79 research outputs found

    Digital sculpting for historical representation: Neville tomb case study

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    Despite digital 3D polygon modelling applications providing a common and powerful tool-set for archaeological, architectural and historical visualisation over recent years, digital deformation sculpting tools are little used at present within the area of historical visualisation. More commonly applied within the video games and TV/motion picture industries, the intention of this research is to combine such tools and methodologies with existing scanned data and historical knowledge to remediate and re-imagine lost sculptural form. The aim would be to support both academic and public understanding of such missing artefacts. In addition, the research may promote alternative methods of prototyping within traditional stone carving industries and further provide an opportunity to critically evaluate approaches to deliberately mediated sculptural surrogates and their location within historical representation. The intended research will focus on an examination and partial re-construction of the Neville tomb at Durham Cathedral. An example of cultural vandalism, the tomb has been damaged at key moments throughout several hundred years of social and religious upheaval. It will provide the researcher with an opportunity to re-create and interpret some of the lost sculptural forms carved upon it. In addition, it affords the opportunity to further explore the use of polychrome on medieval stone carving

    Application of mixed and virtual reality in geoscience and engineering geology

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    Visual learning and efficient communication in mining and geotechnical practices is crucial, yet often challenging. With the advancement of Virtual Reality (VR) and Mixed Reality (MR) a new era of geovisualization has emerged. This thesis demonstrates the capabilities of a virtual continuum approach using varying scales of geoscience applications. An application that aids analyses of small-scale geological investigation was constructed using a 3D holographic drill core model. A virtual core logger was also developed to assist logging in the field and subsequent communication by visualizing the core in a complementary holographic environment. Enriched logging practices enhance interpretation with potential economic and safety benefits to mining and geotechnical infrastructure projects. A mine-scale model of the LKAB mine in Sweden was developed to improve communication on mining induced subsidence between geologists, engineers and the public. GPS, InSAR and micro-seismicity data were hosted in a single database, which was geovisualized through Virtual and Mixed Reality. The wide array of applications presented in this thesis illustrate the potential of Mixed and Virtual Reality and improvements gained on current conventional geological and geotechnical data collection, interpretation and communication at all scales from the micro- (e.g. thin section) to the macro- scale (e.g. mine)

    Design and creation of a virtual world of Petra, Jordan

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    Includes bibliographical references.This thesis presents the design and creation of a 3D virtual world of Petra, Jordan, based on the digital spatial documentation of this UNESCO World Heritage Site by the Zamani project. Creating digital records of the spatial domain of heritage sites is a well-established practice that employs the technologies of laser scanning, GPS and traditional surveys, aerial and close range photogrammetry, and 360-degree panorama photography to capture spatial data of a site. Processing this data to produce textured 3D models, sections elevations, GISs, and panorama tours to has led to the establishment of the field of virtual heritage. Applications to view this spatial data are considered too specialised to be used by the general public with only trained heritage practitioners being able to use the data. Additionally, data viewing platforms have not been designed to allow for the viewing of combinations of 3D data in an intuitive and engaging manner as currently each spatial data type must be viewed by independent software. Therefore a fully integrated software platform is needed which would allow any interested person, without prior training, easy access to a combination of spatial data, from anywhere in the world. This study seeks to provide a solution to the above requirement by using a game engine to assimilate spatial data of heritage sites in a 3D virtual environment where a virtual visitor is able to interactively engage with combinations of spatial data. The study first begins with an analysis of what virtual heritage applications, in the form of virtual environments, have been created, and the elements that were used in their creation. These elements are then applied to the design and creation of the virtual world of Petra

    Annotation sémantique 2D/3D d'images spatialisées pour la documentation et l'analyse d'objets patrimoniaux

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    In the field of architecture and historic preservation , the information and communication technologies enable the acquisition of large amounts of data introducing analysis media for different purposes and at different levels of details ( photographs, point cloud, scientific imaging, ...). The organization and the structure of these resources is now a major problem for the description, the analysis and the understanding of cultural heritage objects. However the existing solutions in semantic annotations on images or on 3D model are insufficient, especially in the linking of different analysis media.This thesis proposes an approach for conducting annotations on different two-dimensional media while allowing the propagation of these annotations between different representations (2D or 3D) of the object. The objective is to identify solutions to correlate (from a spatial, temporal and semantic point of view) sets of annotations within sets of images. Thus, the system is based on the principle of data spatialization for establishing a relationship between the 3D representations, incorporating all the geometric complexity of the object and therefore to the metric information extraction, and 2D representations of object. The approach seeks to the establishment of an information continuity from the image acquisition to the construction of 3D representations semantically enhanced by incorporating multi-media and multi-temporal aspects. This work resulted in the definition and the development of a set of software modules that can be used by specialists of conservation of architectural heritage as by the general public.Dans le domaine de l’architecture et de la conservation du patrimoine historique, les technologies de l’information et de la communication permettent l’acquisition de grandes quantités de données introduisant des supports d’analyses pour différentes finalités et à différents niveaux de détails (photographies, nuages de points, imagerie scientifique, …). L’organisation et la structuration de ces ressources est aujourd’hui un problème majeur pour la description, l’analyse et la compréhension d’objets patrimoniaux. Cependant les solutions existantes d’annotations sémantiques d’images ou de modèle 3D se révèlent insuffisantes notamment sur l’aspect de mise en relation des différents supports d’analyse.Cette thèse propose une approche permettant de conduire des annotations sur les différents supports bidimensionnels tout en permettant la propagation de ces annotations entre les différentes représentations (2D ou 3D) de l’objet. L’objectif est d’identifier des solutions pour corréler (d’un point de vue spatial, temporel et sémantique) des jeux d’annotations au sein d’un jeu d’images. Ainsi le système repose sur le principe de spatialisation des données permettant d’établir une relation entre les représentations 3D, intégrant toute la complexité géométrique de l’objet et par conséquent permettant l’extraction d’informations métriques, et les représentations 2D de l’objet. L’approche cherche donc à la mise en place d’une continuité informationnelle depuis l’acquisition d’images jusqu’à la construction de représentations 3D sémantiquement enrichies en intégrant des aspects multi-supports et multi-temporels. Ce travail a abouti à la définition et le développement d’un ensemble de modules informatiques pouvant être utilisés par des spécialistes de la conservation d’un patrimoine architectural comme par le grand public

    Relevés lumineux tridimensionnels en architecture

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    Ce mémoire de maîtrise propose la numérisation laser tridimensionnelle LiDARcomme nouvelle méthode d'étude et de visualisation de l'éclairage naturel dans des environnements réels pour architectes et designers. Elle constitue un complément aux méthodes d'éclairage actuelles car elle répond aux limites de la méthode de mesure de l'éclairement, de la simulation numérique et de l'imagerie à haute dynamique(HDR)en ce qui concerne le relevé et la représentation des patterns lumineux. Il présente une étude de cas pour déterminer les avantages et les limites de la numérisation laser 3D dans une vaste cafétéria à éclairage naturel et artificiel, vaste, géométriquement complexe et fragmentée. Les patterns lumineuxet la géométrie del'espace sont capturés par un appareil à balayage laser 3D à travers une série de quatre numérisations. Les numérisations sont alignées et fusionnées pour former un seul modèle 3D de l'espace entier. Les patterns lumineuxsont présentés en relation avec la matérialité, la géométrie et la position des fenêtres, des murs, des appareils d'éclairage et des sources d'éclairage et présentés sous forme d'images semblables à des dessins de présentation architecturaux. Plus précisément, les patterns lumineuxsont illustrés dans un plan d'étage, un plan de plafond réfléchi, une axonométrie et une coupe transversale. La méthode fournit des résultats de visualisation percutants. Elle facilite leur compréhension des patterns lumineux, car un nombre illimité d'images peut être généré à partir d'un nuage de points. L'exactitude de la méthode de relevé des espaces éclairés naturellement estégalementvérifié pour desespacesrelevésen une et plusieurs numérisations en comparant les patterns lumineux des imageries HDR et des nuages de points. De plus, le mémoire explore le potentiel de la numérisation laser tridimensionnelle comme méthode pour simuler de nouvelles ambiances lumineuses dans des espaces existants.This master thesisproposesLiDARtridimensional laser scanning as a new daylighting enquiry and visualization method for real built environments for architects and designers. It constitutes a complement to actual lighting methods because it responds to the limitations of the illuminance measuring method, computer simulation and high dynamic rangeimagery concerning the survey and representation of lighting patterns. It presents a case study to determine the advantages and limitations of 3D laser scanning in a vast, geometrically complex and fragmented naturally and artificially lit cafeteria. Lighting patterns and the geometry of the space are captured with a 3D laser scanner through a series of four scans. The scans are aligned and fused to form a single 3D model of the entire space. The lighting distribution patterns are showcased in relation to the materiality, geometry and position of windows, walls, lighting fixtures and the lighting sources and presented through images similar to architectural presentation drawings. More precisely, the lighting distribution patterns are illustrated in a floor plan, a reflected ceiling plan, an axonometry and a cross-section. The method provides powerful visualization results and facilitates their understanding as an unlimited number of images can be generated from a point cloud.The precision of the method for surveying daylit environments surveyed through one and several scans is also verified by comparing lighting patterns between HDR and point cloud imageries. Moreover, it explores tridimensional laser scanning as a method for rendering new lighting ambiances in existing spaces

    Across Space and Time. Papers from the 41st Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, Perth, 25-28 March 2013

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    This volume presents a selection of the best papers presented at the forty-first annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. The theme for the conference was "Across Space and Time", and the papers explore a multitude of topics related to that concept, including databases, the semantic Web, geographical information systems, data collection and management, and more

    Remote Sensing and Geosciences for Archaeology

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    This book collects more than 20 papers, written by renowned experts and scientists from across the globe, that showcase the state-of-the-art and forefront research in archaeological remote sensing and the use of geoscientific techniques to investigate archaeological records and cultural heritage. Very high resolution satellite images from optical and radar space-borne sensors, airborne multi-spectral images, ground penetrating radar, terrestrial laser scanning, 3D modelling, Geographyc Information Systems (GIS) are among the techniques used in the archaeological studies published in this book. The reader can learn how to use these instruments and sensors, also in combination, to investigate cultural landscapes, discover new sites, reconstruct paleo-landscapes, augment the knowledge of monuments, and assess the condition of heritage at risk. Case studies scattered across Europe, Asia and America are presented: from the World UNESCO World Heritage Site of Lines and Geoglyphs of Nasca and Palpa to heritage under threat in the Middle East and North Africa, from coastal heritage in the intertidal flats of the German North Sea to Early and Neolithic settlements in Thessaly. Beginners will learn robust research methodologies and take inspiration; mature scholars will for sure derive inputs for new research and applications

    Sense of presence and sense of place in perceiving a 3D geovisualization for communication in urban planning – Differences introduced by prior familiarity with the place

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    Technological development towards increased visual quality and accessibility has made photorealistic 3D geovisualizations an interesting tool for communication in urban planning. Particularly the ability to support perception is important in assessing 3D geovisualizations’ effectiveness for communication. We applied both the concept of sense of presence, i.e. effectiveness of the medium, and sense of place, i.e. meanings and affordances, in a user study conducted through a web-based 3D geovisualization. The study addressed a shopping mall in Helsinki, Finland. We collected a sample of adolescent respondents (n = 122), both familiar and unfamiliar with the geovisualized place in question. Adolescents responded to a survey addressing their perceptions of the mall after the virtual visit. The results indicate that prior familiarity with the place affects the results with the sense of presence, sense of place and preferred urban planning outcome. Familiar respondents were more likely to prefer preservation of the mall. The results show how sense of presence and sense of place work in interplay in the perception of a photorealistic 3D geovisualization. Perception is not only dependent on the realism the 3D geovisualization is able to transmit but also on the individual knowledge and experiences of the audience. According to the results, 3D geovisualizations are best used as supportive tools in communication for urban planning and secondary to a real visit.</p

    Foreign language – English: Information technology (Part 1)

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    Електронний посібник «Foreign language - English: Information technology (Part 1)» призначений для того, щоб допомогти студентам підвищити свою компетентність у всіх комунікативних навичках: говорінні, читанні, аудіюванні, письмі, перекладі. Матеріал організовано таким чином, щоб студенти навчалися ефективніше, коли вони беруть участь в аудиторній та позааудиторній роботі. Електронне видання «Foreign language - English: Information technology (Part 1)» складається з шести уроків, трьох модулів самостійної оцінки вивченого матеріалу, граматичного довідника, словника та п’яти додатків. Кожен урок включає такі елементи: вступ до запропонованої теми, аудіювання, читання, вправи на активізацію мовленнєвого запасу, граматику, переклад, усні та письмові завдання та сучасні автентичні тексти для розвитку всіх мовленнєвих компетентностей. Значний пізнавальний матеріал та різноманітні лексичні завдання допоможуть підвищити мотивацію студентів вивчати англійську мову як під час практичних занять, так і під час виконання самостійної роботи. Матеріали запозичено з різних автентичних друкованих та електронних джерел, тому в кінці наведено список літератури.The study e-book «Foreign language - English: Information technology (Part 1)» is purposed for helping students improve their competence in all communication skills: speaking, reading, listening, writing, translation. The material is organized in a way that students will learn more effectively if they are actively and personally involved in the classroom and out-of-class activities. The e-book «Foreign language - English: Information technology (Part 1)» consists of six units, three self-assessment modules, grammar references, a list of useful vocabulary, and five appendices. Each unit includes: lead-in, listening, reading, language in use, grammar, vocabulary, translation, speaking, and writing tasks, and up-to-date authentic texts to develop all language skills. Information-rich cognitive material and a variety of lexical tasks will help to increase students' motivation to learn English during both practical classes and homework. The authentic information for units has been taken from different printed and electronic sources, so the list of references is presented.Электронное пособие «Foreign language - English: Information technology (Part 1)» предназначен для того, чтобы помочь студентам повысить свою компетентность во всех коммуникативных навыках: говорении, чтении, аудировании, письме, переводе. Материал организован таким образом, чтобы студенты учились эффективнее, участвуя в аудиторной и внеаудиторной работе. Электронное издание «Foreign language - English: Information technology (Part 1)» состоит из шести уроков,трех модулей самостоятельной оценки изученного материала, грамматического справочника, словаря и пяти приложений. Каждый урок включает следующие элементы: вступление к предложенной теме, аудирование, чтение, упражнения на активизацию речевого запаса, грамматику, перевод, устные и письменные задания и современные аутентичные тексты для развития всех речевых компетентностей. Значительная часть познавательного материала и разнообразных лексических задач помогут повысить мотивацию студентов изучать английский язык как во время практических занятий, так и во время выполнения самостоятельной работы. Материалы взяты из разных аутентичных печатных и электронных источников, поэтому в конце приведен список литературы

    Across Space and Time Papers from the 41st Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, Perth, 25-28 March 2013

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    The present volume includes 50 selected peer-reviewed papers presented at the 41st Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology Across Space and Time (CAA2013) conference held in Perth (Western Australia) in March 2013 at the University Club of Western Australia and hosted by the recently established CAA Australia National Chapter. It also hosts a paper presented at the 40th Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA2012) conference held in Southampton