74 research outputs found


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    The complexity of many-core processors continues to grow as a larger number of heterogeneous cores are integrated on a single chip. Such systems-on-chip contains computing structures ranging from complex out-of-order cores, simple in-order cores, digital signal processors (DSPs), graphic processing units (GPUs), application specific processors, hardware accelerators, I/O subsystems, network-on-chip interconnects, and large caches arranged in complex hierarchies. While the industry focus is on putting higher number of cores on a single chip, the key challenge is to optimally architect these many-core processors such that performance, energy and area constraints are satisfied. The traditional approach to processor design through extensive cycle accurate simulations are ill-suited for designing many-core processors due to the large microarchitecture design space that must be explored. Additionally it is hard to optimize such complex processors and the applications that run on them statically at design time such that performance and energy constraints are met under dynamically changing operating conditions. The dissertation establishes statistical machine learning based modeling framework that enables the efficient design and operation of many-core processors that meets performance, energy and area constraints. We apply the proposed framework to rapidly design the microarchitecture of a many-core processor for multimedia, computer graphics rendering, finance, and data mining applications derived from the Parsec benchmark. We further demonstrate the application of the framework in the joint run-time adaptation of both the application and microarchitecture such that energy availability constraints are met

    Model-based symbolic design space exploration at the electronic system level: a systematic approach

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    In this thesis, a novel, fully systematic approach is proposed that addresses the automated design space exploration at the electronic system level. The problem is formulated as multi-objective optimization problem and is encoded symbolically using Answer Set Programming (ASP). Several specialized solvers are tightly coupled as background theories with the foreground ASP solver under the ASP modulo Theories (ASPmT) paradigm. By utilizing the ASPmT paradigm, the search is executed entirely systematically and the disparate synthesis steps can be coupled to explore the search space effectively.In dieser Arbeit wird ein vollständig systematischer Ansatz präsentiert, der sich mit der Entwurfsraumexploration auf der elektronischen Systemebene befasst. Das Problem wird als multikriterielles Optimierungsproblem formuliert und symbolisch mit Hilfe von Answer Set Programming (ASP) kodiert. Spezialisierte Solver sind im Rahmen des ASP modulo Theories (ASPmT) Paradigmas als Hintergrundtheorien eng mit dem ASP Solver gekoppelt. Durch die Verwendung von ASPmT wird die Suche systematisch ausgeführt und die individuellen Schritte können gekoppelt werden, um den Suchraum effektiv zu durchsuchen

    Una aproximación multinivel para el diseño sistemático de circuitos integrados de radiofrecuencia.

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    Tesis reducida por acuerdo de confidencialidad.En un mercado bien establecido como el de las telecomunicaciones, donde se está evolucionando hacia el 5G, se estima que hoy en día haya más de 2 Mil Millones de usuarios de Smartphones. Solo de por sí, este número es asombroso. Pero nada se compara a lo que va a pasar en un futuro muy próximo. El próximo boom tecnológico está directamente conectado con el mercado emergente del internet of things (IoT). Se estima que, en 2020, habrá 20 Mil Millones de dispositivos físicos conectados y comunicando entre sí, lo que equivale a 4 dispositivos físicos por cada persona del planeta. Debido a este boom tecnológico, van a surgir nuevas e interesantes oportunidades de inversión e investigación. De hecho, se estima que en 2020 se van a invertir cerca de 3 Mil Millones de dólares solo en este mercado, un 50% más que en 2017. Todos estos dispositivos IoT tienen que comunicarse inalámbricamente entre sí, algo en lo que los circuitos de radiofrecuencia (RF) son imprescindibles. El problema es que el diseño de circuitos RF en tecnologías nanométricas se está haciendo extraordinariamente difícil debido a su creciente complejidad. Este hecho, combinado con los críticos compromisos entre las prestaciones de estos circuitos, tales como el consumo de energía, el área de chip, la fiabilidad de los chips, etc., provocan una reducción en la productividad en su diseño, algo que supone un problema debido a las estrictas restricciones time-to-market de las empresas. Es posible concluir, por tanto, que uno de los ámbitos en los que es tremendamente importante centrarse hoy en día, es el desarrollo de nuevas metodologías de diseño de circuitos RF que permitan al diseñador obtener circuitos que cumplan con especificaciones muy exigentes en un tiempo razonable. Debido a las complejas relaciones entre prestaciones de los circuitos RF (por ejemplo, ruido de fase frente a consumo de potencia en un oscilador controlado por tensión), es fácil comprender que el diseño de circuitos RF es una tarea extremadamente complicada y debe ser soportada por herramientas de diseño asistido por ordenador (EDA). En un escenario ideal, los diseñadores tendrían una herramienta EDA que podría generar automáticamente un circuito integrado (IC), algo definido en la literatura como un compilador de silicio. Con esta herramienta ideal, el usuario sólo estipularía las especificaciones deseadas para su sistema y la herramienta generaría automáticamente el diseño del IC listo para fabricar (lo que se denomina diseño físico o layout). Sin embargo, para sistemas complejos tales como circuitos RF, dicha herramienta no existe. La tesis que se presenta, se centra exactamente en el desarrollo de nuevas metodologías de diseño capaces de mejorar el estado del arte y acortar la brecha de productividad existente en el diseño de circuitos RF. Por lo tanto, con el fin de establecer una nueva metodología de diseño para sistemas RF, se han de abordar distintos cuellos de botella del diseño RF con el fin de diseñar con éxito dichos circuitos. El diseño de circuitos RF ha seguido tradicionalmente una estrategia basada en ecuaciones analíticas derivadas específicamente para cada circuito y que exige una gran experiencia del diseñador. Esto significa que el diseñador plantea una estrategia para diseñar el circuito manualmente y, tras varias iteraciones, normalmente logra que el circuito cumpla con las especificaciones deseadas. No obstante, conseguir diseños con prestaciones óptimas puede ser muy difícil utilizando esta metodología, ya que el espacio de diseño (o búsqueda) es enorme (decenas de variables de diseño con cientos de combinaciones diferentes). Aunque el diseñador llegue a una solución que cumpla todas las especificaciones, nunca estará seguro de que el diseño al que ha llegado es el mejor (por ejemplo, el que consuma menos energía). Hoy en día, las técnicas basadas en optimización se están utilizando con el objetivo de ayudar al diseñador a encontrar automáticamente zonas óptimas de diseño. El uso de metodologías basadas en optimización intenta superar las limitaciones de metodologías previas mediante el uso de algoritmos que son capaces de realizar una amplia exploración del espacio de diseño para encontrar diseños de prestaciones óptimas. La filosofía de estas metodologías es que el diseñador elige las especificaciones del circuito, selecciona la topología y ejecuta una optimización que devuelve el valor de cada componente del circuito óptimo (por ejemplo, anchos y longitudes de los transistores) de forma automática. Además, mediante el uso de estos algoritmos, la exploración del espacio de diseño permite estudiar los distintos y complejos compromisos entre prestaciones de los circuitos de RF. Sin embargo, la problemática del diseño de RF es mucho más amplia que la selección del tamaño de cada componente. Con el objetivo de conseguir algo similar a un compilador de silicio para circuitos RF, la metodología desarrollada en la tesis, tiene que ser capaz de asegurar un diseño robusto que permita al diseñador tener éxito frente a medidas experimentales, y, además, las optimizaciones tienen que ser elaboradas en tiempos razonables para que se puedan cumplir las estrictas restricciones time-to-market de las empresas. Para conseguir esto, en esta tesis, hay cuatro aspectos clave que son abordados en la metodología: 1. Los inductores integrados todavía son un cuello de botella en circuitos RF. Los parásitos que aparecen a altas frecuencias hacen que las prestaciones de los inductores sean muy difíciles de modelar. Existe, por tanto, la necesidad de desarrollar nuevos modelos más precisos, pero también muy eficientes computacionalmente que puedan ser incluidos en metodologías que usen algoritmos de optimización. 2. Las variaciones de proceso son fenómenos que afectan mucho las tecnologías nanométricas, así que para obtener un diseño robusto es necesario tener en cuenta estas variaciones durante la optimización. 3. En las metodologías de diseño manual, los parásitos de layout normalmente no se tienen en cuenta en una primera fase de diseño. En ese sentido, cuando el diseñador pasa del diseño topológico al diseño físico, puede que su circuito deje de cumplir con las especificaciones. Estas consideraciones físicas del circuito deben ser tenidas en cuenta en las primeras etapas de diseño. Por lo tanto, con el fin de abordar este problema, la metodología desarrollada tiene que tener en cuenta los parásitos de la realización física desde una primera fase de optimización. 4. Una vez se ha desarrollado la capacidad de generar distintos circuitos RF de forma automática utilizando esta metodología (amplificadores de bajo ruido, osciladores controlados por tensión y mezcladores), en la tesis se aborda también la composición de un sistema RF con una aproximación multinivel, donde el proceso empieza por el diseño de los componentes pasivos y termina componiendo distintos circuitos, construyendo un sistema (por ejemplo, un receptor de radiofrecuencia). La tesis aborda los cuatro problemas descritos anteriormente con éxito, y ha avanzado considerablemente en el estado del arte de metodologías de diseño automáticas/sistemáticas para circuitos RF.Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado U


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    Integrated with the function of sensing, processing, and wireless communication, wireless sensors are attracting strong interest for a variety of monitoring and control applications. Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have been deployed for industrial and remote monitoring purposes. As energy shortage is a worldwide problem, more attention has been placed on incorporating energy harvesting devices in WSNs. The main objective of this research is to systematically study the design principles and technical approaches to address three key challenges in designing reliable and sustainable WSNs; namely, communication reliability, operation with extremely low and dynamic power sources, and multi-tier network architecture. Mathematical throughput models, sustainable WSN communication strategies, and multi-tier network architecture are studied in this research to address these challenges, leading to protocols for reliable communication, energy-efficient operation, and network planning for specific application requirements. To account for realistic operating conditions, the study has implemented three distinct WSN testbeds: a WSN attached to the high-speed rotating spindle of a turning lathe, a WSN powered by a microbial fuel cell based energy harvesting system, and a WSN with a multi-tier network architecture. With each testbed, models and protocols are extracted, verified and analyzed. Extensive research has studied low power WSNs and energy harvesting capabilities. Despite these efforts, some important questions have not been well understood. This dissertation addresses the following three dimensions of the challenge. First, for reliable communication protocol design, mathematical throughput or energy efficiency estimation models are essential, yet have not been investigated accounting for specific application environment characteristics and requirements. Second, for WSNs with energy harvesting power sources, most current networking protocols do not work efficiently with the systems considered in this dissertation, such as those powered by extremely low and dynamic energy sources. Third, for multi-tier wireless network system design, routing protocols that are adaptive to real-world network conditions have not been studied. This dissertation focuses on these questions and explores experimentally derived mathematical models for designing protocols to meet specific application requirements. The main contributions of this research are 1) for industrial wireless sensor systems with fast-changing but repetitive mobile conditions, understand the performance and optimal choice of reliable wireless sensor data transmission methods, 2) for ultra-low energy harvesting wireless sensor devices, design an energy neutral communication protocol, and 3) for distributed rural wireless sensor systems, understand the efficiency of realistic routing in a multi-tier wireless network. Altogether, knowledge derived from study of the systems, models, and protocols in this work fuels the establishment of a useful framework for designing future WSNs

    Hybrid Electric Distributed Propulsion for Vertical Takeoff and Landing Aircraft

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    This research effort explores the interactions between aerodynamics and hybridelectric power system (HEPS) design and control for vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) aircraft applications. Specifically, this research focuses on embedded distributed electric propulsion systems, for which the aerodynamic forces and moments are inextricably linked to power input. This effort begins by characterizing the performance of two similar embedded propulsion systems using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). From this initial analysis, a wind tunnel model is constructed and the systems are tested across the operating conditions required to characterize the performance of a VTOL aircraft, where 0 deg ≤ α ≤ 90 deg. One of these configurations is selected for evaluating the interaction with the hybrid-power system. An experimental HEPS is constructed based on a small two-stroke internal combustion engine as well, with a rated continuous power output of 2kW. This experiment is used to develop a validated dynamical HEPS model in MATLAB and Simulink, where the control systems are refined and the performance of the system is extended to accommodate the VTOL power demand during transitional flight. A robust control design is developed using a second order sliding mode controller (2-SMC), implemented using the super-twisting algorithm and integrated with classical linear control schemes in an interleaved-cascade architecture. The resulting system has a variable voltage output and a robust response to rapid changes in power demand. Additionally, the HEPS is also demonstrated to fully utilize the mechanical power output capability of the two-stroke engine. Ultimately, the HEPS is demonstrated, via the dynamical model, to be capable of supplying power for an embedded propulsion VTOL aircraft. This performance is further extended with the addition of an actively controlled slack bus, utilizing battery energy storage and a buck-converter integrated with the HEPS control system. In this configuration, the peak power demands of the system can exceed the maximum sustained power threshold (MSPT) of the HEPS

    Spatial modelling of air pollution for open smart cities

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    A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor in Information Management, specialization in Geographic Information SystemsHalf of the world’s population already lives in cities, and by 2050 two-thirds of the world’s population are expected to further move into urban areas. This urban growth leads to various environmental, social and economic challenges in cities, hampering the Quality of Life (QoL). Although recent trends in technologies equip us with various tools and techniques that can help in improving quality of life, air pollution remains the ‘biggest environmental health risk’ for decades, impacting individuals’ quality of life and well-being according to World Health Organisation (WHO). Many efforts have been made to measure air quality, but the sparse arrangement of monitoring stations and the lack of data currently make it challenging to develop systems that can capture within-city air pollution variations. To solve this, flexible methods that allow air quality monitoring using easily accessible data sources at the city level are desirable. The present thesis seeks to widen the current knowledge concerning detailed air quality monitoring by developing approaches that can help in tackling existing gaps in the literature. The thesis presents five contributions which address the issues mentioned above. The first contribution is the choice of a statistical method which can help in utilising existing open data and overcoming challenges imposed by the bigness of data for detailed air pollution monitoring. The second contribution concerns the development of optimisation method which helps in identifying optimal locations for robust air pollution modelling in cities. The third contribution of the thesis is also an optimisation method which helps in initiating systematic volunteered geographic information (VGI) campaigns for detailed air pollution monitoring by addressing sparsity and scarcity challenges of air pollution data in cities. The fourth contribution is a study proposing the involvement of housing companies as a stakeholder in the participatory framework for air pollution data collection, which helps in overcoming certain gaps existing in VGI-based approaches. Finally, the fifth contribution is an open-hardware system that aids in collecting vehicular traffic data using WiFi signal strength. The developed hardware can help in overcoming traffic data scarcity in cities, which limits detailed air pollution monitoring. All the contributions are illustrated through case studies in Muenster and Stuttgart. Overall, the thesis demonstrates the applicability of the developed approaches for enabling air pollution monitoring at the city-scale under the broader framework of the open smart city and for urban health research

    Recent advances in low-cost particulate matter sensor: calibration and application

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    Particulate matter (PM) has been monitored routinely due to its negative effects on human health and atmospheric visibility. Standard gravimetric measurements and current commercial instruments for field measurements are still expensive and laborious. The high cost of conventional instruments typically limits the number of monitoring sites, which in turn undermines the accuracy of real-time mapping of sources and hotspots of air pollutants with insufficient spatial resolution. The new trends of PM concentration measurement are personalized portable devices for individual customers and networking of large quantity sensors to meet the demand of Big Data. Therefore, low-cost PM sensors have been studied extensively due to their price advantage and compact size. These sensors have been considered as a good supplement of current monitoring sites for high spatial-temporal PM mapping. However, a large concern is the accuracy of these low-cost PM sensors. Multiple types of low-cost PM sensors and monitors were calibrated against reference instruments. All these units demonstrated high linearity against reference instruments with high R2 values for different types of aerosols over a wide range of concentration levels. The question of whether low-cost PM monitors can be considered as a substituent of conventional instruments was discussed, together with how to qualitatively describe the improvement of data quality due to calibrations. A limitation of these sensors and monitors is that their outputs depended highly on particle composition and size, resulting in as high as 10 times difference in the sensor outputs. Optical characterization of low-cost PM sensors (ensemble measurement) was conducted by combining experimental results with Mie scattering theory. The reasons for their dependence on the PM composition and size distribution were studied. To improve accuracy in estimation of mass concentration, an expression for K as a function of the geometric mean diameter, geometric standard deviation, and refractive index is proposed. To get rid of the influence of the refractive index, we propose a new design of a multi-wavelength sensor with a robust data inversion routine to estimate the PM size distribution and refractive index simultaneously. The utility of the networked system with improved sensitivity was demonstrated by deploying it in a woodworking shop. Data collected by the networked system was utilized to construct spatiotemporal PM concentration distributions using an ordinary Kriging method and an Artificial Neural Network model to elucidate particle generation and ventilation processes. Furthermore, for the outdoor environment, data reported by low-cost sensors were compared against satellite data. The remote sensing data could provide a daily calibration of these low-cost sensors. On the other hand, low-cost PM sensors could provide better accuracy to demonstrate the microenvironment

    Simulated Annealing

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    The book contains 15 chapters presenting recent contributions of top researchers working with Simulated Annealing (SA). Although it represents a small sample of the research activity on SA, the book will certainly serve as a valuable tool for researchers interested in getting involved in this multidisciplinary field. In fact, one of the salient features is that the book is highly multidisciplinary in terms of application areas since it assembles experts from the fields of Biology, Telecommunications, Geology, Electronics and Medicine