17 research outputs found

    Adaptive service binding with lightweight semantic web services

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    [About the book]: Service-oriented systems are increasingly challenging traditional software engineering approaches including distribution, componentization, composition, requirements, specification, verification, and evolution. Continuous mutual impact between service-oriented computing and software engineering has been seen in the last decade, and can increasingly be witnessed. The book aims to introduce the state-of-the-art service engineering methods and on-going research efforts from the perspective of research results elaborated in European research projects. Essential problems such as service specification and service composition are addressed by innovative approaches. Emerging requirements of adaptive service and pervasive service are met with new infrastructures. The book provides an integrated vision of the most important research directions in service engineering. This book is intended for scientists to be inspired with new ideas, for researchers new to the exciting field of service engineering and provides a consolidated overview on service engineering, thus supporting practitioners to facilitate their service-oriented architectures

    Semantic web service search: a brief survey

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    Scalable means for the search of relevant web services are essential for the development of intelligent service-based applications in the future Internet. Key idea of semantic web services is to enable such applications to perform a high-precision search and automated composition of services based on formal ontology-based representations of service semantics. In this paper, we briefly survey the state of the art of semantic web service search

    EXPRESS: Resource-oriented and RESTful Semantic Web services

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    This thesis investigates an approach that simplifies the development of Semantic Web services (SWS) by removing the need for additional semantic descriptions.The most actively researched approaches to Semantic Web services introduce explicit semantic descriptions of services that are in addition to the existing semantic descriptions of the service domains. This increases their complexity and design overhead. The need for semantically describing the services in such approaches stems from their foundations in service-oriented computing, i.e. the extension of already existing service descriptions. This thesis demonstrates that adopting a resource-oriented approach based on REST will, in contrast to service-oriented approaches, eliminate the need for explicit semantic service descriptions and service vocabularies. This reduces the development efforts while retaining the significant functional capabilities.The approach proposed in this thesis, called EXPRESS (Expressing RESTful Semantic Services), utilises the similarities between REST and the Semantic Web, such as resource realisation, self-describing representations, and uniform interfaces. The semantics of a service is elicited from a resource’s semantic description in the domain ontology and the semantics of the uniform interface, hence eliminating the need for additional semantic descriptions. Moreover, stub-generation is a by-product of the mapping between entities in the domain ontology and resources.EXPRESS was developed to test the feasibility of eliminating explicit service descriptions and service vocabularies or ontologies, to explore the restrictions placed on domain ontologies as a result, to investigate the impact on the semantic quality of the description, and explore the benefits and costs to developers. To achieve this, an online demonstrator that allows users to generate stubs has been developed. In addition, a matchmaking experiment was conducted to show that the descriptions of the services are comparable to OWL-S in terms of their ability to be discovered, while improving the efficiency of discovery. Finally, an expert review was undertaken which provided evidence of EXPRESS’s simplicity and practicality when developing SWS from scratch

    Enhancement of the usability of SOA services for novice users

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    Recently, the automation of service integration has provided a significant advantage in delivering services to novice users. This art of integrating various services is known as Service Composition and its main purpose is to simplify the development process for web applications and facilitates reuse of services. It is one of the paradigms that enables services to end-users (i.e.service provisioning) through the outsourcing of web contents and it requires users to share and reuse services in more collaborative ways. Most service composers are effective at enabling integration of web contents, but they do not enable universal access across different groups of users. This is because, the currently existing content aggregators require complex interactions in order to create web applications (e.g., Web Service Business Process Execution Language (WS-BPEL)) as a result not all users are able to use such web tools. This trend demands changes in the web tools that end-users use to gain and share information, hence this research uses Mashups as a service composition technique to allow novice users to integrate publicly available Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) services, where there is a minimal active web application development. Mashups being the platforms that integrate disparate web Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to create user defined web applications; presents a great opportunity for service provisioning. However, their usability for novice users remains invalidated since Mashup tools are not easy to use they require basic programming skills which makes the process of designing and creating Mashups difficult. This is because Mashup tools access heterogeneous web contents using public web APIs and the process of integrating them become complex since web APIs are tailored by different vendors. Moreover, the design of Mashup editors is unnecessary complex; as a result, users do not know where to start when creating Mashups. This research address the gap between Mashup tools and usability by the designing and implementing a semantically enriched Mashup tool to discover, annotate and compose APIs to improve the utilization of SOA services by novice users. The researchers conducted an analysis of the already existing Mashup tools to identify challenges and weaknesses experienced by novice Mashup users. The findings from the requirement analysis formulated the system usability requirements that informed the design and implementation of the proposed Mashup tool. The proposed architecture addressed three layers: composition, annotation and discovery. The researchers developed a simple Mashup tool referred to as soa-Services Provisioner (SerPro) that allowed novice users to create web application flexibly. Its usability and effectiveness was validated. The proposed Mashup tool enhanced the usability of SOA services, since data analysis and results showed that it was usable to novice users by scoring a System Usability Scale (SUS) score of 72.08. Furthermore, this research discusses the research limitations and future work for further improvements

    Thinking outside the TBox multiparty service matchmaking as information retrieval

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    Service oriented computing is crucial to a large and growing number of computational undertakings. Central to its approach are the open and network-accessible services provided by many different organisations, and which in turn enable the easy creation of composite workflows. This leads to an environment containing many thousands of services, in which a programmer or automated composition system must discover and select services appropriate for the task at hand. This discovery and selection process is known as matchmaking. Prior work in the field has conceived the problem as one of sufficiently describing individual services using formal, symbolic knowledge representation languages. We review the prior work, and present arguments for why it is optimistic to assume that this approach will be adequate by itself. With these issues in mind, we examine how, by reformulating the task and giving the matchmaker a record of prior service performance, we can alleviate some of the problems. Using two formalisms—the incidence calculus and the lightweight coordination calculus—along with algorithms inspired by information retrieval techniques, we evolve a series of simple matchmaking agents that learn from experience how to select those services which performed well in the past, while making minimal demands on the service users. We extend this mechanism to the overlooked case of matchmaking in workflows using multiple services, selecting groups of services known to inter-operate well. We examine the performance of such matchmakers in possible future services environments, and discuss issues in applying such techniques in large-scale deployments

    Serendipitous web applications through semantic hypermedia

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    Serviceorientiertes Text Mining am Beispiel von Entitätsextrahierenden Diensten

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    Der Großteil des geschäftsrelevanten Wissens liegt heute als unstrukturierte Information in Form von Textdaten auf Internetseiten, in Office-Dokumenten oder Foreneinträgen vor. Zur Extraktion und Verwertung dieser unstrukturierten Informationen wurde eine Vielzahl von Text-Mining-Lösungen entwickelt. Viele dieser Systeme wurden in der jüngeren Vergangenheit als Webdienste zugänglich gemacht, um die Verwertung und Integration zu vereinfachen. Die Kombination verschiedener solcher Text-Mining-Dienste zur Lösung konkreter Extraktionsaufgaben erscheint vielversprechend, da so bestehende Stärken ausgenutzt, Schwächen der Systeme minimiert werden können und die Nutzung von Text-Mining-Lösungen vereinfacht werden kann. Die vorliegende Arbeit adressiert die flexible Kombination von Text-Mining-Diensten in einem serviceorientierten System und erweitert den Stand der Technik um gezielte Methoden zur Auswahl der Text-Mining-Dienste, zur Aggregation der Ergebnisse und zur Abbildung der eingesetzten Klassifikationsschemata. Zunächst wird die derzeit existierende Dienstlandschaft analysiert und aufbauend darauf eine Ontologie zur funktionalen Beschreibung der Dienste bereitgestellt, so dass die funktionsgesteuerte Auswahl und Kombination der Text-Mining-Dienste ermöglicht wird. Des Weiteren werden am Beispiel entitätsextrahierender Dienste Algorithmen zur qualitätssteigernden Kombination von Extraktionsergebnissen erarbeitet und umfangreich evaluiert. Die Arbeit wird durch zusätzliche Abbildungs- und Integrationsprozesse ergänzt, die eine Anwendbarkeit auch in heterogenen Dienstlandschaften, bei denen unterschiedliche Klassifikationsschemata zum Einsatz kommen, gewährleisten. Zudem werden Möglichkeiten der Übertragbarkeit auf andere Text-Mining-Methoden erörtert

    REST Testbed

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    Web Services, die gemäß dem Architekturstil REST entworfen werden, zeichnen sich durch Eigenschaften wie Interoperabilität, lose Kopplung, Wiederverwendbarkeit, Leistung und Skalierbarkeit aus. In verteilten Systemen werden deswegen oft REST-basierteWeb Services eingesetzt. Verteilte Systeme haben höhere Fehleranfälligkeit als Standalone-Anwendungen und diese Erkenntnis sollte beim Entwicklungsprozess durch ausreichende Testszenarien berücksichtigt werden. Bei der Entwicklung von REST-basierten Client-Anwendungen wird ein REST-basierter Web Service benötigt, um die Funktionalitäten der Client-Anwendung zu testen. In dieser Diplomarbeit werden Anforderungen an ein Testbed zum Testen von REST-basierten Client-Anwendungen gestellt. Es wird eine Architektur zu diesem Testbed entworfen und anschließend ein Testbed prototypisch implementiert. Bei der Entwicklung des Testbeds werden die Eigenschaften wie Erweiterbarkeit und Konfigurierbarkeit der Funktionalitäten des REST-basiertenWeb Services sichergestellt. Durch die berücksichtigte Erweiterbarkeit kann das Testbed leicht um neue Funktionalitäten ergänzt werden. Die Konfigurierbarkeit erlaubt das Anpassen der funktionalen und nicht-funktionalen Eigenschaften des Testbeds, um die Erfüllbarkeit der an eine Client-Anwendung gestellten funktionalen und nicht-funktionalen Anforderungen zu überprüfen