36 research outputs found

    An analysis of the feasibility and benefits of GPU/multicore acceleration of the Weather Research and Forecasting model

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    There is a growing need for ever more accurate climate and weather simulations to be delivered in shorter timescales, in particular, to guard against severe weather events such as hurricanes and heavy rainfall. Due to climate change, the severity and frequency of such events – and thus the economic impact – are set to rise dramatically. Hardware acceleration using graphics processing units (GPUs) or Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) could potentially result in much reduced run times or higher accuracy simulations. In this paper, we present the results of a study of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model undertaken in order to assess if GPU and multicore acceleration of this type of numerical weather prediction (NWP) code is both feasible and worthwhile. The focus of this paper is on acceleration of code running on a single compute node through offloading of parts of the code to an accelerator such as a GPU. The governing equations set of the WRF model is based on the compressible, non-hydrostatic atmospheric motion with multi-physics processes. We put this work into context by discussing its more general applicability to multi-physics fluid dynamics codes: in many fluid dynamics codes, the numerical schemes of the advection terms are based on finite differences between neighboring cells, similar to the WRF code. For fluid systems including multi-physics processes, there are many calls to these advection routines. This class of numerical codes will benefit from hardware acceleration. We studied the performance of the original code of the WRF model and proposed a simple model for comparing multicore CPU and GPU performance. Based on the results of extensive profiling of representative WRF runs, we focused on the acceleration of the scalar advection module. We discuss the implementation of this module as a data-parallel kernel in both OpenCL and OpenMP. We show that our data-parallel kernel version of the scalar advection module runs up to seven times faster on the GPU compared with the original code on the CPU. However, as the data transfer cost between GPU and CPU is very high (as shown by our analysis), there is only a small speed-up (two times) for the fully integrated code. We show that it would be possible to offset the data transfer cost through GPU acceleration of a larger portion of the dynamics code. In order to carry out this research, we also developed an extensible software system for integrating OpenCL code into large Fortran code bases such as WRF. This is one of the main contributions of our work. We discuss the system to show how it allows the replacement of the sections of the original codebase with their OpenCL counterparts with minimal changes – literally only a few lines – to the original code. Our final assessment is that, even with the current system architectures, accelerating WRF – and hence also other, similar types of multi-physics fluid dynamics codes – with a factor of up to five times is definitely an achievable goal. Accelerating multi-physics fluid dynamics codes including NWP codes is vital for its application to weather forecasting, environmental pollution warning, and emergency response to the dispersion of hazardous materials. Implementing hardware acceleration capability for fluid dynamics and NWP codes is a prerequisite for up-to-date and future computer architectures

    Exploring Computational Chemistry on Emerging Architectures

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    Emerging architectures, such as next generation microprocessors, graphics processing units, and Intel MIC cards, are being used with increased popularity in high performance computing. Each of these architectures has advantages over previous generations of architectures including performance, programmability, and power efficiency. With the ever-increasing performance of these architectures, scientific computing applications are able to attack larger, more complicated problems. However, since applications perform differently on each of the architectures, it is difficult to determine the best tool for the job. This dissertation makes the following contributions to computer engineering and computational science. First, this work implements the computational chemistry variational path integral application, QSATS, on various architectures, ranging from microprocessors to GPUs to Intel MICs. Second, this work explores the use of analytical performance modeling to predict the runtime and scalability of the application on the architectures. This allows for a comparison of the architectures when determining which to use for a set of program input parameters. The models presented in this dissertation are accurate within 6%. This work combines novel approaches to this algorithm and exploration of the various architectural features to develop the application to perform at its peak. In addition, this expands the understanding of computational science applications and their implementation on emerging architectures while providing insight into the performance, scalability, and programmer productivity

    Parallel computing 2011, ParCo 2011: book of abstracts

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    This book contains the abstracts of the presentations at the conference Parallel Computing 2011, 30 August - 2 September 2011, Ghent, Belgiu

    Accelerating Reconfigurable Financial Computing

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    This thesis proposes novel approaches to the design, optimisation, and management of reconfigurable computer accelerators for financial computing. There are three contributions. First, we propose novel reconfigurable designs for derivative pricing using both Monte-Carlo and quadrature methods. Such designs involve exploring techniques such as control variate optimisation for Monte-Carlo, and multi-dimensional analysis for quadrature methods. Significant speedups and energy savings are achieved using our Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) designs over both Central Processing Unit (CPU) and Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) designs. Second, we propose a framework for distributing computing tasks on multi-accelerator heterogeneous clusters. In this framework, different computational devices including FPGAs, GPUs and CPUs work collaboratively on the same financial problem based on a dynamic scheduling policy. The trade-off in speed and in energy consumption of different accelerator allocations is investigated. Third, we propose a mixed precision methodology for optimising Monte-Carlo designs, and a reduced precision methodology for optimising quadrature designs. These methodologies enable us to optimise throughput of reconfigurable designs by using datapaths with minimised precision, while maintaining the same accuracy of the results as in the original designs

    Astrophysical-oriented Computational multi-Architectural Framework

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    This work presents the framework for simplifying software development in the astrophysical simulations branch - Astrophysical-oriented Computational multi-Architectural Framework (ACAF). The astrophysical simulation problems are usually approximated with the particle systems for computational purposes. The number of particles in such approximations reaches several millions, which enforces the usage of the computer clusters for the simulations. Meanwhile, the computational extensiveness of these approximations makes it reasonable to utilize the heterogeneous clusters, using Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) and Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) as accelerators. At the same time, developing the programs for running on heterogeneous clusters is a complicated task requiring certain expertise in network programming and parallel programming. The ACAF aims to simplify heterogeneous clusters programming by providing the user with the set of objects and functions covering some aspects of application developing. The ACAF targets the data-parallel problems and focuses on the problems approximated with particle systems. The ACAF is designed as a C++ framework and is based on the hierarchy of the components, which are responsible for the different aspects of the heterogeneous cluster programming. Extending the hierarchy with new components provides the possibility to utilize the framework for other problems, other hardware, other distribution schemes and other computational methods. Being designed as a C++ framework, the ACAF keeps open the possibility to use the existing libraries and codes. The usage example demonstrates the concept of separating the different programming aspects between the different parts of the source code. The benchmarking results reveal the execution time overhead of the program written using the framework being just 1.6% for small particle systems and approaching 0% for larger particle systems (in comparison to the bare simulation code). At the same time, the execution with different cluster configurations shows that the program performance scales almost according to the number of cluster nodes in use. These results prove the efficiency and usability of the framework implementation

    Fast algorithm for real-time rings reconstruction

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    The GAP project is dedicated to study the application of GPU in several contexts in which real-time response is important to take decisions. The definition of real-time depends on the application under study, ranging from answer time of μs up to several hours in case of very computing intensive task. During this conference we presented our work in low level triggers [1] [2] and high level triggers [3] in high energy physics experiments, and specific application for nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) [4] [5] and cone-beam CT [6]. Apart from the study of dedicated solution to decrease the latency due to data transport and preparation, the computing algorithms play an essential role in any GPU application. In this contribution, we show an original algorithm developed for triggers application, to accelerate the ring reconstruction in RICH detector when it is not possible to have seeds for reconstruction from external trackers

    筑波大学計算科学研究センター 平成30年度 年次報告書

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    まえがき ...... 21 センター組織と構成員 ...... 42 平成30 年度の活動状況 ...... 83 各研究部門の報告 ...... 15I. 素粒子物理研究部門 ...... 15II. 宇宙物理研究部門 ....... 40III. 原子核物理研究部門 ...... 65IV. 量子物性研究部門 ...... 83V. 生命科学研究部門 ...... 110 V-1. 生命機能情報分野 ...... 110 V-2. 分子進化分野 ...... 125VI. 地球環境研究部門 ...... 140VII. 高性能計算システム研究部門 ...... 155VIII. 計算情報学研究部門 ...... 207 VIII-1. データ基盤分野 ...... 207 VIII-2. 計算メディア分野 ...... 22

    A Multi-Phase Chemodynamic Galaxy Formation Model

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    In this thesis, I present my PhD work: a multi-phase chemodynamic galaxy formation and evolution model. The model is aimed at treating the dynamics of stars, molecular (cold) clouds, and hot/warm diffuse gas individually and allowing for mass, momentum, and energy exchange between them in a self-consistent way, so as to overcome the difficulties of a single-phase description. I introduce the detailed implementation of physical processes in the model including gravity, gas dynamics, heat conduction, cooling, star formation and stellar feedback. A dwarf galaxy model is evolved for 1 Gyr. The corresponding star formation rate decreases from 1 Msol/Year to 0.1 Msol/Year. The cloud mass distribution follows a power law with a slope of -2.3. The discrepancies of chemical abundance between hot/warm and cold phase are reproduced. As an extension to the classical multi-phase model, I introduce a transition process such that hot/warm gas can collapse to cold clouds, which solves the problem of cold clouds' initial mass fraction and distribution in the multi-phase simulation. This process is proven to be more suitable for low mass systems. Also I implement an individual star formation model, in which individual stars are created analytically inside a molecular cloud with a stellar mass distribution given by a specific initial mass function (IMF). This model reproduces the life cycle of interstellar medium in a galactic scale simulation and realizes the process of star cluster formation inside one molecular cloud. The multi-phase code is parallelized with MPI and shows good scaling relations. GPUs are used to accelerate the most time consuming parts (gravity, SPH and neighbour search), which results in a speedup of one oder of magnitude for the whole program

    Astaroth: Ohjelmistokirjasto stensiililaskentaan grafiikkasuorittimilla

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    Graphics processing units (GPUs) are coprocessors, which offer higher throughput and better power efficiency than central processing units in dataparallel tasks. For this reason, graphics processors provide a good platform for high-performance computing. However, programming GPUs such that all the available performance is utilized requires in-depth knowledge of the architecture of the hardware. Additionally, the problem of high-order stencil computations on GPUs in challenging multiphysics applications has not been adequately explored in previous work. In this thesis, we address these issues by presenting a library, an efficient algorithm and a domain-specific language for solving stencil computations within a structured grid. We tested our implementation by simulating magnetohydrodynamics, which involved the computation of first, second, and cross partial derivatives using second-, fourth-, sixth-, and eight-order finite differences with single and double precision. The running time of our integration kernel was 2.8–9.1 times slower than the theoretical minimum time, which it would take to read the computational domain and write it back to device memory exactly once, without taking into account the effects of finite caches or arithmetic operations on performance. Additionally, we made a performance comparison with a CPU solver widely used for scientific computations, which we benchmarked on a total of 24 cores of two Intel Xeon E5-2690 v3 processors. Our solver, benchmarked on a Tesla P100 PCIe GPU, outperformed the CPU solver by factors of 6.7 and 10.4 when using single and double precision, respectively.Grafiikkasuorittimet ovat apusuorittimia, jotka tarjoavat rinnakkain laskettavissa tehtävissä parempaa suoritus- ja energiatehokkuutta kuin keskussuorittimet. Tästä syystä grafiikkasuorittimet tarjoavat hyvän alustan suurteholaskennan tarpeisiin. Toisaalta grafiikkasuorittimen ohjelmointi siten, että kaikki tarjolla oleva suorituskyky saadaan hyödynnettyä, vaatii syvällistä asiantuntemusta ohjelmoitavan laitteiston arkkitehtuurista. Korkean asteen stensiililaskentaa haastavissa fysiikkasovelluksissa ei ole myöskään tutkittu laajalti aiemmissa julkaisuissa. Tässä työssä otamme kantaa näihin ongelmiin esittelemällä ohjelmistokirjaston, tehokkaan algoritmin, sekä tehtävään räätälöidyn ohjelmointikielen stensiililaskujen ratkaisemiseen säännöllisessä hilassa. Testasimme toteutustamme simuloimalla magnetohydrodynamiikkaa, johon kuului ensimmäisen ja toisen kertaluvun derivaattojen lisäksi ristiderivaattojen ratkaisutoisen, neljännen, kuudennen ja kahdeksannen kertaluvun differenssimenetelmällä käyttäen sekä 32- että 64-bittisiä liukulukuja. Integrointifunktiomme suoritusaika oli 2.8–9.1 kertaa hitaampi kuin teoreettinen vähimmäisajoaika, joka menisi laskennallisen alueen lukemiseen ja kirjoittamiseen apusuorittimen muistista täsmälleen kerran, ottamatta huomioon äärellisen välimuistin tai laskennan vaikutusta suoritusaikaan. Vertasimme kirjastomme suoritusaikaa laajalti tieteellisessä laskennassa käytettyyn keskussuorittimille tarkoitettuun ratkaisijaan, jonka ajoimme kokonaisuudessaan 24:llä ytimellä kahdella Intel Xeon E5-2690 v3 -suorittimella. Tähän ratkaisijaan verrattuna Tesla P100 PCIe -grafiikkasuorittimella ajettu ratkaisijamme oli 6.7 ja 10.4 kertaa nopeampi 32- ja 64-bittisillä liukuluvuilla laskettaessa, tässä järjestyksessä