heuristic approximations for scalable high-performance implementations are described and empirically tested. Connections to PageRank and community detection in network analysis demonstrate the wide applicability of this approach. The origins of fuzzy spectral methods, beginning with generalized heat or diffusion equations in physics, are reviewed and summarized. Comparisons to other dimensionality reduction and clustering methods for challenging unsupervised machine learning problems are also discussed.Comment: 13 figures, 35 reference

    Backtracking algorithms for constructing the Hamiltonian decomposition of a 4-regular multigraph

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    We consider a Hamiltonian decomposition problem of partitioning a regular multigraph into edge-disjoint Hamiltonian cycles. It is known that verifying vertex nonadjacency in the 1-skeleton of the symmetric and asymmetric traveling salesperson polytopes is an NP-complete problem. On the other hand, a sufficient condition for two vertices to be nonadjacent can be formulated as a combinatorial problem of finding a Hamiltonian decomposition of a 4-regular multigraph. We present two backtracking algorithms for verifying vertex nonadjacency in the 1-skeleton of the traveling salesperson polytope and constructing a Hamiltonian decomposition: an algorithm based on a simple path extension and an algorithm based on the chain edge fixing procedure. According to the results of computational experiments for undirected multigraphs, both backtracking algorithms lost to the known general variable neighborhood search algorithm. However, for directed multigraphs, the algorithm based on chain edge fixing showed comparable results with heuristics on instances with the existing solution and better results on instances of the problem where the Hamiltonian decomposition does not exist.Comment: In Russian. Computational experiments are revise

    Алгоритмы поиска с возвратом для построения гамильтонова разложения 4-регулярного мультиграфа

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    We consider a Hamiltonian decomposition problem of partitioning a regular graph into edge-disjoint Hamiltonian cycles. It is known that verifying vertex non-adjacency in the 1-skeleton of the symmetric and asymmetric traveling salesperson polytopes is an NP-complete problem. On the other hand, a suffcient condition for two vertices to be non-adjacent can be formulated as a combinatorial problem of finding a Hamiltonian decomposition of a 4-regular multigraph. We present two backtracking algorithms for verifying vertex non-adjacency in the 1-skeleton of the traveling salesperson polytope and constructing a Hamiltonian decomposition: an algorithm based on a simple path extension and an algorithm based on the chain edge fixing procedure. Based on the results of the computational experiments for undirected multigraphs, both backtracking algorithms lost to the known heuristic general variable neighborhood search algorithm. However, for directed multigraphs, the algorithm based on chain fixing of edges showed comparable results with heuristics on instances with existing solutions, and better results on instances of the problem where the Hamiltonian decomposition does not exist.Рассматривается задача построения гамильтонова разложения регулярного мультиграфа на гамильтоновы циклы без общих рёбер. Известно, что проверка несмежности вершин в полиэдральных графах симметричного и асимметричного многогранников коммивояжёра является NP-полной задачей. С другой стороны, достаточное условие несмежности вершин можно сформулировать в виде комбинаторной задачи построения гамильтонова разложения 4-регулярного мультиграфа. В статье представлены два алгоритма поиска с возвратом для проверки несмежности вершин в полиэдральном графе коммивояжёра и построения гамильтонова разложения 4-регулярного мультиграфа: алгоритм на основе последовательного расширения простого пути и алгоритм на основе процедуры цепного фиксирования рёбер. По результатам вычислительных экспериментов для неориентированных мультиграфов оба переборных алгоритма проиграли известному эвристическому алгоритму поиска с переменными окрестностями. Однако для ориентированных мультиграфов алгоритм на основе цепного фиксирования рёбер показал сопоставимые результаты с эвристиками на экземплярах задачи, имеющих решение, и лучшие результаты на экземплярах задачи, для которых гамильтонова разложения не существует