34,264 research outputs found

    Adaptive data augmentation for image classification

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    Data augmentation is the process of generating samples by transforming training data, with the target of improving the accuracy and robustness of classifiers. In this paper, we propose a new automatic and adaptive algorithm for choosing the transformations of the samples used in data augmentation. Specifically, for each sample, our main idea is to seek a small transformation that yields maximal classification loss on the transformed sample. We employ a trust-region optimization strategy, which consists of solving a sequence of linear programs. Our data augmentation scheme is then integrated into a Stochastic Gradient Descent algorithm for training deep neural networks. We perform experiments on two datasets, and show that that the proposed scheme outperforms random data augmentation algorithms in terms of accuracy and robustness, while yielding comparable or superior results with respect to existing selective sampling approaches

    Learning-Based Biharmonic Augmentation for Point Cloud Classification

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    Point cloud datasets often suffer from inadequate sample sizes in comparison to image datasets, making data augmentation challenging. While traditional methods, like rigid transformations and scaling, have limited potential in increasing dataset diversity due to their constraints on altering individual sample shapes, we introduce the Biharmonic Augmentation (BA) method. BA is a novel and efficient data augmentation technique that diversifies point cloud data by imposing smooth non-rigid deformations on existing 3D structures. This approach calculates biharmonic coordinates for the deformation function and learns diverse deformation prototypes. Utilizing a CoefNet, our method predicts coefficients to amalgamate these prototypes, ensuring comprehensive deformation. Moreover, we present AdvTune, an advanced online augmentation system that integrates adversarial training. This system synergistically refines the CoefNet and the classification network, facilitating the automated creation of adaptive shape deformations contingent on the learner status. Comprehensive experimental analysis validates the superiority of Biharmonic Augmentation, showcasing notable performance improvements over prevailing point cloud augmentation techniques across varied network designs

    Universal Adaptive Data Augmentation

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    Existing automatic data augmentation (DA) methods either ignore updating DA's parameters according to the target model's state during training or adopt update strategies that are not effective enough. In this work, we design a novel data augmentation strategy called "Universal Adaptive Data Augmentation" (UADA). Different from existing methods, UADA would adaptively update DA's parameters according to the target model's gradient information during training: given a pre-defined set of DA operations, we randomly decide types and magnitudes of DA operations for every data batch during training, and adaptively update DA's parameters along the gradient direction of the loss concerning DA's parameters. In this way, UADA can increase the training loss of the target networks, and the target networks would learn features from harder samples to improve the generalization. Moreover, UADA is very general and can be utilized in numerous tasks, e.g., image classification, semantic segmentation and object detection. Extensive experiments with various models are conducted on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, ImageNet, tiny-ImageNet, Cityscapes, and VOC07+12 to prove the significant performance improvements brought by our proposed adaptive augmentation.Comment: under submissio

    Improved Noisy Student Training for Automatic Speech Recognition

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    Recently, a semi-supervised learning method known as "noisy student training" has been shown to improve image classification performance of deep networks significantly. Noisy student training is an iterative self-training method that leverages augmentation to improve network performance. In this work, we adapt and improve noisy student training for automatic speech recognition, employing (adaptive) SpecAugment as the augmentation method. We find effective methods to filter, balance and augment the data generated in between self-training iterations. By doing so, we are able to obtain word error rates (WERs) 4.2%/8.6% on the clean/noisy LibriSpeech test sets by only using the clean 100h subset of LibriSpeech as the supervised set and the rest (860h) as the unlabeled set. Furthermore, we are able to achieve WERs 1.7%/3.4% on the clean/noisy LibriSpeech test sets by using the unlab-60k subset of LibriLight as the unlabeled set for LibriSpeech 960h. We are thus able to improve upon the previous state-of-the-art clean/noisy test WERs achieved on LibriSpeech 100h (4.74%/12.20%) and LibriSpeech (1.9%/4.1%).Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables; v2: minor revisions, reference adde
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