288 research outputs found

    A Design Rationale for Pervasive Computing - User Experience, Contextual Change, and Technical Requirements

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    The vision of pervasive computing promises a shift from information technology per se to what can be accomplished by using it, thereby fundamentally changing the relationship between people and information technology. In order to realize this vision, a large number of issues concerning user experience, contextual change, and technical requirements should be addressed. We provide a design rationale for pervasive computing that encompasses these issues, in which we argue that a prominent aspect of user experience is to provide user control, primarily founded in human values. As one of the more significant aspects of the user experience, we provide an extended discussion about privacy. With contextual change, we address the fundamental change in previously established relationships between the practices of individuals, social institutions, and physical environments that pervasive computing entails. Finally, issues of technical requirements refer to technology neutrality and openness--factors that we argue are fundamental for realizing pervasive computing. We describe a number of empirical and technical studies, the results of which have helped to verify aspects of the design rationale as well as shaping new aspects of it. The empirical studies include an ethnographic-inspired study focusing on information technology support for everyday activities, a study based on structured interviews concerning relationships between contexts of use and everyday planning activities, and a focus group study of laypeople’s interpretations of the concept of privacy in relation to information technology. The first technical study concerns the model of personal service environments as a means for addressing a number of challenges concerning user experience, contextual change, and technical requirements. Two other technical studies relate to a model for device-independent service development and the wearable server as a means to address issues of continuous usage experience and technology neutrality respectively

    Techniques d'interaction multimodales pour l'accès aux mathématiques par des personnes non-voyantes

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    Cette thèse s‟inscrit dans le domaine de l‟interaction Homme-Machine et plus précisément dans celui des interfaces multimodales destinées aux non-voyants. Elle a pour thème principal la présentation des expressions mathématiques aux non-voyants. Pour les étudiants non-voyants, apprendre les mathématiques est une tâche ardue et peut constituer une barrière, les séparant des disciplines techniques. Les travaux de recherche présentés ici décrivent les problèmes rencontrés dans la conception d‟un système permettant l‟accès aux mathématiques pour les utilisateurs déficients visuels. En effet, nous présentons une analyse des outils existants puis nous proposons des solutions pour combler leurs insuffisances. Nous exposons les techniques utilisées au sein de notre système pour répondre aux problèmes de la présentation des expressions mathématiques aux non-voyants. Nous exploitons la multimodalité comme technique d‟interaction pour développer des applications destinées à ce type d‟utilisateurs parce qu‟elle offre plusieurs opportunités grâce à sa richesse des interactions. Nous dotons également notre système d‟un comportement intelligent pour assurer une certaine autonomie à l‟utilisateur. En effet, le système est capable de présenter l‟information en fonction du contexte de l‟interaction (c-à-d. l‟utilisateur, son environnement et sa machine) et de la nature de l‟information. Le système est « pervasif » et adaptatif. L‟accès à l‟information est assuré n‟importe où n‟importe quand et il s‟adapte dynamiquement aux changements du contexte tout en fournissant continuellement des services à l‟utilisateur non-voyant, sans intervention humaine. Pour rendre le système adaptatif, nous avons élaboré un modèle qui détermine la complexité de l‟expression mathématique et nous avons intégré une technique d‟apprentissage automatique pour implémenter les mécanismes de décisions. Enfin, l‟architecture proposée est du type multi-agent. Ces techniques ont été validées par des études de cas et en utilisant les réseaux de Pétri et l‟outil de simulations JADE

    Farmers, food and climate change: ensuring community-based adaptation is mainstreamed into agricultural programmes

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    Climate change creates widespread risks for food production. As climate impacts are often locally specific, it is imperative that large-scale initiatives to support smallholder farmers consider local priorities and integrate lessons from successful autonomous adaptation efforts. This article explores how large-scale programmes for smallholder adaptation to climate change might link effectively with community-led adaptation initiatives. Drawing on experiences in Bangladesh, Mozambique, Uganda and India, this article identifies key success factors and barriers for considering local priorities, capacities and lessons in large-scale adaptation programmes. It highlights the key roles of extension services and farmers' organizations as mechanisms for linking between national-level and community-level adaptation, and a range of other success factors which include participative and locally driven vulnerability assessments, tailoring of adaptation technologies to local contexts, mapping local institutions and working in partnership across institutions. Barriers include weak governance, gaps in the regulatory and policy environment, high opportunity costs, low literacy and underdeveloped markets. The article concludes that mainstreaming climate adaptation into large-scale agricultural initiatives requires not only integration of lessons from community-based adaptation, but also the building of inclusive governance to ensure smallholders can engage with those policies and processes affecting their vulnerability

    Image management applied to the medical field

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    University of Wollongong Postgraduate Calendar 1996

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    Multimodal Data Analytics and Fusion for Data Science

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    Advances in technologies have rapidly accumulated a zettabyte of “new” data every two years. The huge amount of data have a powerful impact on various areas in science and engineering and generates enormous research opportunities, which calls for the design and development of advanced approaches in data analytics. Given such demands, data science has become an emerging hot topic in both industry and academia, ranging from basic business solutions, technological innovations, and multidisciplinary research to political decisions, urban planning, and policymaking. Within the scope of this dissertation, a multimodal data analytics and fusion framework is proposed for data-driven knowledge discovery and cross-modality semantic concept detection. The proposed framework can explore useful knowledge hidden in different formats of data and incorporate representation learning from data in multimodalities, especial for disaster information management. First, a Feature Affinity-based Multiple Correspondence Analysis (FA-MCA) method is presented to analyze the correlations between low-level features from different features, and an MCA-based Neural Network (MCA-NN) ispro- posedto capture the high-level features from individual FA-MCA models and seamlessly integrate the semantic data representations for video concept detection. Next, a genetic algorithm-based approach is presented for deep neural network selection. Furthermore, the improved genetic algorithm is integrated with deep neural networks to generate populations for producing optimal deep representation learning models. Then, the multimodal deep representation learning framework is proposed to incorporate the semantic representations from data in multiple modalities efficiently. At last, fusion strategies are applied to accommodate multiple modalities. In this framework, cross-modal mapping strategies are also proposed to organize the features in a better structure to improve the overall performance

    Application of Asynchronous Transfer Mode (Atm) technology to Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (Pacs): A survey

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    Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network (R-ISDN) provides a range of narrowband and broad-band services for voice, video, and multimedia. Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) has been selected by the standards bodies as the transfer mode for implementing B-ISDN; The ability to digitize images has lead to the prospect of reducing the physical space requirements, material costs, and manual labor of traditional film handling tasks in hospitals. The system which handles the acquisition, storage, and transmission of medical images is called a Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS). The transmission system will directly impact the speed of image transfer. Today the most common transmission means used by acquisition and display station products is Ethernet. However, when considering network media, it is important to consider what the long term needs will be. Although ATM is a new standard, it is showing signs of becoming the next logical step to meet the needs of high speed networks; This thesis is a survey on ATM, and PACS. All the concepts involved in developing a PACS are presented in an orderly manner. It presents the recent developments in ATM, its applicability to PACS and the issues to be resolved for realising an ATM-based complete PACS. This work will be useful in providing the latest information, for any future research on ATM-based networks, and PACS
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