456 research outputs found

    Adjacency Pair Recognition in Wikipedia Discussions using Lexical Pairs

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    Crowdsource Annotation and Automatic Reconstruction of Online Discussion Threads

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    Modern communication relies on electronic messages organized in the form of discussion threads. Emails, IMs, SMS, website comments, and forums are all composed of threads, which consist of individual user messages connected by metadata and discourse coherence to messages from other users. Threads are used to display user messages effectively in a GUI such as an email client, providing a background context for understanding a single message. Many messages are meaningless without the context provided by their thread. However, a number of factors may result in missing thread structure, ranging from user mistake (replying to the wrong message), to missing metadata (some email clients do not produce/save headers that fully encapsulate thread structure; and, conversion of archived threads from over repository to another may also result in lost metadata), to covert use (users may avoid metadata to render discussions difficult for third parties to understand). In the field of security, law enforcement agencies may obtain vast collections of discussion turns that require automatic thread reconstruction to understand. For example, the Enron Email Corpus, obtained by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission during its investigation of the Enron Corporation, has no inherent thread structure. In this thesis, we will use natural language processing approaches to reconstruct threads from message content. Reconstruction based on message content sidesteps the problem of missing metadata, permitting post hoc reorganization and discussion understanding. We will investigate corpora of email threads and Wikipedia discussions. However, there is a scarcity of annotated corpora for this task. For example, the Enron Emails Corpus contains no inherent thread structure. Therefore, we also investigate issues faced when creating crowdsourced datasets and learning statistical models of them. Several of our findings are applicable for other natural language machine classification tasks, beyond thread reconstruction. We will divide our investigation of discussion thread reconstruction into two parts. First, we explore techniques needed to create a corpus for our thread reconstruction research. Like other NLP pairwise classification tasks such as Wikipedia discussion turn/edit alignment and sentence pair text similarity rating, email thread disentanglement is a heavily class-imbalanced problem, and although the advent of crowdsourcing has reduced annotation costs, the common practice of crowdsourcing redundancy is too expensive for class-imbalanced tasks. As the first contribution of this thesis, we evaluate alternative strategies for reducing crowdsourcing annotation redundancy for class-imbalanced NLP tasks. We also examine techniques to learn the best machine classifier from our crowdsourced labels. In order to reduce noise in training data, most natural language crowdsourcing annotation tasks gather redundant labels and aggregate them into an integrated label, which is provided to the classifier. However, aggregation discards potentially useful information from linguistically ambiguous instances. For the second contribution of this thesis, we show that, for four of five natural language tasks, filtering of the training dataset based on crowdsource annotation item agreement improves task performance, while soft labeling based on crowdsource annotations does not improve task performance. Second, we investigate thread reconstruction as divided into the tasks of thread disentanglement and adjacency recognition. We present the Enron Threads Corpus, a newly-extracted corpus of 70,178 multi-email threads with emails from the Enron Email Corpus. In the original Enron Emails Corpus, emails are not sorted by thread. To disentangle these threads, and as the third contribution of this thesis, we perform pairwise classification, using text similarity measures on non-quoted texts in emails. We show that i) content text similarity metrics outperform style and structure text similarity metrics in both a class-balanced and class-imbalanced setting, and ii) although feature performance is dependent on the semantic similarity of the corpus, content features are still effective even when controlling for semantic similarity. To reconstruct threads, it is also necessary to identify adjacency relations among pairs. For the forum of Wikipedia discussions, metadata is not available, and dialogue act typologies, helpful for other domains, are inapplicable. As our fourth contribution, via our experiments, we show that adjacency pair recognition can be performed using lexical pair features, without a dialogue act typology or metadata, and that this is robust to controlling for topic bias of the discussions. Yet, lexical pair features do not effectively model the lexical semantic relations between adjacency pairs. To model lexical semantic relations, and as our fifth contribution, we perform adjacency recognition using extracted keyphrases enhanced with semantically related terms. While this technique outperforms a most frequent class baseline, it fails to outperform lexical pair features or tf-idf weighted cosine similarity. Our investigation shows that this is the result of poor word sense disambiguation and poor keyphrase extraction causing spurious false positive semantic connections. In concluding this thesis, we also reflect on open issues and unanswered questions remaining after our research contributions, discuss applications for thread reconstruction, and suggest some directions for future work

    Political Text Scaling Meets Computational Semantics

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    During the last fifteen years, automatic text scaling has become one of the key tools of the Text as Data community in political science. Prominent text scaling algorithms, however, rely on the assumption that latent positions can be captured just by leveraging the information about word frequencies in documents under study. We challenge this traditional view and present a new, semantically aware text scaling algorithm, SemScale, which combines recent developments in the area of computational linguistics with unsupervised graph-based clustering. We conduct an extensive quantitative analysis over a collection of speeches from the European Parliament in five different languages and from two different legislative terms, and show that a scaling approach relying on semantic document representations is often better at capturing known underlying political dimensions than the established frequency-based (i.e., symbolic) scaling method. We further validate our findings through a series of experiments focused on text preprocessing and feature selection, document representation, scaling of party manifestos, and a supervised extension of our algorithm. To catalyze further research on this new branch of text scaling methods, we release a Python implementation of SemScale with all included data sets and evaluation procedures.Comment: Updated version - accepted for Transactions on Data Science (TDS

    Parsing Argumentation Structures in Persuasive Essays

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    In this article, we present a novel approach for parsing argumentation structures. We identify argument components using sequence labeling at the token level and apply a new joint model for detecting argumentation structures. The proposed model globally optimizes argument component types and argumentative relations using integer linear programming. We show that our model considerably improves the performance of base classifiers and significantly outperforms challenging heuristic baselines. Moreover, we introduce a novel corpus of persuasive essays annotated with argumentation structures. We show that our annotation scheme and annotation guidelines successfully guide human annotators to substantial agreement. This corpus and the annotation guidelines are freely available for ensuring reproducibility and to encourage future research in computational argumentation.Comment: Under review in Computational Linguistics. First submission: 26 October 2015. Revised submission: 15 July 201

    Proceedings of the First Workshop on Computing News Storylines (CNewsStory 2015)

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    This volume contains the proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Computing News Storylines (CNewsStory 2015) held in conjunction with the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 7th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (ACL-IJCNLP 2015) at the China National Convention Center in Beijing, on July 31st 2015. Narratives are at the heart of information sharing. Ever since people began to share their experiences, they have connected them to form narratives. The study od storytelling and the field of literary theory called narratology have developed complex frameworks and models related to various aspects of narrative such as plots structures, narrative embeddings, characters’ perspectives, reader response, point of view, narrative voice, narrative goals, and many others. These notions from narratology have been applied mainly in Artificial Intelligence and to model formal semantic approaches to narratives (e.g. Plot Units developed by Lehnert (1981)). In recent years, computational narratology has qualified as an autonomous field of study and research. Narrative has been the focus of a number of workshops and conferences (AAAI Symposia, Interactive Storytelling Conference (ICIDS), Computational Models of Narrative). Furthermore, reference annotation schemes for narratives have been proposed (NarrativeML by Mani (2013)). The workshop aimed at bringing together researchers from different communities working on representing and extracting narrative structures in news, a text genre which is highly used in NLP but which has received little attention with respect to narrative structure, representation and analysis. Currently, advances in NLP technology have made it feasible to look beyond scenario-driven, atomic extraction of events from single documents and work towards extracting story structures from multiple documents, while these documents are published over time as news streams. Policy makers, NGOs, information specialists (such as journalists and librarians) and others are increasingly in need of tools that support them in finding salient stories in large amounts of information to more effectively implement policies, monitor actions of “big players” in the society and check facts. Their tasks often revolve around reconstructing cases either with respect to specific entities (e.g. person or organizations) or events (e.g. hurricane Katrina). Storylines represent explanatory schemas that enable us to make better selections of relevant information but also projections to the future. They form a valuable potential for exploiting news data in an innovative way.JRC.G.2-Global security and crisis managemen

    Supervised and unsupervised methods for learning representations of linguistic units

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    Word representations, also called word embeddings, are generic representations, often high-dimensional vectors. They map the discrete space of words into a continuous vector space, which allows us to handle rare or even unseen events, e.g. by considering the nearest neighbors. Many Natural Language Processing tasks can be improved by word representations if we extend the task specific training data by the general knowledge incorporated in the word representations. The first publication investigates a supervised, graph-based method to create word representations. This method leads to a graph-theoretic similarity measure, CoSimRank, with equivalent formalizations that show CoSimRank’s close relationship to Personalized Page-Rank and SimRank. The new formalization is efficient because it can use the graph-based word representation to compute a single node similarity without having to compute the similarities of the entire graph. We also show how we can take advantage of fast matrix multiplication algorithms. In the second publication, we use existing unsupervised methods for word representation learning and combine these with semantic resources by learning representations for non-word objects like synsets and entities. We also investigate improved word representations which incorporate the semantic information from the resource. The method is flexible in that it can take any word representations as input and does not need an additional training corpus. A sparse tensor formalization guarantees efficiency and parallelizability. In the third publication, we introduce a method that learns an orthogonal transformation of the word representation space that focuses the information relevant for a task in an ultradense subspace of a dimensionality that is smaller by a factor of 100 than the original space. We use ultradense representations for a Lexicon Creation task in which words are annotated with three types of lexical information – sentiment, concreteness and frequency. The final publication introduces a new calculus for the interpretable ultradense subspaces, including polarity, concreteness, frequency and part-of-speech (POS). The calculus supports operations like “−1 × hate = love” and “give me a neutral word for greasy” (i.e., oleaginous) and extends existing analogy computations like “king − man + woman = queen”.WortreprĂ€sentationen, sogenannte Word Embeddings, sind generische ReprĂ€sentationen, meist hochdimensionale Vektoren. Sie bilden den diskreten Raum der Wörter in einen stetigen Vektorraum ab und erlauben uns, seltene oder ungesehene Ereignisse zu behandeln -- zum Beispiel durch die Betrachtung der nĂ€chsten Nachbarn. Viele Probleme der Computerlinguistik können durch WortreprĂ€sentationen gelöst werden, indem wir spezifische Trainingsdaten um die allgemeinen Informationen erweitern, welche in den WortreprĂ€sentationen enthalten sind. In der ersten Publikation untersuchen wir ĂŒberwachte, graphenbasierte Methodenn um WortreprĂ€sentationen zu erzeugen. Diese Methoden fĂŒhren zu einem graphenbasierten Ähnlichkeitsmaß, CoSimRank, fĂŒr welches zwei Ă€quivalente Formulierungen existieren, die sowohl die enge Beziehung zum personalisierten PageRank als auch zum SimRank zeigen. Die neue Formulierung kann einzelne KnotenĂ€hnlichkeiten effektiv berechnen, da graphenbasierte WortreprĂ€sentationen benutzt werden können. In der zweiten Publikation verwenden wir existierende WortreprĂ€sentationen und kombinieren diese mit semantischen Ressourcen, indem wir ReprĂ€sentationen fĂŒr Objekte lernen, welche keine Wörter sind, wie zum Beispiel Synsets und EntitĂ€ten. Die FlexibilitĂ€t unserer Methode zeichnet sich dadurch aus, dass wir beliebige WortreprĂ€sentationen als Eingabe verwenden können und keinen zusĂ€tzlichen Trainingskorpus benötigen. In der dritten Publikation stellen wir eine Methode vor, die eine Orthogonaltransformation des Vektorraums der WortreprĂ€sentationen lernt. Diese Transformation fokussiert relevante Informationen in einen ultra-kompakten Untervektorraum. Wir benutzen die ultra-kompakten ReprĂ€sentationen zur Erstellung von WörterbĂŒchern mit drei verschiedene Angaben -- Stimmung, Konkretheit und HĂ€ufigkeit. Die letzte Publikation prĂ€sentiert eine neue Rechenmethode fĂŒr die interpretierbaren ultra-kompakten UntervektorrĂ€ume -- Stimmung, Konkretheit, HĂ€ufigkeit und Wortart. Diese Rechenmethode beinhaltet Operationen wie ”−1 × Hass = Liebe” und ”neutrales Wort fĂŒr Winkeladvokat” (d.h., Anwalt) und erweitert existierende Rechenmethoden, wie ”Onkel − Mann + Frau = Tante”
