4,491 research outputs found

    Multispectral photography for earth resources

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    A guide for producing accurate multispectral results for earth resource applications is presented along with theoretical and analytical concepts of color and multispectral photography. Topics discussed include: capabilities and limitations of color and color infrared films; image color measurements; methods of relating ground phenomena to film density and color measurement; sensitometry; considerations in the selection of multispectral cameras and components; and mission planning

    Test Targets 3.0: A Collaborative effort exploring the use of scientific methods for color imaging and process control

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    Test Targets 3.0 focuses on the integration and analysis of a number of input devices, color image renderings with the use of a robust CTP system and a full-fledged web offset press … The first section is a collection of test forms … The second section is a compilation of color management practices by the class. – p. v

    Pushing the Limits of 3D Color Printing: Error Diffusion with Translucent Materials

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    Accurate color reproduction is important in many applications of 3D printing, from design prototypes to 3D color copies or portraits. Although full color is available via other technologies, multi-jet printers have greater potential for graphical 3D printing, in terms of reproducing complex appearance properties. However, to date these printers cannot produce full color, and doing so poses substantial technical challenges, from the shear amount of data to the translucency of the available color materials. In this paper, we propose an error diffusion halftoning approach to achieve full color with multi-jet printers, which operates on multiple isosurfaces or layers within the object. We propose a novel traversal algorithm for voxel surfaces, which allows the transfer of existing error diffusion algorithms from 2D printing. The resulting prints faithfully reproduce colors, color gradients and fine-scale details.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures; includes supplemental figure

    Expanding Dimensionality in Cinema Color: Impacting Observer Metamerism through Multiprimary Display

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    Television and cinema display are both trending towards greater ranges and saturation of reproduced colors made possible by near-monochromatic RGB illumination technologies. Through current broadcast and digital cinema standards work, system designs employing laser light sources, narrow-band LED, quantum dots and others are being actively endorsed in promotion of Wide Color Gamut (WCG). Despite artistic benefits brought to creative content producers, spectrally selective excitations of naturally different human color response functions exacerbate variability of observer experience. An exaggerated variation in color-sensing is explicitly counter to the exhaustive controls and calibrations employed in modern motion picture pipelines. Further, singular standard observer summaries of human color vision such as found in the CIE’s 1931 and 1964 color matching functions and used extensively in motion picture color management are deficient in recognizing expected human vision variability. Many researchers have confirmed the magnitude of observer metamerism in color matching in both uniform colors and imagery but few have shown explicit color management with an aim of minimized difference in observer perception variability. This research shows that not only can observer metamerism influences be quantitatively predicted and confirmed psychophysically but that intentionally engineered multiprimary displays employing more than three primaries can offer increased color gamut with drastically improved consistency of experience. To this end, a seven-channel prototype display has been constructed based on observer metamerism models and color difference indices derived from the latest color vision demographic research. This display has been further proven in forced-choice paired comparison tests to deliver superior color matching to reference stimuli versus both contemporary standard RGB cinema projection and recently ratified standard laser projection across a large population of color-normal observers

    Digital image colorimetry for determination of sulfonamides in water

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    This work aims to develop a digital image-based colorimetry for screening of sulfonamides (SAs) in water. It will be based on the determination of SAs in water, by analyzing the color response with an automatic image processing algorithm.Antimicrobial agents are considered emerging pollutants in water, because of their potential to accelerate spread of bacterial resistance genes, and due to their harmful effect to ecosystem through death or inhibition of natural microbiota. Sulfonamides (SAs) are an important antimicrobial group and it is widely used in both human and veterinary medicine. Studies have demonstrated that SAs are very mobile and highly available in soil with no bioaccumulation. Furthermore, these compounds seem to be quite resistant to biodegradation in surface water which can benefit contamination of aquatic environment. Thus, monitoring of SAs levels in water are very important to determine their aquatic risk assessment. Several methods for determination of SAs in water have been developed. Most of them are based on the coupling of high-performance liquid chromatography (LC) and mass spectrometry (MS). LC-MS is widely used due to their high sensitivity and specificity; however, this approach is very expensive and does not allow in situ analysis. Hence, development of field deployable screening methods is required. Methods based on digital image colorimetry have been broadly applied for point-of-care tests, forensic analysis and environmental monitoring. The digital image based methods are very promising as field screening techniques because they are fast, low cost, portable and easy handling methodologies

    Production and characterization of different types of malaria pigment (hemozoin) and their potential use for screening for hemozoin inhibiting drugs

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    Tese de mestrado. Biologia (Microbiologia Aplicada). Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2012Malarial pigment, hemozoin, appears to modulate the immune system, however it remains controversial if it has stimulatory or inhibitory effects. Biological properties may depend on the type of hemozoin, namely its origin and production method, morphology or size. Natural hemozoin can be obtained from P. falciparum cultures and identical β-hematin can be synthesized from heme. Characterization becomes crucial to confirm size, shape and possible contaminations. Hemozoin production is also a unique antimalarial drug target. There are several heme inhibition assays to screen for drugs with the potential to inhibit hemozoin growth. Yet, these assays are often complex, use highly concentrated, toxic reagents, and not all confirm the end product’s nature. This work aimed to produce and characterize natural hemozoin and synthetic hemozoin, as well as hemozoin-like crystals. Hemozoin-like crystals growth was also investigated to determine if drugs inhibit crystallization, and adapted in an assay format to explore their potential to screen for hemozoin-inhibiting drugs. Hemozoin obtained from different origins was characterized by several methods, including scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and infrared spectroscopy. Hemozoin-like crystals were grown in broth medium with different drugs to investigate their ability to inhibit crystallization. Despite an overall similarity in morphology and size, differences were detected and characterized between different types of hemozoin, which may be biologically relevant. Although very similar, X-ray diffraction and infrared spectroscopy showed that hemozoin-like crystals were not true hemozoin. However, inhibition results were consistent with previous heme inhibition studies, with chloroquine and amodiaquine presenting the highest potency, followed by other quinolines such as quinine and mefloquine. In conclusion, hemozoin used in immunology should be thoroughly characterized by several complementary methods. Hemozoin-like crystals growth could be successfully used as a novel assay to screen compounds for their hemozoin inhibiting activity, and may be a helpful tool for antimalarial drug screening.A malária, uma das mais importantes doenças infecciosas da actualidade, permanece um problema de saúde pública a nível global, atingindo regiões tropicais e subtropicais em todo o mundo. Esta doença causa grande morbilidade e mortalidade e contribui para o atraso no desenvolvimento social e económico dos países afectados. A doença é causada por parasitas do género Plasmodium, transmitidos por fêmeas de algumas espécies de mosquito Anopheles. Após a fase sexual no mosquito e a fase hepática do ciclo de vida do parasita no Homem, é durante a fase sanguínea que se manifestam os sintomas da doença febril. Factores do hospedeiro e do parasita poderão contribuir para o desenvolvimento de malária severa, levando eventualmente à morte do doente, sendo que a espécie Plasmodium falciparum é responsável pelo maior número de mortes associadas a malária. Apesar dos esforços travados por organizações internacionais no sentido de combater este flagelo, os programas de controlo e erradicação da malária enfrentam vários obstáculos, como a resistência aos insecticidas usados para impregnar redes mosquiteiras, a inexistência de uma vacina eficaz e, principalmente, a grande disseminação de estirpes de parasitas resistentes aos fármacos anti-maláricos actualmente disponíveis. Ainda que sejam pontuais os relatos de resistência ao quinino, utilizado desde o século XVII, este provoca graves efeitos secundários. Independentemente do sucesso de fármacos sintetizados durante o século passado, compostos como a cloroquina, a mefloquina e os antifolatos são hoje inúteis em muitas regiões do mundo. Não obstante a notável eficácia das artemisininas, estes fármacos podem escassear e tornam-se bastante dispendiosos, devendo ser administrados apenas em combinação com outros, de forma a evitar a propagação de resistência. Assim, é urgente descobrir novos fármacos eficazes no combate à malária. O pigmento malárico, também designado hemozoína, é o produto da desintoxicação de moléculas de heme livre, formado por biocristalização no parasita durante a fase intraeritrocítica, após digestão do conteúdo celular do eritrócito infectado. Pensa-se que fármacos anti-maláricos pertencentes à classe das quinolinas interajam com as moléculas de heme, inibindo este processo de biocristalização e resultando na acumulação de heme livre tóxico responsável pela morte do parasita. Alguns autores defendem que as artemisininas actuam de forma semelhante, apesar de este ser assunto de debate. Esta via de desintoxicação de heme pelo parasita é bastante interessante no desenvolvimento de novos fármacos, já que é exclusivo do parasita e parece ser imutável, devido ao facto de não depender de enzimas codificadas pelo parasita passíveis de sofrer alterações por mutações que estivessem na origem de resistência. Existem várias abordagens para investigação e descoberta de fármacos cujo alvo é a formação da hemozoína. Os ensaios in vitro de inibição da cristalização de heme tentam mimetizar a formação de hemozoína recorrendo à síntese de β-hematina, hemozoína sintética considerada idêntica à hemozoína natural, e permitem identificar compostos com potencial para inibir o crescimento do cristal. Todavia, ensaios diferentes variam grandemente em termos dos resultados que produzem e dos próprios métodos e condições utilizados para a sua realização, e nem sempre são suficientemente reprodutíveis nem de simples execução. O presente estudo teve como objectivo produzir e caracterizar hemozoína de diferentes origens, investigar a capacidade de vários fármacos para inibir o crescimento de cristais semelhantes a hemozoína, e o potencial destes cristais para identificar compostos antimaláricos inibidores da formação de hemozoína. A hemozoína sintética foi obtida por catálise acídica, ao passo que a hemozoína nativa foi obtida quer por purificação, quer por simples extracção a partir de culturas de eritrócitos humanos infectados com P. falciparum. Os cristais semelhantes a hemozoína foram cultivados num meio bem definido suplementado com extracto de sangue. Os cristais produzidos foram caracterizados recorrendo a microscopia óptica, de polarização e microscopia electrónica de varrimento, bem como a difracção raio-X e espectroscopia de infravermelho, e investigados em relação à presença de contaminação por heme, Mycoplasma, DNA ou proteína. Os cristais semelhantes a hemozoína foram ainda cultivados em microplaca na presença ou ausência de vários antibióticos e fármacos antimaláricos. Numa primeira abordagem para a caracterização da hemozoína produzida, que visualmente se apresenta preta em suspensão ou pó seco, a microscopia óptica e de polarização permitiram observar algumas diferenças morfológicas, de cor e depolarização entre os cristais obtidos por diferentes métodos. A microscopia electrónica de varrimento revelou-se talvez o método mais adequado para avaliar a morfologia e homogeneidade, evidenciando a forma de paralelepípedo dos cristais de origem nativa e a forma acicular dos cristais de origem sintética e dos cristais semelhantes a hemozoína. Todavia, apenas recorrendo à difracção raio-X e à espectroscopia de infravermelho foi possível distinguir inequivocamente os cristais semelhantes a hemozoína dos cristais de verdadeira hemozoína. Quando purificada, a hemozoína de origens natural e sintética apresenta ausência dos contaminantes investigados, ao passo que a hemozoína nativa extraída, não purificada, se encontra associada a proteínas e ácidos nucleicos. Ainda assim, e apesar de alguns estudos sugerirem um papel de estimulação do sistema imunitário para a hemozoína, a presença de proteínas e DNA pode ser interessante, caso se considere que a hemozoína poderá ser libertada dentro do vacúolo digestivo intacto ou associada a reminiscências desta ou de outras estruturas do parasita. A contaminação com uma quantidade apreciável de heme em cristais semelhantes a hemozoína contribuiu para estabelecer a diferença relativamente à verdadeira hemozoína. A quantificação realizada com o QuantiChrom™ Heme Assay Kit permitiu tirar partido da optimização para amostras de origem biológica e evita o uso de reagentes tóxicos. A obtenção de hemozoína de origem natural foi morosa e dispendiosa, ao passo que a produção de hemozoína sintética e cristais semelhantes a hemozoína foi mais simples e económica. O IFDO (do inglês Ileal Fluid Dependent Organism) foi descrito por Burdon em 1989 após ter sido isolado do fluido de ileostomia de indivíduos com a doença de Crohn. Além de organismo auto-replicativo, pensou-se poder ser uma espécie de cristal formado por constituintes do meio. Semelhante a priões no respeitante à resistência a desinfecção e esterilização, a empresa Steris interessou-se pelo seu potencial como modelo para investigar este tipo de processos, e confirmada a sua natureza hémica, além da birrefringência e cor castanha, pensou-se que poderia ser hemozoína. Apesar da semelhança, uma caracterização mais completa em colaboração com a Steris revelou a diferença dos cristais, e estes foram então designados cristais semelhantes a hemozoína. A avaliação de compostos anti-maláricos e antibióticos como possíveis inibidores do crescimento dos cristais semelhantes a hemozoína permitiu criar um ensaio in vitro para identificar compostos cujo alvo seja a formação de hemozoína. Observando a microplaca após a incubação do cristal na presença de diferentes concentrações de fármaco, foi possível observar visualmente a presença ou ausência de um precipitado escuro no fundo do poço que indicam respectivamente o crescimento ou a inibição da formação dos cristais semelhantes a hemozoína. O presente trabalho reforça a importância da caracterização da hemozoína obtida a partir de diferentes origens. Deve recorrer-se a vários métodos complementares para avaliação da morfologia, tamanho e identidade dos cristais, e testar a presença de moléculas contaminantes que possam apresentar propriedades químicas e biológicas em estudos imunológicos. Contribuir-se-á desta forma para esclarecer resultados ambíguos na investigação do papel da hemozoína na modulação do sistema imunitário do hospedeiro, bem como na avaliação da actividade de antimaláricos por inibição da formação do cristal. Os resultados obtidos sugerem ainda que o ensaio de inibição do crescimento dos cristais semelhantes a hemozoína pode ser usado a par dos ensaios existentes para testar compostos em relação à sua actividade de inibição da formação de hemozoína. O ensaio de inibição do crescimento dos cristais semelhantes a hemozoína é simples de realizar e requer infraestruturas laboratoriais básicas e reagentes relativamente económicos, podendo contribuir assim para a descoberta de novos antimaláricos e para os esforços no controlo da malária

    Computer mediated colour fidelity and communication

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    Developments in technology have meant that computercontrolled imaging devices are becoming more powerful and more affordable. Despite their increasing prevalence, computer-aided design and desktop publishing software has failed to keep pace, leading to disappointing colour reproduction across different devices. Although there has been a recent drive to incorporate colour management functionality into modern computer systems, in general this is limited in scope and fails to properly consider the way in which colours are perceived. Furthermore, differences in viewing conditions or representation severely impede the communication of colour between groups of users. The approach proposed here is to provide WYSIWYG colour across a range of imaging devices through a combination of existing device characterisation and colour appearance modeling techniques. In addition, to further facilitate colour communication, various common colour notation systems are defined by a series of mathematical mappings. This enables both the implementation of computer-based colour atlases (which have a number of practical advantages over physical specifiers) and also the interrelation of colour represented in hitherto incompatible notations. Together with the proposed solution, details are given of a computer system which has been implemented. The system was used by textile designers for a real task. Prior to undertaking this work, designers were interviewed in order to ascertain where colour played an important role in their work and where it was found to be a problem. A summary of the findings of these interviews together with a survey of existing approaches to the problems of colour fidelity and communication in colour computer systems are also given. As background to this work, the topics of colour science and colour imaging are introduced

    Solving Color Reproducibility between Digital Devices: A Robust Approach of Smartphones Color Management for Chemical (Bio)Sensors

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    In the past twelve years, digital image colorimetry (DIC) on smartphones has acquired great importance as an alternative to the most common analytical techniques. This analysis method is based on fast, low-cost, and easily-accessible technology, which can provide quantitative information about an analyte through the color changes of a digital image. Despite the fact that DIC is very widespread, it is not exempt from a series of problems that are not fully resolved yet, such as variability of the measurements between smartphones, image format in which color information is stored, power distribution of the illuminant used for the measurements, among others. This article proposes a methodology for the standardization and correction of these problems using self-developed software, together with the use of a 3D printed light box. This methodology is applied to three different colorimetric analyses using different types and brands of smartphones, proving that comparable measurements between devices can be achieved. As color can be related to many target analytes, establishing this measurement methodology can lead to new control analysis applicable to diverse sectors such as alimentary, industrial, agrarian, or sanitary

    Detection of C-Reactive Protein Using an ELISA Immunodot as a Proof-of-Concept for Paper Microfluidics

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    Medicine relies heavily on diagnostic testing. Before the end of 2019 – the beginning of 2020, the modernized world took for granted accurate and available diagnostic tests. The COVID-19 pandemic taught the world, even the wealthiest countries, how fragile human health can become when tests are lacking. The assumption of available testing and the confidence in test results has been seriously challenged. With these challenges, Point-of-Care (PoC) tests has transgressed medicine and science to include politics, finance, and humanity at its core. This Bard senior project is rooted in the science of a proof-of-concept paper-based ELISA Immunodot assay for the detection of C-reactive protein (CRP). CRP can be identified at varying blood concentrations found in humans physiology and disease. CRP testing is used for clinical diagnoses millions of times per month in the United States. The results confirm that the ELISA Immunodot can both distinguish CRP+ and CRP- standards and semi-quantitively predict the CRP concentration of the standard. The ability to relate the intensity of the CRP colorimetric output to a standard CRP concentration has potential applicability in future medical testing