28 research outputs found

    Improved Region Proposal Network for Enhanced Few-Shot Object Detection

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    Despite significant success of deep learning in object detection tasks, the standard training of deep neural networks requires access to a substantial quantity of annotated images across all classes. Data annotation is an arduous and time-consuming endeavor, particularly when dealing with infrequent objects. Few-shot object detection (FSOD) methods have emerged as a solution to the limitations of classic object detection approaches based on deep learning. FSOD methods demonstrate remarkable performance by achieving robust object detection using a significantly smaller amount of training data. A challenge for FSOD is that instances from novel classes that do not belong to the fixed set of training classes appear in the background and the base model may pick them up as potential objects. These objects behave similarly to label noise because they are classified as one of the training dataset classes, leading to FSOD performance degradation. We develop a semi-supervised algorithm to detect and then utilize these unlabeled novel objects as positive samples during the FSOD training stage to improve FSOD performance. Specifically, we develop a hierarchical ternary classification region proposal network (HTRPN) to localize the potential unlabeled novel objects and assign them new objectness labels to distinguish these objects from the base training dataset classes. Our improved hierarchical sampling strategy for the region proposal network (RPN) also boosts the perception ability of the object detection model for large objects. We test our approach and COCO and PASCAL VOC baselines that are commonly used in FSOD literature. Our experimental results indicate that our method is effective and outperforms the existing state-of-the-art (SOTA) FSOD methods. Our implementation is provided as a supplement to support reproducibility of the results.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2303.1042

    A Survey on Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning

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    Large deep learning models are impressive, but they struggle when real-time data is not available. Few-shot class-incremental learning (FSCIL) poses a significant challenge for deep neural networks to learn new tasks from just a few labeled samples without forgetting the previously learned ones. This setup can easily leads to catastrophic forgetting and overfitting problems, severely affecting model performance. Studying FSCIL helps overcome deep learning model limitations on data volume and acquisition time, while improving practicality and adaptability of machine learning models. This paper provides a comprehensive survey on FSCIL. Unlike previous surveys, we aim to synthesize few-shot learning and incremental learning, focusing on introducing FSCIL from two perspectives, while reviewing over 30 theoretical research studies and more than 20 applied research studies. From the theoretical perspective, we provide a novel categorization approach that divides the field into five subcategories, including traditional machine learning methods, meta learning-based methods, feature and feature space-based methods, replay-based methods, and dynamic network structure-based methods. We also evaluate the performance of recent theoretical research on benchmark datasets of FSCIL. From the application perspective, FSCIL has achieved impressive achievements in various fields of computer vision such as image classification, object detection, and image segmentation, as well as in natural language processing and graph. We summarize the important applications. Finally, we point out potential future research directions, including applications, problem setups, and theory development. Overall, this paper offers a comprehensive analysis of the latest advances in FSCIL from a methodological, performance, and application perspective

    Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework for Thoracic Diseases Classification via Prior Knowledge Guidance

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    The chest X-ray is often utilized for diagnosing common thoracic diseases. In recent years, many approaches have been proposed to handle the problem of automatic diagnosis based on chest X-rays. However, the scarcity of labeled data for related diseases still poses a huge challenge to an accurate diagnosis. In this paper, we focus on the thorax disease diagnostic problem and propose a novel deep reinforcement learning framework, which introduces prior knowledge to direct the learning of diagnostic agents and the model parameters can also be continuously updated as the data increases, like a person's learning process. Especially, 1) prior knowledge can be learned from the pre-trained model based on old data or other domains' similar data, which can effectively reduce the dependence on target domain data, and 2) the framework of reinforcement learning can make the diagnostic agent as exploratory as a human being and improve the accuracy of diagnosis through continuous exploration. The method can also effectively solve the model learning problem in the case of few-shot data and improve the generalization ability of the model. Finally, our approach's performance was demonstrated using the well-known NIH ChestX-ray 14 and CheXpert datasets, and we achieved competitive results. The source code can be found here: \url{https://github.com/NeaseZ/MARL}

    Label Shift Adapter for Test-Time Adaptation under Covariate and Label Shifts

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    Test-time adaptation (TTA) aims to adapt a pre-trained model to the target domain in a batch-by-batch manner during inference. While label distributions often exhibit imbalances in real-world scenarios, most previous TTA approaches typically assume that both source and target domain datasets have balanced label distribution. Due to the fact that certain classes appear more frequently in certain domains (e.g., buildings in cities, trees in forests), it is natural that the label distribution shifts as the domain changes. However, we discover that the majority of existing TTA methods fail to address the coexistence of covariate and label shifts. To tackle this challenge, we propose a novel label shift adapter that can be incorporated into existing TTA approaches to deal with label shifts during the TTA process effectively. Specifically, we estimate the label distribution of the target domain to feed it into the label shift adapter. Subsequently, the label shift adapter produces optimal parameters for the target label distribution. By predicting only the parameters for a part of the pre-trained source model, our approach is computationally efficient and can be easily applied, regardless of the model architectures. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that integrating our strategy with TTA approaches leads to substantial performance improvements under the joint presence of label and covariate shifts.Comment: Accepted to ICCV 202

    AI alignment and generalization in deep learning

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    This thesis covers a number of works in deep learning aimed at understanding and improving generalization abilities of deep neural networks (DNNs). DNNs achieve unrivaled performance in a growing range of tasks and domains, yet their behavior during learning and deployment remains poorly understood. They can also be surprisingly brittle: in-distribution generalization can be a poor predictor of behavior or performance under distributional shifts, which typically cannot be avoided in practice. While these limitations are not unique to DNNs -- and indeed are likely to be challenges facing any AI systems of sufficient complexity -- the prevalence and power of DNNs makes them particularly worthy of study. I frame these challenges within the broader context of "AI Alignment": a nascent field focused on ensuring that AI systems behave in accordance with their user's intentions. While making AI systems more intelligent or capable can help make them more aligned, it is neither necessary nor sufficient for alignment. However, being able to align state-of-the-art AI systems (e.g. DNNs) is of great social importance in order to avoid undesirable and unsafe behavior from advanced AI systems. Without progress in AI Alignment, advanced AI systems might pursue objectives at odds with human survival, posing an existential risk (``x-risk'') to humanity. A core tenet of this thesis is that the achieving high performance on machine learning benchmarks if often a good indicator of AI systems' capabilities, but not their alignment. This is because AI systems often achieve high performance in unexpected ways that reveal the limitations of our performance metrics, and more generally, our techniques for specifying our intentions. Learning about human intentions using DNNs shows some promise, but DNNs are still prone to learning to solve tasks using concepts of "features" very different from those which are salient to humans. Indeed, this is a major source of their poor generalization on out-of-distribution data. By better understanding the successes and failures of DNN generalization and current methods of specifying our intentions, we aim to make progress towards deep-learning based AI systems that are able to understand users' intentions and act accordingly.Cette thèse discute quelques travaux en apprentissage profond visant à comprendre et à améliorer les capacités de généralisation des réseaux de neurones profonds (DNN). Les DNNs atteignent des performances inégalées dans un éventail croissant de tâches et de domaines, mais leur comportement pendant l'apprentissage et le déploiement reste mal compris. Ils peuvent également être étonnamment fragiles: la généralisation dans la distribution peut être un mauvais prédicteur du comportement ou de la performance lors de changements de distribution, ce qui ne peut généralement pas être évité dans la pratique. Bien que ces limitations ne soient pas propres aux DNN - et sont en effet susceptibles de constituer des défis pour tout système d'IA suffisamment complexe - la prévalence et la puissance des DNN les rendent particulièrement dignes d'étude. J'encadre ces défis dans le contexte plus large de «l'alignement de l'IA»: un domaine naissant axé sur la garantie que les systèmes d'IA se comportent conformément aux intentions de leurs utilisateurs. Bien que rendre les systèmes d'IA plus intelligents ou capables puisse aider à les rendre plus alignés, cela n'est ni nécessaire ni suffisant pour l'alignement. Cependant, être capable d'aligner les systèmes d'IA de pointe (par exemple les DNN) est d'une grande importance sociale afin d'éviter les comportements indésirables et dangereux des systèmes d'IA avancés. Sans progrès dans l'alignement de l'IA, les systèmes d'IA avancés pourraient poursuivre des objectifs contraires à la survie humaine, posant un risque existentiel («x-risque») pour l'humanité. L'un des principes fondamentaux de cette thèse est que l'obtention de hautes performances sur les repères d'apprentissage automatique est souvent un bon indicateur des capacités des systèmes d'IA, mais pas de leur alignement. En effet, les systèmes d'IA atteignent souvent des performances élevées de manière inattendue, ce qui révèle les limites de nos mesures de performance et, plus généralement, de nos techniques pour spécifier nos intentions. L'apprentissage des intentions humaines à l'aide des DNN est quelque peu prometteur, mais les DNN sont toujours enclins à apprendre à résoudre des tâches en utilisant des concepts de «caractéristiques» très différents de ceux qui sont saillants pour les humains. En effet, c'est une source majeure de leur mauvaise généralisation sur les données hors distribution. En comprenant mieux les succès et les échecs de la généralisation DNN et les méthodes actuelles de spécification de nos intentions, nous visons à progresser vers des systèmes d'IA basés sur l'apprentissage en profondeur qui sont capables de comprendre les intentions des utilisateurs et d'agir en conséquence

    Meta-Learning in Neural Networks: A Survey

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    The field of meta-learning, or learning-to-learn, has seen a dramatic rise in interest in recent years. Contrary to conventional approaches to AI where tasks are solved from scratch using a fixed learning algorithm, meta-learning aims to improve the learning algorithm itself, given the experience of multiple learning episodes. This paradigm provides an opportunity to tackle many conventional challenges of deep learning, including data and computation bottlenecks, as well as generalization. This survey describes the contemporary meta-learning landscape. We first discuss definitions of meta-learning and position it with respect to related fields, such as transfer learning and hyperparameter optimization. We then propose a new taxonomy that provides a more comprehensive breakdown of the space of meta-learning methods today. We survey promising applications and successes of meta-learning such as few-shot learning and reinforcement learning. Finally, we discuss outstanding challenges and promising areas for future research

    Minimizing Computational Resources for Deep Machine Learning: A Compression and Neural Architecture Search Perspective for Image Classification and Object Detection

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    Computational resources represent a significant bottleneck across all current deep learning computer vision approaches. Image and video data storage requirements for training deep neural networks have led to the widespread use of image and video compression, the use of which naturally impacts the performance of neural network architectures during both training and inference. The prevalence of deep neural networks deployed on edge devices necessitates efficient network architecture design, while training neural networks requires significant time and computational resources, despite the acceleration of both hardware and software developments within the field of artificial intelligence (AI). This thesis addresses these challenges in order to minimize computational resource requirements across the entire end-to-end deep learning pipeline. We determine the extent to which data compression impacts neural network architecture performance, and by how much this performance can be recovered by retraining neural networks with compressed data. The thesis then focuses on the accessibility of the deployment of neural architecture search (NAS) to facilitate automatic network architecture generation for image classification suited to resource-constrained environments. A combined hard example mining and curriculum learning strategy is developed to minimize the image data processed during a given training epoch within the NAS search phase, without diminishing performance. We demonstrate the capability of the proposed framework across all gradient-based, reinforcement learning, and evolutionary NAS approaches, and a simple but effective method to extend the approach to the prediction-based NAS paradigm. The hard example mining approach within the proposed NAS framework depends upon the effectiveness of an autoencoder to regulate the latent space such that similar images have similar feature embeddings. This thesis conducts a thorough investigation to satisfy this constraint within the context of image classification. Based upon the success of the overall proposed NAS framework, we subsequently extend the approach towards object detection. Despite the resultant multi-label domain presenting a more difficult challenge for hard example mining, we propose an extension to the autoencoder to capture the additional object location information encoded within the training labels. The generation of an implicit attention layer within the autoencoder network sufficiently improves its capability to enforce similar images to have similar embeddings, thus successfully transferring the proposed NAS approach to object detection. Finally, the thesis demonstrates the resilience to compression of the general two-stage NAS approach upon which our proposed NAS framework is based