355 research outputs found

    B.O.G.G.L.E.S.: Boundary Optical GeoGraphic Lidar Environment System

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    The purpose of this paper is to describe a pseudo X-ray vision system that pairs a Lidar scanner with a visualization device. The system as a whole is referred to as B.O.G.G.L.E.S. There are several key factors that went into the development of this system and the background information and design approach are thoroughly described. B.O.G.G.L.E.S functionality is depicted through the use of design constraints and the analysis of test results. Additionally, many possible developments for B.O.G.G.L.E.S are proposed in the paper. This indicates that there are various avenues of improvement for this project that could be implemented in the future

    Open electronics for medical devices: State-of-art and unique advantages

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    A wide range of medical devices have significant electronic components. Compared to open-source medical software, open (and open-source) electronic hardware has been less published in peer-reviewed literature. In this review, we explore the developments, significance, and advantages of using open platform electronic hardware for medical devices. Open hardware electronics platforms offer not just shorter development times, reduced costs, and customization; they also offer a key potential advantage which current commercial medical devices lack—seamless data sharing for machine learning and artificial intelligence. We explore how various electronic platforms such as microcontrollers, single board computers, field programmable gate arrays, development boards, and integrated circuits have been used by researchers to design medical devices. Researchers interested in designing low cost, customizable, and innovative medical devices can find references to various easily available electronic components as well as design methodologies to integrate those components for a successful design

    Performance Evaluation of Aviation Headset in Indian Army

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    Passive hearing protective devices, referred also as ear defenders, work by obstructing noise propagation through the ear canal of the receiver. These gadgets are a popular choice as they offer high attenuation over a broad frequency range, though at times inadequately, especially in the low frequency region, as per International Standards of occupational exposure to noise. Upward masking of speech signal by low frequency noise also degrades the intelligibility of speech in noise that may lead to decrement in performance and hamper the safety of individualsworking in noisy occupational environments. Active noise reducing hearing protective devices lend the possibility of avoiding these problems particularly where the major acoustic energy is centered at low frequencies, rendering these active contraptions a powerful tool in preventing noise induced hearing loss without hampering speech/oralcommunication. Accordingly, the present study was undertaken to investigate the potential of Telex Stratus 30 Headset in providing protection against noise induced hearing loss and to evaluate its efficacy in improving the speech intelligibility of our Armed forces personnel working in different noise spectral environment

    Feasibility and effect of low-cost haptics on user immersion in virtual environments

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    Since the later 1990s research into Immersion, Presence and Interactivity in the context of digital media has been steadily evolving into an exciting area of experimentation, fuelled by advances in the visual, audio and tracking capabilities of Virtual Reality (VR) equipment, thanks to these improvements studies into the effectiveness of this equipment in producing an immersive experience are now possible. This is most commonly achieved by measuring the perceived level of Presence experienced by participants in virtual environments, with the higher the sense of Presence created, the more effective a VR system is deemed to be. However, due to the current limitations of Haptic interaction methods investigation into the role that touch plays in generating this sense of Presence is somewhat restricted. Following a structured process of design and research work, this project presents a new approach to creating Haptic Interaction by deploying a Haptic Prototyping Toolkit that enables Passive Haptic Interactions in Virtual Environments. The findings of this work provide the foundations for future research into the development of interaction methods of this type

    Mikrofonilinjan hyödyntäminen tiedonsiirtoon

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    Nokian matkapuhelimien mikrofonilinjaa on mahdollista hyödyntää tavallisen mikrofonikäytön lisäksi datan siirtoon. Välikappaleena puhelimen mikrofonilinjan ja ulkoisen laitteen välillä toimii tavallinen 3,5 mm audioliitin, joka sisältää mikrofonisisääntulon lisäksi vasemman ja oikean audioulostulon ja maakytkennän. Mikrofonilinjan erottaminen datansiirtoon ja itse datan välittäminen puhelimen käsiteltäväksi vaatii tuotekohtaista suunnittelua. Tämän diplomityön päällimäisenä tarkoituksena oli suunnitella elektroninen piiri, joka mahdollistaa mikrofonilinjan erottamisen puhelimen sisäisestä mikrofonisisääntulosta ja linjan käyttämisen tiedonsiirtoon puhelimen ja kytketyn lisälaitteen välillä. Piiri tuli suunnitella siten että sitä on mahdollista hyödyntää massatuotannossa sellaisenaan. Suunnitellun piirin tulee pystyä dataväylän erottamisen lisäksi muuntamaan lisälaitteen käyttämä tiedonsiirtoprotokolla puhelimen käyttämän tiedonsiirtoprotokollan mukaiseksi. Muunto täytyy pystyä suorittamaan myös toiseen suuntaan. Piirin täytyy myös kyetä säilyttämään lisälaitteen lähettämää tietoa kunnes pääprosessori lukee tiedon, mikäli prosessori juuri kyseisellä hetkellä on kiireinen tehdessään muita toimenpiteitä. Käytettyihin tiedonsiirtoprotokolliin liittyvä, teoria etenkin elektroniikan kannalta katsottuna, on käsitelty teoriaosuudessa, jotta suunnitellun piirin toiminta voitaisiin ymmärtää syvällisesti. Elektronisen piirin suunnitteluprosessi on käsitelty alusta saakka; aloittaen rajapinnan esittelystä edeten komponenttien valintaan ja aina piirin kytkentäkaavion suunnitteluun saakka. Suunnitteluprosessi eroaa jonkin verran tavanomaisesta. Piirin suunnittelussa ei voida lähteä liikkeelle tyhjältä pöydältä, sillä suuri osa tärkeimmistä komponenteista ja mikropiireistä on jo asetettuina suunniteltuun piirin ja ne asettavat tiettyjä ehtoja ja rajoituksia suunnittelulle. Ympäröivistä piireistä ja olemassa olevista lisälaitteista johtuvat vaatimukset on käsitelty ainoastaan oleellisilta ja vaadituilta osin riittävän taustatiedon tarjoamiseksi. Suunnitellun rajapinnan ja elektronisen piirin toiminnallisuus testattiin ja todennettiin, jotta mahdolliset suunnitteluvirheet ja piirin toiminnassa mahdollisesti esiintyvät virheet löydettäisiin ja voitaisiin korjata. Sähköisten signaalien laatu ja ajoitukset mitattiin oskilloskooppia hyödyntäen. /Kir1

    Smartphone based ubiquitous sensing platform leveraging audio jack for power and communication

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    With the popularization of smartphones, various smartphone centric ubiquitous sensing applications, which use a smartphone in conjunction with external sensors for data acquisition, processing, display, communication, and storage, have emerged. Because smartphones do not have a universal data interfaces, many ubiquitous sensing applications use the earphone and the microphone channels of the 3.5mm audio interface for data communications so that they can work with various types of smartphones. The earphone channels of the 3.5mm audio interface can only send AC signal out of a smartphone, hence DC power needs to be harvested from the earphone channels. In this research, based on frequency shift keying (FSK) modulation scheme, we have proposed a joint power harvesting and communication technology that can simultaneously harvest power and transfer data using the same earphone channels. The joint power harvesting and communication technology is demonstrated with a prototype system, which can power an external microcontroller and sensors through the 3.5mm audio interface of a smartphone, display sensor measurement results on a smartphone, and control the outputs of the microcontroller from a smartphone. The newly proposed smartphone sensing platform is expected to harvest double or more power from both earphone channels in comparison to single channel harvesting designs and hence has the potential to support more smartphone powered sensing applications. Furthermore, the sensing platform is expected to support a reliable communication with much higher data rate from a smartphone to external sensors than existing designs

    A Framework for Evaluating Security in the Presence of Signal Injection Attacks

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    Sensors are embedded in security-critical applications from medical devices to nuclear power plants, but their outputs can be spoofed through electromagnetic and other types of signals transmitted by attackers at a distance. To address the lack of a unifying framework for evaluating the effects of such transmissions, we introduce a system and threat model for signal injection attacks. We further define the concepts of existential, selective, and universal security, which address attacker goals from mere disruptions of the sensor readings to precise waveform injections. Moreover, we introduce an algorithm which allows circuit designers to concretely calculate the security level of real systems. Finally, we apply our definitions and algorithm in practice using measurements of injections against a smartphone microphone, and analyze the demodulation characteristics of commercial Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs). Overall, our work highlights the importance of evaluating the susceptibility of systems against signal injection attacks, and introduces both the terminology and the methodology to do so.Comment: This article is the extended technical report version of the paper presented at ESORICS 2019, 24th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS), Luxembourg, Luxembourg, September 201

    Advanced photonic and electronic systems - WILGA 2017

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    WILGA annual symposium on advanced photonic and electronic systems has been organized by young scientist for young scientists since two decades. It traditionally gathers more than 350 young researchers and their tutors. Ph.D students and graduates present their recent achievements during well attended oral sessions. Wilga is a very good digest of Ph.D. works carried out at technical universities in electronics and photonics, as well as information sciences throughout Poland and some neighboring countries. Publishing patronage over Wilga keep Elektronika technical journal by SEP, IJET by PAN and Proceedings of SPIE. The latter world editorial series publishes annually more than 200 papers from Wilga. Wilga 2017 was the XL edition of this meeting. The following topical tracks were distinguished: photonics, electronics, information technologies and system research. The article is a digest of some chosen works presented during Wilga 2017 symposium. WILGA 2017 works were published in Proc. SPIE vol.10445