25 research outputs found

    Synchrony and bifurcations in coupled dynamical systems and effects of time delay

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    Dynamik auf Netzwerken ist ein mathematisches Feld, das in den letzten Jahrzehnten schnell gewachsen ist und Anwendungen in zahlreichen Disziplinen wie z.B. Physik, Biologie und Soziologie findet. Die Funktion vieler Netzwerke hängt von der Fähigkeit ab, die Elemente des Netzwerkes zu synchronisieren. Mit anderen Worten, die Existenz und die transversale Stabilität der synchronen Mannigfaltigkeit sind zentrale Eigenschaften. Erst seit einigen Jahren wird versucht, den verwickelten Zusammenhang zwischen der Kopplungsstruktur und den Stabilitätseigenschaften synchroner Zustände zu verstehen. Genau das ist das zentrale Thema dieser Arbeit. Zunächst präsentiere ich erste Ergebnisse zur Klassifizierung der Kanten eines gerichteten Netzwerks bezüglich ihrer Bedeutung für die Stabilität des synchronen Zustands. Folgend untersuche ich ein komplexes Verzweigungsszenario in einem gerichteten Ring von Stuart-Landau Oszillatoren und zeige, dass das Szenario persistent ist, wenn dem Netzwerk eine schwach gewichtete Kante hinzugefügt wird. Daraufhin untersuche ich synchrone Zustände in Ringen von Phasenoszillatoren die mit Zeitverzögerung gekoppelt sind. Ich bespreche die Koexistenz synchroner Lösungen und analysiere deren Stabilität und Verzweigungen. Weiter zeige ich, dass eine Zeitverschiebung genutzt werden kann, um Muster im Ring zu speichern und wiederzuerkennen. Diese Zeitverschiebung untersuche ich daraufhin für beliebige Kopplungsstrukturen. Ich zeige, dass invariante Mannigfaltigkeiten des Flusses sowie ihre Stabilität unter der Zeitverschiebung erhalten bleiben. Darüber hinaus bestimme ich die minimale Anzahl von Zeitverzögerungen, die gebraucht werden, um das System äquivalent zu beschreiben. Schließlich untersuche ich das auffällige Phänomen eines nichtstetigen Übergangs zu Synchronizität in Klassen großer Zufallsnetzwerke indem ich einen kürzlich eingeführten Zugang zur Beschreibung großer Zufallsnetzwerke auf den Fall zeitverzögerter Kopplungen verallgemeinere.Since a couple of decades, dynamics on networks is a rapidly growing branch of mathematics with applications in various disciplines such as physics, biology or sociology. The functioning of many networks heavily relies on the ability to synchronize the network’s nodes. More precisely, the existence and the transverse stability of the synchronous manifold are essential properties. It was only in the last few years that people tried to understand the entangled relation between the coupling structure of a network, given by a (di-)graph, and the stability properties of synchronous states. This is the central theme of this dissertation. I first present results towards a classification of the links in a directed, diffusive network according to their impact on the stability of synchronization. Then I investigate a complex bifurcation scenario observed in a directed ring of Stuart-Landau oscillators. I show that under the addition of a single weak link, this scenario is persistent. Subsequently, I investigate synchronous patterns in a directed ring of phase oscillators coupled with time delay. I discuss the coexistence of multiple of synchronous solutions and investigate their stability and bifurcations. I apply these results by showing that a certain time-shift transformation can be used in order to employ the ring as a pattern recognition device. Next, I investigate the same time-shift transformation for arbitrary coupling structures in a very general setting. I show that invariant manifolds of the flow together with their stability properties are conserved under the time-shift transformation. Furthermore, I determine the minimal number of delays needed to equivalently describe the system’s dynamics. Finally, I investigate a peculiar phenomenon of non-continuous transition to synchrony observed in certain classes of large random networks, generalizing a recently introduced approach for the description of large random networks to the case of delayed couplings

    Méthodes géométriques pour la mémoire et l'apprentissage

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    This thesis is devoted to geometric methods in optimization, learning and neural networks. In many problems of (supervised and unsupervised) learning, pattern recognition, and clustering there is a need to take into account the internal (intrinsic) structure of the underlying space, which is not necessary Euclidean. For Riemannian manifolds we construct computational algorithms for Newton method, conjugate-gradient methods, and some non-smooth optimization methods like the r-algorithm. For this purpose we develop methods for geodesic calculation in submanifolds based on Hamilton equations and symplectic integration. Then we construct a new type of neural associative memory capable of unsupervised learning and clustering. Its learning is based on generalized averaging over Grassmann manifolds. Further extension of this memory involves implicit space transformation and kernel machines. Also we consider geometric algorithms for signal processing and adaptive filtering. Proposed methods are tested for academic examples as well as real-life problems of image recognition and signal processing. Application of proposed neural networks is demonstrated for a complete real-life project of chemical image recognition (electronic nose).Cette these est consacree aux methodes geometriques dans l'optimisation, l'apprentissage et les reseaux neuronaux. Dans beaucoup de problemes de l'apprentissage (supervises et non supervises), de la reconnaissance des formes, et du groupage, il y a un besoin de tenir en compte de la structure interne (intrinseque) de l'espace fondamental, qui n'est pas toujours euclidien. Pour les varietes Riemanniennes nous construisons des algorithmes pour la methode de Newton, les methodes de gradients conjugues, et certaines methodes non-lisses d'optimisation comme r-algorithme. A cette fin nous developpons des methodes pour le calcul des geodesiques dans les sous-varietes bases sur des equations de Hamilton et l'integration symplectique. Apres nous construisons un nouveau type avec de la memoire associative neuronale capable de l'apprentissage non supervise et du groupage (clustering). Son apprentissage est base sur moyennage generalise dans les varietes de Grassmann. Future extension de cette memoire implique les machines a noyaux et transformations de l'espace implicites. Aussi nous considerons des algorithmes geometriques pour le traitement des signaux et le filtrage adaptatif. Les methodes proposees sont testees avec des exemples standard et avec des problemes reels de reconnaissance des images et du traitement des signaux. L'application des reseaux neurologiques proposes est demontree pour un projet reel complet de la reconnaissance des images chimiques (nez electronique)

    Dynamics of Macrosystems; Proceedings of a Workshop, September 3-7, 1984

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    There is an increasing awareness of the important and persuasive role that instability and random, chaotic motion play in the dynamics of macrosystems. Further research in the field should aim at providing useful tools, and therefore the motivation should come from important questions arising in specific macrosystems. Such systems include biochemical networks, genetic mechanisms, biological communities, neutral networks, cognitive processes and economic structures. This list may seem heterogeneous, but there are similarities between evolution in the different fields. It is not surprising that mathematical methods devised in one field can also be used to describe the dynamics of another. IIASA is attempting to make progress in this direction. With this aim in view this workshop was held at Laxenburg over the period 3-7 September 1984. These Proceedings cover a broad canvas, ranging from specific biological and economic problems to general aspects of dynamical systems and evolutionary theory

    Fuzzy Mathematics

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    This book provides a timely overview of topics in fuzzy mathematics. It lays the foundation for further research and applications in a broad range of areas. It contains break-through analysis on how results from the many variations and extensions of fuzzy set theory can be obtained from known results of traditional fuzzy set theory. The book contains not only theoretical results, but a wide range of applications in areas such as decision analysis, optimal allocation in possibilistics and mixed models, pattern classification, credibility measures, algorithms for modeling uncertain data, and numerical methods for solving fuzzy linear systems. The book offers an excellent reference for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in applied and theoretical fuzzy mathematics. Researchers and referees in fuzzy set theory will find the book to be of extreme value

    New perspectives in statistical mechanics and high-dimensional inference

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    The main purpose of this thesis is to go beyond two usual assumptions that accompany theoretical analysis in spin-glasses and inference: the i.i.d. (independently and identically distributed) hypothesis on the noise elements and the finite rank regime. The first one appears since the early birth of spin-glasses. The second one instead concerns the inference viewpoint. Disordered systems and Bayesian inference have a well-established relation, evidenced by their continuous cross-fertilization. The thesis makes use of techniques coming both from the rigorous mathematical machinery of spin-glasses, such as the interpolation scheme, and from Statistical Physics, such as the replica method. The first chapter contains an introduction to the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick and spiked Wigner models. The first is a mean field spin-glass where the couplings are i.i.d. Gaussian random variables. The second instead amounts to establish the information theoretical limits in the reconstruction of a fixed low rank matrix, the “spike”, blurred by additive Gaussian noise. In chapters 2 and 3 the i.i.d. hypothesis on the noise is broken by assuming a noise with inhomogeneous variance profile. In spin-glasses this leads to multi-species models. The inferential counterpart is called spatial coupling. All the previous models are usually studied in the Bayes-optimal setting, where everything is known about the generating process of the data. In chapter 4 instead we study the spiked Wigner model where the prior on the signal to reconstruct is ignored. In chapter 5 we analyze the statistical limits of a spiked Wigner model where the noise is no longer Gaussian, but drawn from a random matrix ensemble, which makes its elements dependent. The thesis ends with chapter 6, where the challenging problem of high-rank probabilistic matrix factorization is tackled. Here we introduce a new procedure called "decimation" and we show that it is theoretically to perform matrix factorization through it