1,405 research outputs found

    Performance Tuning of Dual-priority Delta Networks through Queuing Scheduling Disciplines

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    Differentiated Services (DiffServ) and other scheduling strategies are now widespread in the traditional, “best effort” Internet. These Internet Architectures offer Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees for important customers at the same time as supporting less critical applications of lower priority. Strict priority queuing (PQ), weighted round robin (WRR), and class-based weighted fair queuing (CBWFQ) are three common scheduling disciplines for differentiation of services in telecommunication networks. In this paper, a comparative performance study of the above PQ, WRR and CBWFQ queuing scheduling policies applied on a double-buffered, 6-stage Multistage Interconnection Network (MIN) that natively supports a 2-class priority mechanism is presented and analyzed using simulation experiments. We also consider a 10-stage MIN, to validate that the conclusions drawn from the 6-stage MIN apply to MINs of different sizes. The findings of this paper can be used by MIN designers to optimally configure their networks

    Probabilistic structural mechanics research for parallel processing computers

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    Aerospace structures and spacecraft are a complex assemblage of structural components that are subjected to a variety of complex, cyclic, and transient loading conditions. Significant modeling uncertainties are present in these structures, in addition to the inherent randomness of material properties and loads. To properly account for these uncertainties in evaluating and assessing the reliability of these components and structures, probabilistic structural mechanics (PSM) procedures must be used. Much research has focused on basic theory development and the development of approximate analytic solution methods in random vibrations and structural reliability. Practical application of PSM methods was hampered by their computationally intense nature. Solution of PSM problems requires repeated analyses of structures that are often large, and exhibit nonlinear and/or dynamic response behavior. These methods are all inherently parallel and ideally suited to implementation on parallel processing computers. New hardware architectures and innovative control software and solution methodologies are needed to make solution of large scale PSM problems practical

    Reconfiguration for Fault Tolerance and Performance Analysis

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    Architecture reconfiguration, the ability of a system to alter the active interconnection among modules, has a history of different purposes and strategies. Its purposes develop from the relatively simple desire to formalize procedures that all processes have in common to reconfiguration for the improvement of fault-tolerance, to reconfiguration for performance enhancement, either through the simple maximizing of system use or by sophisticated notions of wedding topology to the specific needs of a given process. Strategies range from straightforward redundancy by means of an identical backup system to intricate structures employing multistage interconnection networks. The present discussion surveys the more important contributions to developments in reconfigurable architecture. The strategy here is in a sense to approach the field from an historical perspective, with the goal of developing a more coherent theory of reconfiguration. First, the Turing and von Neumann machines are discussed from the perspective of system reconfiguration, and it is seen that this early important theoretical work contains little that anticipates reconfiguration. Then some early developments in reconfiguration are analyzed, including the work of Estrin and associates on the fixed plus variable restructurable computer system, the attempt to theorize about configurable computers by Miller and Cocke, and the work of Reddi and Feustel on their restructable computer system. The discussion then focuses on the most sustained systems for fault tolerance and performance enhancement that have been proposed. An attempt will be made to define fault tolerance and to investigate some of the strategies used to achieve it. By investigating four different systems, the Tandern computer, the C.vmp system, the Extra Stage Cube, and the Gamma network, the move from dynamic redundancy to reconfiguration is observed. Then reconfiguration for performance enhancement is discussed. A survey of some proposals is attempted, then the discussion focuses on the most sustained systems that have been proposed: PASM, the DC architecture, the Star local network, and the NYU Ultracomputer. The discussion is organized around a comparison of control, scheduling, communication, and network topology. Finally, comparisons are drawn between fault tolerance and performance enhancement, in order to clarify the notion of reconfiguration and to reveal the common ground of fault tolerance and performance enhancement as well as the areas in which they diverge. An attempt is made in the conclusion to derive from this survey and analysis some observations on the nature of reconfiguration, as well as some remarks on necessary further areas of research

    Symmetric rearrangeable networks and algorithms

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    A class of symmetric rearrangeable nonblocking networks has been considered in this thesis. A particular focus of this thesis is on Benes networks built with 2 x 2 switching elements. Symmetric rearrangeable networks built with larger switching elements have also being considered. New applications of these networks are found in the areas of System on Chip (SoC) and Network on Chip (NoC). Deterministic routing algorithms used in NoC applications suffer low scalability and slow execution time. On the other hand, faster algorithms are blocking and thus limit throughput. This will be an acceptable trade-off for many applications where achieving ”wire speed” on the on-chip network would require extensive optimisation of the attached devices. In this thesis I designed an algorithm that has much lower blocking probabilities than other suboptimal algorithms but a much faster execution time than deterministic routing algorithms. The suboptimal method uses the looping algorithm in its outermost stages and then in the two distinct subnetworks deeper in the switch uses a fast but suboptimal path search method to find available paths. The worst case time complexity of this new routing method is O(NlogN) using a single processor, which matches the best known results reported in the literature. Disruption of the ongoing communications in this class of networks during rearrangements is an open issue. In this thesis I explored a modification of the topology of these networks which gives rise to what is termed as repackable networks. A repackable topology allows rearrangements of paths without intermittently losing connectivity by breaking the existing communication paths momentarily. The repackable network structure proposed in this thesis is efficient in its use of hardware when compared to other proposals in the literature. As most of the deterministic algorithms designed for Benes networks implement a permutation of all inputs to find the routing tags for the requested inputoutput pairs, I proposed a new algorithm that can work for partial permutations. If the network load is defined as ρ, the mean number of active inputs in a partial permutation is, m = ρN, where N is the network size. This new method is based on mapping the network stages into a set of sub-matrices and then determines the routing tags for each pair of requests by populating the cells of the sub-matrices without creating a blocking state. Overall the serial time complexity of this method is O(NlogN) and O(mlogN) where all N inputs are active and with m < N active inputs respectively. With minor modification to the serial algorithm this method can be made to work in the parallel domain. The time complexity of this routing algorithm in a parallel machine with N completely connected processors is O(log^2 N). With m active requests the time complexity goes down to (logmlogN), which is better than the O(log^2 m + logN), reported in the literature for 2^0.5((log^2 -4logN)^0.5-logN)<= ρ <= 1. I also designed multistage symmetric rearrangeable networks using larger switching elements and implement a new routing algorithm for these classes of networks. The network topology and routing algorithms presented in this thesis should allow large scale networks of modest cost, with low setup times and moderate blocking rates, to be constructed. Such switching networks will be required to meet the bandwidth requirements of future communication networks

    Energy Access Scenarios to 2030 for the Power Sector in Sub-Saharan Africa

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    In order to reach a goal of universal access to modern energy services in Africa by 2030, consideration of various electricity sector pathways is required to help inform policy-makers and investors, and help guide power system design. To that end, and building on existing tools and analysis, we present several ‘high-level’, transparent, and economy-wide scenarios for the sub-Saharan African power sector to 2030. We construct these simple scenarios against the backdrop of historical trends and various interpretations of universal access. They are designed to provide the international community with an indication of the overall scale of the effort required. We find that most existing projections, using typical long-term forecasting methods for power planning, show roughly a threefold increase in installed generation capacity occurring by 2030, but more than a tenfold increase would likely be required to provide for full access – even at relatively modest levels of electricity consumption. This equates to approximately a 13% average annual growth rate, compared to a historical one (in the last two decades) of 1.7%.Energy Access, Power System Planning, Sub-Saharan Africa

    Predictive and distributed routing balancing (PR-DRB) : high speed interconnection networks

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    Current parallel applications running on clusters require the use of an interconnection network to perform communications among all computing nodes available. Imbalance of communications can produce network congestion, reducing throughput and increasing latency, degrading the overall system performance. On the other hand, parallel applications running on these networks posses representative stages which allow their characterization, as well as repetitive behavior that can be identified on the basis of this characterization. This work presents the Predictive and Distributed Routing Balancing (PR-DRB), a new method developed to gradually control network congestion, based on paths expansion, traffic distribution and effective traffic load, in order to maintain low latency values. PR-DRB monitors messages latencies on intermediate routers, makes decisions about alternative paths and record communication pattern information encountered during congestion situation. Based on the concept of applications repetitiveness, best solution recorded are reapplied when saved communication pattern re-appears. Traffic congestion experiments were conducted in order to evaluate the performance of the method, and improvements were observed.Les aplicacions paral·leles actuals en els Clústers requereixen l'ús d'una xarxa d'interconnexió per comunicar a tots els nodes de còmput disponibles. El desequilibri en la càrrega de comunicacions pot congestionar la xarxa, incrementant la latència i disminuint el throughput, degradant el rendiment total del sistema. D'altra banda, les aplicacions paral·leles que s'executen sobre aquestes xarxes contenen etapes representatives durant la seva execució les quals permeten caracteritzar-les, a més d'extraure un comportament repetitiu que pot ser identificat en base a aquesta caracterització. Aquest treball presenta el Balanceig Predictiu de Encaminament Distribuït (PR-DRB), un nou mètode desenvolupat per controlar la congestió a la xarxa en forma gradual, basat en l'expansió de camins, la distribució de trànsit i càrrega efectiva actual per tal de mantenir una latència baixa. PR-DRB monitoritza la latència dels missatges en els encaminadors, pren decisions sobre els camins alternatius a utilitzar i registra la informació de la congestió sobre la base del patró de comunicacions detectat, utilitzant com a concepte base la repetitivitat de les aplicacions per després tornar a aplicar la millor solució quan aquest patró es repeteixi. Experiments de trànsit amb congestió van ser portats a terme per avaluar el rendiment del mètode, els quals van mostrar la bondat del mateix.Las aplicaciones paralelas actuales en los Clústeres requieren el uso de una red de interconexión para comunicar a todos los nodos de cómputo disponibles. El desbalance en la carga de comunicaciones puede congestionar la red, incrementando la latencia y disminuyendo el throughput, degradando el rendimiento total del sistema. Por otro lado, las aplicaciones paralelas que corren sobre estas redes contienen etapas representativas durante su ejecución las cuales permiten caracterizarlas, además de un comportamiento repetitivo que puede ser identificado en base a dicha caracterización. Este trabajo presenta el Balanceo Predictivo de Encaminamiento Distribuido (PR-DRB), un nuevo método desarrollado para controlar la congestión en la red en forma gradual; basado en la expansión de caminos, la distribución de tráfico y carga efectiva actual, a fin de mantener una latencia baja. PR-DRB monitorea la latencia de los mensajes en los encaminadores, toma decisiones sobre los caminos alternativos a utilizar y registra la información de la congestión en base al patrón de comunicaciones detectado, usando como concepto base la repetitividad de las aplicaciones para luego volver a aplicar la mejor solución cuando dicho patrón se repita. Experimentos de tráfico con congestión fueron llevados a cabo para evaluar el rendimiento del método, los cuales mostraron la bondad del mismo

    Low-Memory Techniques for Routing and Fault-Tolerance on the Fat-Tree Topology

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    Actualmente, los clústeres de PCs están considerados como una alternativa eficiente a la hora de construir supercomputadores en los que miles de nodos de computación se conectan mediante una red de interconexión. La red de interconexión tiene que ser diseñada cuidadosamente, puesto que tiene una gran influencia sobre las prestaciones globales del sistema. Dos de los principales parámetros de diseño de las redes de interconexión son la topología y el encaminamiento. La topología define la interconexión de los elementos de la red entre sí, y entre éstos y los nodos de computación. Por su parte, el encaminamiento define los caminos que siguen los paquetes a través de la red. Las prestaciones han sido tradicionalmente la principal métrica a la hora de evaluar las redes de interconexión. Sin embargo, hoy en día hay que considerar dos métricas adicionales: el coste y la tolerancia a fallos. Las redes de interconexión además de escalar en prestaciones también deben hacerlo en coste. Es decir, no sólo tienen que mantener su productividad conforme aumenta el tamaño de la red, sino que tienen que hacerlo sin incrementar sobremanera su coste. Por otra parte, conforme se incrementa el número de nodos en las máquinas de tipo clúster, la red de interconexión debe crecer en concordancia. Este incremento en el número de elementos de la red de interconexión aumenta la probabilidad de aparición de fallos, y por lo tanto, la tolerancia a fallos es prácticamente obligatoria para las redes de interconexión actuales. Esta tesis se centra en la topología fat-tree, ya que es una de las topologías más comúnmente usadas en los clústeres. El objetivo de esta tesis es aprovechar sus características particulares para proporcionar tolerancia a fallos y un algoritmo de encaminamiento capaz de equilibrar la carga de la red proporcionando una buena solución de compromiso entre las prestaciones y el coste.Gómez Requena, C. (2010). Low-Memory Techniques for Routing and Fault-Tolerance on the Fat-Tree Topology [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/8856Palanci

    Regionalizing telecommunications reform in West Africa

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    In recent years, there has been an increasing recognition that significant welfare gains could be realized through deep forms of regional integration which entail harmonization of legal, regulatory and institutional frameworks. Reforms that reduce cross-border transaction costs and improve the performance of “backbone” infrastructure services are arguably even more important for the creation of an open, unified regional economic space than trade policy reforms narrowly defined. This paper assesses the potential gains from regionalized telecommunications policy in West Africa. To this end, the paper: (i) discusses how regional cooperation can overcome national limits in technical expertise, enhance the capacity of nations credibly to commit to stable regulatory policy, and ultimately facilitate infrastructure investment in the region; (ii) identifies trade-distorting regulations that inhibit opportunities for regional trade and economic development, and so are good candidates for regional trade negotiations to reduce indirect trade barriers; and (iii) describes substantive elements of a harmonized regional regulatory policy that can deliver immediate performance benefits.E-Business,Environmental Economics&Policies,ICT Policy and Strategies,Transport Economics Policy&Planning,Emerging Markets

    Selecção de estratégias de planeamento da rede de transporte

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores (Energia). Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Engenharia. 201