69 research outputs found

    Drug repurposing using biological networks

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    Drug repositioning is a strategy to identify new uses for existing, approved, or research drugs that are outside the scope of its original medical indication. Drug repurposing is based on the fact that one drug can act on multiple targets or that two diseases can have molecular similarities, among others. Currently, thanks to the rapid advancement of high-performance technologies, a massive amount of biological and biomedical data is being generated. This allows the use of computational methods and models based on biological networks to develop new possibilities for drug repurposing. Therefore, here, we provide an in-depth review of the main applications of drug repositioning that have been carried out using biological network models. The goal of this review is to show the usefulness of these computational methods to predict associations and to find candidate drugs for repositioning in new indications of certain diseases

    Representation Learning for Chemical Activity Predictions

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    Computational prediction of a phenotypic response upon the chemical perturbation on a biological system plays an important role in drug discovery and many other applications. Chemical fingerprints derived from chemical structures are a widely used feature to build machine learning models. However, the fingerprints ignore the biological context, thus, they suffer from several problems such as the activity cliff and curse of dimensionality. Fundamentally, the chemical modulation of biological activities is a multi-scale process. It is the genome-wide chemical-target interactions that modulate chemical phenotypic responses. Thus, the genome-scale chemical-target interaction profile will more directly correlate with in vitro and in vivo activities than the chemical structure. Nevertheless, the scope of direct application of the chemical-target interaction profile is limited due to the severe incompleteness, bias, and noisiness of bioassay data. To address the aforementioned problems, we developed two new chemical and protein representation methods in this thesis. The first one is a Latent Target Interaction Profile (LTIP). LTIP embeds chemicals into a low dimensional continuous latent space that represents genome-scale chemical-target interactions. Subsequently, LTIP can be used as a feature to build machine learning models. Using the drug sensitivity of cancer cell lines as a benchmark, we have shown that the LTIP robustly outperforms chemical fingerprints regardless of machine learning algorithms. Moreover, the LTIP is complementary to the chemical fingerprints. We can combine LTIP with other fingerprints to further improve the performance of bioactivity prediction. We also developed a new protein sequence embedding method Distilled Sequence Alignment Embedding (DISAE) to represent proteins. We compared CGKronRLS to other machine learning algorithms including Random Forest and XGBoost for predicting drug-target interactions. We show how the resultant protein deep representations can be used to predict novel drug-protein pairs interactions which can improve drug safety and open many avenues for drug repurposing. Our results demonstrate the potential of LTIP in particular and multi-scale modeling in general in predictive modeling of chemical modulation of biological activities. It also shows the predictive power of DISAE which can further be improved through deep learning models

    Resources and tools for rare disease variant interpretation

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    : Collectively, rare genetic disorders affect a substantial portion of the world's population. In most cases, those affected face difficulties in receiving a clinical diagnosis and genetic characterization. The understanding of the molecular mechanisms of these diseases and the development of therapeutic treatments for patients are also challenging. However, the application of recent advancements in genome sequencing/analysis technologies and computer-aided tools for predicting phenotype-genotype associations can bring significant benefits to this field. In this review, we highlight the most relevant online resources and computational tools for genome interpretation that can enhance the diagnosis, clinical management, and development of treatments for rare disorders. Our focus is on resources for interpreting single nucleotide variants. Additionally, we present use cases for interpreting genetic variants in clinical settings and review the limitations of these results and prediction tools. Finally, we have compiled a curated set of core resources and tools for analyzing rare disease genomes. Such resources and tools can be utilized to develop standardized protocols that will enhance the accuracy and effectiveness of rare disease diagnosis

    Automatically exploiting genomic and metabolic contexts to aid the functional annotation of prokaryote genomes

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    Cette thèse porte sur le développement d'approches bioinformatiques exploitant de l'information de contextes génomiques et métaboliques afin de générer des annotations fonctionnelles de gènes prokaryotes, et comporte deux projets principaux. Le premier projet focalise sur les activités enzymatiques orphelines de séquence. Environ 27% des activités définies par le International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology sont encore aujourd'hui orphelines. Pour celles-ci, les méthodes bioinformatiques traditionnelles ne peuvent proposer de gènes candidats; il est donc impératif d'utiliser des méthodes exploitant des informations contextuelles dans ces cas. La stratégie CanOE (fishingCandidate genes for Orphan Enzymes) a été développée et rajoutée à la plateforme MicroScope dans ce but, intégrant des informations génomiques et métaboliques sur des milliers d'organismes prokaryotes afin de localiser des gènes probants pour des activités orphelines. Le projet miroir au précédent est celui des protéines de fonction inconnue. Un projet collaboratif a été initié au Genoscope afin de formaliser les stratégies d'exploration des fonctions de familles protéiques prokaryotes. Une version pilote du projet a été mise en place sur la famille DUF849 dont une fonction enzymatique avait été récemment découverte. Des stratégies de proposition d'activités enzymatiques alternatives et d'établissement de sous familles isofonctionnelles ont été mises en place dans le cadre de cette thèse, afin de guider les expérimentations de paillasse et d'analyser leurs résultats.The subject of this thesis concerns the development of bioinformatic strategies exploiting genomic and metabolic contextual information in order to generate functional annotations for prokaryote genes. Two main projects were involved during this work: the first focuses on sequence-orphan enzymatic activities. Today, roughly 27% of activities defined by International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology are sequence-orphans. For these, traditional bioinformatic approaches cannot propose candidate genes. It is thus imperative to use alternative, context-based approaches in such cases. The CanOE strategy fishing Candidate genes for Orphan Enzymes) was developed and added to the MicroScope bioinformatics platform in this aim. It integrates genomic and metabolic information across thousands of prokaryote genomes in order to locate promising gene candidates for orphan activities. The mirror project focuses on protein families of unknown function. A collaborative project has been set up at the Genoscope in hope of formalising functional exploration strategies for prokaryote protein families. A pilot version was created on the DUF849 Pfam family, for which a single activity had recently been elucidated. Strategies for proposing novel functions and activities and creating isofunctional sub-families were researched, so as to guide biochemical experimentations and to analyse their results.EVRY-Bib. électronique (912289901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Systems approaches to drug repositioning

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    PhD ThesisDrug discovery has overall become less fruitful and more costly, despite vastly increased biomedical knowledge and evolving approaches to Research and Development (R&D). One complementary approach to drug discovery is that of drug repositioning which focusses on identifying novel uses for existing drugs. By focussing on existing drugs that have already reached the market, drug repositioning has the potential to both reduce the timeframe and cost of getting a disease treatment to those that need it. Many marketed examples of repositioned drugs have been found via serendipitous or rational observations, highlighting the need for more systematic methodologies. Systems approaches have the potential to enable the development of novel methods to understand the action of therapeutic compounds, but require an integrative approach to biological data. Integrated networks can facilitate systems-level analyses by combining multiple sources of evidence to provide a rich description of drugs, their targets and their interactions. Classically, such networks can be mined manually where a skilled person can identify portions of the graph that are indicative of relationships between drugs and highlight possible repositioning opportunities. However, this approach is not scalable. Automated procedures are required to mine integrated networks systematically for these subgraphs and bring them to the attention of the user. The aim of this project was the development of novel computational methods to identify new therapeutic uses for existing drugs (with particular focus on active small molecules) using data integration. A framework for integrating disparate data relevant to drug repositioning, Drug Repositioning Network Integration Framework (DReNInF) was developed as part of this work. This framework includes a high-level ontology, Drug Repositioning Network Integration Ontology (DReNInO), to aid integration and subsequent mining; a suite of parsers; and a generic semantic graph integration platform. This framework enables the production of integrated networks maintaining strict semantics that are important in, but not exclusive to, drug repositioning. The DReNInF is then used to create Drug Repositioning Network Integration (DReNIn), a semantically-rich Resource Description Framework (RDF) dataset. A Web-based front end was developed, which includes a SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language (SPARQL) endpoint for querying this dataset. To automate the mining of drug repositioning datasets, a formal framework for the definition of semantic subgraphs was established and a method for Drug Repositioning Semantic Mining (DReSMin) was developed. DReSMin is an algorithm for mining semantically-rich networks for occurrences of a given semantic subgraph. This algorithm allows instances of complex semantic subgraphs that contain data about putative drug repositioning opportunities to be identified in a computationally tractable fashion, scaling close to linearly with network data. The ability of DReSMin to identify novel Drug-Target (D-T) associations was investigated. 9,643,061 putative D-T interactions were identified and ranked, with a strong correlation between highly scored associations and those supported by literature observed. The 20 top ranked associations were analysed in more detail with 14 found to be novel and six found to be supported by the literature. It was also shown that this approach better prioritises known D-T interactions, than other state-of-the-art methodologies. The ability of DReSMin to identify novel Drug-Disease (Dr-D) indications was also investigated. As target-based approaches are utilised heavily in the field of drug discovery, it is necessary to have a systematic method to rank Gene-Disease (G-D) associations. Although methods already exist to collect, integrate and score these associations, these scores are often not a reliable re flection of expert knowledge. Therefore, an integrated data-driven approach to drug repositioning was developed using a Bayesian statistics approach and applied to rank 309,885 G-D associations using existing knowledge. Ranked associations were then integrated with other biological data to produce a semantically-rich drug discovery network. Using this network it was shown that diseases of the central nervous system (CNS) provide an area of interest. The network was then systematically mined for semantic subgraphs that capture novel Dr-D relations. 275,934 Dr-D associations were identified and ranked, with those more likely to be side-effects filtered. Work presented here includes novel tools and algorithms to enable research within the field of drug repositioning. DReNIn, for example, includes data that previous comparable datasets relevant to drug repositioning have neglected, such as clinical trial data and drug indications. Furthermore, the dataset may be easily extended using DReNInF to include future data as and when it becomes available, such as G-D association directionality (i.e. is the mutation a loss-of-function or gain-of-function). Unlike other algorithms and approaches developed for drug repositioning, DReSMin can be used to infer any types of associations captured in the target semantic network. Moreover, the approaches presented here should be more generically applicable to other fields that require algorithms for the integration and mining of semantically rich networks.European and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and GS

    Computational Approaches to Drug Profiling and Drug-Protein Interactions

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    Despite substantial increases in R&D spending within the pharmaceutical industry, denovo drug design has become a time-consuming endeavour. High attrition rates led to a long period of stagnation in drug approvals. Due to the extreme costs associated with introducing a drug to the market, locating and understanding the reasons for clinical failure is key to future productivity. As part of this PhD, three main contributions were made in this respect. First, the web platform, LigNFam enables users to interactively explore similarity relationships between ‘drug like’ molecules and the proteins they bind. Secondly, two deep-learning-based binding site comparison tools were developed, competing with the state-of-the-art over benchmark datasets. The models have the ability to predict offtarget interactions and potential candidates for target-based drug repurposing. Finally, the open-source ScaffoldGraph software was presented for the analysis of hierarchical scaffold relationships and has already been used in multiple projects, including integration into a virtual screening pipeline to increase the tractability of ultra-large screening experiments. Together, and with existing tools, the contributions made will aid in the understanding of drug-protein relationships, particularly in the fields of off-target prediction and drug repurposing, helping to design better drugs faster