768 research outputs found

    SoC estimation for lithium-ion batteries : review and future challenges

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    ABSTRACT: Energy storage emerged as a top concern for the modern cities, and the choice of the lithium-ion chemistry battery technology as an effective solution for storage applications proved to be a highly efficient option. State of charge (SoC) represents the available battery capacity and is one of the most important states that need to be monitored to optimize the performance and extend the lifetime of batteries. This review summarizes the methods for SoC estimation for lithium-ion batteries (LiBs). The SoC estimation methods are presented focusing on the description of the techniques and the elaboration of their weaknesses for the use in on-line battery management systems (BMS) applications. SoC estimation is a challenging task hindered by considerable changes in battery characteristics over its lifetime due to aging and to the distinct nonlinear behavior. This has led scholars to propose different methods that clearly raised the challenge of establishing a relationship between the accuracy and robustness of the methods, and their low complexity to be implemented. This paper publishes an exhaustive review of the works presented during the last five years, where the tendency of the estimation techniques has been oriented toward a mixture of probabilistic techniques and some artificial intelligence

    Indirect Model Reference Adaptive Control with Online Parameter Estimation

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    Over the years, parameter estimation has focused on approaches in both the time and frequency domains. The parameter estimation process is particularly important for aerospace vehicles that have considerable uncertainty in the model parameters, as might be the case with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). This thesis investigates the use of an Indirect Model Reference Adaptive Controller (MRAC) to provide online, adaptive estimates of uncertain aerodynamic coefficients, which are in turn used in the MRAC to enable an aircraft to track reference trajectories. The performance of the adaptive parameter estimator is compared to that of the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF), a classical time-domain approach. The algorithms will be implemented on simulation models of a general aviation aircraft, which would be representative of the dynamics of a medium-scale fixed-wing UAV. The relative performance of the parameter estimation algorithms within an adaptive control framework is assessed in terms of parameter estimation error and tracking error under various conditions. It was found that limitations exist with the adaptive update laws in terms of number of parameters estimated within the Indirect MRAC system. The Indirect MRAC-EKF was determined to be a viable option to estimate multiple parameters simultaneously

    The parameter update of Lithium-ion battery by the RSL algorithm for the SOC estimation under extended kalman filter (EKF-RLS)

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    The lithium-ion battery is the key power source of an electric vehicle. The cornerstone of safe transportation vehicles is reliable real-time state of charge (SOC) information. Since batteries are the primary form of energy storage in electric vehicles (EVs) and the smart grid, estimation of the state of charge is a critical need for batteries. The SOC estimate approach is considered to be precise and simple to apply for such applications. In this paper, After studying a battery model with an appropriate resistor-capacitor (RC) circuit, A lookup table derived from experimental studies describes the nonlinear connection between the Open Circuit Voltage Voc and the the state of charge. However, if temperature or SOC varies, the equivalent circuit model's characteristics will vary, decreasing the accuracy of SOC calculation. The recursive least squares (RLS) and nonlinear Extended Kalman filters are used in this research to offer a charge estimate technique with online parameter identification to handle this problem. RLS dynamically updates the Thevenin model's parameters. In order to improve the precision of SOC prediction under charge and discharge settings, we presented a regression least-squares-extended Kalman filter (RLS-EKF) estimation approach in this study. The objective of this research is to ensure the updating of the battery parameters and to evaluate the influence of this improvement on the convergence of the state of charge towards the real value. The simulation results suggest that the RLS EKF estimation technique, which is based on precise modeling, may greatly increase SOC estimation accuracy

    Robust and Regularized Algorithms for Vehicle Tractive Force Prediction and Mass Estimation

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    This work provides novel robust and regularized algorithms for parameter estimation with applications in vehicle tractive force prediction and mass estimation. Given a large record of real world data from test runs on public roads, recursive algorithms adjusted the unknown vehicle parameters under a broad variation of statistical assumptions for two linear gray-box models

    The parameter update of Lithium-ion battery by the RSL algorithm for the SOC estimation under extended kalman filter (EKF-RLS)

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    The lithium-ion battery is the key power source of an electric vehicle. The cornerstone of safe transportation vehicles is reliable real-time state of charge (SOC) information. Since batteries are the primary form of energy storage in electric vehicles (EVs) and the smart grid, estimation of the state of charge is a critical need for batteries. The SOC estimate approach is considered to be precise and simple to apply for such applications. In this paper, After studying a battery model with an appropriate resistor-capacitor (RC) circuit, A lookup table derived from experimental studies describes the nonlinear connection between the Open Circuit Voltage Voc and the the state of charge. However, if temperature or SOC varies, the equivalent circuit model's characteristics will vary, decreasing the accuracy of SOC calculation. The recursive least squares (RLS) and nonlinear Extended Kalman filters are used in this research to offer a charge estimate technique with online parameter identification to handle this problem. RLS dynamically updates the Thevenin model's parameters. In order to improve the precision of SOC prediction under charge and discharge settings, we presented a regression least-squares-extended Kalman filter (RLS-EKF) estimation approach in this study. The objective of this research is to ensure the updating of the battery parameters and to evaluate the influence of this improvement on the convergence of the state of charge towards the real value. The simulation results suggest that the RLS EKF estimation technique, which is based on precise modeling, may greatly increase SOC estimation accuracy

    Robust Virtual Sensing for Vehicle Agile Manoeuvring:A Tyre-model-less Approach

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    Real-Time Vehicle Parameter Estimation and Adaptive Stability Control

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    This dissertation presents a novel Electronic Stability Control (ESC) strategy that is capable of adapting to changing vehicle mass, tire condition and road surface conditions. The benefits of ESC are well understood with regard to assisting drivers to maintain vehicle control during extreme handling maneuvers or when extreme road conditions such as ice are encountered. However state of the art ESC strategies rely on known and invariable vehicle parameters such as vehicle mass, yaw moment of inertia and tire cornering stiffness coefficients. Such vehicle parameters may change over time, especially in the case of heavy trucks which encounter widely varying load conditions. The objective of this research is to develop an ESC control strategy capable of identifying changes in these critical parameters and adapting the control strategy accordingly. An ESC strategy that is capable of identifying and adapting to changes in vehicle parameters is presented. The ESC system utilizes the same sensors and actuators used on commercially-available ESC systems. A nonlinear reduced-order observer is used to estimate vehicle sideslip and tire slip angles. In addition, lateral forces are estimated providing a real-time estimate of lateral force capability of the tires with respect to slip angle. A recursive least squares estimation algorithm is used to automatically identify tire cornering stiffness coefficients, which in turn provides a real-time indication of axle lateral force saturation and estimation of road/tire coefficient of friction. In addition, the recursive least squares estimation is shown to identify changes in yaw moment of inertia that may occur due to changes in vehicle loading conditions. An algorithm calculates the reduction in yaw moment due to axle saturation and determines an equivalent moment to be generated by differential braking on the opposite axle. A second algorithm uses the slip angle estimates and vehicle states to predict a Time to Saturation (TTS) value of the rear axle and takes appropriate action to prevent vehicle loss of control. Simulation results using a high fidelity vehicle modeled in CarSim show that the ESC strategy provides improved vehicle performance with regard to handling stability and is capable of adapting to the identified changes in vehicle parameters
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