322 research outputs found

    Orthoses for Spinal Cord Injury Patients

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    There are some limitations for patients with spinal cord injury (SCI) when walking with assistive devices. Heavy energy expenditure and walking high loads on the upper limb joints are two main reasons of high rejection rate of orthosis by these patients . Many devices have been designed to enable people with paraplegia to ambulate in an upright position as a solution of these limitations such as mechanical orthoses, hybrid orthoses and powered orthoses. All these devices are designed to solve the problem of standing and walking, but there are some other important notes, which should be considered. For example, the size and weight of external orthoses, donning and doffing, cumbersomeness and independency for using are very important

    Ekonomicky dostupný aktivní exoskeleton pro dolní končetiny pro paraplegiky

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    After a broad introduction to the medical and biomechanical background and detailed review of orthotic devices, two newly developed lower limbs exoskeletons for paraplegics are presented in this study. There was found out the main challenges of designing devices for paraplegic walking can be summarized into three groups, stability and comfort, high efficiency or low energy consumption, dimensions and weight. These all attributes have to be moreover considered and maintained during manufacturing of affordable device while setting a reasonable price of the final product. A new economical device for people with paraplegia which tackles all problems of the three groups is introduced in this work. The main idea of this device is based on HALO mechanism. HALO is a compact passive medial hip joint orthosis with contralateral hip and ankle linkage, which keeps the feet always parallel to the ground and assists swinging the leg. The medial hip joint is equipped with one actuator in the new design and the new active exoskeleton is called @halo. Due to this update, we can achieve more stable and smoother walking patterns with decreased energy consumption of the users, yet maintain its compact and lightweight features. It was proven by the results from preliminary experiments with able-bodied subjects during which the same device with and without actuator was evaluated. Waddling and excessive vertical elevation of the centre of gravity were decreased by 40% with significantly smaller standard deviations in case of the powered exoskeleton. There was 52% less energy spent by the user wearing @halo which was calculated from the vertical excursion difference. There was measured 38.5% bigger impulse in crutches while using passive orthosis, which produced bigger loads in upper extremities musculature. The inverse dynamics approach was chosen to calculate and investigate the loads applied to the upper extremities. The result of this calculation has proven that all main muscle groups are engaged more aggressively and indicate more energy consumption during passive walking. The new @halo device is the first powered exoskeleton for lower limbs with just one actuated degree of freedom for users with paraplegia.První část práce je věnována obsáhlému úvodu do zdravotnické a biomechanické terminologie a detailnímu souhrnnému představení ortopedických pomůcek. Následně jsou představeny dva nově vyvinuté exoskelety aplikovatelné na dolní končetiny paraplegiků. Bylo zjištěno, že hlavní úskalí konstrukčního návrhu asistenčních zařízení pro paraplegiky lze shrnout do tří hlavních skupin, jako první je stabilita a komfort, druhá je vysoká účinnost a nízká energetická náročnost uživatele a do třetí lze zahrnout rozměry a hmotnost zařízení. Toto všechno je navíc podmíněno přijatelnou výslednou cenou produktu. Nový ekonomicky dostupný exoskelet pro paraplegiky, který řeší problematiku všech tří zmíněných skupin je představen v této práci. Hlavní myšlenka tohoto zařízení je postavena na mechanismu HALO ortézy. HALO je kompaktní pasivní ortéza s mediálním kyčelním kloubem umístěným uprostřed mezi dolními končetinami. Speciální mediální kyčelní kloub je kontralaterálně propojen s kotníkem soustavou ocelových lanek což zajištuje paralelní polohu chodidla se zemí v každém okamžiku chůze a navíc asistuje zhoupnutí končetiny. Tento mediální kyčelní kloub je redesignován a v novém provedení je vybaven jedním aktuátorem, nové řešení aktivního exoskeletu dostalo název @halo. Díky tomuto vylepšení lze dosáhnout stabilnější a plynulejší chůze s výrazně redukovanou energetickou náročností uživatele přičemž dochází k zachování nízké hmotnosti a kompaktnosti zařízení. Toto bylo dokázáno během předběžných experimentů se zdravými subjekty, během kterých byla testována aktivní chůze se zařízením vybaveným odnímatelnou pohonnou jednotkou a pasivní chůze se stejným zařízením bez této aktivní jednotky. Nadměrné naklánění se během chůze ze strany na stranu a nadměrná výchylka pohybu těžiště těla ve vertikálním směru byly sníženy o necelých 40% s velmi významně menšími standardními odchylkami v případě chůze s pohonem. Z rozdílu výchylky pohybu těžiště těla ve vertikální poloze bylo vypočítáno snížení energetické náročnosti uživatele o 52% při chůzi s aktivní konfiguraci @halo. Při pohybu s pasivní ortézou byl naměřen o 38,5% větší reakční silový impuls v berlích, což znamená nárůst zátěže pro svalový aparát horních končetin. Pro podrobné vyšetření zátěže ramenních kloubů byl aplikován model inverzní dynamiky. Výsledek tohoto výpočtu jednoznačně indikuje agresivnější a hlubší zapojení všech svalových skupin ramenního kloubu a tím vyšší spotřebu energie uživatelem během pasivní chůze. Nové asistenční zařízení @halo je prvním exoskeletem svého druhu pro paraplegiky s jediným poháněným stupněm volnosti.354 - Katedra robotikyvyhově

    Hybrid Neuroprosthesis for Lower Limbs

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    Assistive technologies have been proposed for the locomotion of people with spinal cord injury (SCI). One of them is the neuroprosthesis that arouses the interest of developers and health professionals bearing in mind the beneficial effects promoted in people with SCI. Thus, the first session of this chapter presents the principles of human motility and the impact that spinal cord injury causes on a person’s mobility. The second session presents functional electrical stimulation as a solution for the immobility of paralyzed muscles. It explains the working principles of constituent modules and main stimulatory parameters. The third session introduces the concepts and characteristics of neural prosthesis hybridization. The last two sessions present and discuss examples of hybrid neuroprostheses. Such systems employ hybrid assistive lower limb strategies to evoke functional movements in people with SCI, associating the motor effects of active and/or passive orthoses to a functional electrical stimulation (FES) system. Examples of typical applications of FES in rehabilitation are discussed

    Design and Motion Control of a Lower Limb Robotic Exoskeleton

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    This chapter presents the results of research work on design, actuator selection and motion control of a lower extremity exoskeleton developed to provide legged mobility to spinal cord injured (SCI) individuals. The exoskeleton has two degrees of freedom per leg. Hip and knee joints are actuated in the sagittal plane by using DC servomotors. Additional effort supplied by user’s arms through crutches is defined as user support rate (USR). Experimentally determined USR values are considered in actuator torque computations for achieving a realistic actuator selection. A custom-embedded system is used to control exoskeleton. Reference joint trajectories are determined by using clinical gait analysis (CGA). Three-loop cascade controllers with current, velocity and position feedback are designed for controlling the joint motions of the exoskeleton. A non-linear ARX model is used to determine controller parameters. Overall performance and an assistive effect of WSE-2 are experimentally investigated by conducting tests with a paraplegic patient with T10 complete injury

    Robotic Rehabilitation Devices of Human Extremities: Design Concepts and Functional Particularities

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    International audienceAll over the world, several dozen million people suffer from the effects of post-polio, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury, cerebral palsy, etc. and could benefit from the advances in robotic devices for rehabilitation. Thus, for modern society, an important and vital problem of designing systems for rehabilitation of human physical working ability appears. The temporary or permanent loss of human motor functions can be compensated by means of various rehabilitation devices. They can be simple mechanical systems for orthoses, which duplicate the functions of human extremities supplying with rigidity and bearing capacity or more complex mechatronic rehabilitation devices with higher level of control. We attempt to cover all of the major developments in these areas, focusing particularly on the development of the different concepts and their functional characteristics. The robotic devices with several structures are classified, taking into account the actuation systems, the neuromuscular stimulations, and the structural schemes. It is showed that the problems concerning the design of rehabilitation devices are complex and involve many questions in the sphere of biomedicine, mechanics, robot technology, electromechanics and optimal control. This paper provides a design overview of hardware, actuation, sensory, and control systems for most of the devices that have been described in the literature, and it ends with a discussion of the major advances that have been made and should be yet overcome

    The Use of Lower Extremity Functional Electrical Stimulation in Spinal Cord Injured Patients

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    Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a devastating, life-altering injury that presents a variety of rehabilitative and long-term medical management challenges. Not only must the inability to ambulate, which is generally of primary concern to the patient, be addressed, but also the inherent degenerative and deconditioning effects of SCI which may ultimately lead to various secondary complications. Recently, functional electrical stimulation (FES) has been the subject of a variety of research concerning the rehabilitation of individuals with SCI. FES is a means of activating alpha motor neurons to stimulate muscular contraction and elicit a therapeutic or functional effect. The purpose of this paper is to examine and review current uses of FES in the spinal cord injured individual to restore functional movement of the lower extremities. Specifically, it will focus on muscle conditioning, cardiovascular conditioning, and control of standing and ambulation with an explanation of the physiologic effect of each of these activities. The role of FES in combating and preventing secondary complications of SCI will also be reviewed. This paper will involve an extensive literature review of the topics. The results of this paper will aid physical therapists in the clinical management of SCI through the use of FES

    State of the Art Lower Limb Robotic Exoskeletons for Elderly Assistance

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    https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8759880/keywords#keywordsThe number of elderly populations is rapidly increasing. Majority of elderly people face difficulties while walking because the muscular activity or other gait-related parameters start to deteriorate with aging. Therefore, the quality of life among them can be suffered. To make their life more comfortable, service providing robotic solutions in terms of wearable powered exoskeletons should be realized. Assistive powered exoskeletons are capable of providing additional torque to support various activities, such as walking, sit to stand, and stand to sit motions to subjects with mobility impairments. Specifically, the powered exoskeletons try to maintain and keep subjects' limbs on the specified motion trajectory. The state of the art of currently available lower limb assistive exoskeletons for weak and elderly people is presented in this paper. The technology employed in the assistive devices, such as actuation and power supply types, control strategies, their functional abilities, and the mechanism design, is thoroughly described. The outcome of studied literature reveals that there is still much work to be done in the improvement of assistive exoskeletons in terms of their technological aspects, such as choosing proper and effective control methods, developing user friendly interfaces, and decreasing the costs of device to make it more affordable, meanwhile ensuring safe interaction for the end-users

    Design of a Knee Exoskeleton actuated with Artificial Muscles of SMA

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    This project presents the preliminary design of a powered exoskeleton for the knee joint, build upon the structural framework of DonJoy’s X-Act Rom Lite - Knee Brace. The device allows exclusively one degree of freedom, intended for the flexion and extension of the lower limb. The actuation mechanism is based on artificial muscles of Nitinol fibers, which are a type of Shape Memory Alloys (SMA). These wires contract 4% of its original length as the temperature rises due to the Joule Effect, when connected to a power supply. Thanks to this phenomenon, the proposed robotic orthosis presents portability, lightness and noiseless performance, in comparison to similar products. The main role of these instruments is to conduct medical rehabilitation therapy for those patients who have suffered from neurological diseases, musculoskeletal lesions or spinal cord injuries. Consequently, the wearer might recover -partially or fully- the movement on the joint. The results from several trials were obtained after mimicking real rehabilitation positions -like sitting, standing or lying down- and are analyzed thoroughly in this thesis. All in all, this prototype proves how the SMA actuators are a viable alternative to create lower extremity robotic devices for rehabilitation.Ingeniería Biomédic

    Dynamics analysis and simulation verification of a novel knee joint exoskeleton

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    A novel knee joint exoskeleton, is designed in this paper, including the mechanical structure and hydraulic damper. To determine the spring parameters of knee joint exoskeleton and verify its effectiveness, we conduct the following studies. Firstly, forward kinematics analysis of the swing phase is obtained and Lagrange dynamics analysis is carried out. Secondly, the 3D model of exoskeleton is set up and ADAMS simulation is conducted. Then the spring parameters of knee joint exoskeleton are selected, including the spring force, the spring stiffness coefficient and the spring expansion, according to the simulation results. Finally, there are three sets of moments on the non-wearable side, the moments resulted from ADAMS simulations, the moments from the CGA (Clinical gait analysis) and the moments calculated from the Lagrange equation are compared, results show they are in good agreement. The effectiveness of the ADAMS simulation proves that the parameters of the hydraulic damper can meet the actual requirements. The simulation analysis of the exoskeleton provides important parameters for the manufacture and it also provides theoretical basis for the later control theory

    A Review of Lower Limb Exoskeletons

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    In general, exoskeletons are defined as wearable robotic mechanisms for providing mobility. In the last six decades, many research work have been achieved to enhance the performance of exoskeletons thus developing them to nearly commercialized products. In this paper, a review is made for the lower limb exoskeleton concerning history, classification, selection and development, also a discussion for the most important aspects of comparison between different designs is presented. Further, some concluding remarks are withdrawn which could be useful for future work. Keywords: Exoskeletons, Lower extremity exoskeleton, Wearable robot