179 research outputs found

    Grid Technologies for Intelligent Autonomous Robot Swarms

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    Digital cockpits and decision support systems : design of technics and tools to extract and process data from heterogeneous databases

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    Tableau d'honneur de la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales, 2006-200

    A basic web-based distance education model

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    Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, Computer Engineering, Izmir, 2005Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 147)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishxv, 201 leavesDuring the recent years, the rapid growth of the Web and multimedia technologies urged a shift of Computer-Based Educational Technology towards the Web. In the leading universities of the developed countries, studies on Web-Based Education have started and in an increasing manner are going strong. In the last few years, the leading universities of Turkey are also greatly interested in Web-Based Education and have started their re-structuring accordingly.The goal of this study is to design a basic model to be utilized by a university aiming to offer web-based distance education. In achieving this; by the use of system approach, a model comprising of three subsystems, namely system analysis, system design and evaluation&control, working in coordination with each other, has been tried to be proposed. There may be only one missing point of this study, that is; since preparing a lesson or program according to this model was not foreseen in this thesis, the effectiveness evaluations suggested in the evaluation&control subsystem could not be realized. It is recommended to realize such an evaluation in a further study to make it possible to reveal the effectiveness of web-based education by preparing a lesson or program according to this model.On the other hand, a survey has been conducted in Turkey in some of the universities either offering web-based education or are interested in studies in this field.The aim of this survey is to analyze from system design point of view the studies carried out in our universities on this matter and to get a picture of the existing situation.The directed questions aiming this were prepared by taking into consideration of the three stages of system design subsystem, i.e. administrative design, educational design, and technological design. It is intended for the result of this survey to shed light to the new-coming institutions in this field. As a matter of fact, each stage of this subsystem is a survey item itself and should be researched one by one in other studies.Furthermore, for individuals interested in distance education and web-based distance education and for people newly involved in this matter, this thesis is intended to be a reference material and to serve this purpose the sections are prepared containing the basic information accordingly. Nevertheless, since most of the information regarding system design are prepared without taking into consideration the disabled people, the relevant information are not complete. In another study, the offering of the web-based education to the disabled people, especially for deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired, and blind students, has to be investigated.Finally, in this thesis the proposed model for the Web-Based Distance Education, as being a basic and conceptual model, has a flexible structure; i.e., suitable for all the institutions and establishments intending to offer the web-based education.What is important here, is to exploit the potential sources within the institution that will display the required systematic approach

    WWW & E-Commerce

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    Topics Covered in this Session l A brief overview of relevant Internet Services l Web and HTML l Client/Server Software and HTTP l Images, Frames, Forms & Web-DB l E-Commerce l Several other related topic

    An Application Perspective on High-Performance Computing and Communications

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    We review possible and probable industrial applications of HPCC focusing on the software and hardware issues. Thirty-three separate categories are illustrated by detailed descriptions of five areas -- computational chemistry; Monte Carlo methods from physics to economics; manufacturing; and computational fluid dynamics; command and control; or crisis management; and multimedia services to client computers and settop boxes. The hardware varies from tightly-coupled parallel supercomputers to heterogeneous distributed systems. The software models span HPF and data parallelism, to distributed information systems and object/data flow parallelism on the Web. We find that in each case, it is reasonably clear that HPCC works in principle, and postulate that this knowledge can be used in a new generation of software infrastructure based on the WebWindows approach, and discussed in an accompanying paper

    The Transitivity of Trust Problem in the Interaction of Android Applications

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    Mobile phones have developed into complex platforms with large numbers of installed applications and a wide range of sensitive data. Application security policies limit the permissions of each installed application. As applications may interact, restricting single applications may create a false sense of security for the end users while data may still leave the mobile phone through other applications. Instead, the information flow needs to be policed for the composite system of applications in a transparent and usable manner. In this paper, we propose to employ static analysis based on the software architecture and focused data flow analysis to scalably detect information flows between components. Specifically, we aim to reveal transitivity of trust problems in multi-component mobile platforms. We demonstrate the feasibility of our approach with Android applications, although the generalization of the analysis to similar composition-based architectures, such as Service-oriented Architecture, can also be explored in the future

    Serving Massive Time-Based Media (SMaTBaM) - Report on the evaluation process of system needs and demands of serving time -based media in the area of the Performing Arts

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    The SMaTBaM project (Serving Massive Time-Based Media) aimed to establish a working example of a dataserver for time-based media in the area of the Performing Arts. Building on experience gained in the UMI/NetMuse project, the project will demonstrate the searching and serving of massive realtime data, using a web-based interactive front end. The project is designed directly to enhance the Performing Arts Data Service, PADS , whose remit and funding from the Arts and Humanities Data Service, AHDS, do not extend to conducting research into the development of specialized supporting technology. (PADS is a Glasgow University Arts Planning Unit Project based in the Departments of Music and of Theatre, Film and Television Studies.

    Ohjelmistoratkaisu vuorovaikutteisiin WWW-pohjaisiin itseopiskelusovelluksiin

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    This thesis deals with computer-based education of acoustics and digital signal processing. The focus throughout the thesis is on interactive, self-study web-based applications even though many issues are of more general nature as well. The emphasis is especially on describing interactivity while using educational applications and the use of log information for evaluation of learning. The goal for the thesis has been to develop a web-based solution for audio signal processing education with emphasis on advanced, intelligent interactivity. The basis for this interactivity is the double agent architecture for web applications. The architecture allows the control of the interaction process by means of logs and using them as a basis for content adaptation. Furthermore, the novelty of this method is its applicability to evaluation of learning. The log information, provided by the architecture, can be used for on-line evaluation of users' requests and thus provides means for content adaptation. Furthermore, the log information can also be post-processed and used for off-line evaluation of the learning process by both teachers as well as students themselves. The latter has also pedagogical importance supporting the development of self-reflection and metacognitive skills.Työ käsittelee akustiikan ja digitaalisen signaalinkäsittelyn tietokonevusteista opetusta. Painopiste on kautta linjan vuorovaikutteisissa, itseopiskeluun tarkoitetuissa WWW-sovelluksissa, vaikka työssä käsitellään aihepiiriä laajemminkin. Työ keskittyy erityisesti vuorovaikutteisuuden kuvaamiseen ohjelmistoa käytettäessä sekä käytön yhteydessä saatavan lokitiedon hyödyntämiseen oppimisen arvioinnissa. Työn tavoitteena on ollut kehittää etenkin audiosignaalinkäsittelyyn soveltuva ohjelmistoratkaisu hyödyntämällä nykyaikaista WWW-teknologiaa. Avainasemassa on ollut pyrkiä kehittämään nimenomaan älykkään vuorovaikutteisuuden kuvaamiseen sopiva ratkaisu. Vuorovaikutteisuuden perustana toimii WWW-sovelluksille suunniteltu ns. kaksoisagenttiarkkitehtuuri. Arkkitehtuuri mahdollistaa vuorovaikutusprosessin ja sisällön ohjaamisen lokitiedon avulla. Menetelmän keskeisin uusi oivallus on tämän lokitiedon käyttö oppimisen arviointiin. Lokitiedot mahdollistavat sekä reaaliaikaisen käyttäjien toimien analysoinnin ja sisältömateriaalin muokkaamisen tämän mukaisesti, että jälkikäteen tapahtuvan oppimisprosessin arvioinnin. Arviointia voivat jälkikäteen tehdä sekä oppimateriaalin tuottajat (opettajat) että oppimateriaalin käyttäjät (opiskelijat) itsearviointina. Tällä on oppimisen kannalta tärkeä merkitys ns. metakognitiivisten taitojen kehittymiselle

    Applications multimédia et gestion de qualité de service dans l'environnement du World Wide Web

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal

    Interactive computer vision through the Web

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    Computer vision is the computational science aiming at reproducing and improving the ability of human vision to understand its environment. In this thesis, we focus on two fields of computer vision, namely image segmentation and visual odometry and we show the positive impact that interactive Web applications provide on each. The first part of this thesis focuses on image annotation and segmentation. We introduce the image annotation problem and challenges it brings for large, crowdsourced datasets. Many interactions have been explored in the literature to help segmentation algorithms. The most common consist in designating contours, bounding boxes around objects, or interior and exterior scribbles. When crowdsourcing, annotation tasks are delegated to a non-expert public, sometimes on cheaper devices such as tablets. In this context, we conducted a user study showing the advantages of the outlining interaction over scribbles and bounding boxes. Another challenge of crowdsourcing is the distribution medium. While evaluating an interaction in a small user study does not require complex setup, distributing an annotation campaign to thousands of potential users might differ. Thus we describe how the Elm programming language helped us build a reliable image annotation Web application. A highlights tour of its functionalities and architecture is provided, as well as a guide on how to deploy it to crowdsourcing services such as Amazon Mechanical Turk. The application is completely opensource and available online. In the second part of this thesis we present our open-source direct visual odometry library. In that endeavor, we provide an evaluation of other open-source RGB-D camera tracking algorithms and show that our approach performs as well as the currently available alternatives. The visual odometry problem relies on geometry tools and optimization techniques traditionally requiring much processing power to perform at realtime framerates. Since we aspire to run those algorithms directly in the browser, we review past and present technologies enabling high performance computations on the Web. In particular, we detail how to target a new standard called WebAssembly from the C++ and Rust programming languages. Our library has been started from scratch in the Rust programming language, which then allowed us to easily port it to WebAssembly. Thanks to this property, we are able to showcase a visual odometry Web application with multiple types of interactions available. A timeline enables one-dimensional navigation along the video sequence. Pairs of image points can be picked on two 2D thumbnails of the image sequence to realign cameras and correct drifts. Colors are also used to identify parts of the 3D point cloud, selectable to reinitialize camera positions. Combining those interactions enables improvements on the tracking and 3D point reconstruction results