11 research outputs found

    A new P-Lingua toolkit for agile development in membrane computing

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    Membrane computing is a massively parallel and non-deterministic bioinspired computing paradigm whose models are called P systems. Validating and testing such models is a challenge which is being overcome by developing simulators. Regardless of their heterogeneity, such simulators require to read and interpret the models to be simulated. To this end, P-Lingua is a high-level P system definition language which has been widely used in the last decade. The P-Lingua ecosystem includes not only the language, but also libraries and software tools for parsing and simulating membrane computing models. Each version of P-Lingua supported new types or variants of P systems. This leads to a shortcoming: Only a predefined list of variants can be used, thus making it difficult for researchers to study custom ones. Moreover, derivation modes cannot be user-defined, i.e, the way in which P system computations should be generated is determined by the simulation algorithm in the source code. The main contribution of this paper is a completely new design of the P-Lingua language, called P-Lingua 5, in which the user can define custom variants and derivation modes, among other improvements such as including procedural programming and simulation directives. It is worth mentioning that it has backward-compatibility with previous versions of the language. A completely new set of command-line tools is provided for parsing and simulating P-Lingua 5 files. Finally, several examples are included in this paper covering the most common P system types.Agencia Estatal de Investigación TIN2017-89842-

    Advances in Robotics, Automation and Control

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    The book presents an excellent overview of the recent developments in the different areas of Robotics, Automation and Control. Through its 24 chapters, this book presents topics related to control and robot design; it also introduces new mathematical tools and techniques devoted to improve the system modeling and control. An important point is the use of rational agents and heuristic techniques to cope with the computational complexity required for controlling complex systems. Through this book, we also find navigation and vision algorithms, automatic handwritten comprehension and speech recognition systems that will be included in the next generation of productive systems developed by man

    Arquitectura escalable SIMD con conectividad jerárquica y reconfigurable para la emulación de SNN

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    A biological neural system consists of millions of highly integrated neurons with multiple dynamic functions operating in coordination with each other. Its structural organization is characterized by highly hierarchical assemblies. These assemblies are distinguished by locally dense and globally ispersed connections communicated by spikes traveling through the axon to the target neuron. In the last century, approaching the biological complexity of the cortex by means of hardware architectures has continued to be a challenge still unattainable. This is not only due to the massively parallel processing with support for the communication between neurons in large-scale networks, but also for the need of mechanisms that allow the evolution of the neural network efficiently. In this context, this thesis contributes to the development of an architecture called HEENS (Hardware Emulator of Evolved Neural System), which supports inter-chip connectivity with a ring topology between a Master Chip (MC) controlling one or more Neuromorphic Chips (NCs). The MC is implemented in a PSoC device that integrates a CPU ARM Dual Core together with programmable logic. The ARM is responsible for setting up the communication ring and executing the software application that controls the data configuration transmission from the algorithm and the neural parameters to all NCs in the network. Besides, the MC is in charge of activating the evolution mode of the network, as well as managing the dispatching of reconfiguration data to any of the nodes during the execution. Each NC, in turn, consists of a configurable 2D array of Processing Elements (PEs) with a SIMD-like processing scheme implemented on a Kintex7 FPGA. NCs are SNN multiprocessors that support the execution of any neural algorithm based on spikes. A set of custom instructions was designed specifically for this architecture. The NCs support a hierarchical scheme of local and global spikes to mimic the brain structural configuration. Local spikes establish inter-neuronal connectivity within a single chip and the global ones allow inter-modular communication between different chips. The NCs have fixed hub neurons that process local and global spikes, thus allowing inter-modular and intra-modular connectivity. This definition of local and global spikes allows the development of multi-level hierarchical architectures inspired by the brain topologies, and offers excellent scalability. The spike propagation through the multi-chip network is supported by an Aurora / AER-SRT protocol stack. The Aurora protocol encapsulates and de-capsulates the packets transmitted through a high-speed serial link that communicates the platform, while the Synchronous Address Event representation (AER-SRT) protocol manages the data (address events) and controls packets that allow synchronization of the operation of the neural network. Each event encapsulates the address neuron that fires a spike as result of the neural algorithm execution. The definition of local and global synaptic topology is implemented using on-chip RAM blocks, which reduces the combinational logic requirements and, in addition to allowing the dynamic connectivity configuration, permits the development of evolutionary applications by supporting the on-line reconfiguration of both the neural algorithm or the neural and synaptic parameters. HEENS also supports axon programmable delays, which incorporates dynamic features to the network.Un sistema neuronal biológico consiste de millones de neuronas altamente integradas con múltiples funciones dinámicas operando en coordinación entre sí. Su organización estructural se caracteriza por contener agrupaciones altamente jerárquicas. Dichas agrupaciones se distinguen por conexiones localmente densas y globalmente dispersas comunicadas a través de pulsos transitorios (spikes) que viajan por el axón hasta la neurona destino. En el último siglo, aproximarse a la complejidad biológica del cortex mediante arquitecturas de hardware continúa siendo un desafío todavía inalcanzable. Esto se debe, no sólo al masivo procesamiento paralelo con soporte para la comunicación entre neuronas en redes de gran escala, sinó también a la necesidad de mecanismos que permitan la evolución de la red neuronal de forma eficiente. En este marco, esta tesis contribuye al desarrollo de una arquitectura denominada HEENS (Emulador de Hardware para Sistemas Neuronales Evolutivos, Hardware Emulator of Evolved Neural System) que soporta conectividad inter-chip con una topología de anillo entre un chip que actúa de master (MC) y uno o más Chips Neuromórficos (NCs). El MC está implementado en un dispositivo PSoC que integra un CPU ARM Dual Core junto con lógica programable. El ARM se encarga de configurar el anillo de comunicación y de ejecutar la aplicación de software que controla el envío de información de configuración del algoritmo y los parámetros neuronales a todos los NCs de la red. Además, el MC es el encargado de activar el modo de evolución de la red, así como de gestionar el envío de datos de reconfiguración a cualquiera de los nodos durante la ejecución. Cada NC a su vez, está compuesto por un arreglo 2D parametrizable de Elementos de Procesamiento (Processing Elements, PEs) con un esquema de procesamiento tipo SIMD implementado sobre una FPGA Kintex7. Los NCs son multiprocesadores SNN que soportan la ejecución de cualquier algoritmo neuronal basado en spikes. Se cuenta con un set de instrucciones personalizadas diseñadas específicamente para esta arquitectura. Imitando la configuración estructural del cerebro los NC soportan un esquema jerárquico con spikes locales y globales. Los spikes locales establecen la conectividad inter-neuronal dentro de un mismo chip, y los globales la comunicación inter-modular entre diferentes chips. Los NC cuentan con neuronas fijas tipo hub que procesan spikes locales y globales que permiten la conectividad inter e intra modulos. La definición de spikes locales y globales permite desarrollar arquitecturas jerárquicas multi-nivel que se inspiran en las topologías del cerebro y ofrecen una escalabilidad excelente. La propagación de spikes a través de la red multi-chip es soportada por una pila de protocolos Aurora/AER-SRT. El protocolo Aurora encapsula y desencapsula los paquetes transmitidos a través del enlace serial de alta velocidad que comunica la plataforma. Mientras que el protocolo Síncrono de Representación de Eventos de Dirección (AER-SRT) gestiona los datos (eventos de dirección) y los paquetes de control que permiten sincronizar la operación de la red neuronal. Cada evento encapsula la dirección de la neurona que genera un spike como resultado del procesamiento del algoritmo neuronal. La definición de topología sináptica local y global es implementada usando bloques de memoria RAM on-chip, lo que reduce los requerimientos de lógica combinacional y, además de facilitar la configuración del conexionado sin modificar el hardware, permite el desarrollo de aplicaciones evolutivas al soportar la reconfiguración on-line tanto del algoritmo neuronal como de los parámetros neuronales y sinápticos. HEENS también admite retardos programables de axón, lo cual incorpora características dinámicas a la red

    Intelligence artificielle et robotique bio-inspirée : modélisation de fonctions d'apprentissage par réseaux de neurones à impulsions

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    Cette thèse a comme objectif de permettre une avancée originale dans le domaine de l'informatique cognitive, plus précisément en robotique bio-inspirée. L'hypothèse défendue est qu'il est possible d'intégrer différentes fonctions d'apprentissage, élaborées et incarnées pour des robots virtuels et physiques, à un même paradigme de réseaux de neurones à impulsions agissant comme cerveaux-contrôleurs. La conception de règles d'apprentissage et la validation de l'hypothèse de recherche reposent sur la simulation de mécanismes cellulaires à base de plasticité synaptique et sur la reproduction de comportements adaptatifs des robots. Cette thèse par articles cible trois types d'apprentissage de complexité incrémentale : l'habituation comme forme d'apprentissage non associatif et les conditionnements classiques et opérants comme formes d'apprentissage associatif. L'analyse détaillée, de la synapse au comportement, et validée par des études expérimentales provenant d'invertébrés tels que le ver nématode Caenorhabditis elegans. Pour chacune de ces règles, un algorithme novateur a été proposé, conduisant à la publication d'un article scientifique. Ces règles d'apprentissage ont été modélisées en développant certains paramètres temporels et des circuits neuronaux précis. Incidemment, la granularité du temps des réseaux de neurones à impulsions (RNAI) est établie au niveau du simple potentiel d'action plutôt qu'au niveau du taux moyen de décharge par unité de temps, comme c'est le cas pour les réseaux de neurones artificiels traditionnels. Cette propriété des RNAI s'est avérée être un atout suffisant pour préférer leur utilisation pour des robots évoluant dans le monde réel. L'élaboration du modèle computationnel d'apprentissage pour des robots a requis de tester d'abord les hypothèses sur des simulations virtuelles. Puisqu'aucun simulateur n'avait les capacités suffisantes pour tester notre hypothèse, soit d'intégrer des RNAI, des structures de robots, et des interfaces pour l'exportation des RNAI vers des plateformes physiques et des environnements virtuels 3D suffisamment complexes, il a été nécessaire de développer, en parallèle de la thèse, un logiciel novateur (SIMCOG), permettant une étude analytique par le suivi dynamique des variables, des synapses de RNAI jusqu'aux comportements d'un ou plusieurs robots virtuels ou physiques. Finalement, outre l'intégration de plusieurs fonctions différentes d'apprentissage dans des RNAI, une autre des conclusions de ce travail suggère que des robots virtuels et physiques peuvent apprendre et s'adapter au niveau comportemental, de façon similaire aux agents naturels. Ces observations comportementales sont basées sur la simulation de mécanismes de plasticité synaptique modulés par des variables temporelles relatives aux stimuli physiques et aux activités cellulaires neuronales.\ud ______________________________________________________________________________ \ud MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Intelligence artificielle, Cognition, Simulateur, Robotique bio-inspirée, Réseaux de neurones artificiels à impulsions, Apprentissage, Habituation, Conditionnement classique, Conditionnement opérant, Plasticité synaptiqu

    Autonomous Decision-Making based on Biological Adaptive Processes for Intelligent Social Robots

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorThe unceasing development of autonomous robots in many different scenarios drives a new revolution to improve our quality of life. Recent advances in human-robot interaction and machine learning extend robots to social scenarios, where these systems pretend to assist humans in diverse tasks. Thus, social robots are nowadays becoming real in many applications like education, healthcare, entertainment, or assistance. Complex environments demand that social robots present adaptive mechanisms to overcome different situations and successfully execute their tasks. Thus, considering the previous ideas, making autonomous and appropriate decisions is essential to exhibit reasonable behaviour and operate well in dynamic scenarios. Decision-making systems provide artificial agents with the capacity of making decisions about how to behave depending on input information from the environment. In the last decades, human decision-making has served researchers as an inspiration to endow robots with similar deliberation. Especially in social robotics, where people expect to interact with machines with human-like capabilities, biologically inspired decisionmaking systems have demonstrated great potential and interest. Thereby, it is expected that these systems will continue providing a solid biological background and improve the naturalness of the human-robot interaction, usability, and the acceptance of social robots in the following years. This thesis presents a decision-making system for social robots acting in healthcare, entertainment, and assistance with autonomous behaviour. The system’s goal is to provide robots with natural and fluid human-robot interaction during the realisation of their tasks. The decision-making system integrates into an already existing software architecture with different modules that manage human-robot interaction, perception, or expressiveness. Inside this architecture, the decision-making system decides which behaviour the robot has to execute after evaluating information received from different modules in the architecture. These modules provide structured data about planned activities, perceptions, and artificial biological processes that evolve with time that are the basis for natural behaviour. The natural behaviour of the robot comes from the evolution of biological variables that emulate biological processes occurring in humans. We also propose a Motivational model, a module that emulates biological processes in humans for generating an artificial physiological and psychological state that influences the robot’s decision-making. These processes emulate the natural biological rhythms of the human organism to produce biologically inspired decisions that improve the naturalness exhibited by the robot during human-robot interactions. The robot’s decisions also depend on what the robot perceives from the environment, planned events listed in the robot’s agenda, and the unique features of the user interacting with the robot. The robot’s decisions depend on many internal and external factors that influence how the robot behaves. Users are the most critical stimuli the robot perceives since they are the cornerstone of interaction. Social robots have to focus on assisting people in their daily tasks, considering that each person has different features and preferences. Thus, a robot devised for social interaction has to adapt its decisions to people that aim at interacting with it. The first step towards adapting to different users is identifying the user it interacts with. Then, it has to gather as much information as possible and personalise the interaction. The information about each user has to be actively updated if necessary since outdated information may lead the user to refuse the robot. Considering these facts, this work tackles the user adaptation in three different ways. • The robot incorporates user profiling methods to continuously gather information from the user using direct and indirect feedback methods. • The robot has a Preference Learning System that predicts and adjusts the user’s preferences to the robot’s activities during the interaction. • An Action-based Learning System grounded on Reinforcement Learning is introduced as the origin of motivated behaviour. The functionalities mentioned above define the inputs received by the decisionmaking system for adapting its behaviour. Our decision-making system has been designed for being integrated into different robotic platforms due to its flexibility and modularity. Finally, we carried out several experiments to evaluate the architecture’s functionalities during real human-robot interaction scenarios. In these experiments, we assessed: • How to endow social robots with adaptive affective mechanisms to overcome interaction limitations. • Active user profiling using face recognition and human-robot interaction. • A Preference Learning System we designed to predict and adapt the user preferences towards the robot’s entertainment activities for adapting the interaction. • A Behaviour-based Reinforcement Learning System that allows the robot to learn the effects of its actions to behave appropriately in each situation. • The biologically inspired robot behaviour using emulated biological processes and how the robot creates social bonds with each user. • The robot’s expressiveness in affect (emotion and mood) and autonomic functions such as heart rate or blinking frequency.Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y Automática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Richard J. Duro Fernández.- Secretaria: Concepción Alicia Monje Micharet.- Vocal: Silvia Ross

    Adaptative parallel simulators for bioinspired computing models

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    In the Membrane Computing area, P systems are unconventional devices of computation inspired by the structure and processes taking place in living cells. Main successful P system applications lie in computability and computational complexity theories, as well as in biological modelling. Given that models become too complex to deal with, simulators for P systems are essential tools and their efficiency is critical. In order to handle the diverse situations that may arise during the computation, these simulators have to take into account that worst-case scenarios can happen, even though they rarely occur. As a result, there is a significant loss of performance. In this paper, the concept of adaptative simulation for P systems is introduced to palliate this problem. This is achieved by passing high-level information provided directly by P system model designers to the simulator, helping it to better adapt to the target model. For this purpose, an existing simulator for an ecosystem modelling framework, named Population Dynamics P systems, is extended to include the information of modules, that are usually employed to define ecosystem models. Moreover, the standard description language for P systems, P-Lingua, has been re-engineered in its version 5. It now includes a new syntactical item, called feature, to express this kind of high-level semantic information. Experiments show that this simple adaptative simulator supporting modules as features doubles the performance when running on GPUs and on multicore processors.Ministerio de Economía, Industría y Competitividad TIN2017-89842-P (MABICAP