1,471 research outputs found

    Visualizing characteristics of ocean data collected during the Shuttle Imaging Radar-B experiment

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    Topographic measurements of sea surface elevation collected by the Surface Contour Radar (SCR) during NASA's Shuttle Imaging Radar (SIR-B) experiment are plotted as three dimensional surface plots to observe wave height variance along the track of a P-3 aircraft. Ocean wave spectra were computed from rotating altimeter measurements acquired by the Radar Ocean Wave Spectrometer (ROWS). Fourier power spectra computed from SIR-B synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images of the ocean are compared to ROWS surface wave spectra. Fourier inversion of SAR spectra, after subtraction of spectral noise and modeling of wave height modulation, yields topography similar to direct measurements made by SCR. Visual perspectives on the SCR and SAR ocean data are compared. Threshold distinctions between surface elevation and texture modulations of SAR data are considered within the context of a dynamic statistical model of rough surface scattering. The result of these endeavors is insight as to the physical mechanism governing the imaging of ocean waves with SAR

    Developing rehabilitation robots for the brain injured

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    Designing rehabilitation robots for the brain injured

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    Data processing of remotely sensed airborne hyperspectral data using the Airborne Processing Library (APL): Geocorrection algorithm descriptions and spatial accuracy assessment

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    This is the author's preprint. The final version is available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.The authors would like to thank Dr. Peter Land for useful discussions on reflectance spectra of ground targets. Fig. 9 contains Ordnance Survey OpenData © Crown copyright and database right 2013. The hyperspectral data used in this report were collected by the Natural Environment Research Council Airborne Research and Survey Facility.Remote sensing airborne hyperspectral data are routinely used for applications including algorithm development for satellite sensors, environmental monitoring and atmospheric studies. Single flight lines of airborne hyperspectral data are often in the region of tens of gigabytes in size. This means that a single aircraft can collect terabytes of remotely sensed hyperspectral data during a single year. Before these data can be used for scientific analyses, they need to be radiometrically calibrated, synchronised with the aircraft's position and attitude and then geocorrected. To enable efficient processing of these large datasets the UK Airborne Research and Survey Facility has recently developed a software suite, the Airborne Processing Library (APL), for processing airborne hyperspectral data acquired from the Specim AISA Eagle and Hawk instruments. The APL toolbox allows users to radiometrically calibrate, geocorrect, reproject and resample airborne data. Each stage of the toolbox outputs data in the common Band Interleaved Lines (BILs) format, which allows its integration with other standard remote sensing software packages. APL was developed to be user-friendly and suitable for use on a workstation PC as well as for the automated processing of the facility; to this end APL can be used under both Windows and Linux environments on a single desktop machine or through a Grid engine. A graphical user interface also exists. In this paper we describe the Airborne Processing Library software, its algorithms and approach. We present example results from using APL with an AISA Eagle sensor and we assess its spatial accuracy using data from multiple flight lines collected during a campaign in 2008 together with in situ surveyed ground control points. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd

    Defining Mobile Tech Posture: Prevalence and Position Among Millennials

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    Background: Mobile technologies have revolutionized daily life, significantly impacting ADLs and IADLs, as well as use of the hand and upper extremity. The primary objectives of this study are to (a) provide a formal goniometric description of mobile tech posture and (b) examine the prevalence of this sub-optimal posture among a group of graduate students. Method: This study used a cross-sectional study design. Comprehensive goniometric measurements of the neck and upper extremity were taken with participants (N = 46) using their mobile devices while texting or using the Internet. Handheld usage data from the iPhone Screen Time feature (iOS 12) was collected from a sample of healthy young adults. Results: The participants spent an average of 143 min per day using mobile technology. Comprehensive goniometric measurements highlighted positions of clinical concern, including cervical spine flexion, scapular protraction, elbow flexion, and wrist ulnar deviation with thumb flexion. Discussion: Findings aligned with prior research suggesting several hr per day of handheld mobile technology use among young adults. Mobile tech posture, as described by goniometric trends, includes several positions of concern for musculoskeletal imbalance or cumulative trauma disorders (e.g., cubital tunnel syndrome; De Quervain’s tenosynovitis). Further research is recommended to examine broader societal trends and impact on occupational performance

    Sigurnost rada u anatomskom laboratoriju s formalinom i inovativno praćenje procjene profesionalne izloženosti formaldehidu

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    This review is directed at preventive health professionals, anatomic pathologists and technicians to focus their attention on the rapidly growing field of safe formalin practices. An updated overview of the most recent improvements in preventive measures versus formaldehyde (FA) in the anatomic pathology laboratories (APL) is provided. The occupational hygienist role and the required knowledge for a modern and clear occupational exposure assessment are described. Real-time, in-continuous, commercial analyzers for repeated FA exposure assessment are considered to evaluate technical changes in air monitoring programs, introduced to mitigate FA emissions, in compliance with the adopted limit values. To better choose the adequate instrumentation, the main features of each FA monitoring instrument recently introduced on the market are listed. Moreover, the main features of the modern workflow setting in APL are summarized. A computer-based scientific and non-scientific reports search by key-words was performed on PubMed, Web of Science, Google Scholar and Google Patents databases, querying the following topics: i) grossing workstation for ergonomic layout, ii) commercially available direct reading tools to measure formalin, iii) real-time, in-continuous FA monitoring instruments for sale. This review represents a useful tool to summarize the technical requirements and expert know-how necessary to minimize FA emissions and produce an exhaustive FA assessment in the APL.Ovaj pregled usmjeren je na preventivne zdravstvene radnike, anatomske patologe i tehničare kako bi svoju pozornost usredotočili na brzo rastuće područje sigurnih formalinskih praksi. Ažurirani pregled nudi najnovija poboljšanja preventivnih mjera u odnosu na formaldehid (FA) u laboratorijima za anatomsku patologiju (APL). Opisana je uloga higijeničara na radu i potrebna znanja za modernu i jasnu procjenu izloženosti na radu. Komercijalni analizatori u stvarnom vremenu za kontinuiranu procjenu izloženosti FA razmatraju se za procjenu tehničkih promjena u programima praćenja zraka, uvedenim radi ublažavanja emisija FA, u skladu s prihvaćenim graničnim vrijednostima. Kako bi se bolje odabrala odgovarajuća instrumentacija, navedene su glavne značajke svakog instrumenta za praćenje FA koji je nedavno predstavljen na tržištu. Štoviše, sažete su glavne značajke suvremenih postavki tijeka rada u APL-u. Računalno zasnovano pretraživanje znanstvenih i neznanstvenih izvješća po ključnim riječima provedeno je u bazama podataka PubMed, Web of Science, Google Scholar i Google Patents, s težištem na sljedeće teme: i) prikupljanje radnih stanica za ergonomski raspored, ii) komercijalno dostupni alati za izravno očitanje mjerenja formalina, iii) instrumenti za kontinuirano praćenje FA u stvarnom vremenu u prodaji. Ovaj pregled predstavlja koristan alat za sažimanje tehničkih zahtjeva i stručnog znanja potrebnog za minimiziranje emisija FA i izradu iscrpne procjene FA u APL-u

    Reducing Anesthesia Workstation Contamination

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    Healthcare-associated infections are a source of morbidity and mortality in the United States and have been shown to be more preventable than current incidence. Anesthesia providers may be a source of and vector for some of these infections. Nurse anesthetists provide direct individual care for numerous patients daily, managing airways and invasive devices that contaminate hands with secretions which then may be transferred to the anesthesia workstation. Due to its complexity, the anesthesia machine is difficult to thoroughly clean and may become a reservoir for contaminants. The purpose of this paper will be to examine new interventions being explored to reduce the contamination of the anesthesia workstation. These interventions will include hand hygiene interventions, ultraviolet (UV) radiation for workstation disinfection, and anesthesia workstation barrier devices. Analysis of which interventions are the most effective may help to guide the direction of interventions to help reduce anesthesia machine contamination