317 research outputs found

    Advances in unlimited-vocabulary speech recognition for morphologically rich languages

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    Automatic speech recognition systems are devices or computer programs that convert human speech into text or make actions based on what is said to the system. Typical applications include dictation, automatic transcription of large audio or video databases, speech-controlled user interfaces, and automated telephone services, for example. If the recognition system is not limited to a certain topic and vocabulary, covering the words in the target languages as well as possible while maintaining a high recognition accuracy becomes an issue. The conventional way to model the target language, especially in English recognition systems, is to limit the recognition to the most common words of the language. A vocabulary of 60 000 words is usually enough to cover the language adequately for arbitrary topics. On the other hand, in morphologically rich languages, such as Finnish, Estonian and Turkish, long words can be formed by inflecting and compounding, which makes it difficult to cover the language adequately by vocabulary-based approaches. This thesis deals with methods that can be used to build efficient speech recognition systems for morphologically rich languages. Before training the statistical n-gram language models on a large text corpus, the words in the corpus are automatically segmented into smaller fragments, referred to as morphs. The morphs are then used as modelling units of the n-gram models instead of whole words. This makes it possible to train the model on the whole text corpus without limiting the vocabulary and enables the model to create even unseen words by joining morphs together. Since the segmentation algorithm is unsupervised and data-driven, it can be readily used for many languages. Speech recognition experiments are made on various Finnish recognition tasks and some of the experiments are also repeated on an Estonian task. It is shown that the morph-based language models reduce recognition errors when compared to word-based models. It seems to be important, however, that the n-gram models are allowed to use long morph contexts, especially if the morphs used by the model are short. This can be achieved by using growing and pruning algorithms to train variable-length n-gram models. The thesis also presents data structures that can be used for representing the variable-length n-gram models efficiently in recognition systems. By analysing the recognition errors made by Finnish recognition systems it is found out that speaker adaptive training and discriminative training methods help to reduce errors in different situations. The errors are also analysed according to word frequencies and manually defined error classes

    Analysing recognition errors in unlimited-vocabulary speech recognition

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    Suomenkielinen puheentunnistus hammashuollon sovelluksissa

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    A significant portion of the work time of dentists and nursing staff goes to writing reports and notes. This thesis studies how automatic speech recognition could ease the work load. The primary objective was to develop and evaluate an automatic speech recognition system for dental health care that records the status of patient's dentition, as dictated by a dentist. The system accepts a restricted set of spoken commands that identify a tooth or teeth and describe their condition. The status of the teeth is stored in a database. In addition to dentition status dictation, it was surveyed how well automatic speech recognition would be suited for dictating patient treatment reports. Instead of typing reports with a keyboard, a dentist could dictate them to speech recognition software that automatically transcribes them into text. The vocabulary and grammar in such a system is, in principle, unlimited. This makes it significantly harder to obtain an accurate transcription. The status commands and the report dictation language model are Finnish. Aalto University has developed an unlimited vocabulary speech recognizer that is particularly well suited for Finnish free speech recognition, but it has previously been used mainly for research purposes. In this project we experimented with adapting the recognizer to grammar-based dictation, and real end user environments. Nearly perfect recognition accuracy was obtained for dentition status dictation. Letter error rates for the report transcription task varied between 1.3 % and 17 % depending on the speaker, with no obvious explanation for so radical inter-speaker variability. Language model for report transcription was estimated using a collection of dental reports. Including a corpus of literary Finnish did not improve the results.Hammaslääkärien ja hoitohenkilökunnan työajasta huomattava osa kuluu raportointiin ja muistiinpanojen tekemiseen. Tämä lisensiaatintyö tutkii kuinka automaattinen puheentunnistus voisi helpottaa tätä työtaakkaa. Ensisijaisena tavoitteena oli kehittää automaattinen puheentunnistusjärjestelmä hammashuollon tarpeisiin, joka tallentaa potilaan hampaiston tilan hammaslääkärin sanelemana, ja arvioida järjestelmän toimivuutta. Järjestelmä hyväksyy rajoitetun joukon puhuttuja komentoja, jotka identifioivat hampaan tai hampaat ja kuvaavat niiden tilaa. Hampaiden tila tallennetaan tietokantaan. Hampaiston tilan sanelun lisäksi tutkittiin kuinka hyvin automaattinen puheentunnistus sopisi potilaiden hoitokertomusten saneluun. Näppäimistöllä kirjoittamisen sijaan hammaslääkäri voisi sanella hoitokertomukset puheentunnistusohjelmistolle, joka automaattisesti purkaisi puheen tekstimuotoon. Tämän kaltaisessa järjestelmässä sanasto ja kielioppi ovat periaatteessa rajoittamattomat, minkä takia tekstiä on huomattavasti vaikeampaa tunnistaa tarkasti. Status-komennot ja hoitokertomusten kielimalli ovat suomenkielisiä. Aalto-yliopisto on kehittänyt rajoittamattoman sanaston puheentunnistimen, joka soveltuu erityisen hyvin suomenkielisen vapaamuotoisen puheen tunnistamiseen, mutta sitä on aikaisemmin käytetty lähinnä tutkimustarkoituksiin. Tässä projektissa tutkimme tunnistimen sovittamista kielioppipohjaiseen tunnistukseen ja todellisiin käyttöympäristöihin. Hampaiston tilan sanelussa saavutettiin lähes täydellinen tunnistustarkkuus. Kirjainvirheiden osuus hoitokertomusten sanelussa vaihteli 1,3 ja 17 prosentin välillä puhujasta riippuen, ilman selvää syytä näin jyrkälle puhujien väliselle vaihtelulle. Kielimalli hoitokertomusten sanelulle laskettiin kokoelmasta hammaslääkärien kirjoittamia raportteja. Kirjakielisen aineiston sisällyttäminen ei parantanut tunnistustulosta

    Big Code != Big Vocabulary: Open-Vocabulary Models for Source Code

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    Statistical language modeling techniques have successfully been applied to large source code corpora, yielding a variety of new software development tools, such as tools for code suggestion, improving readability, and API migration. A major issue with these techniques is that code introduces new vocabulary at a far higher rate than natural language, as new identifier names proliferate. Both large vocabularies and out-of-vocabulary issues severely affect Neural Language Models (NLMs) of source code, degrading their performance and rendering them unable to scale. In this paper, we address this issue by: 1) studying how various modelling choices impact the resulting vocabulary on a large-scale corpus of 13,362 projects; 2) presenting an open vocabulary source code NLM that can scale to such a corpus, 100 times larger than in previous work; and 3) showing that such models outperform the state of the art on three distinct code corpora (Java, C, Python). To our knowledge, these are the largest NLMs for code that have been reported. All datasets, code, and trained models used in this work are publicly available.Comment: 13 pages; to appear in Proceedings of ICSE 202

    Akustisen mallin MAP adaptointi Automaattisessa Puheentunnistuksessa

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    The purpose of the acoustic model in Automatic Speech Recognition system is to model the acoustic properties of the speech. Speech, however, has a lot of internal variation making development of a general acoustic model for all purposes an extremely difficult. Adaptation is used to tune the general acoustic models into a specific task, in order to improve the performance of the system. Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) adaptation is one of the most common acoustic model adaptation techniques in the speech recognition. MAP adaptation scheme in AaltoASR, Automatic Speech Recognition system of Aalto University, was implemented for this thesis. Implementation was tested with speaker adaptation and compared with constrained Maximum Likelihood Linear Regression (MLLR) adaptation to confirm that implementation functions properly. Results were the same as in previous studies, thus it was concluded that implementation is function correctly. Constrained MLLR adaptation performs better when the adaptation set is less than 10 minutes, otherwise MAP adaptation is superior. MAP implementation has other uses besides the adaptation. It successfully reduced the size of the acoustic model while improving the performance. MAP was also used to adapt colloquial language by giving more weight to the chosen corpus after Maximum Likelihood or discriminative training.Puheentunnistimen akustisella mallilla mallinnetaan puheen akustisia ominaisuuksia. Puhetta on kuitenkin monentyylistä ja puhe vaihtelee jopa puhujittain suuresti. Akustisen mallin täytyykin mallintaa puhetta laaja-alaisesti toimiakseen tyydyttävästi arkisissa olosuhteissa. Kaikkiin tilanteisiin soveltuvan akustisen mallin opettaminen ei kuitenkaan ole käytännössä mahdollista. Tästä syystä akustisia malleja viritetään tiettyihin olosuhteisiin esimerkiksi adaptaatiolla. Yksi yleisimmistä adaptaatiomenetelmistä on Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) adaptaatio. Tässä työssä esitellään MAP adaptaation implementoiti AaltoASR puheentunnistusjärjestelmään, ja tutkitaan mihin tarkoituksiin adaptaatiota voidaan soveltaa. MAP adaptaatiota verrattiin Constrained Maximum Likelihood Linear Regression (CMLLR) -adaptaatioon puhuja-adaptaatiokokeessa implementaation toimivuuden varmistamiseksi. Todettiin, että CMLLR adaptaatio suoriutuu paremmin, jos adaptointiaineiston määrä on alle 10 minuuttia. Aineiston ollessa yli 10 minuuttia MAP adaptaatio on puolestaan soveltuvampi valinta, sillä MAP hyötyy adaptointiaineiston kasvusta enemmän kuin CMLLR. Tulokset vastaavat aikaisempia tutkimuksia, joissa MAP ja CMLLR adaptaatiota on verrattu keskenään. Lisäksi huomattiin, että MAP implementointia voidaan käyttää myös akustisen mallin koon pienentämiseen sekä painottamaan tiettyä osaa opetusaineistosta tavallisen Maximum Likelihood tai diskriminatiivisen opetuksen jälkeen. Aineiston painottamismenetelmää testattin puhekielen adaptoimiseen

    Dynamic language modeling for European Portuguese

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia InformáticaActualmente muitas das metodologias utilizadas para transcrição e indexação de transmissões noticiosas são baseadas em processos manuais. Com o processamento e transcrição deste tipo de dados os prestadores de serviços noticiosos procuram extrair informação semântica que permita a sua interpretação, sumarização, indexação e posterior disseminação selectiva. Pelo que, o desenvolvimento e implementação de técnicas automáticas para suporte deste tipo de tarefas têm suscitado ao longo dos últimos anos o interesse pela utilização de sistemas de reconhecimento automático de fala. Contudo, as especificidades que caracterizam este tipo de tarefas, nomeadamente a diversidade de tópicos presentes nos blocos de notícias, originam um elevado número de ocorrência de novas palavras não incluídas no vocabulário finito do sistema de reconhecimento, o que se traduz negativamente na qualidade das transcrições automáticas produzidas pelo mesmo. Para línguas altamente flexivas, como é o caso do Português Europeu, este problema torna-se ainda mais relevante. Para colmatar este tipo de problemas no sistema de reconhecimento, várias abordagens podem ser exploradas: a utilização de informações específicas de cada um dos blocos noticiosos a ser transcrito, como por exemplo os scripts previamente produzidos pelo pivot e restantes jornalistas, e outro tipo de fontes como notícias escritas diariamente disponibilizadas na Internet. Este trabalho engloba essencialmente três contribuições: um novo algoritmo para selecção e optimização do vocabulário, utilizando informação morfosintáctica de forma a compensar as diferenças linguísticas existentes entre os diferentes conjuntos de dados; uma metodologia diária para adaptação dinâmica e não supervisionada do modelo de linguagem, utilizando múltiplos passos de reconhecimento; metodologia para inclusão de novas palavras no vocabulário do sistema, mesmo em situações de não existência de dados de adaptação e sem necessidade re-estimação global do modelo de linguagem.Most of today methods for transcription and indexation of broadcast audio data are manual. Broadcasters process thousands hours of audio and video data on a daily basis, in order to transcribe that data, to extract semantic information, and to interpret and summarize the content of those documents. The development of automatic and efficient support for these manual tasks has been a great challenge and over the last decade there has been a growing interest in the usage of automatic speech recognition as a tool to provide automatic transcription and indexation of broadcast news and random and relevant access to large broadcast news databases. However, due to the common topic changing over time which characterizes this kind of tasks, the appearance of new events leads to high out-of-vocabulary (OOV) word rates and consequently to degradation of recognition performance. This is especially true for highly inflected languages like the European Portuguese language. Several innovative techniques can be exploited to reduce those errors. The use of news shows specific information, such as topic-based lexicons, pivot working script, and other sources such as the online written news daily available in the Internet can be added to the information sources employed by the automatic speech recognizer. In this thesis we are exploring the use of additional sources of information for vocabulary optimization and language model adaptation of a European Portuguese broadcast news transcription system. Hence, this thesis has 3 different main contributions: a novel approach for vocabulary selection using Part-Of-Speech (POS) tags to compensate for word usage differences across the various training corpora; language model adaptation frameworks performed on a daily basis for single-stage and multistage recognition approaches; a new method for inclusion of new words in the system vocabulary without the need of additional data or language model retraining

    Keskusteluavustimen kehittäminen kuulovammaisia varten automaattista puheentunnistusta käyttäen

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    Understanding and participating in conversations has been reported as one of the biggest challenges hearing impaired people face in their daily lives. These communication problems have been shown to have wide-ranging negative consequences, affecting their quality of life and the opportunities available to them in education and employment. A conversational assistance application was investigated to alleviate these problems. The application uses automatic speech recognition technology to provide real-time speech-to-text transcriptions to the user, with the goal of helping deaf and hard of hearing persons in conversational situations. To validate the method and investigate its usefulness, a prototype application was developed for testing purposes using open-source software. A user test was designed and performed with test participants representing the target user group. The results indicate that the Conversation Assistant method is valid, meaning it can help the hearing impaired to follow and participate in conversational situations. Speech recognition accuracy, especially in noisy environments, was identified as the primary target for further development for increased usefulness of the application. Conversely, recognition speed was deemed to be sufficient and already surpass the transcription speed of human transcribers.Keskustelupuheen ymmärtäminen ja keskusteluihin osallistuminen on raportoitu yhdeksi suurimmista haasteista, joita kuulovammaiset kohtaavat jokapäiväisessä elämässään. Näillä viestintäongelmilla on osoitettu olevan laaja-alaisia negatiivisia vaikutuksia, jotka heijastuvat elämänlaatuun ja heikentävät kuulovammaisten yhdenvertaisia osallistumismahdollisuuksia opiskeluun ja työelämään. Työssä kehitettiin ja arvioitiin apusovellusta keskustelupuheen ymmärtämisen ja keskusteluihin osallistumisen helpottamiseksi. Sovellus käyttää automaattista puheentunnistusta reaaliaikaiseen puheen tekstittämiseen kuuroja ja huonokuuloisia varten. Menetelmän toimivuuden vahvistamiseksi ja sen hyödyllisyyden tutkimiseksi siitä kehitettiin prototyyppisovellus käyttäjätestausta varten avointa lähdekoodia hyödyntäen. Testaamista varten suunniteltiin ja toteutettiin käyttäjäkoe sovelluksen kohderyhmää edustavilla koekäyttäjillä. Saadut tulokset viittaavat siihen, että työssä esitetty Keskusteluavustin on toimiva ja hyödyllinen apuväline huonokuuloisille ja kuuroille. Puheentunnistustarkkuus erityisesti meluisissa olosuhteissa osoittautui ensisijaiseksi kehityskohteeksi apusovelluksen hyödyllisyyden lisäämiseksi. Puheentunnistuksen nopeus arvioitiin puolestaan jo riittävän nopeaksi, ylittäen selkeästi kirjoitustulkkien kirjoitusnopeuden

    A System for Simultaneous Translation of Lectures and Speeches

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    This thesis realizes the first existing automatic system for simultaneous speech-to-speech translation. The focus of this system is the automatic translation of (technical oriented) lectures and speeches from English to Spanish, but the different aspects described in this thesis will also be helpful for developing simultaneous translation systems for other domains or languages

    Representation and Processing of Composition, Variation and Approximation in Language Resources and Tools

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    In my habilitation dissertation, meant to validate my capacity of and maturity for directingresearch activities, I present a panorama of several topics in computational linguistics, linguisticsand computer science.Over the past decade, I was notably concerned with the phenomena of compositionalityand variability of linguistic objects. I illustrate the advantages of a compositional approachto the language in the domain of emotion detection and I explain how some linguistic objects,most prominently multi-word expressions, defy the compositionality principles. I demonstratethat the complex properties of MWEs, notably variability, are partially regular and partiallyidiosyncratic. This fact places the MWEs on the frontiers between different levels of linguisticprocessing, such as lexicon and syntax.I show the highly heterogeneous nature of MWEs by citing their two existing taxonomies.After an extensive state-of-the art study of MWE description and processing, I summarizeMultiflex, a formalism and a tool for lexical high-quality morphosyntactic description of MWUs.It uses a graph-based approach in which the inflection of a MWU is expressed in function ofthe morphology of its components, and of morphosyntactic transformation patterns. Due tounification the inflection paradigms are represented compactly. Orthographic, inflectional andsyntactic variants are treated within the same framework. The proposal is multilingual: it hasbeen tested on six European languages of three different origins (Germanic, Romance and Slavic),I believe that many others can also be successfully covered. Multiflex proves interoperable. Itadapts to different morphological language models, token boundary definitions, and underlyingmodules for the morphology of single words. It has been applied to the creation and enrichmentof linguistic resources, as well as to morphosyntactic analysis and generation. It can be integratedinto other NLP applications requiring the conflation of different surface realizations of the sameconcept.Another chapter of my activity concerns named entities, most of which are particular types ofMWEs. Their rich semantic load turned them into a hot topic in the NLP community, which isdocumented in my state-of-the art survey. I present the main assumptions, processes and resultsissued from large annotation tasks at two levels (for named entities and for coreference), parts ofthe National Corpus of Polish construction. I have also contributed to the development of bothrule-based and probabilistic named entity recognition tools, and to an automated enrichment ofProlexbase, a large multilingual database of proper names, from open sources.With respect to multi-word expressions, named entities and coreference mentions, I pay aspecial attention to nested structures. This problem sheds new light on the treatment of complexlinguistic units in NLP. When these units start being modeled as trees (or, more generally, asacyclic graphs) rather than as flat sequences of tokens, long-distance dependencies, discontinu-ities, overlapping and other frequent linguistic properties become easier to represent. This callsfor more complex processing methods which control larger contexts than what usually happensin sequential processing. Thus, both named entity recognition and coreference resolution comesvery close to parsing, and named entities or mentions with their nested structures are analogous3to multi-word expressions with embedded complements.My parallel activity concerns finite-state methods for natural language and XML processing.My main contribution in this field, co-authored with 2 colleagues, is the first full-fledged methodfor tree-to-language correction, and more precisely for correcting XML documents with respectto a DTD. We have also produced interesting results in incremental finite-state algorithmics,particularly relevant to data evolution contexts such as dynamic vocabularies or user updates.Multilingualism is the leitmotif of my research. I have applied my methods to several naturallanguages, most importantly to Polish, Serbian, English and French. I have been among theinitiators of a highly multilingual European scientific network dedicated to parsing and multi-word expressions. I have used multilingual linguistic data in experimental studies. I believethat it is particularly worthwhile to design NLP solutions taking declension-rich (e.g. Slavic)languages into account, since this leads to more universal solutions, at least as far as nominalconstructions (MWUs, NEs, mentions) are concerned. For instance, when Multiflex had beendeveloped with Polish in mind it could be applied as such to French, English, Serbian and Greek.Also, a French-Serbian collaboration led to substantial modifications in morphological modelingin Prolexbase in its early development stages. This allowed for its later application to Polishwith very few adaptations of the existing model. Other researchers also stress the advantages ofNLP studies on highly inflected languages since their morphology encodes much more syntacticinformation than is the case e.g. in English.In this dissertation I am also supposed to demonstrate my ability of playing an active rolein shaping the scientific landscape, on a local, national and international scale. I describemy: (i) various scientific collaborations and supervision activities, (ii) roles in over 10 regional,national and international projects, (iii) responsibilities in collective bodies such as program andorganizing committees of conferences and workshops, PhD juries, and the National UniversityCouncil (CNU), (iv) activity as an evaluator and a reviewer of European collaborative projects.The issues addressed in this dissertation open interesting scientific perspectives, in whicha special impact is put on links among various domains and communities. These perspectivesinclude: (i) integrating fine-grained language data into the linked open data, (ii) deep parsingof multi-word expressions, (iii) modeling multi-word expression identification in a treebank as atree-to-language correction problem, and (iv) a taxonomy and an experimental benchmark fortree-to-language correction approaches