16 research outputs found

    Locating Mobile Media Audiences: In Plain View With Pokémon Go

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    Mobile media audiences are a central part of understanding audiences in a digital world. In this chapter, I approach the apparently new development of PokĂ©mon GO via a broader thinking of what mobile means in relation to digital audiences. To provide a context for understanding PokĂ©mon GO, I discuss the emergence of mobile media audiences, and the increasingly prominent role location has played in these formations. I trace the emergence of PokĂ©mon GO, placing into the recent history of mapping, locative media, and augmented reality (AR) technology, and discuss the case of PokĂ©mon GO against the histories of mobile gaming. I conclude with some remarks on the discursive, business, technology, and design strategies evident in Niantic’s effort to configure and sustain the phenomenal success of its PokĂ©mon GO launch.Australian Research Counci

    Network selection mechanism for telecardiology application in high speed environment

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    The existing network selection schemes biased either to cost or Quality of Service (QoS) are not efficient enough for telecardiology application in high traveling speed environment. Selection of the candidate network that is fulfilling the telecardiology service requirements as well as user preference is a challenging issue. This is because the preference of telecardiology user might change based on the patient health condition. This research proposed a novel Telecardiology-based Handover Decision Making (THODM) mechanism that consists of three closely integrated algorithms: Adaptive Service Adjustment (ASA), Dwelling Time Prediction (DTP) and Patient Health Condition-based Network Evaluation (PHCNE). The ASA algorithm guarantees the quality of telecardiology service when none of the available networks fulfils the service requirements. The DTP algorithm minimizes the probability of handover failure and unnecessary handover to Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN), while optimizing the connection time with WLAN in high traveling speed environment. The PHCNE algorithm evaluates the quality of available networks and selects the best network based on the telecardiology services requirement and the patient health condition. Simulation results show that the proposed THODM mechanism reduced the number of handover failures and unnecessary handovers up to 80.0% and 97.7%, respectively, compared with existing works. The cost of THODM mechanism is 20% and 85.3% lower than the Speed Threshold-based Handover (STHO) and Bandwidth-based Handover (BWHO) schemes, respectively. In terms of throughput, the proposed scheme is up to 75% higher than the STHO scheme and 370% greater than the BWHO scheme. For telecardiology application in high traveling speed environment, the proposed THODM mechanism has better performance than the existing network selection schemes

    Advanced design of Automated Border Control gates: biometric system techniques and research trends

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    Last few years have witnessed an ever-increasing demand of border crossing, whose processing introduces the need to speed-up the clearance process at the Border Crossing Points (BCP). Automated Border Control (ABC) gates, or shortly e-Gates, can verify the identity of the travelers crossing the borders by exploiting their biometric traits, without the need of a constant human intervention. Biometric technologies have a relevant impact on the improvement of efficiency, effectiveness and security of the checking processes. Automated biometric recognition can increase the border processing throughput of the BCP, as well as facilitate the clearance procedures. To grant the passage of the border, the e-Gate compares the biometric samples of the traveler stored into the electronic document with live acquisitions. This paper presents the latest substantial advances in the design of e-Gates. In particular, it presents the Biometric Verification System in detail, including its hardware and software components, as well as the procedures followed during the biometric verification of the traveler's identity. We address the complex issue of measuring the performance of an ABC system, considering the real applicability of the figures of merit usually adopted in biometric system's evaluation. To complete the view of the current e-Gates, we highlight the main challenges and the research trends relating to the biometric systems currently used in e-Gates

    Believe it or not:the effect of athlete's crisis communication on trustworthiness and reputation in case of doping allegations

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    Die Dissertation untersucht die Wirkung von Verteidigungsstatements gegen DopingvorwĂŒrfe mittels digitaler Medien auf die Bewertung der VertrauenswĂŒrdigkeit und Reputation der betroffenen Athletinnen und Athleten. Die Untersuchung zweier realer VerdachtsfĂ€lle zeigt, dass eine öffentliche Verteidigung hauptsĂ€chlich unterstĂŒtzende Reaktionen hervorruft, sowie zu einer Steigerung der EinschĂ€tzung der VertrauenswĂŒrdigkeit fĂŒhren kann. Die erste experimentelle Studie zeigt, dass eine Rechtfertigung zur vergleichsweise besten Bewertung der VertrauenswĂŒrdigkeit und Reputation des betroffenen Athleten fĂŒhrt. In der zweiten Studie wird aufgezeigt, dass das Verbreitungsmedium keinen Einfluss auf die EinschĂ€tzung des Athleten hat und auch die DopingprĂ€valenz einer Sportart hat keinen Einfluss auf die Bewertung des Athleten wie die dritte Studie zeigt. Die Ergebnisse der vierten Studie offenbaren, dass unterstĂŒtzende Nutzerkommentare eine positive Wirkung auf die Bewertung des Athleten ausĂŒben

    Nonlinear Dynamics

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    This volume covers a diverse collection of topics dealing with some of the fundamental concepts and applications embodied in the study of nonlinear dynamics. Each of the 15 chapters contained in this compendium generally fit into one of five topical areas: physics applications, nonlinear oscillators, electrical and mechanical systems, biological and behavioral applications or random processes. The authors of these chapters have contributed a stimulating cross section of new results, which provide a fertile spectrum of ideas that will inspire both seasoned researches and students

    Hybridizing 3-dimensional multiple object tracking with neurofeedback to enhance preparation, performance, and learning

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    Le vaste domaine de l’amĂ©lioration cognitive traverse les applications comportementales, biochimiques et physiques. Aussi nombreuses sont les techniques que les limites de ces premiĂšres : des Ă©tudes de pauvre mĂ©thodologie, des pratiques Ă©thiquement ambiguĂ«s, de faibles effets positifs, des effets secondaires significatifs, des couts financiers importants, un investissement de temps significatif, une accessibilitĂ© inĂ©gale, et encore un manque de transfert. L’objectif de cette thĂšse est de proposer une mĂ©thode novatrice d’intĂ©gration de l’une de ces techniques, le neurofeedback, directement dans un paradigme d’apprentissage afin d’amĂ©liorer la performance cognitive et l’apprentissage. Cette thĂšse propose les modalitĂ©s, les fondements empiriques et des donnĂ©es Ă  l’appui de ce paradigme efficace d’apprentissage ‘bouclé’. En manipulant la difficultĂ© dans une tĂąche en fonction de l’activitĂ© cĂ©rĂ©brale en temps rĂ©el, il est dĂ©montrĂ© que dans un paradigme d’apprentissage traditionnel (3-dimentional multiple object tracking), la vitesse et le degrĂ© d’apprentissage peuvent ĂȘtre amĂ©liorĂ©s de maniĂšre significative lorsque comparĂ©s au paradigme traditionnel ou encore Ă  un groupe de contrĂŽle actif. La performance amĂ©liorĂ©e demeure observĂ©e mĂȘme avec un retrait du signal de rĂ©troaction, ce qui suggĂšre que les effets de l’entrainement amĂ©liorĂ© sont consolidĂ©s et ne dĂ©pendent pas d’une rĂ©troaction continue. Ensuite, cette thĂšse rĂ©vĂšle comment de tels effets se produisent, en examinant les corrĂ©lĂ©s neuronaux des Ă©tats de prĂ©paration et de performance Ă  travers les conditions d’état de base et pendant la tĂąche, de plus qu’en fonction du rĂ©sultat (rĂ©ussite/Ă©chec) et de la difficultĂ© (basse/moyenne/haute vitesse). La prĂ©paration, la performance et la charge cognitive sont mesurĂ©es via des liens robustement Ă©tablis dans un contexte d’activitĂ© cĂ©rĂ©brale fonctionnelle mesurĂ©e par l’électroencĂ©phalographie quantitative. Il est dĂ©montrĂ© que l’ajout d’une assistance- Ă -la-tĂąche apportĂ©e par la frĂ©quence alpha dominante est non seulement appropriĂ©e aux conditions de ce paradigme, mais influence la charge cognitive afin de favoriser un maintien du sujet dans sa zone de dĂ©veloppement proximale, ce qui facilite l’apprentissage et amĂ©liore la performance. Ce type de paradigme d’apprentissage peut contribuer Ă  surmonter, au minimum, un des limites fondamentales du neurofeedback et des autres techniques d’amĂ©lioration cognitive : le manque de transfert, en utilisant une mĂ©thode pouvant ĂȘtre intĂ©grĂ©e directement dans le contexte dans lequel l’amĂ©lioration de la performance est souhaitĂ©e.The domain of cognitive enhancement is vast, spanning behavioral, biochemical and physical applications. The techniques are as numerous as are the limitations: poorly conducted studies, ethically ambiguous practices, limited positive effects, significant side-effects, high financial costs, significant time investment, unequal accessibility, and lack of transfer. The purpose of this thesis is to propose a novel way of integrating one of these techniques, neurofeedback, directly into a learning context in order to enhance cognitive performance and learning. This thesis provides the framework, empirical foundations, and supporting evidence for a highly efficient ‘closed-loop’ learning paradigm. By manipulating task difficulty based on a measure of cognitive load within a classic learning scenario (3-dimentional multiple object tracking) using real-time brain activity, results demonstrate that over 10 sessions, speed and degree of learning can be substantially improved compared with a classic learning system or an active sham-control group. Superior performance persists even once the feedback signal is removed, which suggests that the effects of enhanced training are consolidated and do not rely on continued feedback. Next, this thesis examines how these effects occur, exploring the neural correlates of the states of preparedness and performance across baseline and task conditions, further examining correlates related to trial results (correct/incorrect) and task difficulty (slow/medium/fast speeds). Cognitive preparedness, performance and load are measured using well-established relationships between real-time quantified brain activity as measured by quantitative electroencephalography. It is shown that the addition of neurofeedback-based task assistance based on peak alpha frequency is appropriate to task conditions and manages to influence cognitive load, keeping the subject in the zone of proximal development more often, facilitating learning and improving performance. This type of learning paradigm could contribute to overcoming at least one of the fundamental limitations of neurofeedback and other cognitive enhancement techniques : a lack of observable transfer effects, by utilizing a method that can be directly integrated into the context in which improved performance is sought

    Eye quietness and quiet eye in expert and novice golf performance: an electrooculographic analysis

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    Quiet eye (QE) is the final ocular fixation on the target of an action (e.g., the ball in golf putting). Camerabased eye-tracking studies have consistently found longer QE durations in experts than novices; however, mechanisms underlying QE are not known. To offer a new perspective we examined the feasibility of measuring the QE using electrooculography (EOG) and developed an index to assess ocular activity across time: eye quietness (EQ). Ten expert and ten novice golfers putted 60 balls to a 2.4 m distant hole. Horizontal EOG (2ms resolution) was recorded from two electrodes placed on the outer sides of the eyes. QE duration was measured using a EOG voltage threshold and comprised the sum of the pre-movement and post-movement initiation components. EQ was computed as the standard deviation of the EOG in 0.5 s bins from –4 to +2 s, relative to backswing initiation: lower values indicate less movement of the eyes, hence greater quietness. Finally, we measured club-ball address and swing durations. T-tests showed that total QE did not differ between groups (p = .31); however, experts had marginally shorter pre-movement QE (p = .08) and longer post-movement QE (p < .001) than novices. A group × time ANOVA revealed that experts had less EQ before backswing initiation and greater EQ after backswing initiation (p = .002). QE durations were inversely correlated with EQ from –1.5 to 1 s (rs = –.48 - –.90, ps = .03 - .001). Experts had longer swing durations than novices (p = .01) and, importantly, swing durations correlated positively with post-movement QE (r = .52, p = .02) and negatively with EQ from 0.5 to 1s (r = –.63, p = .003). This study demonstrates the feasibility of measuring ocular activity using EOG and validates EQ as an index of ocular activity. Its findings challenge the dominant perspective on QE and provide new evidence that expert-novice differences in ocular activity may reflect differences in the kinematics of how experts and novices execute skills

    Risk in Sports and Challenges for Sports Organizations

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    Success, injuries, future career opportunities of athletes, and the societal gains of participating in sports and organizing (mega) sports events are all related to individual risk-taking behavior. Although the sports economics and management literature has broadly addressed these issues, it is surprising that less attention has been paid to the implications of risk-taking on the organization of sports in general and, more particularly, on the design and behavior of sports organization members

    Risk in Sports and Challenges for Sports Organizations

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    Success, injuries, future career opportunities of athletes, and the societal gains of participating in sports and organizing (mega) sports events are all related to individual risk-taking behavior. Although the sports economics and management literature has broadly addressed these issues, it is surprising that less attention has been paid to the implications of risk-taking on the organization of sports in general and, more particularly, on the design and behavior of sports organization members