882 research outputs found

    Distribution network reconfiguration considering DGs using a hybrid CS-GWO algorithm for power loss minimization and voltage profile enhancement

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    This paper presents an implementation of the hybrid Cuckoo search and Grey wolf (CS-GWO) optimization algorithm for solving the problem of distribution network reconfiguration (DNR) and optimal location and sizing of distributed generations (DGs) simultaneously in radial distribution systems (RDSs). This algorithm is being used significantly to minimize the system power loss, voltage deviation at load buses and improve the voltage profile. When solving the high-dimensional datasets optimization problem using the GWO algorithm, it simply falls into an optimum local region. To enhance and strengthen the GWO algorithm searchability, CS algorithm is integrated to update the best three candidate solutions. This hybrid CS-GWO algorithm has a more substantial search capability to simultaneously find optimal candidate solutions for problem. Furthermore, to validate the effectiveness and performances of the proposed hybrid CS-GWO algorithm is being tested and evaluated for standard IEEE 33-bus and 69-bus RDSs by considering different scenarios

    Optimal Number, Location, and Size of Distributed Generators in Distribution Systems by Symbiotic Organism Search Based Method

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    This paper proposes an approach based on the Symbiotic Organism Search (SOS) for optimal determining sizing, siting, and number of Distributed Generations (DG) in distribution systems. The objective of the problem is to minimize the power loss of the system subject to the equality and inequality constraints such as power balance, bus voltage limits, DG capacity limits, and DG penetration limit. The SOS approach is defined as the symbiotic relationship observed between two organisms in an ecosystem, which does not need the control parameters like other meta-heuristic algorithms in the literature. For the implementation of the proposed method to the problem, an integrated approach of Loss Sensitivity Factor (LSF) is used to determine the optimal location for installation of DG units, and SOS is used to find the optimal size of DG units. The proposed method has been tested on IEEE 33-bus, 69-bus, and 118-bus radial distribution systems. The obtained results from the SOS algorithm have been compared to those of other methods in the literature. The simulated results have demonstrated that the proposed SOS method has a very good performance and effectiveness for the problem of optimal placement of DG units in distribution systems

    Extended mixed integer quadratic programming for simultaneous distributed generation location and network reconfiguration

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    Introduction. To minimise power loss, maintain the voltage within the acceptable range, and improve power quality in power distribution networks, reconfiguration and optimal distributed generation placement are presented. Power flow analysis and advanced optimization techniques that can handle significant combinatorial problems must be used in distribution network reconfiguration investigations. The optimization approach to be used depends on the size of the distribution network. Our methodology simultaneously addresses two nonlinear discrete optimization problems to construct an intelligent algorithm to identify the best solution. The proposed work is novel in that it the Extended Mixed-Integer Quadratic Programming (EMIQP) technique, a deterministic approach for determining the topology that will effectively minimize power losses in the distribution system by strategically sizing and positioning Distributed Generation (DG) while taking network reconfiguration into account. Using an efficient Quadratic Mixed Integer Programming (QMIP) solver (IBM ®), the resulting optimization problem has a quadratic form. To ascertain the range and impact of various variables, our methodology outperforms cutting-edge algorithms described in the literature in terms of the obtained power loss reduction, according to extensive numerical validation carried out on typical IEEE 33- and 69-bus systems at three different load factors. Practical value. Examining the effectiveness of concurrent reconfiguration and DG allocation versus sole reconfiguration is done using test cases. According to the findings, network reconfiguration along with the installation of a distributed generator in the proper location, at the proper size, with the proper loss level, and with a higher profile, is effective.  Вступ. Для мінімізації втрат потужності, підтримки напруги в допустимому діапазоні та покращення якості електроенергії у розподільчих мережах представлена реконфігурація та оптимальне розміщення розподіленої генерації. При дослідженнях реконфігурації розподільної мережі необхідно використовувати аналіз потоку потужності та передові методи оптимізації, які можуть вирішувати серйозні комбінаторні проблеми. Підхід до оптимізації, що використовується, залежить від розміру розподільної мережі. Наша методологія одночасно вирішує дві задачі нелінійної дискретної оптимізації, щоби побудувати інтелектуальний алгоритм для визначення найкращого рішення. Пропонована робота є новою, оскільки вона використовує метод розширеного змішано-цілочисельного квадратичного програмування (EMIQP), детермінований підхід до визначення топології, що ефективно мінімізує втрати потужності в системі розподілу за рахунок стратегічного визначення розмірів та позиціонування розподіленої генерації (DG) з урахуванням реконфігурації мережі. При використанні ефективного солвера Quadratic Mixed Integer Programming (QMIP) (IBM®) результуюча задача оптимізації має квадратичну форму. Щоб з'ясувати діапазон та вплив різних змінних, наша методологія перевершує передові алгоритми, описані в літературі, з точки зору одержаного зниження втрат потужності, згідно з великою числовою перевіркою, проведеною на типових системах з шинами IEEE 33 і 69 при трьох різних коефіцієнтах навантаження. Практична цінність. Вивчення ефективності одночасної реконфігурації та розподілу DG у порівнянні з єдиною реконфігурацією проводиться з використанням тестових прикладів. Відповідно до результатів, реконфігурація мережі разом із установкою розподіленого генератора в потрібному місці, належного розміру, з належним рівнем втрат і з більш високим профілем є ефективною

    Simultaneous Placement of Distributed Generation and Reconfiguration in Distribution Networks Using Unified Particle Swarm Optimization

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    The power distribution feeder reconfiguration and optimum placement of distributed generation are two main methods to minimize the active power loss in radial distribution systems. The robustness of the radial distribution system can be improved by simultaneous manipulation of both optimal DG placement and feeder reconfiguration. In this paper, a novel technique is proposed to minimize the power loss with the simultaneous use of feeder reconfiguration and placement of distributed generation. In general, an electrical power network economics primarily relies on the conductor line losses. Hence in this proposed study, the feeder reconfiguration and finding of desirable bus location and operating power of distributed generation is concurrently modeled as an optimization problem for minimizing the real power loss with subject to all operating equality and inequality constraints. This optimization problem is solved with the guide of unified particle swarm optimization algorithm. The system power loss is handled as the cost function for each particle in a swarm. The proposed method is applied to both IEEE 33-bus and IEEE 69-bus radial distribution systems. The prosperous solutions achieved from the simulation studies manifest that the high level of system loss reduction and desirable bus voltage profile, when analyzed against the system with reconfiguration, and the system with DG

    A Genetic Algorithm Approach to Optimal Sizing and Placement of Distributed Generation on Nigerian Radial Feeders

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    Mitigating power loss and voltage profile problems on radial distribution networks has been a major challenge to distribution system operators. While deployment of distributed generation, as compensators, has made a suitable solution option, optimum placement and sizing of the compensators has been a concern and it has thus been receiving great attention. Meta-heuristic algorithms have been found efficacious in this respect, yet the use of the algorithms in addressing problems of radial feeders is still comparatively low in Nigeria where analytical and numerical programming methods are common. Hence; the use of genetic algorithm to site and size distributed generator for real-time power loss reduction and voltage profile improvement on the Nigerian secondary distribution networks is presented. Backward-forward sweep load flow analysis, together with loss sensitivity factor, is deployed to identify the buses suitable for the installation of the distributed generation, while the algorithm is employed in estimating the optimum size. This approach is tested on the standard IEEE 15-bus system and validated using a Nigerian 11 kV feeder. The result obtained on the IEEE test system shows 183 kW loss using the compensator, as compared to 436 kW loss without the compensator; while on the Nigerian network the loss with the compensator was 4.99 kW, in comparison with no-compensation loss of 10.47kW. By the approach of this study, real power loss on the Nigerian feeder decreased by 52.3% together with energy cost reduction from N658,789.12 to N314,227.38. Likewise the minimum bus voltage magnitude and the voltage stability index of the network are improved to acceptable limits. This approach is therefore recommended as capable of strengthening the performance of the Nigerian radial distribution system

    Power losses reduction by optimal allocation of renewable distributed generation in distribution networks

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    The electrical energy demand is increasing dramatically in many countries around the world due to population growth. As a result of this significant increase in demand, electricity distribution companies are seeking to promote distributed generation (DG). With the growing integration of decentralized renewable power generation into the distribution network, it becomes an active circuit where power flows and voltages are influenced not only by loads but also by sources. In distribution networks (DN), the optimal allocation of Renewable Distributed Generation (DG) units can significantly improve system performance by reducing power losses and enhancing the voltage profile and stability of the radial distribution network. The main objective of this paper is to apply the marine predator algorithm (MPA) to optimize the siting and sizing of DG units in the DN. The objective function considered is the minimization of active power losses. The proposed algorithm is tested on the IEEE 33-bus and 69-bus DN. The simulation results demonstrate that the MPA algorithm outperforms other optimization algorithms in terms of perform

    Placement of Distributed Generation and Shunt Capacitor in Distribution Network using Cuckoo Search Algorithm

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    This work aims at reduction in active and reactive power loss reduction in distribution networks as well as to improve the voltage stability of the networks. Optimum Distributed Generation (DG) placement and sizing is carried out in conjunction with shunt capacitor placement and sizing to determine the appropriate sizes of DG units and Capacitor banks to be placed in the networks so as not to violate certain constraints. The optimal sizes of the DG units and capacitor banks were obtained on application of a Cuckoo Search Optimization Algorithm while computations for Voltage stability was performed using the Voltage Stability Index (VSI). The obtained optimal sizes of DG units and Capacitors were individually and simultaneously placed on the distribution networks to ascertain the behaviour of the networks prior to and after their placements. The performance factors considered are power loss and voltage stability. A comparison of these performance factors under separate and simultaneous placement method was demonstrated using IEEE 33 and 69 test buses. Result show that power loss (active and reactive) reduced by 63.29% and 59.38% respectively for 33 bus system, with a 74.29% and 79.19% reduction on 69 bus system. Voltage stability also increased by 7.89% and 3.79% respectively for 33 and 69 bus system relative to values obtained for base case and separate DG and shunt capacitor placement. Keywords: Distributed generation, shunt capacitor, Cuckoo Search Algorithm (CSA), power loss and voltage stability

    Planning of Unbalanced Radial Distribution Systems with Reactive and Distributed Energy Sources Using Evolutionary Computing Techniques

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    The distribution system plays a key role in power system as it provides energy to the consumers safely, reliably, and economically. However, due to high R/X ratio, and low operating voltages, most of the losses occur in the distribution system. Moreover, distribution systems are generally unbalanced due to unequal single phase loads at the three phases of the system, and also additional unbalancing is introduced due to non-equilateral conductor spacing. This, causes the voltage, the current, and the power unbalance in the system. Further, the total neutral current of the system increases causing unwanted tripping of the relay. Hence, the service quality and the reliability of the distribution system reduces. Therefore, a suitable phase balancing strategy is required to mitigate the phase unbalancing in the unbalanced distribution systems. Also, apart from reducing the phase unbalancing in the unbalanced distribution systems, a suitable strategy is required to minimize the system power loss. In this regard, it is necessary for the distribution engineers to plan the unbalanced distribution systems in order to reduce the losses, voltage unbalances, and neutral current of the system for safe and reliable operation. Most of the approaches for the planning of the unbalanced distribution systems are based upon metaheuristic algorithms. Moreover, the recent research has focused only on either phase balancing or simultaneous phase balancing and conductor sizing optimization in unbalanced distribution systems using metaheuristic algorithms. However no work has been carried out to study the impact of the simultaneous optimization of the phase balancing, the conductor sizing, the capacitor location and sizing, the DG location and sizing, DSTATCOM location, and rating on system power loss, voltage unbalance, etc. utilizing these algorithms. As the metaheuristic algorithms are random in nature, the convergence is not guaranteed in a single simulation run. Hence, it is necessary to perform a statistical comparison among them in order to understand their relative merits and demerits for multiple simulation runs. In this thesis, the impact of the simultaneous optimization of the phase balancing and the conductor sizing on the planning problems/objective functions of the unbalanced distribution system such as; the power loss, the voltage unbalance, the total neutral current, and the complex power unbalance studied using various metaheuristic algorithms such as the DE, the CSA, the PSO, and the GA. In the first step, these objective functions are optimized separately; then they are aggregated with weights into a multi-objective optimization problem. Further, a performance comparison in terms of the mean value of the objective functions and standard deviation (SD) carried out. The reactive power compensating devices, such as the Capacitor, and the DSTATCOM has been integrated into the planning problem for the power loss minimization, the voltage profile improvement, and the voltage unbalance mitigation of the unbalanced distribution systems. Moreover, a three phase unbalanced modelling of the DSTATCOM has been developed. In this thesis, the effect of the simultaneous optimization of the phase balancing, the conductor sizing, the capacitor sizing, and the simultaneous optimization of the phase balancing, the conductor sizing, and the DSTATCOM sizing on the planning problem investigated. Both, single and multi-objective optimization approach are used in order to solve this problem. Also, statistical performance among the metaheuristic algorithms such as; the DE, the CSA, the PSO, and the GA in terms of the mean value of the objective function and SD carried out. Further, the renewable sources such as the DG and a combined DG and DSTATCOM has been incorporated into the unbalanced system in order to study their impact on various planning problems