6,966 research outputs found

    Cavity-enhanced optical detection of carbon nanotube Brownian motion

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    Optical cavities with small mode volume are well-suited to detect the vibration of sub-wavelength sized objects. Here we employ a fiber-based, high-finesse optical microcavity to detect the Brownian motion of a freely suspended carbon nanotube at room temperature under vacuum. The optical detection resolves deflections of the oscillating tube down to 50pm/Hz^1/2. A full vibrational spectrum of the carbon nanotube is obtained and confirmed by characterization of the same device in a scanning electron microscope. Our work successfully extends the principles of high-sensitivity optomechanical detection to molecular scale nanomechanical systems.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure

    Kenna Record, 05-11-1917

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    Portland Daily Press: April 6, 1900

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    Codzienność Lublina w 1918 r.

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    Rok 1918 był w Lublinie kolejnym rokiem wojny. Miasto nie ucierpiało wskutek przejścia frontu, nie było zburzone, ale sytuacja wojenna wpływała na panujące w nim warunki życia. Skokowo wzrastające przeludnienie m.in. wywołane ulokowaniem w nim władz okupacyjnych, chroniczny brak żywności, spekulacja i inflacja, rekwizycje i przestępczość w znacznym stopniu determinowały codzienność mieszkańców. Do tego dochodziły epidemie chorób, coraz bardziej dotkliwa bieda, zwyczajne wypadki i nieszczęścia. Warunki mieszkaniowe, wygląd miasta oraz atmosfera na ulicach odzwierciedlały daleko idącą stratyfikację. W mieście z rzadka odbywały się uroczystości patriotyczne i religijne, ale uczestniczyła w nich mniejszość mieszkańców. Większość z nich raczej próbowała się przystosować i dotrwać do końca wojny. Dopiero pod koniec roku coraz bardziej powszechne stało się przekonanie o możliwości odzyskania niepodległości

    Portland Daily Press: April 4, 1900

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    Receipts and expenditures of the town of Dover, for the year ending February 20, 1840.

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    This is an annual report containing vital statistics for a town/city in the state of New Hampshire

    Portland Daily Press: April 7, 1900

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    A socioeconomic and bioeconomic analysis of coastal fisheries of Bangladesh

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    Bangladesh has an exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of 164 000 km2 and a continental shelf area of 66 440 km2. Artisanal (small scale) fisheries extend from the coast to 40 m while industrial (commercial scale) fisheries operate beyond 40 m depth. The coastal fisheries of Bangladesh exploit a complex multi-species resource. There are 18 demersal and pelagic species, seven species of larger pelagic and 10 shrimp species that are commercially important among the fishes exploited. In 1996 - 97, total fish production reached 1.3 million t with 75% from capture fisheries (0.9 million t) and 25% from aquaculture (0.4 million t). Artisanal fishing operations dominated the marine fisheries, contributing 82% of the total fish production. Information on the gross national product (GNP) and domestic product (GDP) showed that the share of agriculture has been declining over the years. The national income accounting procedure in Bangladesh divides the agriculture sector into crops, livestock, forestry and fisheries. Fisheries contribute to economic development of the country in four ways: (a) helping to achieve high growth rates by creating the necessary value-added; (b) providing employment to a large number of people; (c) adding a large volume of valuable foreign exchange; and (d) providing a cheap source of essential food to lower income people. In 1997 - 98, GNP, GDP and value-added contributions at current prices by the fisheries sector amounted to US35716mil,US35716 mil, US34062 mil and US1808mil,respectively.OfthetotalexportvalueofUS1808 mil, respectively. Of the total export value of US1217 mil, 8.5% (US$104 mil) came from fish and fish products. In terms of food consumption, fish ranks third as the most important food item with a mean per capita consumption of 8.36 kg╖year-1. There are three major fishing fleets in Bangladesh namely, the trawlers, the mechanized boats and the non-mechanized boats. In 1972 - 73, there were 10 trawlers and 200 mechanized boats operating in the fishing grounds of Bangladesh. This expanded to 54 trawlers, 3317 mechanized boats and 14 014 non-mechanized boats in 1996 - 97. Trawlers were divided into 41 shrimp and 13 fish units while mechanized boats included gillnet, set bag net and long-line gear. Non-mechanized boats are also used for gillnet fishing, set bag net fishing, long-line fishing, trammel net fishing and other gear. The Schaefer and Fox Models were used to estimate the maximum sustainable yield (MSY) for the fisheries of Bangladesh. Results of these bioeconomic models show that MSY is estimated to be 4029 t at MSY effort of 9317 standard fishing days (SFD) using SchaeferÆs Model. MSY reached 4136 t at MSY effort of 11822 SFD using FoxÆs Model. The current catch of 2444 t at an effort of 7491 SFD indicates over-fishing. If this situation continues, the fishery resources will diminish with time. Precautionary measures should be adopted by the Government to minimize if not totally prevent over-exploitation of the fishery resource in the Bay of Bengal. The Government should enact laws and ensure their enforcement. The present number of large trawlers and boat owners should not be allowed to increase. The trawlers and large boat operators should avoid intrusion into near-shore areas and reduce discards/by-catch problems. Artisanal fishers should abandon destructive fishing gear like estuarine set bag net (ESBN), push nets and current jall that kill small fish. Community-based management should be adopted with initiatives coming from the Government, other international and regional agencies and the stakeholders.Fishery resources, Fishery surveys, Biomass, Population density, Shrimp fisheries, Catch/effort, Trawling, Mathematical models, Coastal fisheries, Marine fisheries, Ecosystems, Socioeconomic aspects, Artisanal fishing, Ecnonomic benefits, ISW, Bangladesh,

    The Role of Fire-Retardant Treated Wood in the Protection of Life and Property

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    Fire-retardant treated wood is discussed with two approaches to fire protection offered: fire hazard and fire resistance. Descriptive terms used by testing and regulatory agencies are defined. Several of the more commonly accepted test methods used to determine efficiency of fire-retardant treatments in retarding flame spread or resisting burn-through are examined. The roles played by two major impregnated fire-retardant treatments in this accomplishment are described. Sources of information for more detailed study are provide