38 research outputs found

    Caracterización microclimática mediante sensores de humedad y temperatura de obras de arte con fines de conservación preventiva

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    Tesis por compendio[EN] This PhD dissertation deals with the multivariate statistical analysis of microclimatic data for preventive conservation of cultural heritage in several locations: Ariadne's house (Pompeii, Italy), l'Almoina Archaeological Museum (Valencia, Spain) and mudejar church of Santa Maria in Ateca (Zaragoza, Spain). The main objective of this thesis is to propose a methodology for statistical analysis of microclimatic data which can be extended to curators and restorers. The usefulness of the proposed methodology is shown, as it has been successfully applied to the studied cultural heritage sites. Furthermore, corrective actions have been proposed and taken in accordance with the results obtained from the analysis of data recorded at Ariadne's house and the Archaeological Museum of l'Almoina. The effectiveness of such corrective measures has been evaluated through a second monitoring campaign. In the case of Ariadne's house, two monitoring campaigns were conducted. During the first, in 2008, the analysis of the recorded data showed that the transparent polycarbonate roof installed in the 1970s was causing a greenhouse effect harmful to the conservation of the frescoes. The sensors also helped identifying differences between orientations and heights. Following our recommendations, in 2010 the roofs were changed by some opaque fibrocement and thermo-hygrometric data recorded in a second monitoring campaign allowed us evaluating the adequacy of the corrective actions in configuring a more stable microclimate. The Archaeological Museum of l'Almoina is exposed to passers-by through a skylight that covers part of the ruins. A first monitoring campaign in 2010 allowed the thermo-hygrometric characterization of the inner microclimate and the identification of the significant influence of the skylight on the temperature and relative humidity values, causing sharp rises and falls during the daylight hours. In 2013 two corrective measures were implemented and evaluated subsequently through a second microclimatic monitoring campaign conducted at the museum. The mudejar church of Santa Maria is located in Ateca, a town in the province of Zaragoza characterised by cold winters and warm summers. Given the low temperatures in winter, a heating system is used. The results of our analysis have shown that the heating system is turned on only for the celebration of Mass or religious festivities (half hour before the entrance of public at the church), causing extreme cycles of temperature and humidity, especially at the upper parts of the altarpiece due to the rising of hot air (hourly increase of 7 ºC in temperature and a decrease of 11% relative humidity) that are detrimental for the conservation of this artwork.[ES] Esta tesis doctoral trata sobre el análisis estadístico multivariante de datos microclimaticos para la conservación preventiva en patrimonio cultural: la casa de Ariadna (Pompeya, Italia), el Museo arqueológico de l'Almoina (Valencia, España) y la iglesia mudéjar de Santa María en Ateca (Ateca, España) . El objetivo principal de esta tesis es proponer una metodología de análisis estadístico de datos microclimáticos extensible a conservadores y restauradores. Se demuestra la utilidad de la metodología propuesta, ya que ha sido posible caracterizar los sitios del patrimonio cultural estudiados. Además, se han propuesto y adoptado acciones correctivas de acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos del análisis de los datos registrados en la casa de Ariadna y el Museo arqueológico de l'Almoina. La efectividad de dichas medidas correctoras ha sido evaluada a través de una segunda campaña de monitorización. En el caso de la casa de Ariadna, dos campañas de monitorización se llevaron a cabo. Durante la primera, en 2008, el análisis de los datos recogidos demostró que los tejados de policarbonato transparente instalados en los años 70 estaban provocando un efecto invernadero muy perjudicial para la conservación de los frescos. Los sensores permitieron además identificar diferencias entre orientaciones y alturas. Bajo las recomendaciones realizadas, en 2010 los tejados fueron cambiados por unos opacos de fibrocemento, y los datos termo-higrométricos recogidos en una segunda campaña de monitorización permitieron evaluar la adecuación de la medida correctiva en la configuración de un microclima más estable. El Museo arqueológico de l'Almoina se encuentra expuesto a los viandantes a través de una claraboya que cubre parte de las ruinas. Una primera campaña de monitorización en 2010 permitió caracterizar termo-higrométricamente el museo e identificar la influencia significativa de la claraboya sobre la temperatura y la humedad relativa, causando fuertes aumentos y caídas durante las horas de luz del día, así como un aporte de humedad de una acequia colindante. En 2013 se llevaron a cabo dos medidas correctivas que fueron evaluadas a través de una segunda monitorización microclimática. La iglesia mudéjar de Santa María está situada en Ateca, una población de la provincia de Zaragoza caracterizada por fríos inviernos y cálidos veranos. Esta fría climatología invernal condiciona la iglesia al uso de un sistema de climatización. El resultado de nuestros análisis ha puesto de manifiesto que el sistema de climatización solo se enciende para la celebración de misas o festividades religiosas, media hora antes de que entre el público en la iglesia, provocando extremos ciclos de temperatura y humedad relativa, más notables en las partes altas del retablo por el ascenso del aire caliente (incremento horario de 7 ºC en la temperatura y un descenso del 11% de la humedad relativa) que resultan perjudiciales para la conservación de este.[CA] Aquesta Tesi doctoral tracta sobre l'anàlisi estadístic multivariant de dades microclimatics per a la conservació preventiva en patrimoni cultural: la casa d'Ariadna (Pompeia, Itàlia), el Museu arqueològic de l'Almoina (València, Espanya) i l'església mudèjar de Santa Maria en Ateca (Saragossa, Espanya). L'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi _es proposar una metodologia d'anàlisi estadístic de dades microclimatics extensible a conservadors i restauradors. Es demostra la utilitat de la metodologia proposada, ja que ha sigut possible caracteritzar els llocs del patrimoni cultural estudiats. A més, s'han proposat i adoptat accions correctives d'acord amb els resultats obtinguts de l'anàlisi de les dades registrades en la casa d'Ariadna i el Museu arqueològic de l'Almoina. L'efectivitat d'aquestes mesures correctores ha sigut avaluada a través d'una segona campanya de monitoratge. En el cas de la casa d'Ariadna, dues campanyes de monitoratge es van dur a terme. Durant la primera, en 2008, l'anàlisi de les dades enregistrades va demostrar que les teulades de policarbonat transparent instal·lades en els anys 70 estaven provocant un efecte hivernacle molt perjudicial per a la conservació dels frescs. Els sensors van permetre a més identificar diferències entre orientacions i altures. Sota les recomanacions realitzades, en 2010 les teulades van ser canviades per unes opaques de fibrociment, i les dades termo-higromètriques arreplegades en una segona campanya de monitoratge van permetre avaluar l'adequació de la mesura correctiva en la configuració d'un microclima més estable. El Museu arqueològic de l'Almoina es troba exposat als vianants a través d'una claraboia que cobreix part de les ruïnes. Una primera campanya de monitoratge en 2010 va permetre caracteritzar termo-higrometricament el museu i identificar la influència significativa de la claraboia sobre la temperatura i la humitat relativa, causant forts augments i caigudes durant les hores diürnes, així__ com una aportació d'humitat d'una sèquia confrontant. En 2013 es van dur a terme dues mesures correctives que van ser avaluades a través d'un segon monitoratge microclimàtic. L'església mudèjar de Santa Maria està situada en Ateca, una població de la província de Saragossa caracteritzada per freds hiverns i càlids estius. Aquesta freda climatologia hivernal condiciona l'església a l'ús d'un sistema de climatització. El resultat de les nostres anàlisis ha posat de manifest que el sistema de climatització solament s'encén per a la celebració de misses o festivitats religioses, mitja hora abans que entre el públic en l'església, provocant extrems cicles de temperatura i humitat relativa, més notables en les parts altes del retaule per l'ascens de l'aire calent (increment horari de 7ºC en la temperatura i un descens del 11% de la humitat relativa) que resulten perjudicials per a la conservació d'aquest.Merello Giménez, P. (2015). Caracterización microclimática mediante sensores de humedad y temperatura de obras de arte con fines de conservación preventiva [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/57490TESISCompendi

    Close-Range Sensing and Data Fusion for Built Heritage Inspection and Monitoring - A Review

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    Built cultural heritage is under constant threat due to environmental pressures, anthropogenic damages, and interventions. Understanding the preservation state of monuments and historical structures, and the factors that alter their architectural and structural characteristics through time, is crucial for ensuring their protection. Therefore, inspection and monitoring techniques are essential for heritage preservation, as they enable knowledge about the altering factors that put built cultural heritage at risk, by recording their immediate effects on monuments and historic structures. Nondestructive evaluations with close-range sensing techniques play a crucial role in monitoring. However, data recorded by different sensors are frequently processed separately, which hinders integrated use, visualization, and interpretation. This article’s aim is twofold: i) to present an overview of close-range sensing techniques frequently applied to evaluate built heritage conditions, and ii) to review the progress made regarding the fusion of multi-sensor data recorded by them. Particular emphasis is given to the integration of data from metric surveying and from recording techniques that are traditionally non-metric. The article attempts to shed light on the problems of the individual and integrated use of image-based modeling, laser scanning, thermography, multispectral imaging, ground penetrating radar, and ultrasonic testing, giving heritage practitioners a point of reference for the successful implementation of multidisciplinary approaches for built cultural heritage scientific investigations

    Visual Analytics for the Exploratory Analysis and Labeling of Cultural Data

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    Cultural data can come in various forms and modalities, such as text traditions, artworks, music, crafted objects, or even as intangible heritage such as biographies of people, performing arts, cultural customs and rites. The assignment of metadata to such cultural heritage objects is an important task that people working in galleries, libraries, archives, and museums (GLAM) do on a daily basis. These rich metadata collections are used to categorize, structure, and study collections, but can also be used to apply computational methods. Such computational methods are in the focus of Computational and Digital Humanities projects and research. For the longest time, the digital humanities community has focused on textual corpora, including text mining, and other natural language processing techniques. Although some disciplines of the humanities, such as art history and archaeology have a long history of using visualizations. In recent years, the digital humanities community has started to shift the focus to include other modalities, such as audio-visual data. In turn, methods in machine learning and computer vision have been proposed for the specificities of such corpora. Over the last decade, the visualization community has engaged in several collaborations with the digital humanities, often with a focus on exploratory or comparative analysis of the data at hand. This includes both methods and systems that support classical Close Reading of the material and Distant Reading methods that give an overview of larger collections, as well as methods in between, such as Meso Reading. Furthermore, a wider application of machine learning methods can be observed on cultural heritage collections. But they are rarely applied together with visualizations to allow for further perspectives on the collections in a visual analytics or human-in-the-loop setting. Visual analytics can help in the decision-making process by guiding domain experts through the collection of interest. However, state-of-the-art supervised machine learning methods are often not applicable to the collection of interest due to missing ground truth. One form of ground truth are class labels, e.g., of entities depicted in an image collection, assigned to the individual images. Labeling all objects in a collection is an arduous task when performed manually, because cultural heritage collections contain a wide variety of different objects with plenty of details. A problem that arises with these collections curated in different institutions is that not always a specific standard is followed, so the vocabulary used can drift apart from another, making it difficult to combine the data from these institutions for large-scale analysis. This thesis presents a series of projects that combine machine learning methods with interactive visualizations for the exploratory analysis and labeling of cultural data. First, we define cultural data with regard to heritage and contemporary data, then we look at the state-of-the-art of existing visualization, computer vision, and visual analytics methods and projects focusing on cultural data collections. After this, we present the problems addressed in this thesis and their solutions, starting with a series of visualizations to explore different facets of rap lyrics and rap artists with a focus on text reuse. Next, we engage in a more complex case of text reuse, the collation of medieval vernacular text editions. For this, a human-in-the-loop process is presented that applies word embeddings and interactive visualizations to perform textual alignments on under-resourced languages supported by labeling of the relations between lines and the relations between words. We then switch the focus from textual data to another modality of cultural data by presenting a Virtual Museum that combines interactive visualizations and computer vision in order to explore a collection of artworks. With the lessons learned from the previous projects, we engage in the labeling and analysis of medieval illuminated manuscripts and so combine some of the machine learning methods and visualizations that were used for textual data with computer vision methods. Finally, we give reflections on the interdisciplinary projects and the lessons learned, before we discuss existing challenges when working with cultural heritage data from the computer science perspective to outline potential research directions for machine learning and visual analytics of cultural heritage data

    TECHNART 2017. Non-destructive and microanalytical techniques in art and cultural heritage. Book of abstracts

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    440 p.TECHNART2017 is the international biannual congress on the application of Analytical Techniques in Art and Cultural Heritage. The aim of this European conference is to provide a scientific forum to present and promote the use of analytical spectroscopic techniques in cultural heritage on a worldwide scale to stimulate contacts and exchange experiences, making a bridge between science and art. This conference builds on the momentum of the previous TECHNART editions of Lisbon, Athens, Berlin, Amsterdam and Catania, offering an outstanding and unique opportunity for exchanging knowledge on leading edge developments. Cultural heritage studies are interpreted in a broad sense, including pigments, stones, metal, glass, ceramics, chemometrics on artwork studies, resins, fibers, forensic applications in art, history, archaeology and conservation science. The meeting is focused in different aspects: - X-ray analysis (XRF, PIXE, XRD, SEM-EDX). - Confocal X-ray microscopy (3D Micro-XRF, 3D Micro-PIXE). - Synchrotron, ion beam and neutron based techniques/instrumentation. - FT-IR and Raman spectroscopy. - UV-Vis and NIR absorption/reflectance and fluorescence. - Laser-based analytical techniques (LIBS, etc.). - Magnetic resonance techniques. - Chromatography (GC, HPLC) and mass spectrometry. - Optical imaging and coherence techniques. - Mobile spectrometry and remote sensing

    X-ray fluorescence applied to yellow pigments based on lead, tin and antimony: comparison of laboratory and portable instrumentation

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    X-ray fluorescence is a diagnostic approach particularly suited to be utilized in cultural heritage sector since it falls in the non-destructive and non-invasive analytical tools. However there are big differences between portable and laboratory instrumentation that make difficult to perform a comparison in terms of quality and reliability of the results. The present study is specifically addressed to investigate these differences in respect of the same analytical sample-set. To reach this goal a comparison was thus carried out between portable and bench top devices X-ray fluorescence devices and techniques were used on different type of yellow pigments based on lead, tin and antimony obtained in laboratory, reproducing the instructions described in “old” recipes, that is: i) mortar of lead and tin produced on the basis of the recipe 13 /c V of the “Manuscript of Danzica” and “ Li tre libri dell’arte del Vasaio” by Cipriano Piccolpasso; ii) two types of lead and tin yellow (Pb2SnO4 and PbSnO3) produced starting from the indications of the 272 and 273 recipes of the “Bolognese Manuscript”; iii) lead antimonate (Pb2Sb2O7) obtained by following the instructions of the Piccolpasso’s treatise and those contained on the “Istoria delle pitture in maiolica fatte in Pesaro e ne’ luoghi circonvicini di Giambattista Passeri” and finally iv) lead, tin and antimony yellow (Pb2SnSbO6,5) obtained starting from the information contained in the paper 30 R of “Manuscript of Danzica” [1]. The XRF analysis were performed using a laboratory instrumentation (Bruker M4 Tornado) and a handset analytical device (Assing Surface Monitor). In order to perform a significant statistical comparison among acquired and processed data, all the analyses have been carried out utilizing the same sample, the same acquisition set up and operative conditions. A chemometric approach, based on the utilization of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and multivariate analytical based tools [2], was utilized in order to verify the spectral differences, and related informative content, among the different produced yellow pigments. The multivariate approach on the results revealed instrumental differences between the two systems and allowed to compare the common characteristics of the set of pigments analyzed