1,085 research outputs found

    Image retrieval using automatic region tagging

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    The task of tagging, annotating or labelling image content automatically with semantic keywords is a challenging problem. To automatically tag images semantically based on the objects that they contain is essential for image retrieval. In addressing these problems, we explore the techniques developed to combine textual description of images with visual features, automatic region tagging and region-based ontology image retrieval. To evaluate the techniques, we use three corpora comprising: Lonely Planet travel guide articles with images, Wikipedia articles with images and Goats comic strips. In searching for similar images or textual information specified in a query, we explore the unification of textual descriptions and visual features (such as colour and texture) of the images. We compare the effectiveness of using different retrieval similarity measures for the textual component. We also analyse the effectiveness of different visual features extracted from the images. We then investigate the best weight combination of using textual and visual features. Using the queries from the Multimedia Track of INEX 2005 and 2006, we found that the best weight combination significantly improves the effectiveness of the retrieval system. Our findings suggest that image regions are better in capturing the semantics, since we can identify specific regions of interest in an image. In this context, we develop a technique to tag image regions with high-level semantics. This is done by combining several shape feature descriptors and colour, using an equal-weight linear combination. We experimentally compare this technique with more complex machine-learning algorithms, and show that the equal-weight linear combination of shape features is simpler and at least as effective as using a machine learning algorithm. We focus on the synergy between ontology and image annotations with the aim of reducing the gap between image features and high-level semantics. Ontologies ease information retrieval. They are used to mine, interpret, and organise knowledge. An ontology may be seen as a knowledge base that can be used to improve the image retrieval process, and conversely keywords obtained from automatic tagging of image regions may be useful for creating an ontology. We engineer an ontology that surrogates concepts derived from image feature descriptors. We test the usability of the constructed ontology by querying the ontology via the Visual Ontology Query Interface, which has a formally specified grammar known as the Visual Ontology Query Language. We show that synergy between ontology and image annotations is possible and this method can reduce the gap between image features and high-level semantics by providing the relationships between objects in the image. In this thesis, we conclude that suitable techniques for image retrieval include fusing text accompanying the images with visual features, automatic region tagging and using an ontology to enrich the semantic meaning of the tagged image regions

    Data and Methods for Reference Resolution in Different Modalities

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    One foundational goal of artificial intelligence is to build intelligent agents which interact with humans, and to do so, they must have the capacity to infer from human communication what concept is being referred to in a span of symbols. They should be able, like humans, to map these representations to perceptual inputs, visual or otherwise. In NLP, this problem of discovering which spans of text are referring to the same real-world entity is called Coreference Resolution. This dissertation expands this problem to go beyond text and maps concepts referred to by text spans to concepts represented in images. This dissertation also investigates the complex and hard nature of real world coreference resolution. Lastly, this dissertation expands upon the definition of references to include abstractions referred by non-contiguous text distributions. A central theme throughout this thesis is the paucity of data in solving hard problems of reference, which it addresses by designing several datasets. To investigate hard text coreference this dissertation analyses a domain of coreference heavy text, namely questions present in the trivia game of quiz bowl and creates a novel dataset. Solving quiz bowl questions requires robust coreference resolution and world knowledge, something humans possess but current models do not. This work uses distributional semantics for world knowledge. Also, this work addresses the sub-problems of coreference like mention detection. Next, to investigate complex visual representations of concepts, this dissertation uses the domain of paintings. Mapping spans of text in descriptions of paintings to regions of paintings being described by that text is a non-trivial problem because paintings are sufficiently harder than natural images. Distributional semantics are again used here. Finally, to discover prototypical concepts present in distributed rather than contiguous spans of text, this dissertation investigates a source which is rich in prototypical concepts, namely movie scripts. All movie narratives, character arcs, and character relationships, are distilled to sequences of interconnected prototypical concepts which are discovered using unsupervised deep learning models, also using distributional semantics. I conclude this dissertation by discussing potential future research in downstream tasks which can be aided by discovery of referring multi-modal concepts

    Digital Interaction and Machine Intelligence

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    This book is open access, which means that you have free and unlimited access. This book presents the Proceedings of the 9th Machine Intelligence and Digital Interaction Conference. Significant progress in the development of artificial intelligence (AI) and its wider use in many interactive products are quickly transforming further areas of our life, which results in the emergence of various new social phenomena. Many countries have been making efforts to understand these phenomena and find answers on how to put the development of artificial intelligence on the right track to support the common good of people and societies. These attempts require interdisciplinary actions, covering not only science disciplines involved in the development of artificial intelligence and human-computer interaction but also close cooperation between researchers and practitioners. For this reason, the main goal of the MIDI conference held on 9-10.12.2021 as a virtual event is to integrate two, until recently, independent fields of research in computer science: broadly understood artificial intelligence and human-technology interaction

    Estimation of the QoE for video streaming services based on facial expressions and gaze direction

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    As the multimedia technologies evolve, the need to control their quality becomes even more important making the Quality of Experience (QoE) measurements a key priority. Machine Learning (ML) can support this task providing models to analyse the information extracted by the multimedia. It is possible to divide the ML models applications in the following categories: 1) QoE modelling: ML is used to define QoE models which provide an output (e.g., perceived QoE score) for any given input (e.g., QoE influence factor). 2) QoE monitoring in case of encrypted traffic: ML is used to analyze passive traffic monitored data to obtain insight into degradations perceived by end-users. 3) Big data analytics: ML is used for the extraction of meaningful and useful information from the collected data, which can further be converted to actionable knowledge and utilized in managing QoE. The QoE estimation quality task can be carried out by using two approaches: the objective approach and subjective one. As the two names highlight, they are referred to the pieces of information that the model analyses. The objective approach analyses the objective features extracted by the network connection and by the used media. As objective parameters, the state-of-the-art shows different approaches that use also the features extracted by human behaviour. The subjective approach instead, comes as a result of the rating approach, where the participants were asked to rate the perceived quality using different scales. This approach had the problem of being a time-consuming approach and for this reason not all the users agree to compile the questionnaire. Thus the direct evolution of this approach is the ML model adoption. A model can substitute the questionnaire and evaluate the QoE, depending on the data that analyses. By modelling the human response to the perceived quality on multimedia, QoE researchers found that the parameters extracted from the users could be different, like Electroencephalogram (EEG), Electrocardiogram (ECG), waves of the brain. The main problem with these techniques is the hardware. In fact, the user must wear electrodes in case of ECG and EEG, and also if the obtained results from these methods are relevant, their usage in a real context could be not feasible. For this reason, my studies have been focused on the developing of a Machine Learning framework completely unobtrusively based on the Facial reactions

    Comics and/as Documentary: the implications of graphic truth-telling

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    Examining examples from a cluster of early twenty-first century comics this thesis argues that these are comics adopting a documentary mode of address. The recognition that they share a documentary ambition to visually narrate and represent aspects and events of the real world, in turn calls for a closer examination of the contribution such comics present in terms of documentary’s repertoire. This thesis challenges the persistent assumption that ties documentary to recording technologies, and instead engages an understanding of the category in terms of narrative, performativity and witnessing. In so doing, it aligns with debates and questions raised by recent academic work around animated documentary. Shared concerns include conventions, truth-claims and trust, and the limitations of representation as verisimilitude. Mindful not to overstate correspondence with animated and inherently moving image forms, however, this contribution explicitly concerns documentary in comics form: as constituted by static and silent pages. The enquiry is structured according to concerns and themes that have been identified as central to documentary theory: the relation between documentary image and its referent; the production of archives and popular history; the social function of documentary as visibility and ‘voice’, and the travelogue as cultural narrative and production of knowledge. In other words, examples of comics that address actual, as opposed to imagined, persons and events of the historical world, are read through the lens of documentary. Close reading and visual analysis, engaging comics-specific frameworks, asks how comics by means of their formal qualities might offer alternative strategies and even the possibility to overcome certain problems associated with audiovisual modes of documentary representation. The thesis simultaneously extends an alternative perspective to literary frameworks, in particular the categories of memoir and autobiography, which have come to dominate in a steadily growing field of comics studies


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    Recent advances in machine learning, specifically problems in Computer Vision and Natural Language, have involved training deep neural networks with enormous amounts of data. The first frontier for deep networks was in uni-modal classification and detection problems (which were directed more towards ”intelligent robotics” and surveillance applications), while the next wave involves deploying deep networks on more creative tasks and common-sense reasoning. We provide two applications of these, interspersed by an analysis on these deep models. Automatic colorization is the process of adding color to greyscale images. We condition this process on language, allowing end users to manipulate a colorized image by feeding in different captions. We present two different architectures for language-conditioned colorization, both of which produce more accurate and plausible colorizations than a language-agnostic version. Through this language-based framework, we can dramatically alter colorizations by manipulating descriptive color words in captions. Researchers have observed that Visual Question Answering(VQA) models tend to answer questions by learning statistical biases in the data. (for example, the answer to the question “What is the color of the sky?” is usually “Blue”). It is of interest to the community to explicitly discover such biases, both for understanding the behavior of such models, and towards debugging them. In a database, we store the words of the question, answer and visual words corresponding to regions of interest in attention maps. By running simple rule mining algorithms on this database, we discover human-interpretable rules which give us great insight into the behavior of such models. Our results also show examples of unusual behaviors learned by the model in attempting VQA tasks. Visual narrative is often a combination of explicit information and judicious omissions, relying on the viewer to supply missing details. In comics, most movements in time and space are hidden in the gutters between panels. To follow the story, readers logically connect panels together by inferring unseen actions through a process called closure. While computers can now describe what is explicitly depicted in natural images, in this paper we examine whether they can understand the closure-driven narratives conveyed by stylized artwork and dialogue in comic book panels. We construct a dataset, COMICS, that consists of over 1.2 million panels (120 GB) paired with automatic textbox transcriptions. An in-depth analysis of COMICS demonstrates that neither text nor image alone can tell a comic book story, so a computer must understand both modalities to keep up with the plot. We introduce three cloze-style tasks that ask models to predict narrative and character-centric aspects of a panel given n preceding panels as context. Various deep neural architectures underperform human baselines on these tasks, suggesting that COMICS contains fundamental challenges for both vision and language. For many NLP tasks, ordered models, which explicitly encode word order information, do not significantly outperform unordered (bag-of-words) models. One potential explanation is that the tasks themselves do not require word order to solve. To test whether this explanation is valid, we perform several time-controlled human experiments with scrambled language inputs. We compare human accuracies to those of both ordered and unordered neural models. Our results contradict the initial hypothesis, suggesting instead that humans may be less robust to word order variation than computers

    2010 Undergraduate Research Symposium Abstract Book

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    Abstract book from the 2010 Tenth Annual UMM Undergraduate Research Symposium (URS) which celebrates student scholarly achievement and creative activities

    Text detection and recognition in natural images using computer vision techniques

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    El reconocimiento de texto en imágenes reales ha centrado la atención de muchos investigadores en todo el mundo en los últimos años. El motivo es el incremento de productos de bajo coste como teléfonos móviles o Tablet PCs que incorporan dispositivos de captura de imágenes y altas capacidades de procesamiento. Con estos antecedentes, esta tesis presenta un método robusto para detectar, localizar y reconocer texto horizontal en imágenes diurnas tomadas en escenarios reales. El reto es complejo dada la enorme variabilidad de los textos existentes y de las condiciones de captura en entornos reales. Inicialmente se presenta una revisión de los principales trabajos de los últimos años en el campo del reconocimiento de texto en imágenes naturales. Seguidamente, se lleva a cabo un estudio de las características más adecuadas para describir texto respecto de objetos no correspondientes con texto. Típicamente, un sistema de reconocimiento de texto en imágenes está formado por dos grandes etapas. La primera consiste en detectar si existe texto en la imagen y de localizarlo con la mayor precisión posible, minimizando la cantidad de texto no detectado así como el número de falsos positivos. La segunda etapa consiste en reconocer el texto extraído. El método de detección aquí propuesto está basado en análisis de componentes conexos tras aplicar una segmentación que combina un método global como MSER con un método local, de forma que se mejoran las propuestas del estado del arte al segmentar texto incluso en situaciones complejas como imágenes borrosas o de muy baja resolución. El proceso de análisis de los componentes conexos extraídos se optimiza mediante algoritmos genéticos. Al contrario que otros sistemas, nosotros proponemos un método recursivo que permite restaurar aquellos objetos correspondientes con texto y que inicialmente son erróneamente descartados. De esta forma, se consigue mejorar en gran medida la fiabilidad de la detección. Aunque el método propuesto está basado en análisis de componentes conexos, en esta tesis se utiliza también la idea de los métodos basados en texturas para validar las áreas de texto detectadas. Por otro lado, nuestro método para reconocer texto se basa en identificar cada caracter y aplicar posteriormente un modelo de lenguaje para corregir las palabras mal reconocidas, al restringir la solución a un diccionario que contiene el conjunto de posibles términos. Se propone una nueva característica para reconocer los caracteres, a la que hemos dado el nombre de Direction Histogram (DH). Se basa en calcular el histograma de las direcciones del gradiente en los pixeles de borde. Esta característica se compara con otras del estado del arte y los resultados experimentales obtenidos sobre una base de datos compleja muestran que nuestra propuesta es adecuada ya que supera otros trabajos del estado del arte. Presentamos también un método de clasificación borrosa de letras basado en KNN, el cual permite separar caracteres erróneamente conectados durante la etapa de segmentación. El método de reconocimiento de texto propuesto no es solo capaz de reconocer palabras, sino también números y signos de puntuación. El reconocimiento de palabras se lleva a cabo mediante un modelo de lenguaje basado en inferencia probabilística y el British National Corpus, un completo diccionario del inglés británico moderno, si bien el algoritmo puede ser fácilmente adaptado para ser usado con cualquier otro diccionario. El modelo de lenguaje utiliza una modificación del algoritmo forward usando en Modelos Ocultos de Markov. Para comprobar el rendimiento del sistema propuesto, se han obtenido resultados experimentales con distintas bases de datos, las cuales incluyen imágenes en diferentes escenarios y situaciones. Estas bases de datos han sido usadas como banco de pruebas en la última década por la mayoría de investigadores en el área de reconocimiento de texto en imágenes naturales. Los resultados muestran que el sistema propuesto logra un rendimiento similar al del estado del arte en términos de localización, mientras que lo supera en términos de reconocimiento. Con objeto de mostrar la aplicabilidad del método propuesto en esta tesis, se presenta también un sistema de detección y reconocimiento de la información contenida en paneles de tráfico basado en el algoritmo desarrollado. El objetivo de esta aplicación es la creación automática de inventarios de paneles de tráfico de países o regiones que faciliten el mantenimiento de la señalización vertical de las carreteras, usando imágenes disponibles en el servicio Street View de Google. Se ha creado una base de datos para esta aplicación. Proponemos modelar los paneles de tráfico usando apariencia visual en lugar de las clásicas soluciones que utilizan bordes o características geométricas, con objeto de detectar aquellas imágenes en las que existen paneles de tráfico. Los resultados experimentales muestran la viabilidad del sistema propuesto

    Text detection and recognition in natural images using computer vision techniques

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    El reconocimiento de texto en imágenes reales ha centrado la atención de muchos investigadores en todo el mundo en los últimos años. El motivo es el incremento de productos de bajo coste como teléfonos móviles o Tablet PCs que incorporan dispositivos de captura de imágenes y altas capacidades de procesamiento. Con estos antecedentes, esta tesis presenta un método robusto para detectar, localizar y reconocer texto horizontal en imágenes diurnas tomadas en escenarios reales. El reto es complejo dada la enorme variabilidad de los textos existentes y de las condiciones de captura en entornos reales. Inicialmente se presenta una revisión de los principales trabajos de los últimos años en el campo del reconocimiento de texto en imágenes naturales. Seguidamente, se lleva a cabo un estudio de las características más adecuadas para describir texto respecto de objetos no correspondientes con texto. Típicamente, un sistema de reconocimiento de texto en imágenes está formado por dos grandes etapas. La primera consiste en detectar si existe texto en la imagen y de localizarlo con la mayor precisión posible, minimizando la cantidad de texto no detectado así como el número de falsos positivos. La segunda etapa consiste en reconocer el texto extraído. El método de detección aquí propuesto está basado en análisis de componentes conexos tras aplicar una segmentación que combina un método global como MSER con un método local, de forma que se mejoran las propuestas del estado del arte al segmentar texto incluso en situaciones complejas como imágenes borrosas o de muy baja resolución. El proceso de análisis de los componentes conexos extraídos se optimiza mediante algoritmos genéticos. Al contrario que otros sistemas, nosotros proponemos un método recursivo que permite restaurar aquellos objetos correspondientes con texto y que inicialmente son erróneamente descartados. De esta forma, se consigue mejorar en gran medida la fiabilidad de la detección. Aunque el método propuesto está basado en análisis de componentes conexos, en esta tesis se utiliza también la idea de los métodos basados en texturas para validar las áreas de texto detectadas. Por otro lado, nuestro método para reconocer texto se basa en identificar cada caracter y aplicar posteriormente un modelo de lenguaje para corregir las palabras mal reconocidas, al restringir la solución a un diccionario que contiene el conjunto de posibles términos. Se propone una nueva característica para reconocer los caracteres, a la que hemos dado el nombre de Direction Histogram (DH). Se basa en calcular el histograma de las direcciones del gradiente en los pixeles de borde. Esta característica se compara con otras del estado del arte y los resultados experimentales obtenidos sobre una base de datos compleja muestran que nuestra propuesta es adecuada ya que supera otros trabajos del estado del arte. Presentamos también un método de clasificación borrosa de letras basado en KNN, el cual permite separar caracteres erróneamente conectados durante la etapa de segmentación. El método de reconocimiento de texto propuesto no es solo capaz de reconocer palabras, sino también números y signos de puntuación. El reconocimiento de palabras se lleva a cabo mediante un modelo de lenguaje basado en inferencia probabilística y el British National Corpus, un completo diccionario del inglés británico moderno, si bien el algoritmo puede ser fácilmente adaptado para ser usado con cualquier otro diccionario. El modelo de lenguaje utiliza una modificación del algoritmo forward usando en Modelos Ocultos de Markov. Para comprobar el rendimiento del sistema propuesto, se han obtenido resultados experimentales con distintas bases de datos, las cuales incluyen imágenes en diferentes escenarios y situaciones. Estas bases de datos han sido usadas como banco de pruebas en la última década por la mayoría de investigadores en el área de reconocimiento de texto en imágenes naturales. Los resultados muestran que el sistema propuesto logra un rendimiento similar al del estado del arte en términos de localización, mientras que lo supera en términos de reconocimiento. Con objeto de mostrar la aplicabilidad del método propuesto en esta tesis, se presenta también un sistema de detección y reconocimiento de la información contenida en paneles de tráfico basado en el algoritmo desarrollado. El objetivo de esta aplicación es la creación automática de inventarios de paneles de tráfico de países o regiones que faciliten el mantenimiento de la señalización vertical de las carreteras, usando imágenes disponibles en el servicio Street View de Google. Se ha creado una base de datos para esta aplicación. Proponemos modelar los paneles de tráfico usando apariencia visual en lugar de las clásicas soluciones que utilizan bordes o características geométricas, con objeto de detectar aquellas imágenes en las que existen paneles de tráfico. Los resultados experimentales muestran la viabilidad del sistema propuesto