54 research outputs found

    From general language understanding to noisy text comprehension

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    Obtaining meaning-rich representations of social media inputs, such as Tweets (unstructured and noisy text), from general-purpose pre-trained language models has become challenging, as these inputs typically deviate from mainstream English usage. The proposed research establishes effective methods for improving the comprehension of noisy texts. For this, we propose a new generic methodology to derive a diverse set of sentence vectors combining and extracting various linguistic characteristics from latent representations of multi-layer, pre-trained language models. Further, we clearly establish how BERT, a state-of-the-art pre-trained language model, comprehends the linguistic attributes of Tweets to identify appropriate sentence representations. Five new probing tasks are developed for Tweets, which can serve as benchmark probing tasks to study noisy text comprehension. Experiments are carried out for classification accuracy by deriving the sentence vectors from GloVe-based pre-trained models and Sentence-BERT, and by using different hidden layers from the BERT model. We show that the initial and middle layers of BERT have better capability for capturing the key linguistic characteristics of noisy texts than its latter layers. With complex predictive models, we further show that the sentence vector length has lesser importance to capture linguistic information, and the proposed sentence vectors for noisy texts perform better than the existing state-of-the-art sentence vectors. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    The role of syntax and semantics in machine translation and quality estimation of machine-translated user-generated content

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    The availability of the Internet has led to a steady increase in the volume of online user-generated content, the majority of which is in English. Machine-translating this content to other languages can help disseminate the information contained in it to a broader audience. However, reliably publishing these translations requires a prior estimate of their quality. This thesis is concerned with the statistical machine translation of Symantec's Norton forum content, focusing in particular on its quality estimation (QE) using syntactic and semantic information. We compare the output of phrase-based and syntax-based English-to-French and English-to-German machine translation (MT) systems automatically and manually, and nd that the syntax-based methods do not necessarily handle grammar-related phenomena in translation better than the phrase-based methods. Although these systems generate suciently dierent outputs, the apparent lack of a systematic dierence between these outputs impedes its utilisation in a combination framework. To investigate the role of syntax and semantics in quality estimation of machine translation, we create SymForum, a data set containing French machine translations of English sentences from Norton forum content, their post-edits and their adequacy and uency scores. We use syntax in quality estimation via tree kernels, hand-crafted features and their combination, and nd it useful both alone and in combination with surface-driven features. Our analyses show that neither the accuracy of the syntactic parses used by these systems nor the parsing quality of the MT output aect QE performance. We also nd that adding more structure to French Treebank parse trees can be useful for syntax-based QE. We use semantic role labelling (SRL) for our semantic-based QE experiments. We experiment with the limited resources that are available for French and nd that a small manually annotated training set is substantially more useful than a much larger articially created set. We use SRL in quality estimation using tree kernels, hand-crafted features and their combination. Additionally, we introduce PAM, a QE metric based on the predicate-argument structure match between source and target. We nd that the SRL quality, especially on the target side, is the major factor negatively aecting the performance of the semantic-based QE. Finally, we annotate English and French Norton forum sentences with their phrase structure syntax using an annotation strategy adapted for user-generated text. We nd that user errors occur in only a small fraction of the data, but their correction does improve parsing performance. These treebanks (Foreebank) prove to be useful as supplementary training data in adapting the parsers to the forum text. The improved parses ultimately increase the performance of the semantic-based QE. However, a reliable semantic-based QE system requires further improvements in the quality of the underlying semantic role labelling

    Syntax-Driven Machine Translation as a Model of ESL Revision

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    Abstract In this work, we model the writing revision process of English as a Second Language (ESL) students with syntax-driven machine translation methods. We compare two approaches: tree-to-string transformation

    Judging grammaticality: experiments in sentence classification

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    A classifier which is capable of distinguishing a syntactically well formed sentence from a syntactically ill formed one has the potential to be useful in an L2 language-learning context. In this article, we describe a classifier which classifies English sentences as either well formed or ill formed using information gleaned from three different natural language processing techniques. We describe the issues involved in acquiring data to train such a classifier and present experimental results for this classifier on a variety of ill formed sentences. We demonstrate that (a) the combination of information from a variety of linguistic sources is helpful, (b) the trade-off between accuracy on well formed sentences and accuracy on ill formed sentences can be fine tuned by training multiple classifiers in a voting scheme, and (c) the performance of the classifier is varied, with better performance on transcribed spoken sentences produced by less advanced language learners

    Detecting grammatical errors with treebank-induced, probabilistic parsers

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    Today's grammar checkers often use hand-crafted rule systems that define acceptable language. The development of such rule systems is labour-intensive and has to be repeated for each language. At the same time, grammars automatically induced from syntactically annotated corpora (treebanks) are successfully employed in other applications, for example text understanding and machine translation. At first glance, treebank-induced grammars seem to be unsuitable for grammar checking as they massively over-generate and fail to reject ungrammatical input due to their high robustness. We present three new methods for judging the grammaticality of a sentence with probabilistic, treebank-induced grammars, demonstrating that such grammars can be successfully applied to automatically judge the grammaticality of an input string. Our best-performing method exploits the differences between parse results for grammars trained on grammatical and ungrammatical treebanks. The second approach builds an estimator of the probability of the most likely parse using grammatical training data that has previously been parsed and annotated with parse probabilities. If the estimated probability of an input sentence (whose grammaticality is to be judged by the system) is higher by a certain amount than the actual parse probability, the sentence is flagged as ungrammatical. The third approach extracts discriminative parse tree fragments in the form of CFG rules from parsed grammatical and ungrammatical corpora and trains a binary classifier to distinguish grammatical from ungrammatical sentences. The three approaches are evaluated on a large test set of grammatical and ungrammatical sentences. The ungrammatical test set is generated automatically by inserting common grammatical errors into the British National Corpus. The results are compared to two traditional approaches, one that uses a hand-crafted, discriminative grammar, the XLE ParGram English LFG, and one based on part-of-speech n-grams. In addition, the baseline methods and the new methods are combined in a machine learning-based framework, yielding further improvements

    Normalization of noisy texts in Malaysian online reviews

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    The process of gathering useful information from online messages has increased as more and more people use the Internet and other online applications such as Facebook and Twitter to communicate with each other.One of the problems in processing online messages is the high number of noisy texts that exist in these messages.Few studies have shown that the noisy texts decreased the result of text mining activities.On the other hand, very few works have investigated on the patterns of noisy texts that are created by Malaysians.In this study, a common noisy terms list and an artificial abbreviations list were created using specific rules and were utilized to select candidates of correct words for a noisy term.Later, the correct term was selected based on a bi-gram words index.The experiments used online messages that were created by the Malaysians.The result shows that normalization of noisy texts using artificial abbreviations list compliments the use of common noisy texts list

    Domain adaptation with minimal training

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    The performance of a machine learning model trained on labeled data of a (source) domain degrades severely when they are tested on a different (target) domain. Traditional approaches deal with this problem by training a new model for every target domain. In natural language processing, top performing systems often use multiple interconnected models; therefore training all of them for every target domain is computationally expensive. Moreover, retraining the model for the target domain requires access to the labeled data from the source domain which may not be available to end users due to copyright issues. This thesis is a study on how to adapt to a target domain, using the system trained on source domain and avoiding the cost of retraining and the need for access to the source labeled data. This thesis identifies two key ingredients for adaptation without training: broad coverage resources and constraints. We show how resources like Wikipedia, VerbNet and WordNet that contain comprehensive coverage of entities, semantic roles and words in English can help a model adapt to the target domain. For the task of semantic role labeling, we show that in the decision phase, we can replace a linguistic unit (e.g. verb, word) with another equivalent linguistic unit residing in the same cluster defined in these resources (e.g. VerbNet, WordNet) such that after replacement, text becomes more like text on which the model was trained. We show that the model's output is more accurate on the transformed text than on original text. In another instance, we show how to use a system for linking mentions to Wikipedia concepts for adaptation of a named entity recognition system. Since Wikipedia has a broad domain coverage, the linking system is robust across domain variations. Therefore, jointly performing entity recognition and linking improves the accuracy of entity recognition on the target domain without requiring training of a new system for the new domain. In all cases, we show how to use intuitive constraints to guide the model into making coherent predictions. We show how incorporating prior knowledge about a new domain as declarative constraints into the decision phase can improve performance of a model on the new domain. When such prior knowledge is unavailable, we show how to acquire knowledge automatically from unlabeled text from the new domain and domains similar to both source and target domains

    Treebank-based acquisition of Chinese LFG resources for parsing and generation

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    This thesis describes a treebank-based approach to automatically acquire robust,wide-coverage Lexical-Functional Grammar (LFG) resources for Chinese parsing and generation, which is part of a larger project on the rapid construction of deep, large-scale, constraint-based, multilingual grammatical resources. I present an application-oriented LFG analysis for Chinese core linguistic phenomena and (in cooperation with PARC) develop a gold-standard dependency-bank of Chinese f-structures for evaluation. Based on the Penn Chinese Treebank, I design and implement two architectures for inducing Chinese LFG resources, one annotation-based and the other dependency conversion-based. I then apply the f-structure acquisition algorithm together with external, state-of-the-art parsers to parsing new text into "proto" f-structures. In order to convert "proto" f-structures into "proper" f-structures or deep dependencies, I present a novel Non-Local Dependency (NLD) recovery algorithm using subcategorisation frames and f-structure paths linking antecedents and traces in NLDs extracted from the automatically-built LFG f-structure treebank. Based on the grammars extracted from the f-structure annotated treebank, I develop a PCFG-based chart generator and a new n-gram based pure dependency generator to realise Chinese sentences from LFG f-structures. The work reported in this thesis is the first effort to scale treebank-based, probabilistic Chinese LFG resources from proof-of-concept research to unrestricted, real text. Although this thesis concentrates on Chinese and LFG, many of the methodologies, e.g. the acquisition of predicate-argument structures, NLD resolution and the PCFG- and dependency n-gram-based generation models, are largely language and formalism independent and should generalise to diverse languages as well as to labelled bilexical dependency representations other than LFG

    Unsupervised Natural Language Processing for Knowledge Extraction from Domain-specific Textual Resources

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    This thesis aims to develop a Relation Extraction algorithm to extract knowledge out of automotive data. While most approaches to Relation Extraction are only evaluated on newspaper data dealing with general relations from the business world their applicability to other data sets is not well studied. Part I of this thesis deals with theoretical foundations of Information Extraction algorithms. Text mining cannot be seen as the simple application of data mining methods to textual data. Instead, sophisticated methods have to be employed to accurately extract knowledge from text which then can be mined using statistical methods from the field of data mining. Information Extraction itself can be divided into two subtasks: Entity Detection and Relation Extraction. The detection of entities is very domain-dependent due to terminology, abbreviations and general language use within the given domain. Thus, this task has to be solved for each domain employing thesauri or another type of lexicon. Supervised approaches to Named Entity Recognition will not achieve reasonable results unless they have been trained for the given type of data. The task of Relation Extraction can be basically approached by pattern-based and kernel-based algorithms. The latter achieve state-of-the-art results on newspaper data and point out the importance of linguistic features. In order to analyze relations contained in textual data, syntactic features like part-of-speech tags and syntactic parses are essential. Chapter 4 presents machine learning approaches and linguistic foundations being essential for syntactic annotation of textual data and Relation Extraction. Chapter 6 analyzes the performance of state-of-the-art algorithms of POS tagging, syntactic parsing and Relation Extraction on automotive data. The findings are: supervised methods trained on newspaper corpora do not achieve accurate results when being applied on automotive data. This is grounded in various reasons. Besides low-quality text, the nature of automotive relations states the main challenge. Automotive relation types of interest (e. g. component – symptom) are rather arbitrary compared to well-studied relation types like is-a or is-head-of. In order to achieve acceptable results, algorithms have to be trained directly on this kind of data. As the manual annotation of data for each language and data type is too costly and inflexible, unsupervised methods are the ones to rely on. Part II deals with the development of dedicated algorithms for all three essential tasks. Unsupervised POS tagging (Chapter 7) is a well-studied task and algorithms achieving accurate tagging exist. All of them do not disambiguate high frequency words, only out-of-lexicon words are disambiguated. Most high frequency words bear syntactic information and thus, it is very important to differentiate between their different functions. Especially domain languages contain ambiguous and high frequent words bearing semantic information (e. g. pump). In order to improve POS tagging, an algorithm for disambiguation is developed and used to enhance an existing state-of-the-art tagger. This approach is based on context clustering which is used to detect a word type’s different syntactic functions. Evaluation shows that tagging accuracy is raised significantly. An approach to unsupervised syntactic parsing (Chapter 8) is developed in order to suffice the requirements of Relation Extraction. These requirements include high precision results on nominal and prepositional phrases as they contain the entities being relevant for Relation Extraction. Furthermore, accurate shallow parsing is more desirable than deep binary parsing as it facilitates Relation Extraction more than deep parsing. Endocentric and exocentric constructions can be distinguished and improve proper phrase labeling. unsuParse is based on preferred positions of word types within phrases to detect phrase candidates. Iterating the detection of simple phrases successively induces deeper structures. The proposed algorithm fulfills all demanded criteria and achieves competitive results on standard evaluation setups. Syntactic Relation Extraction (Chapter 9) is an approach exploiting syntactic statistics and text characteristics to extract relations between previously annotated entities. The approach is based on entity distributions given in a corpus and thus, provides a possibility to extend text mining processes to new data in an unsupervised manner. Evaluation on two different languages and two different text types of the automotive domain shows that it achieves accurate results on repair order data. Results are less accurate on internet data, but the task of sentiment analysis and extraction of the opinion target can be mastered. Thus, the incorporation of internet data is possible and important as it provides useful insight into the customer\''s thoughts. To conclude, this thesis presents a complete unsupervised workflow for Relation Extraction – except for the highly domain-dependent Entity Detection task – improving performance of each of the involved subtasks compared to state-of-the-art approaches. Furthermore, this work applies Natural Language Processing methods and Relation Extraction approaches to real world data unveiling challenges that do not occur in high quality newspaper corpora

    Second language learning from a multilingual perspective

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    Thesis: Ph. D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2018.This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.Cataloged from student-submitted PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (pages 119-127).How do people learn a second language? In this thesis, we study this question through an examination of cross-linguistic transfer: the role of a speaker's native language in the acquisition, representation, usage and processing of a second language. We present a computational framework that enables studying transfer in a unified fashion across language production and language comprehension. Our framework supports bidirectional inference between linguistic characteristics of speakers' native languages, and the way they use and process a new language. We leverage this inference ability to demonstrate the systematic nature of cross-linguistic transfer, and to uncover some of its key linguistic and cognitive manifestations. We instantiate our framework in language production by relating syntactic usage patterns and grammatical errors in English as a Second Language (ESL) to typological properties of the native language, showing its utility for automated typology learning and prediction of second language grammatical errors. We then introduce eye tracking during reading as a methodology for studying cross-linguistic transfer in second language comprehension. Using this methodology, we demonstrate that learners' native language can be predicted from their eye movement while reading free-form second language text. Further, we show that language processing during second language comprehension is intimately related to linguistic characteristics of the reader's first language. Finally, we introduce the Treebank of Learner English (TLE), the first syntactically annotated corpus of learner English. The TLE is annotated with Universal Dependencies (UD), a framework geared towards multilingual language analysis, and will support linguistic and computational research on learner language. Taken together, our results highlight the importance of multilingual approaches to the scientific study of second language acquisition, and to Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications for non-native language.by Yevgeni Berzak.Ph. D