458 research outputs found

    Similarity Reasoning over Semantic Context-Graphs

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    Similarity is a central cognitive mechanism for humans which enables a broad range of perceptual and abstraction processes, including recognizing and categorizing objects, drawing parallelism, and predicting outcomes. It has been studied computationally through models designed to replicate human judgment. The work presented in this dissertation leverages general purpose semantic networks to derive similarity measures in a problem-independent manner. We model both general and relational similarity using connectivity between concepts within semantic networks. Our first contribution is to model general similarity using concept connectivity, which we use to partition vocabularies into topics without the need of document corpora. We apply this model to derive topics from unstructured dialog, specifically enabling an early literacy primer application to support parents in having better conversations with their young children, as they are using the primer together. Second, we model relational similarity in proportional analogies. To do so, we derive relational parallelism by searching in semantic networks for similar path pairs that connect either side of this analogy statement. We then derive human readable explanations from the resulting similar path pair. We show that our model can answer broad-vocabulary analogy questions designed for human test takers with high confidence. The third contribution is to enable symbolic plan repair in robot planning through object substitution. When a failure occurs due to unforeseen changes in the environment, such as missing objects, we enable the planning domain to be extended with a number of alternative objects such that the plan can be repaired and execution to continue. To evaluate this type of similarity, we use both general and relational similarity. We demonstrate that the task context is essential in establishing which objects are interchangeable

    The 1990 progress report and future plans

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    This document describes the progress and plans of the Artificial Intelligence Research Branch (RIA) at ARC in 1990. Activities span a range from basic scientific research to engineering development and to fielded NASA applications, particularly those applications that are enabled by basic research carried out at RIA. Work is conducted in-house and through collaborative partners in academia and industry. Our major focus is on a limited number of research themes with a dual commitment to technical excellence and proven applicability to NASA short, medium, and long-term problems. RIA acts as the Agency's lead organization for research aspects of artificial intelligence, working closely with a second research laboratory at JPL and AI applications groups at all NASA centers

    Learning to solve planning problems efficiently by means of genetic programming

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    Declarative problem solving, such as planning, poses interesting challenges for Genetic Programming (GP). There have been recent attempts to apply GP to planning that fit two approaches: (a) using GP to search in plan space or (b) to evolve a planner. In this article, we propose to evolve only the heuristics to make a particular planner more efficient. This approach is more feasible than (b) because it does not have to build a planner from scratch but can take advantage of already existing planning systems. It is also more efficient than (a) because once the heuristics have been evolved, they can be used to solve a whole class of different planning problems in a planning domain, instead of running GP for every new planning problem. Empirical results show that our approach (EVOCK) is able to evolve heuristics in two planning domains (the blocks world and the logistics domain) that improve PRODIGY4.0 performance. Additionally, we experiment with a new genetic operator - Instance-Based Crossover - that is able to use traces of the base planner as raw genetic material to be injected into the evolving population.Publicad

    Proceedings of the KI 2009 Workshop on Complex Cognition

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    The KI ´09 workshop on Complex Cognition was a joint venture of the Cognition group of the Special Interest Group Artificial Intelligence of the German Computer Science Society (Gesellschaft für Informatik) and the German Cognitive Science Association. Dealing with complexity has become one of the great challenges for modern information societies. To reason and decide, plan and act in complex domains is no longer limited to highly specialized professionals in restricted areas such as medical diagnosis, controlling technical processes, or serious game playing. Complexity has reached everyday life and affects people in such mundane activities as buying a train ticket, investing money, or connecting a home desktop to the internet. Research in cognitive AI can contribute to supporting people navigating through the jungle of everyday reasoning, decision making, planning and acting by providing intelligent support technology. Lessons learned from expert systems research of the nineteen-eighties show that the aim should not be to provide for fully automated systems which can solve specialized tasks autonomously but instead to develop interactive assistant systems where user and system work together by taking advantage of the respective strengths of human and machine. To accomplish a smooth collaboration between humans and intelligent systems, basic research in cognition is a necessary precondition. Insights into cognitive structures and processes underlying successful human reasoning and planning can provide suggestions for algorithm design. Even more important, insights into restrictions and typical errors and misconceptions of the cognitive systems provide information about those parts of a complex task from which the human should be relieved. For successful human-computer interaction in complex domains it has, furthermore, to be decided which information should be presented when, in what way, to the user. We strongly believe that symbolic approaches of AI and psychological research of higher cognition are at the core of success for the endeavor to create intelligent assistant system for complex domains. While insight into the neurological processes of the brain and into the realization of basic processes of perception, attention and senso-motoric coordination are important for the basic understanding of the principles of human intelligence, these processes have a much too fine granularity for the design and realization of interactive systems which must communicate with the user on knowledge level. If human system users are not to be incapacitated by a system, system decisions must be transparent for the user and the system must be able to provide explanations for the reasons of its proposals and recommendations. Therefore, even when some of the underlying algorithms are based on statistical or neuronal approaches, the top-level of such systems must be symbolical and rule-based. The papers presented at this workshop on complex cognition give an inspiring and promising overview of current work in the field which can provide first building stones for our endeavor to create knowledge level intelligent assistant systems for complex domains. The topics cover modelling basic cognitive processes, interfacing subsymbolic and symbolic representations, dealing with continuous time, Bayesian identification of problem solving strategies, linguistically inspired methods for assessing complex cognitive processes and complex domains such as recognition of sketches, predicting changes in stocks, spatial information processing, and coping with critical situations

    Technological roadmap on AI planning and scheduling

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    At the beginning of the new century, Information Technologies had become basic and indispensable constituents of the production and preparation processes for all kinds of goods and services and with that are largely influencing both the working and private life of nearly every citizen. This development will continue and even further grow with the continually increasing use of the Internet in production, business, science, education, and everyday societal and private undertaking. Recent years have shown, however, that a dramatic enhancement of software capabilities is required, when aiming to continuously provide advanced and competitive products and services in all these fast developing sectors. It includes the development of intelligent systems – systems that are more autonomous, flexible, and robust than today’s conventional software. Intelligent Planning and Scheduling is a key enabling technology for intelligent systems. It has been developed and matured over the last three decades and has successfully been employed for a variety of applications in commerce, industry, education, medicine, public transport, defense, and government. This document reviews the state-of-the-art in key application and technical areas of Intelligent Planning and Scheduling. It identifies the most important research, development, and technology transfer efforts required in the coming 3 to 10 years and shows the way forward to meet these challenges in the short-, medium- and longer-term future. The roadmap has been developed under the regime of PLANET – the European Network of Excellence in AI Planning. This network, established by the European Commission in 1998, is the co-ordinating framework for research, development, and technology transfer in the field of Intelligent Planning and Scheduling in Europe. A large number of people have contributed to this document including the members of PLANET non- European international experts, and a number of independent expert peer reviewers. All of them are acknowledged in a separate section of this document. Intelligent Planning and Scheduling is a far-reaching technology. Accepting the challenges and progressing along the directions pointed out in this roadmap will enable a new generation of intelligent application systems in a wide variety of industrial, commercial, public, and private sectors

    Artificial general intelligence: Proceedings of the Second Conference on Artificial General Intelligence, AGI 2009, Arlington, Virginia, USA, March 6-9, 2009

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    Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) research focuses on the original and ultimate goal of AI – to create broad human-like and transhuman intelligence, by exploring all available paths, including theoretical and experimental computer science, cognitive science, neuroscience, and innovative interdisciplinary methodologies. Due to the difficulty of this task, for the last few decades the majority of AI researchers have focused on what has been called narrow AI – the production of AI systems displaying intelligence regarding specific, highly constrained tasks. In recent years, however, more and more researchers have recognized the necessity – and feasibility – of returning to the original goals of the field. Increasingly, there is a call for a transition back to confronting the more difficult issues of human level intelligence and more broadly artificial general intelligence

    Third Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Space Applications, part 1

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    The application of artificial intelligence to spacecraft and aerospace systems is discussed. Expert systems, robotics, space station automation, fault diagnostics, parallel processing, knowledge representation, scheduling, man-machine interfaces and neural nets are among the topics discussed

    The GRT Planning System: Backward Heuristic Construction in Forward State-Space Planning

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    This paper presents GRT, a domain-independent heuristic planning system for STRIPS worlds. GRT solves problems in two phases. In the pre-processing phase, it estimates the distance between each fact and the goals of the problem, in a backward direction. Then, in the search phase, these estimates are used in order to further estimate the distance between each intermediate state and the goals, guiding so the search process in a forward direction and on a best-first basis. The paper presents the benefits from the adoption of opposite directions between the preprocessing and the search phases, discusses some difficulties that arise in the pre-processing phase and introduces techniques to cope with them. Moreover, it presents several methods of improving the efficiency of the heuristic, by enriching the representation and by reducing the size of the problem. Finally, a method of overcoming local optimal states, based on domain axioms, is proposed. According to it, difficult problems are decomposed into easier sub-problems that have to be solved sequentially. The performance results from various domains, including those of the recent planning competitions, show that GRT is among the fastest planners

    An Ontology-Based Expert System for the Systematic Design of Humanoid Robots

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    Die Entwicklung humanoider Roboter ist eine zeitaufwendige, komplexe und herausfordernde Aufgabe. Daher stellt diese Thesis einen neuen, systematischen Ansatz vor, der es erlaubt, Expertenwissen zum Entwurf humanoider Roboter zu konservieren, um damit zukünftige Entwicklungen zu unterstützen. Der Ansatz kann in drei aufeinanderfolgende Schritte unterteilt werden. Im ersten Schritt wird Wissen zum Entwurf humanoider Roboter durch die Entwicklung von Roboterkomponenten und die Analyse verwandter Arbeiten gewonnen. Dieses Wissen wird im zweiten Schritt formalisiert und in Form einer ontologischen Wissensbasis gespeichert. Im letzten Schritt wird diese Wissensbasis von einem Expertensystem verwendet, um Lösungsvorschläge zum Entwurf von Roboterkomponenten auf Grundlage von Benutzeranforderungen zu generieren. Der Ansatz wird anhand von Fallstudien zu Komponenten des humanoiden Roboters ARMAR-6 evaluiert: Sensor-Aktor-Controller-Einheiten für Robotergelenke und Roboterhände

    Recolha e conceptualização de experiências de atividades robóticas baseadas em planos para melhoria de competências no longo prazo

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    Robot learning is a prominent research direction in intelligent robotics. Robotics involves dealing with the issue of integration of multiple technologies, such as sensing, planning, acting, and learning. In robot learning, the long term goal is to develop robots that learn to perform tasks and continuously improve their knowledge and skills through observation and exploration of the environment and interaction with users. While significant research has been performed in the area of learning motor behavior primitives, the topic of learning high-level representations of activities and classes of activities that, decompose into sequences of actions, has not been sufficiently addressed. Learning at the task level is key to increase the robots’ autonomy and flexibility. High-level task knowledge is essential for intelligent robotics since it makes robot programs less dependent on the platform and eases knowledge exchange between robots with different kinematics. The goal of this thesis is to contribute to the development of cognitive robotic capabilities, including supervised experience acquisition through human-robot interaction, high-level task learning from the acquired experiences, and task planning using the acquired task knowledge. A framework containing the required cognitive functions for learning and reproduction of high-level aspects of experiences is proposed. In particular, we propose and formalize the notion of Experience-Based Planning Domains (EBPDs) for long-term learning and planning. A human-robot interaction interface is used to provide a robot with step-by-step instructions on how to perform tasks. Approaches to recording plan-based robot activity experiences including relevant perceptions of the environment and actions taken by the robot are presented. A conceptualization methodology is presented for acquiring task knowledge in the form of activity schemata from experiences. The conceptualization approach is a combination of different techniques including deductive generalization, different forms of abstraction and feature extraction. Conceptualization includes loop detection, scope inference and goal inference. Problem solving in EBPDs is achieved using a two-layer problem solver comprising an abstract planner, to derive an abstract solution for a given task problem by applying a learned activity schema, and a concrete planner, to refine the abstract solution towards a concrete solution. The architecture and the learning and planning methods are applied and evaluated in several real and simulated world scenarios. Finally, the developed learning methods are compared, and conditions where each of them has better applicability are discussed.Aprendizagem de robôs é uma direção de pesquisa proeminente em robótica inteligente. Em robótica, é necessário lidar com a questão da integração de várias tecnologias, como percepção, planeamento, atuação e aprendizagem. Na aprendizagem de robôs, o objetivo a longo prazo é desenvolver robôs que aprendem a executar tarefas e melhoram continuamente os seus conhecimentos e habilidades através da observação e exploração do ambiente e interação com os utilizadores. A investigação tem-se centrado na aprendizagem de comportamentos básicos, ao passo que a aprendizagem de representações de atividades de alto nível, que se decompõem em sequências de ações, e de classes de actividades, não tem sido suficientemente abordada. A aprendizagem ao nível da tarefa é fundamental para aumentar a autonomia e a flexibilidade dos robôs. O conhecimento de alto nível permite tornar o software dos robôs menos dependente da plataforma e facilita a troca de conhecimento entre robôs diferentes. O objetivo desta tese é contribuir para o desenvolvimento de capacidades cognitivas para robôs, incluindo aquisição supervisionada de experiência através da interação humano-robô, aprendizagem de tarefas de alto nível com base nas experiências acumuladas e planeamento de tarefas usando o conhecimento adquirido. Propõe-se uma abordagem que integra diversas funcionalidades cognitivas para aprendizagem e reprodução de aspetos de alto nível detetados nas experiências acumuladas. Em particular, nós propomos e formalizamos a noção de Domínio de Planeamento Baseado na Experiência (Experience-Based Planning Domain, or EBPD) para aprendizagem e planeamento num âmbito temporal alargado. Uma interface para interação humano-robô é usada para fornecer ao robô instruções passo-a-passo sobre como realizar tarefas. Propõe-se uma abordagem para extrair experiências de atividades baseadas em planos, incluindo as percepções relevantes e as ações executadas pelo robô. Uma metodologia de conceitualização é apresentada para a aquisição de conhecimento de tarefa na forma de schemata a partir de experiências. São utilizadas diferentes técnicas, incluindo generalização dedutiva, diferentes formas de abstracção e extração de características. A metodologia inclui detecção de ciclos, inferência de âmbito de aplicação e inferência de objetivos. A resolução de problemas em EBPDs é alcançada usando um sistema de planeamento com duas camadas, uma para planeamento abstrato, aplicando um schema aprendido, e outra para planeamento detalhado. A arquitetura e os métodos de aprendizagem e planeamento são aplicados e avaliados em vários cenários reais e simulados. Finalmente, os métodos de aprendizagem desenvolvidos são comparados e as condições onde cada um deles tem melhor aplicabilidade são discutidos.Programa Doutoral em Informátic
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