244 research outputs found

    A vision-based system to support tactical and physical analyses in futsal

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    This paper presents a vision-based system to support tactical and physical analyses of futsal teams. Most part of the current analyses in this sport are manually performed, while the existing solutions based on automatic approaches are frequently composed of costly and complex tools, developed for other kind of team sports, making it difficult their adoption by futsal teams. Our system, on the other hand, represents a simple yet efficient dedicated solution, which is based on the analyses of image sequences captured by a single stationary camera used to obtain top-view images of the entire court. We use adaptive background subtraction and blob analysis to detect players, as well as particle filters to track them in every video frame. The system determines the distance traveled by each player, his/her mean and maximum speeds, as well as generates heat maps that describe players’ occupancy during the match. To present the collected data, our system uses a specially developed mobile application. Experimental results with image sequences of an official match and a training match show that our system provides data with global mean tracking errors below 40 cm, demanding on 25 ms to process each frame and, thus, demonstrating its high application potential

    The role of motion analysis in elite soccer

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    The optimal physical preparation of elite soccer (association football) players has become an indispensable part of the professional game especially due to the increased physical demands of match-play. The monitoring of players’ work-rate profiles during competition is now feasible through computer-aided motion analysis. Traditional methods of motion analysis were extremely labour intensive and were largely restricted to university- based research projects. Recent technological developments have meant that sophisticated systems, capable of quickly recording and processing the data of all players’ physical contributions throughout an entire match, are now being used in elite club environments. In recognition of the important role motion analysis now plays as a tool for measuring the physical performance of soccer players, this review critically appraises various motion analysis methods currently employed in elite soccer and explores research conducted using these methods. This review therefore aims to increase the awareness of both practitioners and researchers of the various motion analysis systems available, identify practical implications of the established body of knowledge, while highlighting areas that require further exploration

    The Decision-Making Moment

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    This study had the goal to analyze expert futsal coaches’ method of decision-making in competitive moments and achieve one better process understanding regarding the preparation game moments, presenting observed thinking patterns. To do this, ten expert and professional coaches’ (M= 46,6 years old and M= 14,3 years of coaching experience) from different countries were interviewed. The questionnaire was semi structured and with two different parts: (a) preparation for decision-making moment during the game; (b) game momentary decision-making. The data analysis was processed through combination of deductive and inductive methods. After the interviews transcriptions it was made a content analysis through the software QSR NVivo 11. With the results it was revealed that coaches’ share similar ideas to prepare their teams being the main focus the own team identity and composure and only after it is considered the opposition team behavior and composure. It was also possible to identify clear coaching behavioral signs possible to be structured as cues and guiding lines for their decision-making process and actions before and during competitive moments. Trough the thinking process identification and guiding lines that support the action and decisions from futsal coaches’ we consider that it’s possible the development of coaching education curriculums adjusted to the competitive moment needs and improving the knowledge and effectiveness in the preparation and resolution of momentary problems of futsal game.Futsal é uma modalidade desportiva colectiva que apresenta elevada dinâmica, resultando num jogo de elevada variabilidade e impreviibilidade. Deste modo, treinadores e jogadores são obrigados a uma recolha constante de informações do contexto para decidir de acordo com os contextos de jogo. Face ao referido, o desenvolvimento de programas de treino para treinadores obriga a que se considere o treino da capacidade de análise e tomada de decisão dos contextos de jogo de modo a obter ações mais ajustadas a cada momento. No entanto, são poucos os estudos que consideram a atuação do treinador e a sua capacidade de analisar o contexto de jogo e tomar decisões em desportos colectivos e nomeadamente no futsal. Deste modo, este estudo teve como objectivo analisar o modo como treinadores peritos tomam decisões durante os jogos de futsal e obter uma melhor compreensão sobre o processo de preparação para o jogo, apresentando os seus padrões de pensamento relativamente a este processo. O foco deste estudo centrou-se na tomada de decisão imediata e em momento competitivo por parte do treinador de futsal, mas também todo o processo de preparação e componentes dessa preparação, procurando identificar o processo de pensamento para atuar em diferentes momentos e comportamentos. Para tal, foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas a dez treinadores de futsal profissionais (M= 46,6 anos de idade e M= 14,3 anos de experiência enquanto treinadores) de diferentes nacionalidades. As entrevistas semiestruturadas foram divididas em duas partes distintas: (a) a preparação para os momentos do jogo; (b) tomada de decisão durante o jogo. A análise dos dados foi realizada através da análise de conteúdo qualitativa através da combinação de métodos dedutivos e indutivos. Após a transcrição das entrevistas, foi realizada uma análise de conteúdo através do software QSR NVivo 11. Os resultados revelaram que os treinadores apresentam ideias semelhantes para prepararem as suas equipas, sendo o seu foco o comportamento esperado pela sua equipa e apenas depois consideram o comportamento adversário. Foi ainda possível identificar aspectos claros que marcam o comportamento dos treinadores e que se poderão configurar como pistas informacionais que guiam a sua tomada de decisão e ação antes e no decorrer da competição. Através da identificação do processo de pensamento e das pistas informacionais que suportam a ação e decisão do treinador de futsal, consideramos ser possível o desenvolvimento de programas de educação de treinador, ajustados às necessidades da competição e melhorando o seu conhecimento e efectividade na preparação e resulução de problemas momentâneos do jogo de futsal

    Integrating Constraint-led and Step-Game approaches to develop sport performance: a season-long action-research study of a youth volleyball team.

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    A presente dissertação procura examinar a influência da combinação de uma abordagem ecológica (i.e., abordagem guiada por constrangimentos) com uma abordagem construtivista (i.e., abordagem progressiva ao jogo), através de um desenho de investigação-ação no qual o investigador assumiu o duplo papel de treinador-investigador, no desenvolvimento da performance desportiva de jovens jogadoras de voleibol ao longo de uma época competitiva. O carácter cíclico e interventivo da investigação-ação possibilitou a monitorização sistemática e contextualizada de variáveis de processo (i.e., conhecimento tático) e de produto (i.e., tendências de sincronização coletivas em ambiente competitivo), facilitando, portanto, a inter-relação entre a informação proveniente do treino e da competição. Ademais, dada a natureza interpretativa deste projeto de investigação, foi possível compreender o impacto que o uso de diferentes estratégicas pedagógicas característica de ambas as abordagens (p.e., aumento complexidade tática via manipulação de constrangimentos, questionamento) tiveram no desenvolvimento da performance desportiva das jogadoras, em cada momento da época. A evolução do processo ensino-aprendizagem foi captada através de um diário reflexivo, notas de campo, reuniões de grupo focal, e documentação dos planos de treinos e de jogos. As coordenadas posicionais das jogadoras foram obtidas através do software TACTO, e utilizadas para aferir acerca do desenvolvimento das tendências de sincronização coletivas pelo cálculo do método de fase-cluster. O uso combinado das duas abordagens, revelou-se benéfico para a evolução do conhecimento tático, bem como para o desenvolvimento das tendências de sincronização coletivas em competição. Em particular, o aumento da complexidade tática: (i) induziu um progressivo aumento do conhecimento tático (i.e., consciência tática, atenção focal, e pensamento estratégico); (ii) atuou como ruído, promovendo diminuição da sincronia da equipa a curto-prazo, mas um reaumento a longo-prazo. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: PEDAGOGIA DO DESPORTO, ANÁLISE DA PERFORMANCE, INVESTIGAÇÃO-AÇÃO, ABORDAGEM CENTRADA NO AMBIENTE E NO JOGADOR, VOLEIBOL.The aim of the present thesis was to examine the influence of combining an ecological approach (i.e., constraints-led approach) with an constructivist approach (i.e., step-game approach), using an insider action-research design where the researcher assumed the dual role of coach-researcher, on the development of sport performance in youth female volleyball players over a competitive season. The cyclical and interventive nature of the action-research design allowed for the systematic and contextualised monitoring of process variables (i.e., tactical knowledge) and product variables (i.e., collective synchronisation tendencies within competitive environment), thus facilitating the interplay between information from training and competition. Moreover, because of the interpretative nature of this research project, it was possible to comprehend the impact of using different pedagogical strategies with characteristics of both approaches (e.g., increasing tactical complexity via constraints manipulation, questioning) on the development of players' sport performance at each moment of the season. The evolution of the coaching-learning process was captured using a reflexive diary, field notes, focus group interviews, and by documenting training and game plans. The players' positional coordinates were collected using TACTO software and used to measure the development of collective synchronisation tendencies via the cluster-phase method calculation. The combined use of both approaches had benefits for evolving tactical knowledge, and for the development of collective synchronisation tendencies in competition. In particular, the increasing of tactical complexity: (i) induced a progressive enhancement of tactical knowledge (i.e., tactical awareness, attentional focus, and strategical thinking); and (ii) acted as noise, causing a decrease in team synchrony in the short-term, but a re-achievement in the long-term

    Training Methods to Improve Sports Performance and Health

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    There are several types of training methods aiming to develop sports performance and improve health indicators. Fundamentally, training methods are the result of manipulating different training variables, and the possibility of combining these variables is vast. Therefore, the search to study the effect of these constraints on sports and health, considering specific contexts and taking into account the magnitude of inter-individual responses, will afford a better understanding of the training interventions.At the same time, over the years, numerous innovations and technological advances have been introduced to assist the development of athletes’ performance and monitor individual lifestyles. These advances have changed how training may be conducted, controlled, and evaluated. For example, in sport settings, using technology to collect many and continuous data of athletes’ activity in their natural environments appears as an innovative and promising step. In health, an enormous diversity of training methods supporting healthy lifestyles and innovative approaches is arising, especially from higher-quality information gathered through technological development.Papers addressing these topics are included in this book, especially those combining a high academic standard with a practical focus on providing knowledge on how training methods improve sports performance and health across people's lifespans. New evidence urges us to track the progress and effects of training methods

    Ecological dynamics approach in the youth soccer: A short narrative review

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    Introduction: The creative actions are a production of the individual who must meet the constraints of the task and the environment. Consequently, creative motor actions are understood as functional movement patterns that are new to the individual and/or group and adapted to meet the constraints of the motor problem. The literature argues that creative motor actions can be promoted by didactic interventions that favour exploration by manipulating constraints. Methodology: For the bibliographic search PubMed and Sport Discuss databases were used selecting articles published between 01/01/2014 and 10/09/2020. Results: The initial database search produced 12 results. After removing the duplicates (2) and studies on specific or tactical soccer skills (3), seven studies were selected, analysed and included in the narrative review. Discussion and conclusions: The spatial and task constraints affect the distances between the young players but not the passage ball angles nor the ball speed. Furthermore, one study in particular showed very high levels of vigorous and very vigorous physical activity in all the tasks designed with ecological dynamic teaching. This study show that the use of these new teaching methodologies has an impact on levels of physical activity in accordance with the recommended health parameters

    Ecological dynamics approach in the youth soccer: A short narrative review

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    Abstract Introduction: The creative actions are a production of the individual who must meet the constraints of the task and the environment. Consequently, creative motor actions are understood as functional movement patterns that are new to the individual and/or group and adapted to meet the constraints of the motor problem. The literature argues that creative motor actions can be promoted by didactic interventions that favor exploration by manipulating constraints. Methodology: For the bibliographic search PubMed and Sport Discuss databases were used selecting articles published between 01/01/2014 and 10/09/2020. Results: The initial database search produced 12 results. After removing the duplicates (2) and studies on specific or tactical soccer skills (3), seven studies were selected, analyzed and included in the narrative review. Discussion and conclusions: The spatial and task constraints affect the distances between the young players but not the passage ball angles nor the ball speed. Furthermore, one study in particular showed very high levels of vigorous and very vigorous physical activity in all the tasks designed with ecological dynamic teaching. This study show that the use of these new teaching methodologies has an impact on levels of physical activity in accordance with the recommended health parameters

    Book of abstracts II International Congress - CIEQV 23rd and 24th February 2023

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    The II International Congress - CIEQV is the consequence of the development of the center’s strategic plan, which aims to increase scientific production in the field of quality of life. The communication of the science carried out configures a relevant social approach for public scientific research institutions. This congress aims above all to make available the knowledge acquired on the subject of quality of life, aiming to transfer to society and citizens the information applied to their way of life. We consider the highlights of the congress to be the discussion at roundtables on two fracturing themes, inclusion and urbanism associated with the quality of life of citizens. The conferences are multidisciplinary, addressing topics such as children’s education and sports participation, sustainable agriculture and self-care, all of them related to citizens’ quality of life. The proposed papers reflect the diverse research paradigms of this multidisciplinary and thematic center: studies on the educational contexts of youth and children; on the inclusion of people with disabilities; research focused on food products and sustainable behaviors; approaches to sports training, athlete performances, physical activity practice; exploration of research on the motor behavior of children and youth; study of sustainability in organizations; research focused on quality of life in the different stages of human life; etc. This diverse approach demonstrates the complexity of the social phenomenon under study. Researchers search the connection between some variables and their interrelationship. In this way, the research produced gets closer to the ecological and social reality, transferring itself to human practices towards a better and healthy quality of life. This II International Congress - CIEQV is another initiative for the challenges of research in Quality of Life. I take this opportunity to thank the institutions that support us, the organizers of the event and the researchers who share their knowledge, from the perspective of open science and available to society.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The ARCANE Project: how an ecological dynamics framework can enhance performance assessment and prediction in football

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    This paper discusses how an ecological dynamics framework can be implemented to interpret data, design practice tasks and interpret athletic performance in collective sports, exemplified here by research ideas within the Augmented peRCeption ANalysis framEwork for Football (ARCANE) project promoting an augmented perception of football teams for scientists and practitioners. An ecological dynamics rationale can provide an interpretation of athletes’ positional and physiological data during performance, using new methods to assess athletes’ behaviours in real-time and, to some extent, predict health and performance outcomes. The proposed approach signals practical applications for coaches, sports analysts, exercise physiologists and practitioners through merging a large volume of data into a smaller set of variables, resulting in a deeper analysis than typical measures of performance outcomes of competitive games