8 research outputs found

    Wireless Mesh Networks for Infrastructure Deficient Areas

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    International audienceProvision of internet access in infrastructure deficient areas is expected to bring profound economic and humanitarian benefit to developing countries. Notwithstanding, achieving this goal poses an economic and technical challenge. Due to technological and economical reasons cellular networks are regarded to be unable to deliver affordable distribution in the short term. Instead 802.11s wireless mesh networking standard is identified to be a more viable and affordable partial solution to deliver broadband internet in the periphery of developing countries. A general focus is the individual incentive to participate in a mesh network rather than reliance on organisational bodies. This paper designs an architecture and business model for a low cost, low range distribution of internet access. The technical architecture is evaluated using simulation and is found to be viable, but demands optimisation

    Taking Ontario Mobile: Research-based recommendations for how mobile technologies are part of the financially responsible solution to providing better access to services for Ontarians

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    Executive Summary: Taking Ontario Mobile examines the benefits of mobile technologies for Ontarians as they work, learn, play, shop, seek care and interact with others. The report considers the disruptive nature of technologies and provides guidance and support for implementing mobile solutions, in order to enhance services for Ontarians as well as to improve their access to them. We have extrapolated from the province's capacity and potential and the desires of Ontarians we surveyed to create a comprehensive vision for a mobile Ontario. Our recommendations suggest the possibilities of enhanced access to services, heightened productivity, increased social inclusion and the creation of jobs. We address current challenges and propose an action plan, accompanied by a road map that provides three-month, six-month, one-year, three-year and five-year deliverables against which to benchmark. Given the potential for mobility to provide low-cost services across many government ministries, a mobility plan for Ontario needs to include the vast majority of the province's residents. At the same time, Ontario cannot wait for 100 per cent coverage or ubiquitous broadband before beginning to move toward mobile capacity

    Mobile payment system: theory and cases of services modularity

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    This thesis applies modularity theory to services using the case of mobile payment systems. We compare three mobile payment projects—Oi Paggo in Brazil, TCASH in Indonesia, and M-PESA in Kenya—as case studies. The study of modularity is influenced by literature from the field of production and manufacturing sciences and the present work modifies and extends the theory. It also demonstrates the potential of modularity theory in managing complexity, increasing flexibility, and achieving efficiency in the service context. Modularity is a principle that shows how a system can be designed with subsystems while reducing complex interdependencies via standardised interfaces in order to retain efficiency. Modularity offers greater flexibility through recombination and efficiency through economies of scale from reusability. We sought to find how a service provision can be dissolved into coarse-grained service modules that minimise interdependencies and make the whole system more comprehensible. We argue that, first, the application of modular thinking in services will be likely affected by three key attributes which differentiate services from products: customer involvement, intertwined elements in the final service offerings, and modular packages that incorporate technical and human attributes. These analytical approaches are likely to be valid in those industries that are particularly technology-intensive and incorporate network effects. Second, contrary to what has been proposed by literature on product modularity, we find empirical evidence in the case of mobile payments that transactions between participants such as customers and regulators were mainly conducted at thick crossing points. This thesis contributes to the emerging literature on modularity in services. First, we test and validate the theory of modularity in services using the case of mobile payment services. Second, we propose a redefinition of modularity in services that emphasises the peculiar characteristics of service provision. Finally, we propose an indicative proposition for service modularity that can be used to help better develop modular services. This thesis also contributes to literature on mobile payments. We posit that technology-intensive services such as mobile payments should be developed and managed in such a modular way. Not only is it associated with flexibility and agility, modular thinking in services allows companies to maximise compatibility in fulfilling customers’ needs as well as complying with regulators

    Adapting a Captive Portal to Enable SMS-Based Micropayment for Wireless Internet Access

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    Conflicting forms of use: the potential of and limits to the use of the internet as a public sphere

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    This thesis examines the potential of and limits to the use of the Internet as a public sphere. To this end it considers the claim that the Internet is or can be a public sphere. To do this there are two related spheres of enquiry: the `public sphere' and `the Internet'. The enquiry into the concept of the public sphere is based on an engagement with the work of Jürgen Habermas. The concern of this thesis is to draw on the wider corpus of Habermas's work to develop a model of the public sphere that takes account of his thesis of `colonisation'. Because the process of colonisation results in systemically distorted communication the liberal model of the public sphere is replaced with a model of a `radical' public sphere. These two concepts, the radical public sphere and colonisation then form the basis for the investigation into the potential of the Internet. The Internet, like other technologies, cannot, however, be considered in abstraction of its use. Therefore, a theory of `forms of use' is developed, through which the potential of and limits to media can be analysed. This term considers technologies to be socially constructed, and this social construction tends to meet the needs of dominant material forces in society; that is, technologies are not neutral or autonomous but neither are they necessarily completely controllable. A technology is rarely onedimensional, for the basic technology may contain a variety of potential uses. Different case studies are presented in order to show how these different forms of use of the Internet can be supported. However, we can understand that certain `systemic' colonising forms of use of the Internet threaten the functioning of other, radical forms of use. This colonisation requires juridification' through political, legal, socio-cultural and economic frameworks for production, exchange and consumption The limits to the use of the Internet as a public sphere are not, however, inherent features of the technology itself, but pertain to its use under a system in which certain social practices and institutions have priority over others. Under these conditions, the use of the Internet as a radical public sphere takes place as a continual struggle against dominant forms of us

    Análisis de la dinámica y viabilidad del despliegue de redes públicas inalámbricas basadas en el espectro de uso libre

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    El objetivo de la tesis es realizar un análisis integral de la viabilidad para el despliegue y explotación de redes públicas basadas en espectro no licenciado. Para ello se analizan los diversos aspectos implicados bajo diversos puntos de vista: tecnológico, regulatorio, costes, análisis de mercado, análisis de actores implicados, y modelos de negocio. El análisis se centra en tres tipos de redes públicas inalámbricas basadas en Wi-Fi: redes municipales, iniciativas ciudadanas y hotspots privados. Para cada uno de estos tipos de redes se responde a varias preguntas de investigación que se resumen en: análisis de la disruptividad de estas redes, identificación de factores que inhiben y potencian el desarrollo de cada uno de estos tipos de redes y una evaluación de su viabilidad futura teniendo en cuenta todos los factores analizados.The objective of this thesis is to perform an integral analysis on viability for the deployment and operation of public networks based on the use of non-licensed spectrum. Several aspects involved on the viability are analyzed: technological issues, regulatory and costs issues, market analysis, as well as interests and capabilities for the different stakeholders involved and the different business models applied when using non-licensed spectrum to implement public networks. The analysis is focused on three type of wireless public networks based on Wi-Fi technology: municipal networks, grassroots citizen networks and private hotspots. For each of this type of networks several research questions are answered: disruptivity analysis, identification of factors allowing and encouraging the development of these networks, as well as factors hampering or impeding its development, and a final assessment of the future viability considering all factors previously analyzed.L'objectiu de la tesi és realitzar una anàlisi integral de la viabilitat per al desplegament i explotació de xarxes públiques basades en espectre no llicenciat. Per a això s'analitzen els diversos aspectes implicats sota diversos punts de vista: tecnològic, regulatori, costos, anàlisis de mercat, anàlisi d'actors implicats, i models de negoci. L'anàlisi se centra en tres tipus de xarxes públiques sense fils basades en Wi-Fi: xarxes municipals, iniciatives ciutadanes i hotspots privats. Per a cadascun d'aquests tipus de xarxes es respon a diverses preguntes d'investigació que es resumeixen en: anàlisi de la disruptivitat d'aquestes xarxes, identificació de factors que inhibeixen i potencien el desenvolupament de cadascun d'aquests tipus de xarxes i una avaluació de la seva viabilitat futura tenint en compte tots els factors analitzats.Societat de la informació i el coneixemen

    Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction towards E-shopping in Malaysia

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    Online shopping or e-shopping has changed the world of business and quite a few people have decided to work with these features. What their primary concerns precisely and the responses from the globalisation are the competency of incorporation while doing their businesses. E-shopping has also increased substantially in Malaysia in recent years. The rapid increase in the e-commerce industry in Malaysia has created the demand to emphasize on how to increase customer satisfaction while operating in the e-retailing environment. It is very important that customers are satisfied with the website, or else, they would not return. Therefore, a crucial fact to look into is that companies must ensure that their customers are satisfied with their purchases that are really essential from the ecommerce’s point of view. With is in mind, this study aimed at investigating customer satisfaction towards e-shopping in Malaysia. A total of 400 questionnaires were distributed among students randomly selected from various public and private universities located within Klang valley area. Total 369 questionnaires were returned, out of which 341 questionnaires were found usable for further analysis. Finally, SEM was employed to test the hypotheses. This study found that customer satisfaction towards e-shopping in Malaysia is to a great extent influenced by ease of use, trust, design of the website, online security and e-service quality. Finally, recommendations and future study direction is provided. Keywords: E-shopping, Customer satisfaction, Trust, Online security, E-service quality, Malaysia

    Электронный учебно-методический комплекс по учебной дисциплине «Иностранный язык» для специальностей (направлений специальностей) 1-25 01 07 Экономика и управление на предприятии, 1-25 01 08 Бухгалтерский учет, анализ и аудит, 1-25 01 04 Финансы и кредит

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    Venskovich Svetlana Vasilievna, Gaiduk Irina Ivanovna, Shpudeiko Lyudmila Nikolaevna, Obukhovskaya Oksana Anatolyevna, Kopchak Elena Vladimirovna. Electronic educational and methodological complex for the academic discipline "Foreign language" for specialties (directions of specialties) 1-25 01 07 Economics and management at the enterprise, 1-25 01 08 Accounting, analysis and audit, 1-25 01 04 Finance and creditЭлектронный учебно-методический комплекс по учебной дисциплине «Иностранный язык» предназначен для студентов специальностей (направлений специальностей) 1-25 01 07 Экономика и управление на предприятии, 1-25 01 08 Бухгалтерский учет, анализ и аудит, 1-25 01 04 Финансы и кредит дневной формы обучения. Материал представлен на требуемом методическом уровне и адаптирован к современным образовательным технологиям