27 research outputs found

    Scalable learning for geostatistics and speaker recognition

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    With improved data acquisition methods, the amount of data that is being collected has increased severalfold. One of the objectives in data collection is to learn useful underlying patterns. In order to work with data at this scale, the methods not only need to be effective with the underlying data, but also have to be scalable to handle larger data collections. This thesis focuses on developing scalable and effective methods targeted towards different domains, geostatistics and speaker recognition in particular. Initially we focus on kernel based learning methods and develop a GPU based parallel framework for this class of problems. An improved numerical algorithm that utilizes the GPU parallelization to further enhance the computational performance of kernel regression is proposed. These methods are then demonstrated on problems arising in geostatistics and speaker recognition. In geostatistics, data is often collected at scattered locations and factors like instrument malfunctioning lead to missing observations. Applications often require the ability interpolate this scattered spatiotemporal data on to a regular grid continuously over time. This problem can be formulated as a regression problem, and one of the most popular geostatistical interpolation techniques, kriging is analogous to a standard kernel method: Gaussian process regression. Kriging is computationally expensive and needs major modifications and accelerations in order to be used practically. The GPU framework developed for kernel methods is extended to kriging and further the GPU's texture memory is better utilized for enhanced computational performance. Speaker recognition deals with the task of verifying a person's identity based on samples of his/her speech - "utterances". This thesis focuses on text-independent framework and three new recognition frameworks were developed for this problem. We proposed a kernelized Renyi distance based similarity scoring for speaker recognition. While its performance is promising, it does not generalize well for limited training data and therefore does not compare well to state-of-the-art recognition systems. These systems compensate for the variability in the speech data due to the message, channel variability, noise and reverberation. State-of-the-art systems model each speaker as a mixture of Gaussians (GMM) and compensate for the variability (termed "nuisance"). We propose a novel discriminative framework using a latent variable technique, partial least squares (PLS), for improved recognition. The kernelized version of this algorithm is used to achieve a state of the art speaker ID system, that shows results competitive with the best systems reported on in NIST's 2010 Speaker Recognition Evaluation

    An Ordinal Approach to Affective Computing

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    Both depression prediction and emotion recognition systems are often based on ordinal ground truth due to subjectively annotated datasets. Yet, both have so far been posed as classification or regression problems. These naive approaches have fundamental issues because they are not focused on ordering, unlike ordinal regression, which is the most appropriate for truly ordinal ground truth. Ordinal regression to date offers comparatively fewer, more limited methods when compared with other branches in machine learning, and its usage has been limited to specific research domains. Accordingly, this thesis presents investigations into ordinal approaches for affective computing by describing a consistent framework to understand all ordinal system designs, proposing ordinal systems for large datasets, and introducing tools and principles to select suitable system designs and evaluation methods. First, three learning approaches are compared using the support vector framework to establish the empirical advantages of ordinal regression, which is lacking from the current literature. Results on depression and emotion corpora indicate that ordinal regression with proper tuning can improve existing depression and emotion systems. Ordinal logistic regression (OLR), which is an extension of logistic regression for ordinal scales, contributes to a number of model structures, from which the best structure must be chosen. Exploiting the newly proposed computationally efficient greedy algorithm for model structure selection (GREP), OLR outperformed or was comparable with state-of-the-art depression systems on two benchmark depression speech datasets. Deep learning has dominated many affective computing fields, and hence ordinal deep learning is an attractive prospect. However, it is under-studied even in the machine learning literature, which motivates an in-depth analysis of appropriate network architectures and loss functions. One of the significant outcomes of this analysis is the introduction of RankCNet, a novel ordinal network which utilises a surrogate loss function of rank correlation. Not only the modelling algorithm but the choice of evaluation measure depends on the nature of the ground truth. Rank correlation measures, which are sensitive to ordering, are more apt for ordinal problems than common classification or regression measures that ignore ordering information. Although rank-based evaluation for ordinal problems is not new, so far in affective computing, ordinality of the ground truth has been widely ignored during evaluation. Hence, a systematic analysis in the affective computing context is presented, to provide clarity and encourage careful choice of evaluation measures. Another contribution is a neural network framework with a novel multi-term loss function to assess the ordinality of ordinally-annotated datasets, which can guide the selection of suitable learning and evaluation methods. Experiments on multiple synthetic and affective speech datasets reveal that the proposed system can offer reliable and meaningful predictions about the ordinality of a given dataset. Overall, the novel contributions and findings presented in this thesis not only improve prediction accuracy but also encourage future research towards ordinal affective computing: a different paradigm, but often the most appropriate

    Euclidean distances as measures of speaker similarity including identical twin pairs: a forensic investigation using source and filter voice characteristics

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    AbstractThere is a growing consensus that hybrid approaches are necessary for successful speaker characterization in Forensic Speaker Comparison (FSC); hence this study explores the forensic potential of voice features combining source and filter characteristics. The former relate to the action of the vocal folds while the latter reflect the geometry of the speaker’s vocal tract. This set of features have been extracted from pause fillers, which are long enough for robust feature estimation while spontaneous enough to be extracted from voice samples in real forensic casework. Speaker similarity was measured using standardized Euclidean Distances (ED) between pairs of speakers: 54 different-speaker (DS) comparisons, 54 same-speaker (SS) comparisons and 12 comparisons between monozygotic twins (MZ). Results revealed that the differences between DS and SS comparisons were significant in both high quality and telephone-filtered recordings, with no false rejections and limited false acceptances; this finding suggests that this set of voice features is highly speaker-dependent and therefore forensically useful. Mean ED for MZ pairs lies between the average ED for SS comparisons and DS comparisons, as expected according to the literature on twin voices. Specific cases of MZ speakers with very high ED (i.e. strong dissimilarity) are discussed in the context of sociophonetic and twin studies. A preliminary simplification of the Vocal Profile Analysis (VPA) Scheme is proposed, which enables the quantification of voice quality features in the perceptual assessment of speaker similarity, and allows for the calculation of perceptual–acoustic correlations. The adequacy of z-score normalization for this study is also discussed, as well as the relevance of heat maps for detecting the so-called phantoms in recent approaches to the biometric menagerie

    Sound Object Recognition

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    Humans are constantly exposed to a variety of acoustic stimuli ranging from music and speech to more complex acoustic scenes like a noisy marketplace. The human auditory perception mechanism is able to analyze these different kinds of sounds and extract meaningful information suggesting that the same processing mechanism is capable of representing different sound classes. In this thesis, we test this hypothesis by proposing a high dimensional sound object representation framework, that captures the various modulations of sound by performing a multi-resolution mapping. We then show that this model is able to capture a wide variety of sound classes (speech, music, soundscapes) by applying it to the tasks of speech recognition, speaker verification, musical instrument recognition and acoustic soundscape recognition. We propose a multi-resolution analysis approach that captures the detailed variations in the spectral characterists as a basis for recognizing sound objects. We then show how such a system can be fine tuned to capture both the message information (speech content) and the messenger information (speaker identity). This system is shown to outperform state-of-art system for noise robustness at both automatic speech recognition and speaker verification tasks. The proposed analysis scheme with the included ability to analyze temporal modulations was used to capture musical sound objects. We showed that using a model of cortical processing, we were able to accurately replicate the human perceptual similarity judgments and also were able to get a good classification performance on a large set of musical instruments. We also show that neither just the spectral feature or the marginals of the proposed model are sufficient to capture human perception. Moreover, we were able to extend this model to continuous musical recordings by proposing a new method to extract notes from the recordings. Complex acoustic scenes like a sports stadium have multiple sources producing sounds at the same time. We show that the proposed representation scheme can not only capture these complex acoustic scenes, but provides a flexible mechanism to adapt to target sources of interest. The human auditory perception system is known to be a complex system where there are both bottom-up analysis pathways and top-down feedback mechanisms. The top-down feedback enhances the output of the bottom-up system to better realize the target sounds. In this thesis we propose an implementation of top-down attention module which is complimentary to the high dimensional acoustic feature extraction mechanism. This attention module is a distributed system operating at multiple stages of representation, effectively acting as a retuning mechanism, that adapts the same system to different tasks. We showed that such an adaptation mechanism is able to tremendously improve the performance of the system at detecting the target source in the presence of various distracting background sources

    Speaker Recognition in Unconstrained Environments

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    Speaker recognition is applied in smart home devices, interactive voice response systems, call centers, online banking and payment solutions as well as in forensic scenarios. This dissertation is concerned with speaker recognition systems in unconstrained environments. Before this dissertation, research on making better decisions in unconstrained environments was insufficient. Aside from decision making, unconstrained environments imply two other subjects: security and privacy. Within the scope of this dissertation, these research subjects are regarded as both security against short-term replay attacks and privacy preservation within state-of-the-art biometric voice comparators in the light of a potential leak of biometric data. The aforementioned research subjects are united in this dissertation to sustain good decision making processes facing uncertainty from varying signal quality and to strengthen security as well as preserve privacy. Conventionally, biometric comparators are trained to classify between mated and non-mated reference,--,probe pairs under idealistic conditions but are expected to operate well in the real world. However, the more the voice signal quality degrades, the more erroneous decisions are made. The severity of their impact depends on the requirements of a biometric application. In this dissertation, quality estimates are proposed and employed for the purpose of making better decisions on average in a formalized way (quantitative method), while the specifications of decision requirements of a biometric application remain unknown. By using the Bayesian decision framework, the specification of application-depending decision requirements is formalized, outlining operating points: the decision thresholds. The assessed quality conditions combine ambient and biometric noise, both of which occurring in commercial as well as in forensic application scenarios. Dual-use (civil and governmental) technology is investigated. As it seems unfeasible to train systems for every possible signal degradation, a low amount of quality conditions is used. After examining the impact of degrading signal quality on biometric feature extraction, the extraction is assumed ideal in order to conduct a fair benchmark. This dissertation proposes and investigates methods for propagating information about quality to decision making. By employing quality estimates, a biometric system's output (comparison scores) is normalized in order to ensure that each score encodes the least-favorable decision trade-off in its value. Application development is segregated from requirement specification. Furthermore, class discrimination and score calibration performance is improved over all decision requirements for real world applications. In contrast to the ISOIEC 19795-1:2006 standard on biometric performance (error rates), this dissertation is based on biometric inference for probabilistic decision making (subject to prior probabilities and cost terms). This dissertation elaborates on the paradigm shift from requirements by error rates to requirements by beliefs in priors and costs. Binary decision error trade-off plots are proposed, interrelating error rates with prior and cost beliefs, i.e., formalized decision requirements. Verbal tags are introduced to summarize categories of least-favorable decisions: the plot's canvas follows from Bayesian decision theory. Empirical error rates are plotted, encoding categories of decision trade-offs by line styles. Performance is visualized in the latent decision subspace for evaluating empirical performance regarding changes in prior and cost based decision requirements. Security against short-term audio replay attacks (a collage of sound units such as phonemes and syllables) is strengthened. The unit-selection attack is posed by the ASVspoof 2015 challenge (English speech data), representing the most difficult to detect voice presentation attack of this challenge. In this dissertation, unit-selection attacks are created for German speech data, where support vector machine and Gaussian mixture model classifiers are trained to detect collage edges in speech representations based on wavelet and Fourier analyses. Competitive results are reached compared to the challenged submissions. Homomorphic encryption is proposed to preserve the privacy of biometric information in the case of database leakage. In this dissertation, log-likelihood ratio scores, representing biometric evidence objectively, are computed in the latent biometric subspace. Conventional comparators rely on the feature extraction to ideally represent biometric information, latent subspace comparators are trained to find ideal representations of the biometric information in voice reference and probe samples to be compared. Two protocols are proposed for the the two-covariance comparison model, a special case of probabilistic linear discriminant analysis. Log-likelihood ratio scores are computed in the encrypted domain based on encrypted representations of the biometric reference and probe. As a consequence, the biometric information conveyed in voice samples is, in contrast to many existing protection schemes, stored protected and without information loss. The first protocol preserves privacy of end-users, requiring one public/private key pair per biometric application. The latter protocol preserves privacy of end-users and comparator vendors with two key pairs. Comparators estimate the biometric evidence in the latent subspace, such that the subspace model requires data protection as well. In both protocols, log-likelihood ratio based decision making meets the requirements of the ISOIEC 24745:2011 biometric information protection standard in terms of unlinkability, irreversibility, and renewability properties of the protected voice data

    Dynamic classifiers for neonatal brain monitoring

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    Brain injury due to lack of oxygen or impaired blood flow around the time of birth, may cause long term neurological dysfunction or death in severe cases. The treatments need to be initiated as soon as possible and tailored according to the nature of the injury to achieve best outcomes. The Electroencephalogram (EEG) currently provides the best insight into neurological activities. However, its interpretation presents formidable challenge for the neurophsiologists. Moreover, such expertise is not widely available particularly around the clock in a typical busy Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Therefore, an automated computerized system for detecting and grading the severity of brain injuries could be of great help for medical staff to diagnose and then initiate on-time treatments. In this study, automated systems for detection of neonatal seizures and grading the severity of Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE) using EEG and Heart Rate (HR) signals are presented. It is well known that there is a lot of contextual and temporal information present in the EEG and HR signals if examined at longer time scale. The systems developed in the past, exploited this information either at very early stage of the system without any intelligent block or at very later stage where presence of such information is much reduced. This work has particularly focused on the development of a system that can incorporate the contextual information at the middle (classifier) level. This is achieved by using dynamic classifiers that are able to process the sequences of feature vectors rather than only one feature vector at a time

    The Effect Of Acoustic Variability On Automatic Speaker Recognition Systems

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    This thesis examines the influence of acoustic variability on automatic speaker recognition systems (ASRs) with three aims. i. To measure ASR performance under 5 commonly encountered acoustic conditions; ii. To contribute towards ASR system development with the provision of new research data; iii. To assess ASR suitability for forensic speaker comparison (FSC) application and investigative/pre-forensic use. The thesis begins with a literature review and explanation of relevant technical terms. Five categories of research experiments then examine ASR performance, reflective of conditions influencing speech quantity (inhibitors) and speech quality (contaminants), acknowledging quality often influences quantity. Experiments pertain to: net speech duration, signal to noise ratio (SNR), reverberation, frequency bandwidth and transcoding (codecs). The ASR system is placed under scrutiny with examination of settings and optimum conditions (e.g. matched/unmatched test audio and speaker models). Output is examined in relation to baseline performance and metrics assist in informing if ASRs should be applied to suboptimal audio recordings. Results indicate that modern ASRs are relatively resilient to low and moderate levels of the acoustic contaminants and inhibitors examined, whilst remaining sensitive to higher levels. The thesis provides discussion on issues such as the complexity and fragility of the speech signal path, speaker variability, difficulty in measuring conditions and mitigation (thresholds and settings). The application of ASRs to casework is discussed with recommendations, acknowledging the different modes of operation (e.g. investigative usage) and current UK limitations regarding presenting ASR output as evidence in criminal trials. In summary, and in the context of acoustic variability, the thesis recommends that ASRs could be applied to pre-forensic cases, accepting extraneous issues endure which require governance such as validation of method (ASR standardisation) and population data selection. However, ASRs remain unsuitable for broad forensic application with many acoustic conditions causing irrecoverable speech data loss contributing to high error rates

    Continuous Emotion Prediction from Speech: Modelling Ambiguity in Emotion

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    There is growing interest in emotion research to model perceived emotion labelled as intensities along the affect dimensions such as arousal and valence. These labels are typically obtained from multiple annotators who would have their individualistic perceptions of emotional speech. Consequently, emotion prediction models that incorporate variation in individual perceptions as ambiguity in the emotional state would be more realistic. This thesis develops the modelling framework necessary to achieve continuous prediction of ambiguous emotional states from speech. Besides, emotion labels, feature space distribution and encoding are an integral part of the prediction system. The first part of this thesis examines the limitations of current low-level feature distributions and their minimalistic statistical descriptions. Specifically, front-end paralinguistic acoustic features are reflective of speech production mechanisms. However, discriminatively learnt features have frequently outperformed acoustic features in emotion prediction tasks, but provide no insights into the physical significance of these features. One of the contributions of this thesis is the development of a framework that can modify the acoustic feature representation based on emotion label information. Another investigation in this thesis indicates that emotion perception is language-dependent and in turn, helped develop a framework for cross-language emotion prediction. Furthermore, this investigation supported the hypothesis that emotion perception is highly individualistic and is better modelled as a distribution rather than a point estimate to encode information about the ambiguity in the perceived emotion. Following this observation, the thesis proposes measures to quantify the appropriateness of distribution types in modelling ambiguity in dimensional emotion labels which are then employed to compare well-known bounded parametric distributions. These analyses led to the conclusion that the beta distribution was the most appropriate parametric model of ambiguity in emotion labels. Finally, the thesis focuses on developing a deep learning framework for continuous emotion prediction as a temporal series of beta distributions, examining various parameterizations of the beta distributions as well as loss functions. Furthermore, distribution over the parameter spaces is examined and priors from kernel density estimation are employed to shape the posteriors over the parameter space which significantly improved valence ambiguity predictions. The proposed frameworks and methods have been extensively evaluated on multiple state of-the-art databases and the results demonstrate both the viability of predicting ambiguous emotion states and the validity of the proposed systems

    Security/privacy analysis of biometric hashing and template protection for fingerprint minutiae

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    This thesis has two main parts. The first part deals with security and privacy analysis of biometric hashing. The second part introduces a method for fixed-length feature vector extraction and hash generation from fingerprint minutiae. The upsurge of interest in biometric systems has led to development of biometric template protection methods in order to overcome security and privacy problems. Biometric hashing produces a secure binary template by combining a personal secret key and the biometric of a person, which leads to a two factor authentication method. This dissertation analyzes biometric hashing both from a theoretical point of view and in regards to its practical application. For theoretical evaluation of biohashes, a systematic approach which uses estimated entropy based on degree of freedom of a binomial distribution is outlined. In addition, novel practical security and privacy attacks against face image hashing are presented to quantify additional protection provided by biometrics in cases where the secret key is compromised (i.e., the attacker is assumed to know the user's secret key). Two of these attacks are based on sparse signal recovery techniques using one-bit compressed sensing in addition to two other minimum-norm solution based attacks. A rainbow attack based on a large database of faces is also introduced. The results show that biometric templates would be in serious danger of being exposed when the secret key is known by an attacker, and the system would be under a serious threat as well. Due to its distinctiveness and performance, fingerprint is preferred among various biometric modalities in many settings. Most fingerprint recognition systems use minutiae information, which is an unordered collection of minutiae locations and orientations Some advanced template protection algorithms (such as fuzzy commitment and other modern cryptographic alternatives) require a fixed-length binary template. However, such a template protection method is not directly applicable to fingerprint minutiae representation which by its nature is of variable size. This dissertation introduces a novel and empirically validated framework that represents a minutiae set with a rotation invariant fixed-length vector and hence enables using biometric template protection methods for fingerprint recognition without signi cant loss in verification performance. The introduced framework is based on using local representations around each minutia as observations modeled by a Gaussian mixture model called a universal background model (UBM). For each fingerprint, we extract a fixed length super-vector of rst order statistics through alignment with the UBM. These super-vectors are then used for learning linear support vector machine (SVM) models per person for verifiation. In addition, the xed-length vector and the linear SVM model are both converted into binary hashes and the matching process is reduced to calculating the Hamming distance between them so that modern cryptographic alternatives based on homomorphic encryption can be applied for minutiae template protection

    JDReAM. Journal of InterDisciplinary Research Applied to Medicine - Vol. 2, issue 1 (2018)

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