5,106 research outputs found

    The role of vegetarian options in campus dining: Acceptability of vegetarian burgers

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    Za usmjeravanje paketa internetskog prokola (engl. Internet Protocol Routing, skraćeno IP Routing), potrebno je koristiti protokol za razlučivanje adresa (engl. Address Resolution Protocol, skraćeno ARP). Protokol ARP služi za traženje jedinstvene adrese za kontrolu pristupa upravljanju medijem koja se nalazi u skoro svim mrežnim uređajima koristeći poznatu adresu internetskog protokola (engl. Internet Protocol address, skraćeno IP address). ARP čuva tablicu MAC adresa koje su mapirane s IP adresama.The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) feature performs a required function in IP routing. ARP finds the hardware address, also known as Media Access Control (MAC) address, of a host from its known IP address. ARP maintains a cache (table) in which MAC addresses are mapped to IP addresses

    DS-ARP: A New Detection Scheme for ARP Spoofing Attacks Based on Routing Trace for Ubiquitous Environments

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    Despite the convenience, ubiquitous computing suffers from many threats and security risks. Security considerations in the ubiquitous network are required to create enriched and more secure ubiquitous environments. The address resolution protocol (ARP) is a protocol used to identify the IP address and the physical address of the associated network card. ARP is designed to work without problems in general environments. However, since it does not include security measures against malicious attacks, in its design, an attacker can impersonate another host using ARP spoofing or access important information. In this paper, we propose a new detection scheme for ARP spoofing attacks using a routing trace, which can be used to protect the internal network. Tracing routing can find the change of network movement path. The proposed scheme provides high constancy and compatibility because it does not alter the ARP protocol. In addition, it is simple and stable, as it does not use a complex algorithm or impose extra load on the computer system

    Computer Network Routing Challenges Associated to Tackle Resolution Protocol

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    Computer networks are very important in today�s scenario. They have changed the way we do business and the way we live. There are several protocols that help us to establish these networks. The most widely used network protocol is ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) which is used to find the physical address of the node when its internet address is known. In this paper we have discussed the weaknesses of this protocol and have proposed various methods of active detection and prevention of ARP poisoning(spoofing) based Man-in- the-Middle(MitM) attacks on switched Ethernet LAN�s, Denial-of-service (DoS), session hijacking etc. We have implemented tools and defense mechanisms such as central server on a network or subnets, encryption of data traffic etc. that help us to reduce these spoofing attacks

    Network Forensics Against Address Resolution Protocol Spoofing Attacks Using Trigger, Acquire, Analysis, Report, Action Method

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    This study aims to obtain attack evidence and reconstruct commonly used address resolution protocol attacks as a first step to launch a moderately malicious attack. MiTM and DoS are the initiations of ARP spoofing attacks that are used as a follow-up attack from ARP spoofing. The impact is quite severe, ranging from data theft and denial of service to crippling network infrastructure systems. In this study, data collection was conducted by launching an test attack against a real network infrastructure involving 27 computers, one router, and four switches. This study uses a Mikrotik router by building a firewall to generate log files and uses the Tazmen Sniffer Protocol, which is sent to a syslog-ng computer in a different virtual domain in a local area network. The Trigger, Acquire, Analysis, Report, Action method is used in network forensic investigations by utilising Wireshark and network miners to analyze network traffic during attacks. The results of this network forensics obtain evidence that there have been eight attacks with detailed information on when there was an attack on the media access control address and internet protocol address, both from the attacker and the victim. However, attacks carried out with the KickThemOut tool can provide further information about the attacker’s details through a number of settings, in particular using the Gratuitous ARP and ICMP protocols

    Semi-reactive Switch Based Proxy ARP in SDN

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    In order to achieve high scalability during the network discovery process in software-defined networking (SDN), an extensive method for generating switch-based proxy is essential. This paper investigated the semi reactive solution for guiding the controller to build an OFPT_FLOW_MOD message that allowed SDN switch to reply an Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) request directly by deploying the semi-reactive switch-based proxy ARP application in northbound application programming interface (API). We conduct the experiment by using Open Networking Operating System (ONOS) an open-source SDN controller simulated in Mininet environment. As can be seen from the evaluation result, the installed application can reduce the ARP reaction time up to 95% calculated from the sender host. The final result also indicates that our approach can decrease the controller's loads significantly