502 research outputs found

    Efficient Algorithms for Bayesian Network Parameter Learning from Incomplete Data

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    We propose an efficient family of algorithms to learn the parameters of a Bayesian network from incomplete data. In contrast to textbook approaches such as EM and the gradient method, our approach is non-iterative, yields closed form parameter estimates, and eliminates the need for inference in a Bayesian network. Our approach provides consistent parameter estimates for missing data problems that are MCAR, MAR, and in some cases, MNAR. Empirically, our approach is orders of magnitude faster than EM (as our approach requires no inference). Given sufficient data, we learn parameters that can be orders of magnitude more accurate

    Symbolic Exact Inference for Discrete Probabilistic Programs

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    The computational burden of probabilistic inference remains a hurdle for applying probabilistic programming languages to practical problems of interest. In this work, we provide a semantic and algorithmic foundation for efficient exact inference on discrete-valued finite-domain imperative probabilistic programs. We leverage and generalize efficient inference procedures for Bayesian networks, which exploit the structure of the network to decompose the inference task, thereby avoiding full path enumeration. To do this, we first compile probabilistic programs to a symbolic representation. Then we adapt techniques from the probabilistic logic programming and artificial intelligence communities in order to perform inference on the symbolic representation. We formalize our approach, prove it sound, and experimentally validate it against existing exact and approximate inference techniques. We show that our inference approach is competitive with inference procedures specialized for Bayesian networks, thereby expanding the class of probabilistic programs that can be practically analyzed

    Bayesian Software Health Management for Aircraft Guidance, Navigation, and Control

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    Modern aircraft, both piloted fly-by-wire commercial aircraft as well as UAVs, more and more depend on highly complex safety critical software systems with many sensors and computer-controlled actuators. Despite careful design and V&V of the software, severe incidents have happened due to malfunctioning software. In this paper, we discuss the use of Bayesian networks (BNs) to monitor the health of the on-board software and sensor system, and to perform advanced on-board diagnostic reasoning. We will focus on the approach to develop reliable and robust health models for the combined software and sensor systems
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