85 research outputs found

    Stay-At-Home Motor Rehabilitation: Optimizing Spatiotemporal Learning on Low-Cost Capacitive Sensor Arrays

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    Repeated, consistent, and precise gesture performance is a key part of recovery for stroke and other motor-impaired patients. Close professional supervision to these exercises is also essential to ensure proper neuromotor repair, which consumes a large amount of medical resources. Gesture recognition systems are emerging as stay-at-home solutions to this problem, but the best solutions are expensive, and the inexpensive solutions are not universal enough to tackle patient-to-patient variability. While many methods have been studied and implemented, the gesture recognition system designer does not have a strategy to effectively predict the right method to fit the needs of a patient. This thesis establishes such a strategy by outlining the strengths and weaknesses of several spatiotemporal learning architectures combined with deep learning, specifically when low-cost, low-resolution capacitive sensor arrays are used. This is done by testing the immunity and robustness of those architectures to the type of variability that is common among stroke patients, investigating select hyperparameters and their impact on the architectures’ training progressions, and comparing test performance in different applications and scenarios. The models analyzed here are trained on a mixture of high-quality, healthy gestures and personalized, imperfectly performed gestures using a low-cost recognition system

    Tactile and Touchless Sensors Printed on Flexible Textile Substrates for Gesture Recognition

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    Tesis por compendio[EN] The main objective of this thesis is the development of new sensors and actuators using Printed Electronics technology. For this, conductive, semiconductor and dielectric polymeric materials are used on flexible and/or elastic substrates. By means of suitable designs and application processes, it is possible to manufacture sensors capable of interacting with the environment. In this way, specific sensing functionalities can be incorporated into the substrates, such as textile fabrics. Additionally, it is necessary to include electronic systems capable of processing the data obtained, as well as its registration. In the development of these sensors and actuators, the physical properties of the different materials are precisely combined. For this, multilayer structures are designed where the properties of some materials interact with those of others. The result is a sensor capable of capturing physical variations of the environment, and convert them into signals that can be processed, and finally transformed into data. On the one hand, a tactile sensor printed on textile substrate for 2D gesture recognition was developed. This sensor consists of a matrix composed of small capacitive sensors based on a capacitor type structure. These sensors were designed in such a way that, if a finger or other object with capacitive properties, gets close enough, its behaviour varies, and it can be measured. The small sensors are arranged in this matrix as in a grid. Each sensor has a position that is determined by a row and a column. The capacity of each small sensor is periodically measured in order to assess whether significant variations have been produced. For this, it is necessary to convert the sensor capacity into a value that is subsequently digitally processed. On the other hand, to improve the effectiveness in the use of the developed 2D touch sensors, the way of incorporating an actuator system was studied. Thereby, the user receives feedback that the order or action was recognized. To achieve this, the capacitive sensor grid was complemented with an electroluminescent screen printed as well. The final prototype offers a solution that combines a 2D tactile sensor with an electroluminescent actuator on a printed textile substrate. Next, the development of a 3D gesture sensor was carried out using a combination of sensors also printed on textile substrate. In this type of 3D sensor, a signal is sent generating an electric field on the sensors. This is done using a transmission electrode located very close to them. The generated field is received by the reception sensors and converted to electrical signals. For this, the sensors are based on electrodes that act as receivers. If a person places their hands within the emission area, a disturbance of the electric field lines is created. This is due to the deviation of the lines to ground using the intrinsic conductivity of the human body. This disturbance affects the signals received by the electrodes. Variations captured by all electrodes are processed together and can determine the position and movement of the hand on the sensor surface. Finally, the development of an improved 3D gesture sensor was carried out. As in the previous development, the sensor allows contactless gesture detection, but increasing the detection range. In addition to printed electronic technology, two other textile manufacturing technologies were evaluated.[ES] La presente tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo fundamental el desarrollo de nuevos sensores y actuadores empleando la tecnología electrónica impresa, también conocida como Printed Electronics. Para ello, se emplean materiales poliméricos conductores, semiconductores y dieléctricos sobre sustratos flexibles y/o elásticos. Por medio de diseños y procesos de aplicación adecuados, es posible fabricar sensores capaces de interactuar con el entorno. De este modo, se pueden incorporar a los sustratos, como puedan ser tejidos textiles, funcionalidades específicas de medición del entorno y de respuesta ante cambios de este. Adicionalmente, es necesario incluir sistemas electrónicos, capaces de realizar el procesado de los datos obtenidos, así como de su registro. En el desarrollo de estos sensores y actuadores se combinan las propiedades físicas de los diferentes materiales de forma precisa. Para ello, se diseñan estructuras multicapa donde las propiedades de unos materiales interaccionan con las de los demás. El resultado es un sensor capaz de captar variaciones físicas del entorno, y convertirlas en señales que pueden ser procesadas y transformadas finalmente en datos. Por una parte, se ha desarrollado un sensor táctil impreso sobre sustrato textil para reconocimiento de gestos en 2D. Este sensor se compone de una matriz formada por pequeños sensores capacitivos basados en estructura de tipo condensador. Estos se han diseñado de forma que, si un dedo u otro objeto con propiedades capacitivas se aproxima suficientemente, su comportamiento varía, pudiendo ser medido. Los pequeños sensores están ordenados en dicha matriz como en una cuadrícula. Cada sensor tiene una posición que viene determinada por una fila y por una columna. Periódicamente se mide la capacidad de cada pequeño sensor con el fin de evaluar si ha sufrido variaciones significativas. Para ello es necesario convertir la capacidad del sensor en un valor que posteriormente es procesado digitalmente. Por otro lado, con el fin de mejorar la efectividad en el uso de los sensores táctiles 2D desarrollados, se ha estudiado el modo de incorporar un sistema actuador. De esta forma, el usuario recibe una retroalimentación indicando que la orden o acción ha sido reconocida. Para ello, se ha complementado la matriz de sensores capacitivos con una pantalla electroluminiscente también impresa. El resultado final ofrece una solución que combina un sensor táctil 2D con un actuador electroluminiscente realizado mediante impresión electrónica sobre sustrato textil. Posteriormente, se ha llevado a cabo el desarrollo de un sensor de gestos 3D empleando una combinación de sensores impresos también sobre sustrato textil. En este tipo de sensor 3D, se envía una señal que genera un campo eléctrico sobre los sensores impresos. Esto se lleva a cabo mediante un electrodo de transmisión situado muy cerca de ellos. El campo generado es recibido por los sensores y convertido a señales eléctricas. Para ello, los sensores se basan en electrodos que actúan de receptores. Si una persona coloca su mano dentro del área de emisión, se crea una perturbación de las líneas de los campos eléctricos. Esto es debido a la desviación de las líneas de campo a tierra utilizando la conductividad intrínseca del cuerpo humano. Esta perturbación cambia/afecta a las señales recibidas por los electrodos. Las variaciones captadas por todos los electrodos son procesadas de forma conjunta pudiendo determinar la posición y el movimiento de la mano sobre la superficie del sensor. Finalmente, se ha llevado a cabo el desarrollo de un sensor de gestos 3D mejorado. Al igual que el desarrollo anterior, permite la detección de gestos sin necesidad de contacto, pero incrementando la distancia de alcance. Además de la tecnología de impresión electrónica, se ha evaluado el empleo de otras dos tecnologías de fabricación textil.[CA] La present tesi doctoral té com a objectiu fonamental el desenvolupament de nous sensors i actuadors fent servir la tecnologia de electrònica impresa, també coneguda com Printed Electronics. Es va fer us de materials polimèrics conductors, semiconductors i dielèctrics sobre substrats flexibles i/o elàstics. Per mitjà de dissenys i processos d'aplicació adequats, és possible fabricar sensors capaços d'interactuar amb l'entorn. D'aquesta manera, es poden incorporar als substrats, com ara teixits tèxtils, funcionalitats específiques de mesurament de l'entorn i de resposta davant canvis d'aquest. Addicionalment, és necessari incloure sistemes electrònics, capaços de realitzar el processament de les dades obtingudes, així com del seu registre. En el desenvolupament d'aquests sensors i actuadors es combinen les propietats físiques dels diferents materials de forma precisa. Cal dissenyar estructures multicapa on les propietats d'uns materials interaccionen amb les de la resta. manera El resultat es un sensor capaç de captar variacions físiques de l'entorn, i convertirles en senyals que poden ser processades i convertides en dades. D'una banda, s'ha desenvolupat un sensor tàctil imprès sobre substrat tèxtil per a reconeixement de gestos en 2D. Aquest sensor es compon d'una matriu formada amb petits sensors capacitius basats en una estructura de tipus condensador. Aquests s'han dissenyat de manera que, si un dit o un altre objecte amb propietats capacitives s'aproxima prou, el seu comportament varia, podent ser mesurat. Els petits sensors estan ordenats en aquesta matriu com en una quadrícula. Cada sensor té una posició que ve determinada per una fila i per una columna. Periòdicament es mesura la capacitat de cada petit sensor per tal d'avaluar si ha sofert variacions significatives. Per a això cal convertir la capacitat del sensor a un valor que posteriorment és processat digitalment. D'altra banda, per tal de millorar l'efectivitat en l'ús dels sensors tàctils 2D desenvolupats, s'ha estudiat la manera d'incorporar un sistema actuador. D'aquesta forma, l'usuari rep una retroalimentació indicant que l'ordre o acció ha estat reconeguda. Per a això, s'ha complementat la matriu de sensors capacitius amb una pantalla electroluminescent també impresa. El resultat final ofereix una solució que combina un sensor tàctil 2D amb un actuador electroluminescent realitzat mitjançant impressió electrònica sobre substrat tèxtil. Posteriorment, s'ha dut a terme el desenvolupament d'un sensor de gestos 3D emprant una combinació d'un mínim de sensors impresos també sobre substrat tèxtil. En aquest tipus de sensor 3D, s'envia un senyal que genera un camp elèctric sobre els sensors impresos. Això es porta a terme mitjançant un elèctrode de transmissió situat molt a proper a ells. El camp generat és rebut pels sensors i convertit a senyals elèctrics. Per això, els sensors es basen en elèctrodes que actuen de receptors. Si una persona col·loca la seva mà dins de l'àrea d'emissió, es crea una pertorbació de les línies dels camps elèctrics. Això és a causa de la desviació de les línies de camp a terra utilitzant la conductivitat intrínseca de el cos humà. Aquesta pertorbació afecta als senyals rebudes pels elèctrodes. Les variacions captades per tots els elèctrodes són processades de manera conjunta per determinar la posició i el moviment de la mà sobre la superfície del sensor. Finalment, s'ha dut a terme el desenvolupament d'un sensor de gestos 3D millorat. A l'igual que el desenvolupament anterior, permet la detecció de gestos sense necessitat de contacte, però incrementant la distància d'abast. A més a més de la tecnologia d'impressió electrònica, s'ha avaluat emprar altres dues tecnologies de fabricació tèxtil.Ferri Pascual, J. (2020). Tactile and Touchless Sensors Printed on Flexible Textile Substrates for Gesture Recognition [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/153075TESISCompendi

    Automotive gestures recognition based on capacitive sensing

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e ComputadoresDriven by technological advancements, vehicles have steadily increased in sophistication, specially in the way drivers and passengers interact with their vehicles. For example, the BMW 7 series driver-controlled systems, contains over 700 functions. Whereas, it makes easier to navigate streets, talk on phone and more, this may lead to visual distraction, since when paying attention to a task not driving related, the brain focus on that activity. That distraction is, according to studies, the third cause of accidents, only surpassed by speeding and drunk driving. Driver distraction is stressed as the main concern by regulators, in particular, National Highway Transportation Safety Agency (NHTSA), which is developing recommended limits for the amount of time a driver needs to spend glancing away from the road to operate in-car features. Diverting attention from driving can be fatal; therefore, automakers have been challenged to design safer and comfortable human-machine interfaces (HMIs) without missing the latest technological achievements. This dissertation aims to mitigate driver distraction by developing a gestural recognition system that allows the user a more comfortable and intuitive experience while driving. The developed system outlines the algorithms to recognize gestures using the capacitive technology.Impulsionados pelos avanços tecnológicos, os automóveis tem de forma continua aumentado em complexidade, sobretudo na forma como os conductores e passageiros interagem com os seus veículos. Por exemplo, os sistemas controlados pelo condutor do BMW série 7 continham mais de 700 funções. Embora, isto facilite a navegação entre locais, falar ao telemóvel entre outros, isso pode levar a uma distração visual, já que ao prestar atenção a uma tarefa não relacionados com a condução, o cérebro se concentra nessa atividade. Essa distração é, de acordo com os estudos, a terceira causa de acidentes, apenas ultrapassada pelo excesso de velocidade e condução embriagada. A distração do condutor é realçada como a principal preocupação dos reguladores, em particular, a National Highway Transportation Safety Agency (NHTSA), que está desenvolvendo os limites recomendados para a quantidade de tempo que um condutor precisa de desviar o olhar da estrada para controlar os sistemas do carro. Desviar a atenção da conducção, pode ser fatal; portanto, os fabricante de automóveis têm sido desafiados a projetar interfaces homemmáquina (HMIs) mais seguras e confortáveis, sem perder as últimas conquistas tecnológicas. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo minimizar a distração do condutor, desenvolvendo um sistema de reconhecimento gestual que permite ao utilizador uma experiência mais confortável e intuitiva ao conduzir. O sistema desenvolvido descreve os algoritmos de reconhecimento de gestos usando a tecnologia capacitiva.It is worth noting that this work has been financially supported by the Portugal Incentive System for Research and Technological Development in scope of the projects in co-promotion number 036265/2013 (HMIExcel 2013-2015), number 002814/2015 (iFACTORY 2015-2018) and number 002797/2015 (INNOVCAR 2015-2018)

    Unsupervised Embedded Gesture Recognition Based on Multi-objective NAS and Capacitive Sensing

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    Gesture recognition has become pervasive in many interactive environments. Recognition based on Neural Networks often reaches higher recognition rates than competing methods at a cost of a higher computational complexity that becomes very challenging in low resource computing platforms such as microcontrollers. New optimization methodologies, such as quantization and Neural Architecture Search are steps forward for the development of embeddable networks. In addition, as neural networks are commonly used in a supervised fashion, labeling tends to include bias in the model. Unsupervised methods allow for performing tasks as classification without depending on labeling. In this work, we present an embedded and unsupervised gesture recognition system, composed of a neural network autoencoder and K-Means clustering algorithm and optimized through a state-of-the-art multi- objective NAS. The present method allows for a method to develop, deploy and perform unsupervised classification in low resource embedded devices

    Recent progress in piezotronic sensors based on one-dimensional zinc oxide nanostructures and its regularly ordered arrays: from design to application

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    Piezotronic sensors and self-powered gadgets are highly sought-after for flexible, wearable, and intelligent electronics for their applications in cutting-edge healthcare and human-machine interfaces. With the advantages of a well-known piezoelectric effect, excellent mechanical properties, and emerging nanotechnology applications, one-dimensional (1D) ZnO nanostructures organized in the form of a regular array have been regarded as one of the most promising inorganic active materials for piezotronics. This report intends to review the recent developments of 1D ZnO nanostructure arrays for multifunctional piezotronic sensors. Prior to discussing rational design and fabrication approaches for piezotronic devices in precisely controlled dimensions, well-established synthesis methods for high-quality and well-controlled 1D ZnO nanostructures are addressed. The challenges associated with the well-aligned, site-specific synthesis of 1D ZnO nanostructures, development trends of piezotronic devices, advantages of an ordered array of 1D ZnO in device performances, exploring new sensing mechanisms, incorporating new functionalities by constructing heterostructures, the development of novel flexible device integration technology, the deployment of novel synergistic strategies in piezotronic device performances, and potential multifunctional applications are covered. A brief evaluation of the end products, such as small-scale miniaturized unconventional power sources in sensors, high-resolution image sensors, and personalized healthcare medical devices, is also included. The paper is summarized towards the conclusion by outlining the present difficulties and promising future directions. This study will provide guidance for future research directions in 1D ZnO nanostructure-based piezotronics, which will hasten the development of multifunctional devices, sensors, chips for human-machine interfaces, displays, and self-powered systems

    Application and validation of capacitive proximity sensing systems in smart environments

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    Smart environments feature a number of computing and sensing devices that support occupants in performing their tasks. In the last decades there has been a multitude of advances in miniaturizing sensors and computers, while greatly increasing their performance. As a result new devices are introduced into our daily lives that have a plethora of functions. Gathering information about the occupants is fundamental in adapting the smart environment according to preference and situation. There is a large number of different sensing devices available that can provide information about the user. They include cameras, accelerometers, GPS, acoustic systems, or capacitive sensors. The latter use the properties of an electric field to sense presence and properties of conductive objects within range. They are commonly employed in finger-controlled touch screens that are present in billions of devices. A less common variety is the capacitive proximity sensor. It can detect the presence of the human body over a distance, providing interesting applications in smart environments. Choosing the right sensor technology is an important decision in designing a smart environment application. Apart from looking at previous use cases, this process can be supported by providing more formal methods. In this work I present a benchmarking model that is designed to support this decision process for applications in smart environments. Previous benchmarks for pervasive systems have been adapted towards sensors systems and include metrics that are specific for smart environments. Based on distinct sensor characteristics, different ratings are used as weighting factors in calculating a benchmarking score. The method is verified using popularity matching in two scientific databases. Additionally, there are extensions to cope with central tendency bias and normalization with regards to average feature rating. Four relevant application areas are identified by applying this benchmark to applications in smart environments and capacitive proximity sensors. They are indoor localization, smart appliances, physiological sensing and gesture interaction. Any application area has a set of challenges regarding the required sensor technology, layout of the systems, and processing that can be tackled using various new or improved methods. I will present a collection of existing and novel methods that support processing data generated by capacitive proximity sensors. These are in the areas of sparsely distributed sensors, model-driven fitting methods, heterogeneous sensor systems, image-based processing and physiological signal processing. To evaluate the feasibility of these methods, several prototypes have been created and tested for performance and usability. Six of them are presented in detail. Based on these evaluations and the knowledge generated in the design process, I am able to classify capacitive proximity sensing in smart environments. This classification consists of a comparison to other popular sensing technologies in smart environments, the major benefits of capacitive proximity sensors, and their limitations. In order to support parties interested in developing smart environment applications using capacitive proximity sensors, I present a set of guidelines that support the decision process from technology selection to choice of processing methods

    From wearable towards epidermal computing : soft wearable devices for rich interaction on the skin

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    Human skin provides a large, always available, and easy to access real-estate for interaction. Recent advances in new materials, electronics, and human-computer interaction have led to the emergence of electronic devices that reside directly on the user's skin. These conformal devices, referred to as Epidermal Devices, have mechanical properties compatible with human skin: they are very thin, often thinner than human hair; they elastically deform when the body is moving, and stretch with the user's skin. Firstly, this thesis provides a conceptual understanding of Epidermal Devices in the HCI literature. We compare and contrast them with other technical approaches that enable novel on-skin interactions. Then, through a multi-disciplinary analysis of Epidermal Devices, we identify the design goals and challenges that need to be addressed for advancing this emerging research area in HCI. Following this, our fundamental empirical research investigated how epidermal devices of different rigidity levels affect passive and active tactile perception. Generally, a correlation was found between the device rigidity and tactile sensitivity thresholds as well as roughness discrimination ability. Based on these findings, we derive design recommendations for realizing epidermal devices. Secondly, this thesis contributes novel Epidermal Devices that enable rich on-body interaction. SkinMarks contributes to the fabrication and design of novel Epidermal Devices that are highly skin-conformal and enable touch, squeeze, and bend sensing with co-located visual output. These devices can be deployed on highly challenging body locations, enabling novel interaction techniques and expanding the design space of on-body interaction. Multi-Touch Skin enables high-resolution multi-touch input on the body. We present the first non-rectangular and high-resolution multi-touch sensor overlays for use on skin and introduce a design tool that generates such sensors in custom shapes and sizes. Empirical results from two technical evaluations confirm that the sensor achieves a high signal-to-noise ratio on the body under various grounding conditions and has a high spatial accuracy even when subjected to strong deformations. Thirdly, Epidermal Devices are in contact with the skin, they offer opportunities for sensing rich physiological signals from the body. To leverage this unique property, this thesis presents rapid fabrication and computational design techniques for realizing Multi-Modal Epidermal Devices that can measure multiple physiological signals from the human body. Devices fabricated through these techniques can measure ECG (Electrocardiogram), EMG (Electromyogram), and EDA (Electro-Dermal Activity). We also contribute a computational design and optimization method based on underlying human anatomical models to create optimized device designs that provide an optimal trade-off between physiological signal acquisition capability and device size. The graphical tool allows for easily specifying design preferences and to visually analyze the generated designs in real-time, enabling designer-in-the-loop optimization. Experimental results show high quantitative agreement between the prediction of the optimizer and experimentally collected physiological data. Finally, taking a multi-disciplinary perspective, we outline the roadmap for future research in this area by highlighting the next important steps, opportunities, and challenges. Taken together, this thesis contributes towards a holistic understanding of Epidermal Devices}: it provides an empirical and conceptual understanding as well as technical insights through contributions in DIY (Do-It-Yourself), rapid fabrication, and computational design techniques.Die menschliche Haut bietet eine große, stets verfügbare und leicht zugängliche Fläche für Interaktion. Jüngste Fortschritte in den Bereichen Materialwissenschaft, Elektronik und Mensch-Computer-Interaktion (Human-Computer-Interaction, HCI) [so that you can later use the Englisch abbreviation] haben zur Entwicklung elektronischer Geräte geführt, die sich direkt auf der Haut des Benutzers befinden. Diese sogenannten Epidermisgeräte haben mechanische Eigenschaften, die mit der menschlichen Haut kompatibel sind: Sie sind sehr dünn, oft dünner als ein menschliches Haar; sie verformen sich elastisch, wenn sich der Körper bewegt, und dehnen sich mit der Haut des Benutzers. Diese Thesis bietet, erstens, ein konzeptionelles Verständnis von Epidermisgeräten in der HCI-Literatur. Wir vergleichen sie mit anderen technischen Ansätzen, die neuartige Interaktionen auf der Haut ermöglichen. Dann identifizieren wir durch eine multidisziplinäre Analyse von Epidermisgeräten die Designziele und Herausforderungen, die angegangen werden müssen, um diesen aufstrebenden Forschungsbereich voranzubringen. Im Anschluss daran untersuchten wir in unserer empirischen Grundlagenforschung, wie epidermale Geräte unterschiedlicher Steifigkeit die passive und aktive taktile Wahrnehmung beeinflussen. Im Allgemeinen wurde eine Korrelation zwischen der Steifigkeit des Geräts und den taktilen Empfindlichkeitsschwellen sowie der Fähigkeit zur Rauheitsunterscheidung festgestellt. Basierend auf diesen Ergebnissen leiten wir Designempfehlungen für die Realisierung epidermaler Geräte ab. Zweitens trägt diese Thesis zu neuartigen Epidermisgeräten bei, die eine reichhaltige Interaktion am Körper ermöglichen. SkinMarks trägt zur Herstellung und zum Design neuartiger Epidermisgeräte bei, die hochgradig an die Haut angepasst sind und Berührungs-, Quetsch- und Biegesensoren mit gleichzeitiger visueller Ausgabe ermöglichen. Diese Geräte können an sehr schwierigen Körperstellen eingesetzt werden, ermöglichen neuartige Interaktionstechniken und erweitern den Designraum für die Interaktion am Körper. Multi-Touch Skin ermöglicht hochauflösende Multi-Touch-Eingaben am Körper. Wir präsentieren die ersten nicht-rechteckigen und hochauflösenden Multi-Touch-Sensor-Overlays zur Verwendung auf der Haut und stellen ein Design-Tool vor, das solche Sensoren in benutzerdefinierten Formen und Größen erzeugt. Empirische Ergebnisse aus zwei technischen Evaluierungen bestätigen, dass der Sensor auf dem Körper unter verschiedenen Bedingungen ein hohes Signal-Rausch-Verhältnis erreicht und eine hohe räumliche Auflösung aufweist, selbst wenn er starken Verformungen ausgesetzt ist. Drittens, da Epidermisgeräte in Kontakt mit der Haut stehen, bieten sie die Möglichkeit, reichhaltige physiologische Signale des Körpers zu erfassen. Um diese einzigartige Eigenschaft zu nutzen, werden in dieser Arbeit Techniken zur schnellen Herstellung und zum computergestützten Design von multimodalen Epidermisgeräten vorgestellt, die mehrere physiologische Signale des menschlichen Körpers messen können. Die mit diesen Techniken hergestellten Geräte können EKG (Elektrokardiogramm), EMG (Elektromyogramm) und EDA (elektrodermale Aktivität) messen. Darüber hinaus stellen wir eine computergestützte Design- und Optimierungsmethode vor, die auf den zugrunde liegenden anatomischen Modellen des Menschen basiert, um optimierte Gerätedesigns zu erstellen. Diese Designs bieten einen optimalen Kompromiss zwischen der Fähigkeit zur Erfassung physiologischer Signale und der Größe des Geräts. Das grafische Tool ermöglicht die einfache Festlegung von Designpräferenzen und die visuelle Analyse der generierten Designs in Echtzeit, was eine Optimierung durch den Designer im laufenden Betrieb ermöglicht. Experimentelle Ergebnisse zeigen eine hohe quantitative Übereinstimmung zwischen den Vorhersagen des Optimierers und den experimentell erfassten physiologischen Daten. Schließlich skizzieren wir aus einer multidisziplinären Perspektive einen Fahrplan für zukünftige Forschung in diesem Bereich, indem wir die nächsten wichtigen Schritte, Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen hervorheben. Insgesamt trägt diese Arbeit zu einem ganzheitlichen Verständnis von Epidermisgeräten bei: Sie liefert ein empirisches und konzeptionelles Verständnis sowie technische Einblicke durch Beiträge zu DIY (Do-It-Yourself), schneller Fertigung und computergestützten Entwurfstechniken

    Enriching mobile interaction with garment-based wearable computing devices

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    Wearable computing is on the brink of moving from research to mainstream. The first simple products, such as fitness wristbands and smart watches, hit the mass market and achieved considerable market penetration. However, the number and versatility of research prototypes in the field of wearable computing is far beyond the available devices on the market. Particularly, smart garments as a specific type of wearable computer, have high potential to change the way we interact with computing systems. Due to the proximity to the user`s body, smart garments allow to unobtrusively sense implicit and explicit user input. Smart garments are capable of sensing physiological information, detecting touch input, and recognizing the movement of the user. In this thesis, we explore how smart garments can enrich mobile interaction. Employing a user-centered design process, we demonstrate how different input and output modalities can enrich interaction capabilities of mobile devices such as mobile phones or smart watches. To understand the context of use, we chart the design space for mobile interaction through wearable devices. We focus on the device placement on the body as well as interaction modality. We use a probe-based research approach to systematically investigate the possible inputs and outputs for garment based wearable computing devices. We develop six different research probes showing how mobile interaction benefits from wearable computing devices and what requirements these devices pose for mobile operating systems. On the input side, we look at explicit input using touch and mid-air gestures as well as implicit input using physiological signals. Although touch input is well known from mobile devices, the limited screen real estate as well as the occlusion of the display by the input finger are challenges that can be overcome with touch-enabled garments. Additionally, mid-air gestures provide a more sophisticated and abstract form of input. We present a gesture elicitation study to address the special requirements of mobile interaction and present the resulting gesture set. As garments are worn, they allow different physiological signals to be sensed. We explore how we can leverage these physiological signals for implicit input. We conduct a study assessing physiological information by focusing on the workload of drivers in an automotive setting. We show that we can infer the driver´s workload using these physiological signals. Beside the input capabilities of garments, we explore how garments can be used as output. We present research probes covering the most important output modalities, namely visual, auditory, and haptic. We explore how low resolution displays can serve as a context display and how and where content should be placed on such a display. For auditory output, we investigate a novel authentication mechanism utilizing the closeness of wearable devices to the body. We show that by probing audio cues through the head of the user and re-recording them, user authentication is feasible. Last, we investigate EMS as a haptic feedback method. We show that by actuating the user`s body, an embodied form of haptic feedback can be achieved. From the aforementioned research probes, we distilled a set of design recommendations. These recommendations are grouped into interaction-based and technology-based recommendations and serve as a basis for designing novel ways of mobile interaction. We implement a system based on these recommendations. The system supports developers in integrating wearable sensors and actuators by providing an easy to use API for accessing these devices. In conclusion, this thesis broadens the understanding of how garment-based wearable computing devices can enrich mobile interaction. It outlines challenges and opportunities on an interaction and technological level. The unique characteristics of smart garments make them a promising technology for making the next step in mobile interaction

    Design and implementation of a multi-modal sensor with on-chip security

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    With the advancement of technology, wearable devices for fitness tracking, patient monitoring, diagnosis, and disease prevention are finding ways to be woven into modern world reality. CMOS sensors are known to be compact, with low power consumption, making them an inseparable part of wireless medical applications and Internet of Things (IoT). Digital/semi-digital output, by the translation of transmitting data into the frequency domain, takes advantages of both the analog and digital world. However, one of the most critical measures of communication, security, is ignored and not considered for fabrication of an integrated chip. With the advancement of Moore\u27s law and the possibility of having a higher number of transistors and more complex circuits, the feasibility of having on-chip security measures is drawing more attention. One of the fundamental means of secure communication is real-time encryption. Encryption/ciphering occurs when we encode a signal or data, and prevents unauthorized parties from reading or understanding this information. Encryption is the process of transmitting sensitive data securely and with privacy. This measure of security is essential since in biomedical devices, the attacker/hacker can endanger users of IoT or wearable sensors (e.g. attacks at implanted biosensors can cause fatal harm to the user). This work develops 1) A low power and compact multi-modal sensor that can measure temperature and impedance with a quasi-digital output and 2) a low power on-chip signal cipher for real-time data transfer