439 research outputs found

    Privacy in the Genomic Era

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    Genome sequencing technology has advanced at a rapid pace and it is now possible to generate highly-detailed genotypes inexpensively. The collection and analysis of such data has the potential to support various applications, including personalized medical services. While the benefits of the genomics revolution are trumpeted by the biomedical community, the increased availability of such data has major implications for personal privacy; notably because the genome has certain essential features, which include (but are not limited to) (i) an association with traits and certain diseases, (ii) identification capability (e.g., forensics), and (iii) revelation of family relationships. Moreover, direct-to-consumer DNA testing increases the likelihood that genome data will be made available in less regulated environments, such as the Internet and for-profit companies. The problem of genome data privacy thus resides at the crossroads of computer science, medicine, and public policy. While the computer scientists have addressed data privacy for various data types, there has been less attention dedicated to genomic data. Thus, the goal of this paper is to provide a systematization of knowledge for the computer science community. In doing so, we address some of the (sometimes erroneous) beliefs of this field and we report on a survey we conducted about genome data privacy with biomedical specialists. Then, after characterizing the genome privacy problem, we review the state-of-the-art regarding privacy attacks on genomic data and strategies for mitigating such attacks, as well as contextualizing these attacks from the perspective of medicine and public policy. This paper concludes with an enumeration of the challenges for genome data privacy and presents a framework to systematize the analysis of threats and the design of countermeasures as the field moves forward

    Efficient, Dependable Storage of Human Genome Sequencing Data

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    A compreensão do genoma humano impacta várias áreas da vida. Os dados oriundos do genoma humano são enormes pois existem milhões de amostras a espera de serem sequenciadas e cada genoma humano sequenciado pode ocupar centenas de gigabytes de espaço de armazenamento. Os genomas humanos são críticos porque são extremamente valiosos para a investigação e porque podem fornecer informações delicadas sobre o estado de saúde dos indivíduos, identificar os seus dadores ou até mesmo revelar informações sobre os parentes destes. O tamanho e a criticidade destes genomas, para além da quantidade de dados produzidos por instituições médicas e de ciências da vida, exigem que os sistemas informáticos sejam escaláveis, ao mesmo tempo que sejam seguros, confiáveis, auditáveis e com custos acessíveis. As infraestruturas de armazenamento existentes são tão caras que não nos permitem ignorar a eficiência de custos no armazenamento de genomas humanos, assim como em geral estas não possuem o conhecimento e os mecanismos adequados para proteger a privacidade dos dadores de amostras biológicas. Esta tese propõe um sistema de armazenamento de genomas humanos eficiente, seguro e auditável para instituições médicas e de ciências da vida. Ele aprimora os ecossistemas de armazenamento tradicionais com técnicas de privacidade, redução do tamanho dos dados e auditabilidade a fim de permitir o uso eficiente e confiável de infraestruturas públicas de computação em nuvem para armazenar genomas humanos. As contribuições desta tese incluem (1) um estudo sobre a sensibilidade à privacidade dos genomas humanos; (2) um método para detetar sistematicamente as porções dos genomas que são sensíveis à privacidade; (3) algoritmos de redução do tamanho de dados, especializados para dados de genomas sequenciados; (4) um esquema de auditoria independente para armazenamento disperso e seguro de dados; e (5) um fluxo de armazenamento completo que obtém garantias razoáveis de proteção, segurança e confiabilidade a custos modestos (por exemplo, menos de 1/Genoma/Ano),integrandoosmecanismospropostosaconfigurac\co~esdearmazenamentoapropriadasTheunderstandingofhumangenomeimpactsseveralareasofhumanlife.Datafromhumangenomesismassivebecausetherearemillionsofsamplestobesequenced,andeachsequencedhumangenomemaysizehundredsofgigabytes.Humangenomesarecriticalbecausetheyareextremelyvaluabletoresearchandmayprovidehintsonindividualshealthstatus,identifytheirdonors,orrevealinformationaboutdonorsrelatives.Theirsizeandcriticality,plustheamountofdatabeingproducedbymedicalandlifesciencesinstitutions,requiresystemstoscalewhilebeingsecure,dependable,auditable,andaffordable.Currentstorageinfrastructuresaretooexpensivetoignorecostefficiencyinstoringhumangenomes,andtheylacktheproperknowledgeandmechanismstoprotecttheprivacyofsampledonors.Thisthesisproposesanefficientstoragesystemforhumangenomesthatmedicalandlifesciencesinstitutionsmaytrustandafford.Itenhancestraditionalstorageecosystemswithprivacyaware,datareduction,andauditabilitytechniquestoenabletheefficient,dependableuseofmultitenantinfrastructurestostorehumangenomes.Contributionsfromthisthesisinclude(1)astudyontheprivacysensitivityofhumangenomes;(2)todetectgenomesprivacysensitiveportionssystematically;(3)specialiseddatareductionalgorithmsforsequencingdata;(4)anindependentauditabilityschemeforsecuredispersedstorage;and(5)acompletestoragepipelinethatobtainsreasonableprivacyprotection,security,anddependabilityguaranteesatmodestcosts(e.g.,lessthan1/Genoma/Ano), integrando os mecanismos propostos a configurações de armazenamento apropriadasThe understanding of human genome impacts several areas of human life. Data from human genomes is massive because there are millions of samples to be sequenced, and each sequenced human genome may size hundreds of gigabytes. Human genomes are critical because they are extremely valuable to research and may provide hints on individuals’ health status, identify their donors, or reveal information about donors’ relatives. Their size and criticality, plus the amount of data being produced by medical and life-sciences institutions, require systems to scale while being secure, dependable, auditable, and affordable. Current storage infrastructures are too expensive to ignore cost efficiency in storing human genomes, and they lack the proper knowledge and mechanisms to protect the privacy of sample donors. This thesis proposes an efficient storage system for human genomes that medical and lifesciences institutions may trust and afford. It enhances traditional storage ecosystems with privacy-aware, data-reduction, and auditability techniques to enable the efficient, dependable use of multi-tenant infrastructures to store human genomes. Contributions from this thesis include (1) a study on the privacy-sensitivity of human genomes; (2) to detect genomes’ privacy-sensitive portions systematically; (3) specialised data reduction algorithms for sequencing data; (4) an independent auditability scheme for secure dispersed storage; and (5) a complete storage pipeline that obtains reasonable privacy protection, security, and dependability guarantees at modest costs (e.g., less than 1/Genome/Year) by integrating the proposed mechanisms with appropriate storage configurations

    Critical analysis and comparison of data protection techniques for genomics data sets

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    This work reviews the current literature on protecting genomic information. The goal is to provide insight on how to define a secure file format for such data. We compare the published ideas to the requirements defined by MPEG. We also propose new ideas to secure such data

    Secure and Efficient Comparisons between Untrusted Parties

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    A vast number of online services is based on users contributing their personal information. Examples are manifold, including social networks, electronic commerce, sharing websites, lodging platforms, and genealogy. In all cases user privacy depends on a collective trust upon all involved intermediaries, like service providers, operators, administrators or even help desk staff. A single adversarial party in the whole chain of trust voids user privacy. Even more, the number of intermediaries is ever growing. Thus, user privacy must be preserved at every time and stage, independent of the intrinsic goals any involved party. Furthermore, next to these new services, traditional offline analytic systems are replaced by online services run in large data centers. Centralized processing of electronic medical records, genomic data or other health-related information is anticipated due to advances in medical research, better analytic results based on large amounts of medical information and lowered costs. In these scenarios privacy is of utmost concern due to the large amount of personal information contained within the centralized data. We focus on the challenge of privacy-preserving processing on genomic data, specifically comparing genomic sequences. The problem that arises is how to efficiently compare private sequences of two parties while preserving confidentiality of the compared data. It follows that the privacy of the data owner must be preserved, which means that as little information as possible must be leaked to any party participating in the comparison. Leakage can happen at several points during a comparison. The secured inputs for the comparing party might leak some information about the original input, or the output might leak information about the inputs. In the latter case, results of several comparisons can be combined to infer information about the confidential input of the party under observation. Genomic sequences serve as a use-case, but the proposed solutions are more general and can be applied to the generic field of privacy-preserving comparison of sequences. The solution should be efficient such that performing a comparison yields runtimes linear in the length of the input sequences and thus producing acceptable costs for a typical use-case. To tackle the problem of efficient, privacy-preserving sequence comparisons, we propose a framework consisting of three main parts. a) The basic protocol presents an efficient sequence comparison algorithm, which transforms a sequence into a set representation, allowing to approximate distance measures over input sequences using distance measures over sets. The sets are then represented by an efficient data structure - the Bloom filter -, which allows evaluation of certain set operations without storing the actual elements of the possibly large set. This representation yields low distortion for comparing similar sequences. Operations upon the set representation are carried out using efficient, partially homomorphic cryptographic systems for data confidentiality of the inputs. The output can be adjusted to either return the actual approximated distance or the result of an in-range check of the approximated distance. b) Building upon this efficient basic protocol we introduce the first mechanism to reduce the success of inference attacks by detecting and rejecting similar queries in a privacy-preserving way. This is achieved by generating generalized commitments for inputs. This generalization is done by treating inputs as messages received from a noise channel, upon which error-correction from coding theory is applied. This way similar inputs are defined as inputs having a hamming distance of their generalized inputs below a certain predefined threshold. We present a protocol to perform a zero-knowledge proof to assess if the generalized input is indeed a generalization of the actual input. Furthermore, we generalize a very efficient inference attack on privacy-preserving sequence comparison protocols and use it to evaluate our inference-control mechanism. c) The third part of the framework lightens the computational load of the client taking part in the comparison protocol by presenting a compression mechanism for partially homomorphic cryptographic schemes. It reduces the transmission and storage overhead induced by the semantically secure homomorphic encryption schemes, as well as encryption latency. The compression is achieved by constructing an asymmetric stream cipher such that the generated ciphertext can be converted into a ciphertext of an associated homomorphic encryption scheme without revealing any information about the plaintext. This is the first compression scheme available for partially homomorphic encryption schemes. Compression of ciphertexts of fully homomorphic encryption schemes are several orders of magnitude slower at the conversion from the transmission ciphertext to the homomorphically encrypted ciphertext. Indeed our compression scheme achieves optimal conversion performance. It further allows to generate keystreams offline and thus supports offloading to trusted devices. This way transmission-, storage- and power-efficiency is improved. We give security proofs for all relevant parts of the proposed protocols and algorithms to evaluate their security. A performance evaluation of the core components demonstrates the practicability of our proposed solutions including a theoretical analysis and practical experiments to show the accuracy as well as efficiency of approximations and probabilistic algorithms. Several variations and configurations to detect similar inputs are studied during an in-depth discussion of the inference-control mechanism. A human mitochondrial genome database is used for the practical evaluation to compare genomic sequences and detect similar inputs as described by the use-case. In summary we show that it is indeed possible to construct an efficient and privacy-preserving (genomic) sequences comparison, while being able to control the amount of information that leaves the comparison. To the best of our knowledge we also contribute to the field by proposing the first efficient privacy-preserving inference detection and control mechanism, as well as the first ciphertext compression system for partially homomorphic cryptographic systems

    A Practical Framework for Storing and Searching Encrypted Data on Cloud Storage

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    Security has become a significant concern with the increased popularity of cloud storage services. It comes with the vulnerability of being accessed by third parties. Security is one of the major hurdles in the cloud server for the user when the user data that reside in local storage is outsourced to the cloud. It has given rise to security concerns involved in data confidentiality even after the deletion of data from cloud storage. Though, it raises a serious problem when the encrypted data needs to be shared with more people than the data owner initially designated. However, searching on encrypted data is a fundamental issue in cloud storage. The method of searching over encrypted data represents a significant challenge in the cloud. Searchable encryption allows a cloud server to conduct a search over encrypted data on behalf of the data users without learning the underlying plaintexts. While many academic SE schemes show provable security, they usually expose some query information, making them less practical, weak in usability, and challenging to deploy. Also, sharing encrypted data with other authorized users must provide each document's secret key. However, this way has many limitations due to the difficulty of key management and distribution. We have designed the system using the existing cryptographic approaches, ensuring the search on encrypted data over the cloud. The primary focus of our proposed model is to ensure user privacy and security through a less computationally intensive, user-friendly system with a trusted third party entity. To demonstrate our proposed model, we have implemented a web application called CryptoSearch as an overlay system on top of a well-known cloud storage domain. It exhibits secure search on encrypted data with no compromise to the user-friendliness and the scheme's functional performance in real-world applications.Comment: 146 Pages, Master's Thesis, 6 Chapters, 96 Figures, 11 Table

    Towards a secure and efficient search over encrypted cloud data

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    Includes bibliographical references.2016 Summer.Cloud computing enables new types of services where the computational and network resources are available online through the Internet. One of the most popular services of cloud computing is data outsourcing. For reasons of cost and convenience, public as well as private organizations can now outsource their large amounts of data to the cloud and enjoy the benefits of remote storage and management. At the same time, confidentiality of remotely stored data on untrusted cloud server is a big concern. In order to reduce these concerns, sensitive data, such as, personal health records, emails, income tax and financial reports, are usually outsourced in encrypted form using well-known cryptographic techniques. Although encrypted data storage protects remote data from unauthorized access, it complicates some basic, yet essential data utilization services such as plaintext keyword search. A simple solution of downloading the data, decrypting and searching locally is clearly inefficient since storing data in the cloud is meaningless unless it can be easily searched and utilized. Thus, cloud services should enable efficient search on encrypted data to provide the benefits of a first-class cloud computing environment. This dissertation is concerned with developing novel searchable encryption techniques that allow the cloud server to perform multi-keyword ranked search as well as substring search incorporating position information. We present results that we have accomplished in this area, including a comprehensive evaluation of existing solutions and searchable encryption schemes for ranked search and substring position search

    Differentially Private Approximate Pattern Matching

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    In this paper, we consider the kk-approximate pattern matching problem under differential privacy, where the goal is to report or count all substrings of a given string SS which have a Hamming distance at most kk to a pattern PP, or decide whether such a substring exists. In our definition of privacy, individual positions of the string SS are protected. To be able to answer queries under differential privacy, we allow some slack on kk, i.e. we allow reporting or counting substrings of SS with a distance at most (1+γ)k+α(1+\gamma)k+\alpha to PP, for a multiplicative error γ\gamma and an additive error α\alpha. We analyze which values of α\alpha and γ\gamma are necessary or sufficient to solve the kk-approximate pattern matching problem while satisfying ϵ\epsilon-differential privacy. Let nn denote the length of SS. We give 1) an ϵ\epsilon-differentially private algorithm with an additive error of O(ϵ1logn)O(\epsilon^{-1}\log n) and no multiplicative error for the existence variant; 2) an ϵ\epsilon-differentially private algorithm with an additive error O(ϵ1max(k,logn)logn)O(\epsilon^{-1}\max(k,\log n)\cdot\log n) for the counting variant; 3) an ϵ\epsilon-differentially private algorithm with an additive error of O(ϵ1logn)O(\epsilon^{-1}\log n) and multiplicative error O(1)O(1) for the reporting variant for a special class of patterns. The error bounds hold with high probability. All of these algorithms return a witness, that is, if there exists a substring of SS with distance at most kk to PP, then the algorithm returns a substring of SS with distance at most (1+γ)k+α(1+\gamma)k+\alpha to PP. Further, we complement these results by a lower bound, showing that any algorithm for the existence variant which also returns a witness must have an additive error of Ω(ϵ1logn)\Omega(\epsilon^{-1}\log n) with constant probability.Comment: This is a full version of a paper accepted to ITCS 202


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    筑波大学 (University of Tsukuba)201