140 research outputs found

    Consensus-based Distributed Variational Multi-object Tracker in Multi-Sensor Network

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    The growing need for accurate and reliable tracking systems has driven significant progress in sensor fusion and object tracking techniques. In this paper, we design two variational Bayesian trackers that effectively track multiple targets in cluttered environments within a sensor network. We first present a centralised sensor fusion scheme, which involves transmitting sensor data to a fusion center. Then, we develop a distributed version leveraging the average consensus algorithm, which is theoretically equivalent to the centralised sensor fusion tracker and requires only local message passing with neighbouring sensors. In addition, we empirically verify that our proposed distributed variational tracker performs on par with the centralised version with equal tracking accuracy. Simulation results show that our distributed multi-target tracker outperforms the suboptimal distributed sensor fusion strategy that fuses each sensor's posterior based on arithmetic sensor fusion and an average consensus strategy

    A Digital Twin Empowered Lightweight Model Sharing Scheme for Multi-Robot Systems

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    Multi-robot system for manufacturing is an Industry Internet of Things (IIoT) paradigm with significant operational cost savings and productivity improvement, where Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are employed to control and implement collaborative productions without human intervention. This mission-critical system relies on 3-Dimension (3-D) scene recognition to improve operation accuracy in the production line and autonomous piloting. However, implementing 3-D point cloud learning, such as Pointnet, is challenging due to limited sensing and computing resources equipped with UAVs. Therefore, we propose a Digital Twin (DT) empowered Knowledge Distillation (KD) method to generate several lightweight learning models and select the optimal model to deploy on UAVs. With a digital replica of the UAVs preserved at the edge server, the DT system controls the model sharing network topology and learning model structure to improve recognition accuracy further. Moreover, we employ network calculus to formulate and solve the model sharing configuration problem toward minimal resource consumption, as well as convergence. Simulation experiments are conducted over a popular point cloud dataset to evaluate the proposed scheme. Experiment results show that the proposed model sharing scheme outperforms the individual model in terms of computing resource consumption and recognition accuracy

    Cooperative Control, Learning and Sensing in Mobile Sensor Networks

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    Mobile sensor networks (MSNs) have great potential in many applications including environment exploring and monitoring; search and rescue; cooperative detection of toxic chemicals, etc. Motivated by the broad and important applications of MSNs and inspired by the cooperative ability and the intelligence of fish schools and bird flocks, this dissertation develops cooperative control, learning and sensing algorithms in a distributed fashion for MSNs to realize coordinated motion control and intelligent situational awareness. The proposed algorithms can allow MSNs to track a moving target efficiently in cluttered environments and even when only a very small subset of the sensor nodes know the information of the target; adjust their size (shrink/recover) in order to adapt to complex environments while maintaining the network connectivity and topology; form a lattice structure and maintain the cohesion even when the measurements are corrupted by noise; track multiple moving targets simultaneously and efficiently in a dynamic fashion; learn to evade the enemy (predators) in a distributed fashion while maintaining the network connectivity and topology; estimate and build the map of a scalar field. We conducted several experiments using both simulation and real mobile robots to show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms. We also extended our framework to cooperative and active sensing in which the mobile sensors have the ability to adjust their movements to adapt to the environments in order to improve the sensing performance in a distributed fashion.School of Electrical & Computer Engineerin

    Formation Control and Reconfiguration Strategy of Multi-Agent Systems

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    Multi-agent systems consist of multiple agents, which detect and interact with their local environments. The formation control strategy is studied to drive multi-agent systems to predefined formations. The process is important because the objective formation is designed such that the group achieves more than the sum of its individuals. In this thesis, we consider formation control strategies and reconfiguration strategy for multi-agent systems. The main research contents are as follows. A formation control scheme is proposed for a group of elliptical agents to achieve a predefined formation. The agents are assumed to have the same dynamics, and communication among the agents limited. The desired formation is realized based on the reference formation and the mapping decision. In the controller design, searching algorithms for both cases of minimum distance and tangents are established for each agent and its neighbors. In order to avoid collision, an optimal path planning algorithm based on collision angles, and a self-center-based rotation algorithm are also proposed. Moreover, randomized method is used to provide the optimal mapping decision for the underlying system. To optimize the former formation control scheme, an adaptive formation control strategy is developed. The multiple elliptical agents can form a predefined formation in any 2D space. The controller is based on the neighborhood of each agent and the optimal mapping decision for the whole group. The collision-free algorithm is built based on direction and distance of avoidance group of each agent. The controller for each agent is adaptive based on the number of elements in its avoidance group, the minimum distance it has and its desired moving distance. The proposed adaptive mapping scheme calculates the repetition rate of optimal mappings in screening group of mapping decisions. The new optimal mapping is constructed by the fixed repeating elements in former mappings and the reorganized elements which are not the same in each optimal mappings based on the screening group. An event-triggered probability-driven control scheme is also investigated for a group of elliptical agents to achieve a predefined formation. The agents are assumed to have the same dynamics, and the control law for each agent is only updated at its event sequence based on its own minimum collision time and deviation time. The collision time of each agent is obtained based on the position and velocity of the others, and the deviation time is linked with the distance between its current position and desired position. The probabilitydriven controller is designed to prevent the stuck problem among agents. The stuck problem for the group means that when the distance between vi agents is too close and their moving directions are crossed, the control input with deterministic direction will cause the agents not to move or to move slowly. To optimize the event-triggered probability-driven controller, a mappingadaptive strategy and an angle-adaptive scheme are also developed. The mapping-adaptive strategy is used to find the optimal mapping to decrease the sum of the moving distance for the whole group, while the angle-adaptive scheme is employed to let the distance between any two elliptical agents is large enough to further ensure there is no collision existed during execution. Reconfiguration strategy is considered for multiple predefined formations. A two-stage reconfiguration strategy is proposed for a group of agents to find its special formation, which can be seen as transition of the predefined formations, during idle time in order to minimize the reconfiguration time. The basic reconfiguration strategy combines with a random mapping algorithm to find optimal special formation. To meet the practical requirements, agents are modeled as circles or ellipses. The anti-overlapping strategies are built to construct the achievable special formation based on the geometric properties of circle and ellipse.Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, 202

    Nonparametric Message Passing Methods for Cooperative Localization and Tracking

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    The objective of this thesis is the development of cooperative localization and tracking algorithms using nonparametric message passing techniques. In contrast to the most well-known techniques, the goal is to estimate the posterior probability density function (PDF) of the position of each sensor. This problem can be solved using Bayesian approach, but it is intractable in general case. Nevertheless, the particle-based approximation (via nonparametric representation), and an appropriate factorization of the joint PDFs (using message passing methods), make Bayesian approach acceptable for inference in sensor networks. The well-known method for this problem, nonparametric belief propagation (NBP), can lead to inaccurate beliefs and possible non-convergence in loopy networks. Therefore, we propose four novel algorithms which alleviate these problems: nonparametric generalized belief propagation (NGBP) based on junction tree (NGBP-JT), NGBP based on pseudo-junction tree (NGBP-PJT), NBP based on spanning trees (NBP-ST), and uniformly-reweighted NBP (URW-NBP). We also extend NBP for cooperative localization in mobile networks. In contrast to the previous methods, we use an optional smoothing, provide a novel communication protocol, and increase the efficiency of the sampling techniques. Moreover, we propose novel algorithms for distributed tracking, in which the goal is to track the passive object which cannot locate itself. In particular, we develop distributed particle filtering (DPF) based on three asynchronous belief consensus (BC) algorithms: standard belief consensus (SBC), broadcast gossip (BG), and belief propagation (BP). Finally, the last part of this thesis includes the experimental analysis of some of the proposed algorithms, in which we found that the results based on real measurements are very similar with the results based on theoretical models

    Proceedings of the Third Edition of the Annual Conference on Wireless On-demand Network Systems and Services (WONS 2006)

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    Ce fichier regroupe en un seul documents l'ensemble des articles accéptés pour la conférences WONS2006/http://citi.insa-lyon.fr/wons2006/index.htmlThis year, 56 papers were submitted. From the Open Call submissions we accepted 16 papers as full papers (up to 12 pages) and 8 papers as short papers (up to 6 pages). All the accepted papers will be presented orally in the Workshop sessions. More precisely, the selected papers have been organized in 7 session: Channel access and scheduling, Energy-aware Protocols, QoS in Mobile Ad-Hoc networks, Multihop Performance Issues, Wireless Internet, Applications and finally Security Issues. The papers (and authors) come from all parts of the world, confirming the international stature of this Workshop. The majority of the contributions are from Europe (France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland, UK). However, a significant number is from Australia, Brazil, Canada, Iran, Korea and USA. The proceedings also include two invited papers. We take this opportunity to thank all the authors who submitted their papers to WONS 2006. You helped make this event again a success

    Swarm intelligence techniques for optimization and management tasks insensor networks

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    The main contributions of this thesis are located in the domain of wireless sensor netorks. More in detail, we introduce energyaware algorithms and protocols in the context of the following topics: self-synchronized duty-cycling in networks with energy harvesting capabilities, distributed graph coloring and minimum energy broadcasting with realistic antennas. In the following, we review the research conducted in each case. We propose a self-synchronized duty-cycling mechanism for sensor networks. This mechanism is based on the working and resting phases of natural ant colonies, which show self-synchronized activity phases. The main goal of duty-cycling methods is to save energy by efficiently alternating between different states. In the case at hand, we considered two different states: the sleep state, where communications are not possible and energy consumption is low; and the active state, where communication result in a higher energy consumption. In order to test the model, we conducted an extensive experimentation with synchronous simulations on mobile networks and static networks, and also considering asynchronous networks. Later, we extended this work by assuming a broader point of view and including a comprehensive study of the parameters. In addition, thanks to a collaboration with the Technical University of Braunschweig, we were able to test our algorithm in the real sensor network simulator Shawn (http://shawn.sf.net). The second part of this thesis is devoted to the desynchronization of wireless sensor nodes and its application to the distributed graph coloring problem. In particular, our research is inspired by the calling behavior of Japanese tree frogs, whose males use their calls to attract females. Interestingly, as female frogs are only able to correctly localize the male frogs when their calls are not too close in time, groups of males that are located nearby each other desynchronize their calls. Based on a model of this behavior from the literature, we propose a novel algorithm with applications to the field of sensor networks. More in detail, we analyzed the ability of the algorithm to desynchronize neighboring nodes. Furthermore, we considered extensions of the original model, hereby improving its desynchronization capabilities.To illustrate the potential benefits of desynchronized networks, we then focused on distributed graph coloring. Later, we analyzed the algorithm more extensively and show its performance on a larger set of benchmark instances. The classical minimum energy broadcast (MEB) problem in wireless ad hoc networks, which is well-studied in the scientific literature, considers an antenna model that allows the adjustment of the transmission power to any desired real value from zero up to the maximum transmission power level. However, when specifically considering sensor networks, a look at the currently available hardware shows that this antenna model is not very realistic. In this work we re-formulate the MEB problem for an antenna model that is realistic for sensor networks. In this antenna model transmission power levels are chosen from a finite set of possible ones. A further contribution concerns the adaptation of an ant colony optimization algorithm --currently being the state of the art for the classical MEB problem-- to the more realistic problem version, the so-called minimum energy broadcast problem with realistic antennas (MEBRA). The obtained results show that the advantage of ant colony optimization over classical heuristics even grows when the number of possible transmission power levels decreases. Finally we build a distributed version of the algorithm, which also compares quite favorably against centralized heuristics from the literature.Las principles contribuciones de esta tesis se encuentran en el domino de las redes de sensores inalámbricas. Más en detalle, introducimos algoritmos y protocolos que intentan minimizar el consumo energético para los siguientes problemas: gestión autosincronizada de encendido y apagado de sensores con capacidad para obtener energía del ambiente, coloreado de grafos distribuido y broadcasting de consumo mínimo en entornos con antenas reales. En primer lugar, proponemos un sistema capaz de autosincronizar los ciclos de encendido y apagado de los nodos de una red de sensores. El mecanismo está basado en las fases de trabajo y reposo de las colonias de hormigas tal y como estas pueden observarse en la naturaleza, es decir, con fases de actividad autosincronizadas. El principal objectivo de este tipo de técnicas es ahorrar energía gracias a alternar estados de forma eficiente. En este caso en concreto, consideramos dos estados diferentes: el estado dormido, en el que los nodos no pueden comunicarse y el consumo energético es bajo; y el estado activo, en el que las comunicaciones propician un consumo energético elevado. Con el objetivo de probar el modelo, se ha llevado a cabo una extensa experimentación que incluye tanto simulaciones síncronas en redes móviles y estáticas, como simulaciones en redes asíncronas. Además, este trabajo se extendió asumiendo un punto de vista más amplio e incluyendo un detallado estudio de los parámetros del algoritmo. Finalmente, gracias a la colaboración con la Technical University of Braunschweig, tuvimos la oportunidad de probar el mecanismo en el simulador realista de redes de sensores, Shawn (http://shawn.sf.net). La segunda parte de esta tesis está dedicada a la desincronización de nodos en redes de sensores y a su aplicación al problema del coloreado de grafos de forma distribuida. En particular, nuestra investigación está inspirada por el canto de las ranas de árbol japonesas, cuyos machos utilizan su canto para atraer a las hembras. Resulta interesante que debido a que las hembras solo son capaces de localizar las ranas macho cuando sus cantos no están demasiado cerca en el tiempo, los grupos de machos que se hallan en una misma región desincronizan sus cantos. Basado en un modelo de este comportamiento que se encuentra en la literatura, proponemos un nuevo algoritmo con aplicaciones al campo de las redes de sensores. Más en detalle, analizamos la habilidad del algoritmo para desincronizar nodos vecinos. Además, consideramos extensiones del modelo original, mejorando su capacidad de desincronización. Para ilustrar los potenciales beneficios de las redes desincronizadas, nos centramos en el problema del coloreado de grafos distribuido que tiene relación con diferentes tareas habituales en redes de sensores. El clásico problema del broadcasting de consumo mínimo en redes ad hoc ha sido bien estudiado en la literatura. El problema considera un modelo de antena que permite transmitir a cualquier potencia elegida (hasta un máximo establecido por el dispositivo). Sin embargo, cuando se trabaja de forma específica con redes de sensores, un vistazo al hardware actualmente disponible muestra que este modelo de antena no es demasiado realista. En este trabajo reformulamos el problema para el modelo de antena más habitual en redes de sensores. En este modelo, los niveles de potencia de transmisión se eligen de un conjunto finito de posibilidades. La siguiente contribución consiste en en la adaptación de un algoritmo de optimización por colonias de hormigas a la versión más realista del problema, también conocida como broadcasting de consumo mínimo con antenas realistas. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la ventaja de este método sobre heurísticas clásicas incluso crece cuando el número de posibles potencias de transmisión decrece. Además, se ha presentado una versión distribuida del algoritmo, que también se compara de forma bastante favorable contra las heurísticas centralizadas conocidas

    Contextual Social Networking

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    The thesis centers around the multi-faceted research question of how contexts may be detected and derived that can be used for new context aware Social Networking services and for improving the usefulness of existing Social Networking services, giving rise to the notion of Contextual Social Networking. In a first foundational part, we characterize the closely related fields of Contextual-, Mobile-, and Decentralized Social Networking using different methods and focusing on different detailed aspects. A second part focuses on the question of how short-term and long-term social contexts as especially interesting forms of context for Social Networking may be derived. We focus on NLP based methods for the characterization of social relations as a typical form of long-term social contexts and on Mobile Social Signal Processing methods for deriving short-term social contexts on the basis of geometry of interaction and audio. We furthermore investigate, how personal social agents may combine such social context elements on various levels of abstraction. The third part discusses new and improved context aware Social Networking service concepts. We investigate special forms of awareness services, new forms of social information retrieval, social recommender systems, context aware privacy concepts and services and platforms supporting Open Innovation and creative processes. This version of the thesis does not contain the included publications because of copyrights of the journals etc. Contact in terms of the version with all included publications: Georg Groh, [email protected] zentrale Gegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die vielschichtige Frage, wie Kontexte detektiert und abgeleitet werden können, die dazu dienen können, neuartige kontextbewusste Social Networking Dienste zu schaffen und bestehende Dienste in ihrem Nutzwert zu verbessern. Die (noch nicht abgeschlossene) erfolgreiche Umsetzung dieses Programmes führt auf ein Konzept, das man als Contextual Social Networking bezeichnen kann. In einem grundlegenden ersten Teil werden die eng zusammenhängenden Gebiete Contextual Social Networking, Mobile Social Networking und Decentralized Social Networking mit verschiedenen Methoden und unter Fokussierung auf verschiedene Detail-Aspekte näher beleuchtet und in Zusammenhang gesetzt. Ein zweiter Teil behandelt die Frage, wie soziale Kurzzeit- und Langzeit-Kontexte als für das Social Networking besonders interessante Formen von Kontext gemessen und abgeleitet werden können. Ein Fokus liegt hierbei auf NLP Methoden zur Charakterisierung sozialer Beziehungen als einer typischen Form von sozialem Langzeit-Kontext. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt liegt auf Methoden aus dem Mobile Social Signal Processing zur Ableitung sinnvoller sozialer Kurzzeit-Kontexte auf der Basis von Interaktionsgeometrien und Audio-Daten. Es wird ferner untersucht, wie persönliche soziale Agenten Kontext-Elemente verschiedener Abstraktionsgrade miteinander kombinieren können. Der dritte Teil behandelt neuartige und verbesserte Konzepte für kontextbewusste Social Networking Dienste. Es werden spezielle Formen von Awareness Diensten, neue Formen von sozialem Information Retrieval, Konzepte für kontextbewusstes Privacy Management und Dienste und Plattformen zur Unterstützung von Open Innovation und Kreativität untersucht und vorgestellt. Diese Version der Habilitationsschrift enthält die inkludierten Publikationen zurVermeidung von Copyright-Verletzungen auf Seiten der Journals u.a. nicht. Kontakt in Bezug auf die Version mit allen inkludierten Publikationen: Georg Groh, [email protected]

    Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

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    Being infrastructure-less and without central administration control, wireless ad-hoc networking is playing a more and more important role in extending the coverage of traditional wireless infrastructure (cellular networks, wireless LAN, etc). This book includes state-of-the-art techniques and solutions for wireless ad-hoc networks. It focuses on the following topics in ad-hoc networks: quality-of-service and video communication, routing protocol and cross-layer design. A few interesting problems about security and delay-tolerant networks are also discussed. This book is targeted to provide network engineers and researchers with design guidelines for large scale wireless ad hoc networks