111 research outputs found

    Reasoning about correctness properties of a coordination programming language

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    Safety critical systems place additional requirements to the programming language used to implement them with respect to traditional environments. Examples of features that in uence the suitability of a programming language in such environments include complexity of de nitions, expressive power, bounded space and time and veri ability. Hume is a novel programming language with a design which targets the rst three of these, in some ways, contradictory features: fully expressive languages cannot guarantee bounds on time and space, and low-level languages which can guarantee space and time bounds are often complex and thus error-phrone. In Hume, this contradiction is solved by a two layered architecture: a high-level fully expressive language, is built on top of a low-level coordination language which can guarantee space and time bounds. This thesis explores the veri cation of Hume programs. It targets safety properties, which are the most important type of correctness properties, of the low-level coordination language, which is believed to be the most error-prone. Deductive veri cation in Lamport's temporal logic of actions (TLA) is utilised, in turn validated through algorithmic experiments. This deductive veri cation is mechanised by rst embedding TLA in the Isabelle theorem prover, and then embedding Hume on top of this. Veri cation of temporal invariants is explored in this setting. In Hume, program transformation is a key feature, often required to guarantee space and time bounds of high-level constructs. Veri cation of transformations is thus an integral part of this thesis. The work with both invariant veri cation, and in particular, transformation veri cation, has pinpointed several weaknesses of the Hume language. Motivated and in uenced by this, an extension to Hume, called Hierarchical Hume, is developed and embedded in TLA. Several case studies of transformation and invariant veri cation of Hierarchical Hume in Isabelle are conducted, and an approach towards a calculus for transformations is examined.James Watt ScholarshipEngineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Platform grant GR/SO177

    Causality-based verification

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    Program verification is one of the central research topics in computer science since its inception – we can consider the field to be initiated as early as in 1949, with Alan Turing’s pioneering paper “Checking a Large Routine.” Yet, we are still far from the dream of automatically proving every computer program correct. Two aspects make this problem particularly challenging: concurrent program execution on parallel processors, and large, or even infinite, state spaces of data-manipulating programs. Nowadays, with concurrency entering everywhere, from smartphones to aircrafts, proving the correctness of infinite-state concurrent programs becomes increasingly more important: we do want to be sure that the program that controls the airplane we are flying in is correct. In this thesis we propose a new approach to the verification of infinitestate concurrent programs. We call it causality-based, because it captures in an automatic proof system the “cause-effect” reasoning principles, which are often used informally in manual correctness proofs. While traditionally automatic methods are based on the state space exploration, our method is based on a new concurrency model, called concurrent traces, which are the abstractions of the history of a concurrent program to some key events and the relationships between them. Causality-based proof rules relate concurrent traces with each other, by formally tracking what are the necessary consequences (the “effects”) from a particular analysis situation (the “cause”). The full correctness proof is then a composition of such primitive proof steps. We study the syntactic and language-based properties of concurrent traces, and characterize the complexity of such operations as emptiness checking and language inclusion. Regarding the program correctness, we develop proof systems for the broad classes of safety and liveness properties, and provide algorithms for the automatic construction of correctness proofs. We demonstrate that for practically relevant classes of programs, such as multi-threaded programs with binary semaphores, the constructed proofs are of polynomial size, and can be also checked in polynomial time. The methods of the thesis have been implemented in Arctor, the first scalable termination prover for concurrent programs, which is able to handle programs with hundreds of non-trivial threads.Die Programmverifikation ist seit den Anfängen der Informatik eines ihrer zentralen Forschungsfelder. Als Beginn dieser Forschungsrichtung kann bereits das Jahr 1949 betrachtet werden, in dem Alan Turings bahnbrechende Arbeit “Checking a Large Routine” erschien. Der Traum, die Korrektheit von Programmen stets automatisch beweisen zu können, ist aber auch heute noch weit davon entfernt, Realität zu sein. Es gibt zwei Aspekte, die dieses Problem zu einer solch großen Herausforderung machen: die nebenläufige Ausführung von Programmen auf Parallelrechnern, und die großen, oder sogar unendlichen, Zustandsräume von datenverarbeitenden Programmen. Nebenläufige Programme werden in immer mehr Anwendungsbereichen, von Handys bis zur Luftfahrt, eingesetzt. Automatische Korrektheitsbeweise werden daher immer wichtiger: wenn wir mit dem Flugzeug reisen, möchten wir sicher sein, dass das Programm, das das Flugzeug steuert, auch tatsachlich korrekt ist. In dieser Arbeit schlagen wir einen neuen Ansatz für die Verifikation von nebenläufigen Programmen mit unendlichem Zustandsraum vor. Wir nennen den Ansatz “kausalitätsbasiert”, weil er im Rahmen eines automatischen Beweissystems die “Ursache-Wirkung”-Beziehungen erfasst, die sonst eher informell in manuellen Korrektheitsbeweisen benutzt werden. Anders als traditionelle automatische Methoden, die den Zustandsraums explorieren, baut unser Ansatz auf einem neuen nebenläufigen Berechnungsmodell, dem der “nebenläufigen Spuren”, auf. Eine nebenläufige Spur ist eine Abstraktion der Vergangenheit eines nebenläufigen Programms im Hinblick auf bestimmte Schlüsselereignisse und die Beziehungen zwischen diesen Ereignissen. Kausalitätsbasierte Beweis-regeln setzen nebenläufige Spuren zueinander in Bezug, indem die Konsequenzen (die “Wirkungen”) einer bestimmten analytischen Situation (der “Ursache”) auf eine formale Art und Weise verfolgt werden. Der vollständige Korrektheitsbeweis setzt sich dann aus solchen einfachen Beweisschritten zusammen. Wir untersuchen die syntaktischen und sprachtheoretischen Eigenschaften von nebenläufigen Spuren, und charakterisieren die Komplexität von Operationen wie den Tests auf leere Sprache und Sprachinklusion. Wir entwickeln Beweissysteme zum Nachweis der Programmkorrektheit für die allgemeinen Klassen der Sicherheits- und Lebendigkeitseigenschaften, und stellen Algorithmen vor, die solche Beweise automatisch konstruieren. Für aus praktischer Sicht relevante Klassen von Programmen, wie Multi-Thread Programme mit binären Semaphoren, zeigen wir, dass die konstruierten Beweise polynomiell groß sind und auch in polynomieller Zeit geprüft werden können. Die in der Arbeit vorgestellten Methoden wurden im Verifikationswerkzeug Arctor implementiert. Arctor is der erste skalierbare Terminierungsbeweiser für nebenläufige Programme. Arctor kann Programme mit Hunderten nicht-trivialer Threads verarbeiten

    A logic for the stepwise development of reactive systems

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    D↓is a new dynamic logic combining regular modalities with the binder constructor typical of hybrid logic, which provides a smooth framework for the stepwise development of reactive systems. Actually, the logic is able to capture system properties at different levels of abstraction, from high-level safety and liveness requirements, to constructive specifications representing concrete processes. The paper discusses its semantics, given in terms of reachable transition systems with initial states, its expressive power and a proof system. The methodological framework is in debt to the landmark work of D.Sannella and A.Tarlecki, instantiating the generic concepts of constructor and abstractor implementations by standard operators on reactive components, e.g. relabelling and parallel composition, as constructors, and bisimulation for abstraction.This work was funded by ERDF European Regional Development Fund, through the COMPETE Programme, and by National Funds through FCT – Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology – within projects POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016692 (DaLí – Dynamic logics for cyber-physical systems: towards contract based design) and UID/MAT/04106/2013 at CIDMA. Further support was given by the project SmartEGOV, NORTE-01-0145-FEDER000037, supported by Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the EFDR. The first author is also supported by a FCT individual grant SFRH/BPD/103004/201

    From Sequential Layers to Distributed Processes, Deriving a minimum weight spanning tree algorithm

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    Analysis and design of distributed algorithms and protocols are difficult issues. An important cause for those difficulties is the fact that the logical structure of the solution is often invisible in the actual implementation. We introduce a framework that allows for a formal treatment of the design process, from an abstract initial design to an implementation tailored to specific architectures. A combination of algebraic and axiomatic techniques is used to verify correctness of the derivation steps. This is shown by deriving an implementation of a distributed minimum weight spanning tree algorithm in the style of [GHS]
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