7 research outputs found

    Sentence, Phrase, and Triple Annotations to Build a Knowledge Graph of Natural Language Processing Contributions - A Trial Dataset

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    This work aims to normalize the NlpContributions scheme (henceforward, NlpContributionGraph) to structure, directly from article sentences, the contributions information in Natural Language Processing (NLP) scholarly articles via a two-stage annotation methodology: 1) pilot stage—to define the scheme (described in prior work); and 2) adjudication stage—to normalize the graphing model (the focus of this paper). We re-annotate, a second time, the contributions-pertinent information across 50 prior-annotated NLP scholarly articles in terms of a data pipeline comprising: contribution-centered sentences, phrases, and triple statements. To this end, specifically, care was taken in the adjudication annotation stage to reduce annotation noise while formulating the guidelines for our proposed novel NLP contributions structuring and graphing scheme. The application of NlpContributionGraph on the 50 articles resulted finally in a dataset of 900 contribution-focused sentences, 4,702 contribution-information-centered phrases, and 2,980 surface-structured triples. The intra-annotation agreement between the first and second stages, in terms of F1-score, was 67.92% for sentences, 41.82% for phrases, and 22.31% for triple statements indicating that with increased granularity of the information, the annotation decision variance is greater. NlpContributionGraph has limited scope for structuring scholarly contributions compared with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Medicine) scholarly knowledge at large. Further, the annotation scheme in this work is designed by only an intra-annotator consensus—a single annotator first annotated the data to propose the initial scheme, following which, the same annotator reannotated the data to normalize the annotations in an adjudication stage. However, the expected goal of this work is to achieve a standardized retrospective model of capturing NLP contributions from scholarly articles. This would entail a larger initiative of enlisting multiple annotators to accommodate different worldviews into a “single” set of structures and relationships as the final scheme. Given that the initial scheme is first proposed and the complexity of the annotation task in the realistic timeframe, our intra-annotation procedure is well-suited. Nevertheless, the model proposed in this work is presently limited since it does not incorporate multiple annotator worldviews. This is planned as future work to produce a robust model. We demonstrate NlpContributionGraph data integrated into the Open Research Knowledge Graph (ORKG), a next-generation KG-based digital library with intelligent computations enabled over structured scholarly knowledge, as a viable aid to assist researchers in their day-to-day tasks. NlpContributionGraph is a novel scheme to annotate research contributions from NLP articles and integrate them in a knowledge graph, which to the best of our knowledge does not exist in the community. Furthermore, our quantitative evaluations over the two-stage annotation tasks offer insights into task difficulty

    Games and Rules

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    Why do we play games and why do we play them on computers? The contributors of »Games and Rules« take a closer look at the core of each game and the motivational system that is the game mechanics. Games are control circuits that organize the game world with their (joint) players and establish motivations in a dedicated space, a »Magic Circle«, whereas game mechanics are constructs of rules designed for interactions that provide gameplay. Those rules form the base for all the excitement and frustration we experience in games. This anthology contains individual essays by authors with backgrounds in Game Design and Game Studies, who lead the discourse to get to the bottom of game mechanics in video games and the real world

    Grain & Noise - Artists in Synthetic Biology Labs: Constructive Disturbances of Art in Science

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    The collaboration between scientists and artists in the form of Artist-in-Lab residencies may not only cause a productive disturbance for a day's work in the laboratory, but also reveal new ways of understanding. Research and science communication company Biofaction has brought together artists and synthetic biologists throughout Europe in a residence program that spans four truly cross-disciplinary collaborations. The contributors to this volume share their reflections of the dynamic frictions that occurred when their artistic and scientific worlds met. These stories, where chemistry labs, tobacco plants, genetically edited bacteria, and new-to-nature enzymes collide with music, photography, film, and visual arts, infuse the ongoing dialogue between art and sciences with grain, noise, and synergies

    Матеріали Міжнародної наукової конференції «Наукова термінологія нового століття: теоретичні і прикладні виміри»

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    До збірника ввійшли наукові праці учасників Міжнародної наукової конференції «Наукова термінологія нового століття: теоретичні і прикладні виміри», яка відбулася 15-16 вересня 2016 року в Національному університеті водного господарства та природокористування (Рівне). Статті дослідників з України, Австралії, Австрії, Білорусі, Грузії, Італії, Люксембургу, Польщі, Росії, Румунії, Словенії, Китаю присвячено теоретичним і прикладним аспектам сучасної термінології, зокрема, таким як теоретико-методологічні засади сучасного термінознавства, когнітивне термінознавство, термінологія і знання, мовна політика і термінологія, термінологія в системах національних мов, наукова і професійна комунікація, термінологія і переклад, термінологічні ресурси та термінографічні технології в Україні і світі, історія термінології й термінознавства. Особливу увагу приділено проблемам функціонування сучасних галузевих термінологій і питанням викладання термінознавства і мов для професійного спілкування у ВНЗ. Статті у збірнику подано українською, англійською, російською і білоруською мовами. Для мовознавців, фахівців різних галузей, викладачів, аспірантів, студентів вищих навчальних закладів, усіх, хто цікавиться проблемами наукової термінології