134 research outputs found

    Analogical study of Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Neural Network in Vehicleas Number Plate Detection

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    Formal grammars, studied by N. Chomsky for the definition of equivalence with languages and models of computing, have been a useful tool in the development of compilers, programming languages, natural language processing, automata theory, etc. The words or symbols of these formal languages can denote deduced actions that correspond to specific behaviors of a robotic entity or agent that interacts with an environment. The primary objective of this paper pretend to represent and generate simple behaviors of artificial agents. Reinforcement learning techniques, grammars, and languages, as defined based on the model of the proposed system were applied to the typical case of the ideal route on the problem of artificial ant. The application of such techniques proofs the viability of building robots that might learn through interaction with the environment

    Recognition of License Plates and Optical Nerve Pattern Detection Using Hough Transform

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    The global technique of detection of the features is Hough transform used in image processing, computer vision and image analysis. The detection of prominent line of the object under consideration is the main purpose of the Hough transform which is carried out by the process of voting. The first part of this work is the use of Hough transform as feature vector, tested on Indian license plate system, having font of UK standard and UK standard 3D, which has ten slots for characters and numbers.So tensub images are obtained.These sub images are fed to Hough transform and Hough peaks to extract the Hough peaks information. First two Hough peaks are taken into account for the recognition purposes. The edge detection along with image rotation is also used prior to the implementation of Hough transform in order to get the edges of the gray scale image. Further, the image rotation angle is varied; the superior results are taken under consideration. The second part of this work makes the use of Hough transform and Hough peaks, for examining the optical nerve patterns of eye. An available database for RIM-one is used to serve the purpose. The optical nerve pattern is unique for every human being and remains almost unchanged throughout the life time. So the purpose is to detect the change in the pattern report the abnormality, to make automatic system so capable that they can replace the experts of that field. For this detection purpose Hough Transform and Hough Peaks are used and the fact that these nerve patterns are unique in every sense is confirmed

    Exploration of an End-to-End Automatic Number-plate Recognition neural network for Indian datasets

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    Indian vehicle number plates have wide variety in terms of size, font, script and shape. Development of Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) solutions is therefore challenging, necessitating a diverse dataset to serve as a collection of examples. However, a comprehensive dataset of Indian scenario is missing, thereby, hampering the progress towards publicly available and reproducible ANPR solutions. Many countries have invested efforts to develop comprehensive ANPR datasets like Chinese City Parking Dataset (CCPD) for China and Application-oriented License Plate (AOLP) dataset for US. In this work, we release an expanding dataset presently consisting of 1.5k images and a scalable and reproducible procedure of enhancing this dataset towards development of ANPR solution for Indian conditions. We have leveraged this dataset to explore an End-to-End (E2E) ANPR architecture for Indian scenario which was originally proposed for Chinese Vehicle number-plate recognition based on the CCPD dataset. As we customized the architecture for our dataset, we came across insights, which we have discussed in this paper. We report the hindrances in direct reusability of the model provided by the authors of CCPD because of the extreme diversity in Indian number plates and differences in distribution with respect to the CCPD dataset. An improvement of 42.86% was observed in LP detection after aligning the characteristics of Indian dataset with Chinese dataset. In this work, we have also compared the performance of the E2E number-plate detection model with YOLOv5 model, pre-trained on COCO dataset and fine-tuned on Indian vehicle images. Given that the number Indian vehicle images used for fine-tuning the detection module and yolov5 were same, we concluded that it is more sample efficient to develop an ANPR solution for Indian conditions based on COCO dataset rather than CCPD dataset

    Prevention of Unauthorized Transport of Ore in Opencast Mines Using Automatic Number Plate Recognition

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    Security in mining is a primary concern, which mainly affects the production cost. An efficiently detecting and deterring theft will maximize the profitability of any mining organization. Many illegal transportation cases were registered in spite of rules imposed by central and state governments under Section 23 (c) of MMDR Act 1957. Use of an automated checkpoint gate based on license plate recognition and biometric fingerprint system for vehicle tracking enhances the security in mines. The method was tested on the number plates with various considerations like clean number plates, clean fingerprints, dusty and faded number plates, dusty fingerprints, and number plates captured by varying distance. By considering all the above conditions the pictures were processed by ANPR and bio-metric fingerprint modules. Vehicle license number plate was captured using a digital camera and the captured RGB image was converted to grayscale image. Thresholding was done to remove unwanted areas from the grayscale image. The characters of the number plate were segmented using Gabor filter. A track-sector matrix was generated by considering the number of pixels in each region and was matched with existing template to identify the character. The fingerprint scans the finger and matches with the template created at the time of fingerprint registration at the machine. The micro-controller accepted the processed output in binary form from ANPR and bio-metric fingerprint system. The micro-controller processed the binary output and the checkpoint gate was closed/open based on the output provided by the microcontroller to motor driver

    Effective design, configuration, and use of digital CCTV

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    It is estimated that there are five million CCTV cameras in use today. CCTV is used by a wide range of organisations and for an increasing number of purposes. Despite this, there has been little research to establish whether these systems are fit for purpose. This thesis takes a socio-technical approach to determine whether CCTV is effective, and if not, how it could be made more effective. Humancomputer interaction (HCI) knowledge and methods have been applied to improve this understanding and what is needed to make CCTV effective; this was achieved in an extensive field study and two experiments. In Study 1, contextual inquiry was used to identify the security goals, tasks, technology and factors which affected operator performance and the causes at 14 security control rooms. The findings revealed a number of factors which interfered with task performance, such as: poor camera positioning, ineffective workstation setups, difficulty in locating scenes, and the use of low-quality CCTV recordings. The impact of different levels of video quality on identification and detection performance was assessed in two experiments using a task-focused methodology. In Study 2, 80 participants identified 64 face images taken from four spatially compressed video conditions (32, 52, 72, and 92 Kbps). At a bit rate quality of 52 Kbps (MPEG-4), the number of faces correctly identified reached significance. In Study 3, 80 participants each detected 32 events from four frame rate CCTV video conditions (1, 5, 8, and 12 fps). Below 8 frames per second, correct detections and task confidence ratings decreased significantly. These field and empirical research findings are presented in a framework using a typical CCTV deployment scenario, which has been validated through an expert review. The contributions and limitations of this thesis are reviewed, and suggestions for how the framework should be further developed are provided

    Deep Learning Based Automatic Vehicle License Plate Recognition System for Enhanced Vehicle Identification

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    An innovative Automatic Vehicle License Plate Recognition (AVLPR) system that effectively identifies vehicles using deep learning algorithms. Accurate and real-time license plate identification has grown in importance with the rise in demand for improved security and traffic management.The convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture used in the AVLPR system enables the model to automatically learn and extract discriminative characteristics from photos of license plates. To ensure the system's robustness and adaptability, the dataset utilized for training and validation includes a wide range of license plate designs, fonts, and lighting situations.We incorporate data augmentation approaches to accommodate differences in license plate orientation, scale, and perspective throughout the training process to improve recognition accuracy. Additionally, we use transfer learning to enhance the system's generalization abilities by refining the pre-trained model on a sizable dataset.A trustworthy and effective solution for vehicle identification duties is provided by the Deep Learning-Based Automatic Vehicle License Plate Recognition System. Deep learning approaches are used to guarantee precise and instantaneous recognition, making it suitable for many uses such as law enforcement, parking management, and intelligent transportation systems

    Combining Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) with Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a Video Management System

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    The latest Video management systems (VMS) software relies on CCTV surveillance systems that can monitor a larger number of cameras and sites more efficiently. In this paper, we study the utilization of SCADA to control a network of surveillance IP cameras. Therefore, the video data are acquired from IP cameras, stored and processed, and then transmitted and remotely controlled via SCADA. Such SCADA application will be very useful in VMS in general and in large integrated security networks in particular. In fact, modern VMS are progressively doped with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) algorithms, to improve their performance and detestability in a wide range of control and security applications. In this chapter, we have discussed the utilization of existing SCADA cores, to implement highly efficient VMS systems, with minimum development time. We have shown that such SCADA-based VMS programs can easily incubate AI and deep ML algorithms. We have also shown that the harmonic utilization of neural networks algorithms (NNA) in the software core will lead to an unprecedented performance in terms of motion detection speed and other smart analytics as well as system availability

    Constructing resilience through security and surveillance: The politics, practices and tensions of security-driven resilience

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    This article illuminates how, since 9/11, security policy has gradually become more central to a range of resilience discourses and practices. As this process draws a wider range of security infrastructures, organizations and approaches into the enactment of resilience, security practices are enabled through more palatable and legitimizing discourses of resilience. This article charts the emergence and proliferation of security-driven resilience logics, deployed at different spatial scales, which exist in tension with each other. We exemplify such tensions in practice through a detailed case study from Birmingham, UK: ‘Project Champion’ an attempt to install over 200 high-resolution surveillance cameras, often invisibly, around neighbourhoods with a predominantly Muslim population. Here, practices of security-driven resilience came into conflict with other policy priorities focused upon community-centred social cohesion, posing a series of questions about social control, surveillance and the ability of national agencies to construct community resilience in local areas amidst state attempts to label the same spaces as ‘dangerous’. It is argued that security-driven logics of resilience generate conflicts in how resilience is operationalized, and produce and reproduce new hierarchical arrangements which, in turn, may work to subvert some of the founding aspirations and principles of resilience logic itself