628 research outputs found

    Fast and Reliable IP Recovery for Overlay Routing in Mission Critical Message Oriented Middleware

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    Smart Flow Steering Agent for End-to-End Delay Improvement in Software-Defined Networks

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    لضمان الإستجابة للخطأ والإدارة الموزعة، يتم استخدام البروتوكولات الموزعة كأحد المفاهيم المعمارية الرئيسية التي تتضمنها شبكة الإنترنت. ومع ذلك، يمكن التغلب على عدم الكفاءة وعدم الاستقرار والقصور بمساعدة بنية الشبكات الجديدة التي تسمى الشبكات المعرفة بالبرمجيات SDN. الخاصية الرئيسية لهذه المعمارية هي فصل مستوى التحكم عن مستوى البيانات. إن تقليل التصادم سيؤدي إلى تحسين سرعة الإستجابة وزيادة البيانات المرسلة بصورة صحيحة، لهذا السبب يجب أن يكون هناك توزيع متجانس للحمل المروري عبر مسارات الشبكة المختلفة. تقدم هذه الورقة البحثية أداة توجيه ذكية SFSA لتوجيه تدفق البيانات بناءاً على ظروف الشبكة الحالية. لتحسين الإنتاجية وتقليل زمن الوصول، فإن الخوارزمية المقترحة SFSA تقوم بتوزيع حركة مرور البيانات داخل الشبكة على مسارات مناسبة ، بالإضافة إلى الإشراف على الإرتباطات التشعبية وحمل مسارات نقل البيانات. تم استخدام سيناريو خوارزمية توجيه شجرة الامتداد الدنياMST وأخرى مع خوارزمية التوجيه المعروفة بفتح أقصر مسار أولاً OSPF لتقييم جودة الخوارمية المقترحة SFSA . على سبيل المقارنة ، بالنسبة لخوارزميات التوجيه المذكروة آنفاً ، فقد حققت استراتيجيةSFSA المقترحة انخفاضاً بنسبة 2٪ في معدل ضياع حزم البيانات PDR ، وبنسبة تتراوح بين 15-45٪ في سرعة إستلام البيانات من المصدر إلى الالوجهة النهائية لحزمة البيانات وكذلك انخفاض بنسبة 23 ٪ في زمن رحلة ذهاب وعودة RTT . تم استخدام محاكي Mininet ووحدة التحكم POX لإجراء المحاكاة. ميزة أخرى من SFSA على MST و OSPF هي أن وقت التنفيذ والاسترداد لا يحمل تقلبات. يتقوم أداة التوجيه الذكية المقترحة في هذه الورقة البحثية من فتح أفقاً جديداً لنشر أدوات ذكية جديدة في شبكة SDN تعزز قابلية برمجة الشبكات وإدارتها .To ensure fault tolerance and distributed management, distributed protocols are employed as one of the major architectural concepts underlying the Internet. However, inefficiency, instability and fragility could be potentially overcome with the help of the novel networking architecture called software-defined networking (SDN). The main property of this architecture is the separation of the control and data planes. To reduce congestion and thus improve latency and throughput, there must be homogeneous distribution of the traffic load over the different network paths. This paper presents a smart flow steering agent (SFSA) for data flow routing based on current network conditions. To enhance throughput and minimize latency, the SFSA distributes network traffic to suitable paths, in addition to supervising link and path loads. A scenario with a minimum spanning tree (MST) routing algorithm and another with open shortest path first (OSPF) routing algorithms were employed to assess the SFSA. By comparison, to these two routing algorithms, the suggested SFSA strategy determined a reduction of 2% in packets dropped ratio (PDR), a reduction of 15-45% in end-to-end delay according to the traffic produced, as well as a reduction of 23% in round trip time (RTT). The Mininet emulator and POX controller were employed to conduct the simulation. Another advantage of the SFSA over the MST and OSPF is that its implementation and recovery time do not exhibit fluctuations. The smart flow steering agent will open a new horizon for deploying new smart agents in SDN that enhance network programmability and management

    TEL: Low-Latency Failover Traffic Engineering in Data Plane

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    Modern network applications demand low-latency traffic engineering in the presence of network failure while preserving the quality of service constraints like delay and capacity. Fast Re-Route (FRR) mechanisms are widely used for traffic re-routing purposes in failure scenarios. Control plane FRR typically computes the backup forwarding rules to detour the traffic in the data plane when the failure occurs. This mechanism could be computed in the data plane with the emergence of programmable data planes. In this paper, we propose a system (called TEL) that contains two FRR mechanisms, namely, TEL-C and TEL-D. The first one computes backup forwarding rules in the control plane, satisfying max-min fair allocation. The second mechanism provides FRR in the data plane. Both algorithms require minimal memory on programmable data planes and are well-suited with modern line rate match-action forwarding architectures (e.g., PISA). We implement both mechanisms on P4 programmable software switches (e.g., BMv2 and Tofino) and measure their performance on various topologies. The obtained results from a datacenter topology show that our FRR mechanism can improve the flow completion time up to 4.6x-7.3x (i.e., small flows) and 3.1x-12x (i.e., large flows) compared to recirculation-based mechanisms, such as F10, respectively

    Issues in Routing Mechanism for Packets Forwarding: A Survey

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    Nowadays internet has become more popular to each and every one. It is very sensitive to nodes or links failure due to many known or unknown issues in the network connectivity. Routing is the important concept in wired and wireless network for packet transmission. During the packet transmission many times some of the problems occur, due to this packets are being lost or nodes not able to transmit the packets to the specific destination. This paper discusses various issues and approaches related to the routing mechanism. In this paper, we present a review and comparison of different routing algorithms and protocols proposed recently in order to address various issues. The main purpose of this study is to address issues for packet forwarding like network control management, load balancing, congestion control, convergence time and instability. We also focus on the impact of these issues on packet forwarding

    IP Restoration vs. WDM Protection: Is There an Optimal choice?

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    Foutbestendige toekomstige internetarchitecturen

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