126,055 research outputs found

    Стратегия адаптивного управления химическим предприятием

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    Наведено обґрунтування та запропоновано методичні підходи до формування стратегії адаптивного управління підприємством, що базується на концепції слабких сигналів.It is resulted ground and methodical approaches are offered to forming of strategy of adaptive control an enterprise which is based on conception of weak signals

    Features of adaptive control in the conditions of auxiliary production

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    У статті аналізуються особливості адаптивного управління в умовах допоміжних виробництв, а саме, в умовах інструментального виробництва, яке значно впливає на формування показників якості, конкурентоспроможності не тільки на продукції, що випускається, але й усього підприємства в умовах сучасного ринку. Адаптивне управління аналізується з погляду впливу навколишнього середови ща на результати господарської діяльності під впливом інноваційних факторів.The article analyzes the features of adaptive control in the conditions of auxiliary production, namely, under the conditions of tool production, which has a significant influence on the formation of quality indicators, the competitiveness of not only the products produced, but also of the entire enterprise in the conditions of the modern market. Adaptive management is analyzed from the point of view of the influence of the environment on the results of economic activity under the influence of innovative factors. The most difficult and essential is the process of adapting the instrumental production of the enterprise to the conditions of the enterprise itself, its internal transformations and its adaptive reactions to changes in the external environment. In solving these problems, innovative technologies in the manufacture of technological equipment are of great importance. In modern conditions, the aggravation of the complex of internal contradictions of structural, organizational, production, technological, managerial, financial, marketing, and the need for effective adaptation to the changing conditions of the external environment require a purposeful and complex transformation of all production structures of the enterprise, including number and instrumental production

    Концепция адаптивного управления программами развития систем техногенной безопасности региона

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    System of the region technological safety (STS) is complex spatially distributed open system having a hierarchical structure, significant resource potential and functioning in an external environment with high dynamics. It is also necessary to take into account such characteristics of regional STS as hierarchical structure (enterprise-level, regional level), several modes of operation (daily mode, emergency mode), the mixed nature of the financing, the probabilistic nature of industrial emergencies, significant social resonance that accompanies the results of operation. Thus, increasing the management efficiency for programs of the regional STS development based on the adaptive control concepts is an urgent task. The principles of adaptive management programs for the development of regional STS have been proposed. The basic stages of the development regional STS programs for harmonization with the principles of adaptive management have been structured. The main components of the adaptive control including feedback and mathematical models of the system being improved have been presented

    Developing Sense-and-Respond Capability in a Mobile Service Firm Enabled by Dispatching Technology: An Action Research Study

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    All organizations, including mobile services enterprises, must be able to adapt and respond to discontinuous and rapidly changing business environments. Although mobile service providers have considerable IT-enabled dispatching options, knowledge is limited on how to leverage these technologies to augment adaptive management practices that improve business performance and create customer benefits. Against this backdrop, my collaborative action research study adapted the framework and principles of sense-and-respond (S&R) adaptive enterprise design to help a mobile service provider, LSG, Inc., develop the transactional and transformational capabilities it needed to improve outcomes in providing field services for the State of Georgia’s lottery terminals. The dissertation examines how LSG leveraged its recent implementation of IT-enabled dispatching technology both to augment restructuring of its managerial framework and to develop adaptive strategies and modular capabilities that let it systematically sense and respond to rapid and unpredictable changes in its business environment. The study gave LSG an approach for developing and implementing adaptive enterprise design processes using the S&R framework as a heuristic to identify, modify, and redesign the command-and-control (C&C) organizational architecture and operational routines; this effort was augmented by new dispatching technology. My research revealed specific dynamic capabilities and guided senior managers’ implementation of new adaptive governance mechanisms, organizational learning processes, dynamic stakeholder resource commitments, and modular “customer-back” resource customization strategies. More generally, the research shows how adaptive enterprise design principles can transform and address the specific discontinuity challenges that small service enterprises face, and offers insights and understanding into how practitioner–researchers can use theory to leverage firm resources and assets to co-create operational value with stakeholders

    ADACOR: a holonic architecture for agile and adaptive manufacturing control

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    In the last decades significant changes in the manufacturing environment have been noticed: moving from a local economy towards a global economy, with markets asking for products with higher quality at lower costs, highly customised and with short life cycle. In these circumstances, the challenge is to develop manufacturing control systems with intelligence capabilities, fast adaptation to the environment changes and more robustness against the occurrence of disturbances. This paper presents an agile and adaptive manufacturing control architecture that addresses the need for the fast reaction to disturbances at the shop floor level, increasing the agility and flexibility of the enterprise, when it works in volatile environments. The proposed architecture introduces an adaptive control that balances dynamically between a more centralised structure and a more decentralised one, allowing combining the global production optimisation with agile reaction to unexpected disturbances

    Tuning adaptive computations for the performance improvement of applications in JEE server

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    With the increasing use of autonomic computing technologies, a Java Enterprise Edition (JEE) application server is implemented with more and more adaptive computations for self-managing the Middleware as well as its hosted applications. However, these adaptive computations consume resources such as CPU and memory, and can interfere with the normal business processing of applications at runtime due to resource competition, especially when the whole system is under heavy load. Tuning these adaptive computations from the perspective of resource management becomes necessary. In this article, we propose a tuning model for adaptive computations. Based on the model, tuning is carried out dynamically by upgrading or degrading the autonomic level of an adaptive computation so as to control its resource consumption. We implement the RSpring tuner and use it to optimize autonomic JEE servers such as PkuAS and JOnAS. RSpring is evaluated on ECperf and RUBiS benchmark applications. The results show that it can effectively improve the application performance by 13.6 % in PkuAS and 19.2 % in JOnAS with the same amount of resources. ? 2012 The Brazilian Computer Society.EI02143-158

    Adaptation of enterprise as backer-up of him economic security

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    У статті розкриті основні засади формування системи адаптації підприємства у контексті забезпечення його економічної безпеки. Описано основні характеристики для оцінки стану адаптивної системи управління, наведе- ні елементи процесу адаптації підприємства. Визначені етапи адаптації підприємства як інструмента і способу забезпечення економічної безпеки. Розглянуті сутність та процес адаптації підприємства до впливу зовнішнього середовища.В статьи раскрыты основные принципы формирования системы адаптации предприятия в контексте обеспечения его экономической безопасности. Описаны основные характеристики для оценки состояния адаптивной системы управления, приведены элементы процесса адаптации предприятия. Определены этапы адап- тации предприятия как инструмента и способа обеспечения экономической безопасности. Рассмотрены сущность и процесс адаптации предприятия к влиянию внешней среды.The article covers the main principles of the company to adapt the system in the context of its economic security. Analyzed the definition and essence of economic security, describes the main characteristics to assess the condition of the adaptive control system, given the elements of enterprise adaptation process. Characteristics of enterprise principles and state monitoring sequence. The stages of adaptation of the enterprise as a tool and a way to ensure economic security. The essence of the enterprise and the process of adaptation to the effects of the external environment

    Аdaptation of management system of enterprise economic security

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    У статті розкрито основні засади формування системи управління економічної безпеки підприємства, її сутність, принципи та алгоритм ведення управлінської діяльності у економічній безпеці підприємства. Описано основні характеристики для оцінки стану такої системи управління, наведено вимоги в контексті прискорення та розвитку її адаптаційних можливостей. Проаналізовано сутність загроз системи управління, наведена класифікація їх основних типів відповідно до профілюючих ознак, наведено найбільш небезпечні загрози внутрішнього та зовнішнього характеру. Розглянуто сутність та засади формування адаптаційного механізму системи управління економічної безпеки підприємства, мету його функціонування та основні елементи, моделі реалізації цього механізму на підприємстві. Запропоновано алгоритм проведення адаптації системи управління економічної безпеки підприємства до нових умов функціонування.The article deals with the basic principles of the formation of the system of economic security management of an enterprise, its essence, principles and algorithm of conducting management activities in the economic safety of the enterprise. The publication describes the main characteristics for assessing the state of such a management system, sets requirements in the context of acceleration and development of its adaptive capabilities. The work analyzes the essence of the threats of the control system, gives a classification of their main types in accordance with the profiling features, and presents the most dangerous threats of internal and external character. The paper highlights the essence and principles of the formation of the adaptive mechanism of the enterprise economic security management system, the purpose of its functioning and the main elements, models of implementation of this mechanism at the enterprise. The article proposes an algorithm for adaptation of the enterprise economic security management system to the new operating conditions

    Neural Adaptive Admission Control Framework: SLA-driven action termination for real-time application service management

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    Although most modern cloud-based enterprise systems, or operating systems, do not commonly allow configurable/automatic termination of processes, tasks or actions, it is common practice for systems administrators to manually terminate, or stop, tasks or actions at any level of the system. The paper investigates the potential of automatic adaptive control with action termination as a method for adapting the system to more appropriate conditions in environments with established goals for both system’s performance and economics. A machine-learning driven control mechanism, employing neural networks, is derived and applied within data-intensive systems. Control policies that have been designed following this approach are evaluated under different load patterns and service level requirements. The experimental results demonstrate performance characteristics and benefits as well as implications of termination control when applied to different action types with distinct run-time characteristics. An automatic termination approach may be eminently suitable for systems with harsh execution time Service Level Agreements, or systems running under conditions of hard pressure on power supply or other constraints. The proposed control mechanisms can be combined with other available toolkits to support deployment of autonomous controllers in high-dimensional enterprise information systems