11 research outputs found

    Dynamiska rörelseprimitiver och förstÀrkande inlÀrning för att anpassa en lÀrd fÀrdighet

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    Traditionally robots have been preprogrammed to execute specific tasks. This approach works well in industrial settings where robots have to execute highly accurate movements, such as when welding. However, preprogramming a robot is also expensive, error prone and time consuming due to the fact that every features of the task has to be considered. In some cases, where a robot has to execute complex tasks such as playing the ball-in-a-cup game, preprogramming it might even be impossible due to unknown features of the task. With all this in mind, this thesis examines the possibility of combining a modern learning framework, known as Learning from Demonstrations (LfD), to first teach a robot how to play the ball-in-a-cup game by demonstrating the movement for the robot, and then have the robot to improve this skill by itself with subsequent Reinforcement Learning (RL). The skill the robot has to learn is demonstrated with kinesthetic teaching, modelled as a dynamic movement primitive, and subsequently improved with the RL algorithm Policy Learning by Weighted Exploration with the Returns. Experiments performed on the industrial robot KUKA LWR4+ showed that robots are capable of successfully learning a complex skill such as playing the ball-in-a-cup game.Traditionellt sett har robotar blivit förprogrammerade för att utföra specifika uppgifter. Detta tillvÀgagÄngssÀtt fungerar bra i industriella miljöer var robotar mÄste utföra mycket noggranna rörelser, som att svetsa. Förprogrammering av robotar Àr dock dyrt, felbenÀget och tidskrÀvande eftersom varje aspekt av uppgiften mÄste beaktas. Dessa nackdelar kan till och med göra det omöjligt att förprogrammera en robot att utföra komplexa uppgifter som att spela bollen-i-koppen spelet. Med allt detta i Ätanke undersöker den hÀr avhandlingen möjligheten att kombinera ett modernt ramverktyg, kallat inlÀrning av demonstrationer, för att lÀra en robot hur bollen-i-koppen-spelet ska spelas genom att demonstrera uppgiften för den och sedan ha roboten att sjÀlv förbÀttra sin inlÀrda uppgift genom att anvÀnda förstÀrkande inlÀrning. Uppgiften som roboten mÄste lÀra sig Àr demonstrerad med kinestetisk undervisning, modellerad som dynamiska rörelseprimitiver, och senare förbÀttrad med den förstÀrkande inlÀrningsalgoritmen Policy Learning by Weighted Exploration with the Returns. Experiment utförda pÄ den industriella KUKA LWR4+ roboten visade att robotar Àr kapabla att framgÄngsrikt lÀra sig spela bollen-i-koppen spelet

    Adaptive Robot Systems in Highly Dynamic Environments: A Table Tennis Robot

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    Hintergrund: Tischtennis bietet ideale Bedingungen, um Kamera-basierte Roboterarme am Limit zu testen. Die besondere Herausforderung liegt in der hohen Geschwindigkeit des Spiels und in der großen Varianz von Spin und Tempo jedes einzelnen Schlages. Die bisherige Forschung mit Tischtennisrobotern beschrĂ€nkt sich jedoch auf einfache Szenarien, d.h. auf langsame BĂ€lle mit einer geringen Rotation. Forschungsziel: Es soll ein lernfĂ€higer Tischtennisroboter entwickelt werden, der mit dem Spin menschlicher Gegner umgehen kann. Methoden: Das vorgestellte Robotersystem besteht aus sechs Komponenten: Ballpositionserkennung, Ballspinerkennung, Balltrajektorienvorhersage, Schlagparameterbestimmung, Robotertrajektorienplanung und Robotersteuerung. Zuerst wird der Ball mit traditioneller Bildverarbeitung in den Kamerabildern lokalisiert. Mit iterativer Triangulation wird dann seine 3D-Position berechnet. Aus der Kurve der Ballpositionen wird die aktuelle Position und Geschwindigkeit des Balles ermittelt. FĂŒr die Spinerkennung werden drei Methoden prĂ€sentiert: Die ersten beiden verfolgen die Bewegung des aufgedruckten Ball-Logos auf hochauflösenden Bildern durch Computer Vision bzw. Convolutional Neural Networks. Im dritten Ansatz wird die Flugbahn des Balls unter BerĂŒcksichtigung der Magnus-Kraft analysiert. Anhand der Position, der Geschwindigkeit und des Spins des Balls wird die zukĂŒnftige Flugbahn berechnet. DafĂŒr wird die physikalische Diffenzialgleichung mit Gravitationskraft, Luftwiderstandskraft und Magnus-Kraft schrittweise gelöst. Mit dem berechneten Zustand des Balls am Schlagpunkt haben wir einen Reinforcement-Learning-Algorithmus trainiert, der bestimmt, mit welchen Schlagparametern der Ball zu treffen ist. Eine passende Robotertrajektorie wird von der Reflexxes-Bibliothek generiert. %Der Roboter wird dann mit einer Frequenz von 250 Hz angesteuert. Ergebnisse: In der quantitativen Auswertung erzielen die einzelnen Komponenten mindestens so gute Ergebnisse wie vergleichbare Tischtennisroboter. Im Hinblick auf das Forschungsziel konnte der Roboter - ein Konterspiel mit einem Menschen fĂŒhren, mit bis zu 60 RĂŒckschlĂ€gen, - unterschiedlichen Spin (Über- und Unterschnitt) retournieren - und mehrere TischtennisĂŒbungen innerhalb von 200 SchlĂ€gen erlernen. Schlußfolgerung: Bedeutende algorithmische Neuerungen fĂŒhren wir in der Spinerkennung und beim Reinforcement Learning von Schlagparametern ein. Dadurch meistert der Roboter anspruchsvollere Spin- und Übungsszenarien als in vergleichbaren Arbeiten.Background: Robotic table tennis systems offer an ideal platform for pushing camera-based robotic manipulation systems to the limit. The unique challenge arises from the fast-paced play and the wide variation in spin and speed between strokes. The range of scenarios under which existing table tennis robots are able to operate is, however, limited, requiring slow play with low rotational velocity of the ball (spin). Research Goal: We aim to develop a table tennis robot system with learning capabilities able to handle spin against a human opponent. Methods: The robot system presented in this thesis consists of six components: ball position detection, ball spin detection, ball trajectory prediction, stroke parameter suggestion, robot trajectory generation, and robot control. For ball detection, the camera images pass through a conventional image processing pipeline. The ball’s 3D positions are determined using iterative triangulation and these are then used to estimate the current ball state (position and velocity). We propose three methods for estimating the spin. The first two methods estimate spin by analyzing the movement of the logo printed on the ball on high-resolution images using either conventional computer vision or convolutional neural networks. The final approach involves analyzing the trajectory of the ball using Magnus force fitting. Once the ball’s position, velocity, and spin are known, the future trajectory is predicted by forward-solving a physical ball model involving gravitational, drag, and Magnus forces. With the predicted ball state at hitting time as state input, we train a reinforcement learning algorithm to suggest the racket state at hitting time (stroke parameter). We use the Reflexxes library to generate a robot trajectory to achieve the suggested racket state. Results: Quantitative evaluation showed that all system components achieve results as good as or better than comparable robots. Regarding the research goal of this thesis, the robot was able to - maintain stable counter-hitting rallies of up to 60 balls with a human player, - return balls with different spin types (topspin and backspin) in the same rally, - learn multiple table tennis drills in just 200 strokes or fewer. Conclusion: Our spin detection system and reinforcement learning-based stroke parameter suggestion introduce significant algorithmic novelties. In contrast to previous work, our robot succeeds in more difficult spin scenarios and drills

    Intention Inference and Decision Making with Hierarchical Gaussian Process Dynamics Models

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    Anticipation is crucial for fluent human-robot interaction, which allows a robot to independently coordinate its actions with human beings in joint activities. An anticipatory robot relies on a predictive model of its human partners, and selects its own action according to the model's predictions. Intention inference and decision making are key elements towards such anticipatory robots. In this thesis, we present a machine-learning approach to intention inference and decision making, based on Hierarchical Gaussian Process Dynamics Models (H-GPDMs). We first introduce the H-GPDM, a class of generic latent-variable dynamics models. The H-GPDM represents the generative process of complex human movements that are directed by exogenous driving factors. Incorporating the exogenous variables in the dynamics model, the H-GPDM achieves improved interpretation, analysis, and prediction of human movements. While exact inference of the exogenous variables and the latent states is intractable, we introduce an approximate method using variational Bayesian inference, and demonstrate the merits of the H-GPDM in three different applications of human movement analysis. The H-GPDM lays a foundation for the following studies on intention inference and decision making. Intention inference is an essential step towards anticipatory robots. For this purpose, we consider a special case of the H-GPDM, the Intention-Driven Dynamics Model (IDDM), which considers the human partners' intention as exogenous driving factors. The IDDM is applicable to intention inference from observed movements using Bayes' theorem, where the latent state variables are marginalized out. As most robotics applications are subject to real-time constraints, we introduce an efficient online algorithm that allows for real-time intention inference. We show that the IDDM achieved state-of-the-art performance in intention inference using two human-robot interaction scenarios, i.e., target prediction for robot table tennis and action recognition for interactive robots. Decision making based on a time series of predictions allows a robot to be proactive in its action selection, which involves a trade-off between the accuracy and confidence of the prediction and the time for executing a selected action. To address the problem of action selection and optimal timing for initiating the movement, we formulate the anticipatory action selection using Partially Observable Markov Decision Process, where the H-GPDM is adopted to update belief state and to estimate transition model. We present two approaches to policy learning and decision making, and show their effectiveness using human-robot table tennis. In addition, we consider decision making solely based on the preference of the human partners, where observations are not sufficient for reliable intention inference. We formulate it as a repeated game and present a learning approach to safe strategies that exploit the humans' preferences. The learned strategy enables action selection when reliable intention inference is not available due to insufficient observation, e.g., for a robot to return served balls from a human table tennis player. In this thesis, we use human-robot table tennis as a running example, where a key bottleneck is the limited amount of time for executing a hitting movement. Movement initiation usually requires an early decision on the type of action, such as a forehand or backhand hitting movement, at least 80ms before the opponent has hit the ball. The robot, therefore, needs to be anticipatory and proactive of the opponent's intended target. Using the proposed methods, the robot can predict the intended target of the opponent and initiate an appropriate hitting movement according to the prediction. Experimental results show that the proposed intention inference and decision making methods can substantially enhance the capability of the robot table tennis player, using both a physically realistic simulation and a real Barrett WAM robot arm with seven degrees of freedom

    A Dynamical System-based Approach to Modeling Stable Robot Control Policies via Imitation Learning

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    Despite tremendous advances in robotics, we are still amazed by the proficiency with which humans perform movements. Even new waves of robotic systems still rely heavily on hardcoded motions with a limited ability to react autonomously and robustly to a dynamically changing environment. This thesis focuses on providing possible mechanisms to push the level of adaptivity, reactivity, and robustness of robotic systems closer to human movements. Specifically, it aims at developing these mechanisms for a subclass of robot motions called “reaching movements”, i.e. movements in space stopping at a given target (also referred to as episodic motions, discrete motions, or point-to-point motions). These reaching movements can then be used as building blocks to form more advanced robot tasks. To achieve a high level of proficiency as described above, this thesis particularly seeks to derive control policies that: 1) resemble human motions, 2) guarantee the accomplishment of the task (if the target is reachable), and 3) can instantly adapt to changes in dynamic environments. To avoid manually hardcoding robot motions, this thesis exploits the power of machine learning techniques and takes an Imitation Learning (IL) approach to build a generic model of robot movements from a few examples provided by an expert. To achieve the required level of robustness and reactivity, the perspective adopted in this thesis is that a reaching movement can be described with a nonlinear Dynamical System (DS). When building an estimate of DS from demonstrations, there are two key problems that need to be addressed: the problem of generating motions that resemble at best the demonstrations (the “how-to-imitate” problem), and most importantly, the problem of ensuring the accomplishment of the task, i.e. reaching the target (the “stability” problem). Although there are numerous well-established approaches in robotics that could answer each of these problems separately, tackling both problems simultaneously is challenging and has not been extensively studied yet. This thesis first tackles the problem mentioned above by introducing an iterative method to build an estimate of autonomous nonlinear DS that are formulated as a mixture of Gaussian functions. This method minimizes the number of Gaussian functions required for achieving both local asymptotic stability at the target and accuracy in following demonstrations. We then extend this formulation and provide sufficient conditions to ensure global asymptotic stability of autonomous DS at the target. In this approach, an estimation of the underlying DS is built by solving a constraint optimization problem, where the metric of accuracy and the stability conditions are formulated as the optimization objective and constraints, respectively. In addition to ensuring convergence of all motions to the target within the local or global stability regions, these approaches offer an inherent adaptability and robustness to changes in dynamic environments. This thesis further extends the previous approaches and ensures global asymptotic stability of DS-based motions at the target independently of the choice of the regression technique. Therefore, it offers the possibility to choose the most appropriate regression technique based on the requirements of the task at hand without compromising DS stability. This approach also provides the possibility of online learning and using a combination of two or more regression methods to model more advanced robot tasks, and can be applied to estimate motions that are represented with both autonomous and non-autonomous DS. Additionally, this thesis suggests a reformulation to modeling robot motions that allows encoding of a considerably wider set of tasks ranging from reaching movements to agile robot movements that require hitting a given target with a specific speed and direction. This approach is validated in the context of playing the challenging task of minigolf. Finally, the last part of this thesis proposes a DS-based approach to realtime obstacle avoidance. The presented approach provides a modulation that instantly modifies the robot’s motion to avoid collision with multiple static and moving convex obstacles. This approach can be applied on all the techniques described above without affecting their adaptability, swiftness, or robustness. The techniques that are developed in this thesis have been validated in simulation and on different robotic platforms including the humanoid robots HOAP-3 and iCub, and the robot arms KATANA, WAM, and LWR. Throughout this thesis we show that the DS-based approach to modeling robot discrete movements can offer a high level of adaptability, reactivity, and robustness almost effortlessly when interacting with dynamic environments

    Collaboration and integration : a method of advancing film sound based on the Coen brothers' use of sound and their mode of production. Volume 2

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    For the majority of cinema history, the film industry has treated sound as a less Integral ingredient In the filmmaking process. This has translated into working practices that have marginalised sound's contribution and have divided personnel. Joel and Ethan Coen's mode of production stands in contrast to a majority of those currently working in the film industry. They foreground sound's contribution by priming their scripts for sound, involving their sound personnel sooner and by encouraging close collaboration between those responsible for the soundtrack. The Coens' model serves as a way of highlighting sound's Importance and as way of generating more integrated soundtracks. As such, filmmakers should build upon their mode of production; a notion supported by other professionals and educational Institutions. By advocating this alternative way of working, future filmmakers can be encouraged to reassess sound's role in film construction.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo