13 research outputs found

    Actas da 10ª Conferência sobre Redes de Computadores

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    Universidade do MinhoCCTCCentro AlgoritmiCisco SystemsIEEE Portugal Sectio

    Open Infrastructure for Edge Computing

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    Edge computing, bringing the computation closer to end-users and data producers, has now firmly gained the status of enabling technology for the new kinds of emerging applications, such as Virtual/Augmented Reality and IoT. The motivation backing this rapidly developing computing paradigm is mainly two-fold. On the one hand, the goal is to minimize the latency that end-users experience, not only improving the quality of service but empowering new kinds of applications, which would not even be possible given higher delays. On the other, edge computing aims to save core networking bandwidth from being overwhelmed by myriads of IoT devices, sending their data to the cloud. After analyzing and aggregating IoT streams at edge servers, much less networking capacity will be required to persist remaining information in distant cloud datacenters. Having a solid motivation and experiencing continuous interest from both academia and industry, edge computing is still in its nascency. To leave adolescence and take its place on a par with the cloud computing paradigm, finally forming a versatile edge-cloud environment, the newcomer needs to overcome a number of challenges. First of all, the computing infrastructure to deploy edge applications and services is very limited at the moment. Indeed, there are initiatives supported by the telecommunication industry, like Multi-access Edge Computing. Also, cloud providers plan to establish their facilities near the edge of the network. However, we believe that even more efforts will be required to make edge servers generally available. Second, to emerge and function efficiently, the ecosystem of edge computing needs practices, standards, and governance mechanisms of its own kind. The specificity originates from the highly dispersed nature of the edge, implying high heterogeneity of resources and diverse administrative control over the computing facilities. Finally, the third challenge is the dynamicity of the edge computing environment due to, e.g., varying demand, migrating clients, etc. In this thesis, we outline underlying principles of what we call Open Infrastructure for Edge (OpenIE), identify its key features, and provide solutions for them. Intended to tackle the challenges we mentioned above, OpenIE defines a set of common practices and loosely coupled technologies creating a unified environment out of highly heterogeneous and administratively partitioned edge computing resources. Particularly, we design a protocol capable of discovering edge providers on a global scale. Further, we propose a framework of Ingelligent Containers (ICONs), capable of autonomous decision making and forming a service overlay on a large-scale edge-cloud setting. As edge providers need to be economically incentivized, we devise a truthful double auction mechanism where edge providers can meet application owners or administrators in need of deploying an edge service. Due to truthfulness, in our auction, it is the best strategy for all participants to bid one's privately known valuation (or cost), thus making complex market behavior strategies obsolete. We analyze the potential of distributed ledgers to serve for OpenIE decentralized agreement and transaction handling and show how our auction can be implemented with the help of distributed ledgers. With the key building blocks of OpenIE, mentioned above, we hope to make an entrance for anyone interested in service provisioning at the edge as easy as possible. We hope that with the emergence of independent edge providers, edge computing will finally become pervasive.Reunalaskenta, joka tuo laskentakapasiteettia lähemmäksi loppukäyttäjiä ja datan tuottajia, on noussut uudentyyppisten sovelluksien, kuten virtuaalisen ja lisätyn todellisuuden (VR/AR) sekä esineiden internetin (IoT) keskeiseksi mahdollistajaksi. Reunalaskennan kehitystä tukevat pääosin kaksi sen tuomaa etua. Ensiksi, reunalaskenta minimoi loppukäyttäjien kokemaa latenssia mahdollistaen uudentyyppisiä sovelluksia. Toiseksi, reunalaskenta säästää ydinverkon tiedonsiirtokapasiteettia, esimerkiksi IoT-laitteiden pilveen lähettämien tietojen osalta. Kun reunapalvelimet analysoivat ja aggregoivat IoT-virrat, verkkokapasiteettia tarvitaan paljon vähemmän. Reunalaskentaan on panostettu paljon, sekä teollisuuden, että tutkimuksen osalta. Reunalaskennan kehittymispolulla monipuoliseksi reunapilviympäristöksi on edessä useita haasteita. Ensinnäkin laskentakapasiteetti tietoverkkojen reunalla on tällä hetkellä hyvin rajallinen. Vaikka teleoperaattorit ja pilvipalvelujen tarjoajat suunnittelevat lisäävänsä laskentakapasiteettia reunalaskennan tarpeisiin, uskomme kuitenkin, että enemmän ponnisteluja tarvitaan, jotta reunalaskennan edut olisivat yleisesti saatavilla. Toiseksi, toimiakseen tehokkaasti, reunalaskennan ekosysteemi tarvitsee omat käytäntönsä, standardinsa ja hallintamekanisminsa. Reunalaskenan erityistarpeet johtuvat resurssien heterogeenisyydestä, niiden suuresta maantieteellisesta hajautuksesta ja hallinnollisesta jaosta. Kolmas haaste on reunalaskentaympäristön dynaamisuus, joka johtuu esimerkiksi vaihtelevasta kysynnästä ja asiakkaiden liikkuvuudesta. Tässä väitöstutkimuksessa esittelemme Avoimen Infrastruktuurin Reunalaskennalle (OpenIE), joka vastaa edellä mainittuihin haasteisiin, ja tunnistamme ongelman pääominaisuudet ja tarjoamme niihin ratkaisuja. OpenIE määrittelee joukon yleisiä käytäntöjä ja löyhästi yhdistettyjä tekniikoita, jotka luovat yhtenäisen ympäristön erittäin heterogeenisistä ja hallinnollisesti jaetuista reunalaskentaresursseista. Suunnittelemme protokollan, joka kykenee etsimään reunaoperaattoreita maailmanlaajuisesti. Lisäksi ehdotamme Älykontti (ICON) -kehystä, joka kykenee itsenäiseen päätöksentekoon ja muodostaa palvelupäällysteen laajamittaisessa reunapilviympäristössä. Koska reunaoperaattoreita on kannustettava taloudellisesti, suunnittelemme totuudenmukaisen huutokauppamekanismin, jossa reunapalveluntarjoajat voivat kohdata sovellusten omistajia tai järjestelmien omistajia, jotka tarvitsevat reunalaskentakapasiteettia. Totuudenmukaisessa huutokaupassa paras strategia kaikille osallistujille on tehdä tarjous yksityisesti tunnetun arvostuksen perusteella, mikä tekee monimutkaisen markkinastrategian kehittämisen tarpeettomaksi. Analysoimme lohkoketjualustojen potentiaalia palvella OpenIE:n hajautetun sopimisen ja tapahtumien käsittelyä ja näytämme, miten huutokauppamme voidaan toteuttaa lohkoketjuteknologia hyödyntäen. Edellä mainittujen OpenIE:n keskeisten kompponenttien avulla pyrimme luomaan yleisiä puitteita joiden avulla jokainen reunalaskennan kapasiteetin tarjoamisesta kiinnostunut taho voisi ryhtyä palveluntarjojaksi helposti. Riippumattomien reunapalveluntarjoajien mukaantulo tekisi reunalaskennan lupaamat hyödyt yleisesti saataviksi

    Estudio, análisis y desarrollo de una red de distribución de contenido y su algoritmo de redirección de usuarios para servicios web y streaming

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    Esta tesis se ha creado en el marco de la línea de investigación de Mecanismos de Distribución de Contenidos en Redes IP, que ha desarrollado su actividad en diferentes proyectos de investigación y en la asignatura ¿Mecanismos de Distribución de Contenidos en Redes IP¿ del programa de doctorado ¿Telecomunicaciones¿ impartido por el Departamento de Comunicaciones de la UPV y, actualmente en el Máster Universitario en Tecnologías, Sistemas y Redes de Comunicación. El crecimiento de Internet es ampliamente conocido, tanto en número de clientes como en tráfico generado. Esto permite acercar a los clientes una interfaz multimedia, donde pueden concurrir datos, voz, video, música, etc. Si bien esto representa una oportunidad de negocio desde múltiples dimensiones, se debe abordar seriamente el aspecto de la escalabilidad, que pretende que el rendimiento medio de un sistema no se vea afectado conforme aumenta el número de clientes o el volumen de información solicitada. El estudio y análisis de la distribución de contenido web y streaming empleando CDNs es el objeto de este proyecto. El enfoque se hará desde una perspectiva generalista, ignorando soluciones de capa de red como IP multicast, así como la reserva de recursos, al no estar disponibles de forma nativa en la infraestructura de Internet. Esto conduce a la introducción de la capa de aplicación como marco coordinador en la distribución de contenido. Entre estas redes, también denominadas overlay networks, se ha escogido el empleo de una Red de Distribución de Contenido (CDN, Content Delivery Network). Este tipo de redes de nivel de aplicación son altamente escalables y permiten un control total sobre los recursos y funcionalidad de todos los elementos de su arquitectura. Esto permite evaluar las prestaciones de una CDN que distribuya contenidos multimedia en términos de: ancho de banda necesario, tiempo de respuesta obtenido por los clientes, calidad percibida, mecanismos de distribución, tiempo de vida al utilizar caching, etc. Las CDNs nacieron a finales de la década de los noventa y tenían como objetivo principal la eliminación o atenuación del denominado efecto flash-crowd, originado por una afluencia masiva de clientes. Actualmente, este tipo de redes está orientando la mayor parte de sus esfuerzos a la capacidad de ofrecer streaming media sobre Internet. Para un análisis minucioso, esta tesis propone un modelo inicial de CDN simplificado, tanto a nivel teórico como práctico. En el aspecto teórico se expone un modelo matemático que permite evaluar analíticamente una CDN. Este modelo introduce una complejidad considerable conforme se introducen nuevas funcionalidades, por lo que se plantea y desarrolla un modelo de simulación que permite por un lado, comprobar la validez del entorno matemático y, por otro lado, establecer un marco comparativo para la implementación práctica de la CDN, tarea que se realiza en la fase final de la tesis. De esta forma, los resultados obtenidos abarcan el ámbito de la teoría, la simulación y la práctica.Molina Moreno, B. (2013). Estudio, análisis y desarrollo de una red de distribución de contenido y su algoritmo de redirección de usuarios para servicios web y streaming [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/31637TESI

    The 45th Australasian Universities Building Education Association Conference: Global Challenges in a Disrupted World: Smart, Sustainable and Resilient Approaches in the Built Environment, Conference Proceedings, 23 - 25 November 2022, Western Sydney University, Kingswood Campus, Sydney, Australia

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    This is the proceedings of the 45th Australasian Universities Building Education Association (AUBEA) conference which will be hosted by Western Sydney University in November 2022. The conference is organised by the School of Engineering, Design, and Built Environment in collaboration with the Centre for Smart Modern Construction, Western Sydney University. This year’s conference theme is “Global Challenges in a Disrupted World: Smart, Sustainable and Resilient Approaches in the Built Environment”, and expects to publish over a hundred double-blind peer review papers under the proceedings

    Measuring knowledge sharing processes through social network analysis within construction organisations

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    The construction industry is a knowledge intensive and information dependent industry. Organisations risk losing valuable knowledge, when the employees leave them. Therefore, construction organisations need to nurture opportunities to disseminate knowledge through strengthening knowledge-sharing networks. This study aimed at evaluating the formal and informal knowledge sharing methods in social networks within Australian construction organisations and identifying how knowledge sharing could be improved. Data were collected from two estimating teams in two case studies. The collected data through semi-structured interviews were analysed using UCINET, a Social Network Analysis (SNA) tool, and SNA measures. The findings revealed that one case study consisted of influencers, while the other demonstrated an optimal knowledge sharing structure in both formal and informal knowledge sharing methods. Social networks could vary based on the organisation as well as the individuals’ behaviour. Identifying networks with specific issues and taking steps to strengthen networks will enable to achieve optimum knowledge sharing processes. This research offers knowledge sharing good practices for construction organisations to optimise their knowledge sharing processes

    Housing quality and lost (public) space in Croatia

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    IN ENGLISH: In the post-socialist period and within the current social transition context, urban and rural Croatia has, just like other transition countries, experienced many changes in the social structure and space. One example is the housing quality which is a replica of the situation in the Croatian society and has also undergone some major changes. Socially oriented housing construction co-financed by the state and the cities is in an unfavourable position compared to private housing construction. In the last twenty years the amount of the social housing construction has been only a minor part of the total contruction work in the country. For instance, out of nine newly planned residential housing developments in Zagreb, the capital city, only three have been completed and the work on the rest of them has stopped and is unlikely to continue. Private construction work prevails especially on the edge of the city and is characterised by high density housing. This type of housing construction doesn't benefit the majority of citizens in search of accommodation (price per square meter is too high, low-quality building). There is also a big problem of the community facilities (primary and secondary infrastructure, schools, kindergartens, playgrounds, green areas, sidewalks, public transport etc.). The existing globalisation-transition circumstances of the Croatian society corroborate the fact which experts of various profiles often point out: ignoring the process of (urban) planning will irreparably damage the space. The city transformation shows the absence of comprehensive urban planning which results in an ever increasing number of random buildings which do not fit in the surroundings. This leads up to yet another important issue – the shrinking and, in some cases, disappearance of public space which becomes the “lost space“. In recent years there has been a lot of building in the city core and on the edge which does not quite fit in the existing urban structure, image or the skyline of the city. The current situation in the process of planning can be characterized as a conflict and imbalance between the powerful actors (mostly political and economic) and less powerful actors (mostly professional and civil). The actors who have the political power and influence and the ones who possess the capital are forming an “alliance” between two important layers of the social structure. The lack of civil and professional actors, “lost spatial actors”, and therefore of civic aggregation is also present and that is also the cause of public space “disappearance” and undermined process of public participation. --------------- IN CROATIAN: U postsocijalističkom razdoblju i trenutnom tranzicijskom kontekstu urbana i ruralna Hrvatska su, kao i ostale tranzicijske zemlje, doživjele mnoge promjene u društvenoj strukturi i samom prostoru. Na primjeru kvalitete stanovanja kao replike stanja u hrvatskom društvu mogu se vidjeti značajne promjene. Društveno usmjerena stambena izgradnja sufinancirana od strane države i gradova je stoga rjeđa i u nepovoljnijoj je situaciji prema privatnoj stanogradnji. Zadnjih dvadeset godina udjel socijalne stambene gradnje je zanemariv u ukupnoj izgradnji na razini zemlje. Primjerice, od devet planiranih stambenih naselja izgrađenih po modelu POS-a u Zagrebu samo su tri i završena. Na ostalima je proces gradnje zastao i ne čini se da će se privesti kraju. Privatna je gradnje prisutnija, posebno na rubovima grada, a obilježava je visoka gustoća gradnje. Ovakav tip gradnje ne odgovara većini stanovnika koji su u procesu potražnje stambene nekretnine (visoka cijena kvadratnog metra, a slaba kvaliteta gradnje). Postoji također i problem nedostatne opremljenosti susjedstva (primarna i sekundarna infrastruktura, škole, vrtići, igrališta, zelene površine, pješačke staze, javni transport itd.). Navedene globalizacijsko-tranzicijske okolnosti hrvatskog društva potvrđuju ono što eksperti različitih profila ističu, a to je da će ignoriranje procesa (urbanog) planiranja nepovratno uništiti prostor gradova. Ovakve transformacije pokazuju nedostatak sustavnog urbanog planiranja što rezultira sve većim brojem zgrada koje se ne uklapaju u neposrednu okolinu. To nadalje dovodi do drugog važnog aspekta – smanjivanja i u nekim slučajevima, nestanka javnog prostora koji postaje „izgubljeni prostor“. Posljednjih je godina izgrađen velik broj zgrada, i u središtu i na rubovima grada, koje se ne uklapaju u postojeću urbanu strukturu, izgled ili vizuru grada. Ovakvu situaciju obilježavaju sukob i neravnoteža između moćnijih društvenih aktera (većinom političkih i ekonomskih) i onih manje moćnih (većinom profesionalnih i civilnih). Politički i ekonomski akteri se često povezuju u „savez“ dvaju najjačih u društvenoj strukturi. S druge strane nedostatak utjecaja civilnih i profesionalnih aktera kao „izgubljenih prostornih aktera“ dovodi do „nestanka“ javnih prostora te smanjenja važnosti procesa participacije (sudjelovanja javnosti)


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    editors Vesna Spasojević-Brkić, Mirjana Misita, Dragan D. Milanovi


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    editors Vesna Spasojević-Brkić, Mirjana Misita, Dragan D. Milanovi

    Proceedings of the West Africa Built Environment Research (WABER) Conference 2021

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    FOREWORD: I would like to welcome each participant to the WABER 2021 Conference. Since its inception in 2009, the WABER Conference series has done a great deal to nurture and support researchers, initially in West Africa, also, in other parts of Africa and elsewhere. I would like to thank all delegates for your participation which enables us to keep this Conference going. The WABER Conference enjoys a positive international reputation and has continued to grow from strength to strength over the past 13 years. For this, I would like to thank our team, keynote speakers and participants over the years for every contribution you have made to the success of this Conference. This year's Conference has an excellent programme, line up of speakers and authors. I would like to thank and commend the authors of all 72 papers in this Conference proceedings. If the research paper writing process was compared to a marathon, the authors of the 72 papers in this publication would be adjudged as the ones who have endured and finished the race. We opened the call for papers for this Conference in December 2020 and over 100 abstracts were submitted by authors. However, it is one thing to propose to write a paper, and it is quite another thing to actually write the paper. Therefore, I would like to thank and congratulate all authors who succeeded in completing the process of getting published in this conference proceedings. It is befitting that we have an excellent range of interesting topics in the 72 papers to be discussed at this conference. We are honoured to welcome Professor Charles Egbu, Vice Chancellor of Leeds Trinity University, to give us a special opening address. In the three days of this conference, we will have various plenary presentations by experienced international academics and I would like to thank and welcome each of them below. Professor Albert Chan Richard Lorch Professor Taibat Lawanson Professor Dato’ Sri Ar Dr Asiah Abdul Rahim Professor George Ofori. In addition to these speakers, we have other interesting sessions on the programme including a special session for doctoral students and supervisors several other experienced speakers addressing various topics that should be of interest to many of us. I would like to thank all members of the organising team particularly Associate Professor Emmanuel Essah, Dr Yakubu Aminu Dodo and Dr Sam Moveh for their efforts which has helped to organise this Conference successfully. I would also like to thank all of our reviewers particularly Associate Professor Emmanuel Essah and Dr Haruna Moda for the considerable time and effort spent reviewing and checking all papers to ensure a high standard of quality. The WABER Conference Team always plays an excellent role in the success of our events and I would like to thank and appreciate the contributions of Florence, Sam Boakye, Victor Ayitey and his team, Kwesi Kwofie and Issah Abdul Rahman to the success of this Conference. I hope you enjoy our first hybrid conference and engage with our exciting speakers on the diverse topics that will be covered over the three days of this Conference