1,835 research outputs found

    Interactive Simplifier Tracing and Debugging in Isabelle

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    The Isabelle proof assistant comes equipped with a very powerful tactic for term simplification. While tremendously useful, the results of simplifying a term do not always match the user's expectation: sometimes, the resulting term is not in the form the user expected, or the simplifier fails to apply a rule. We describe a new, interactive tracing facility which offers insight into the hierarchical structure of the simplification with user-defined filtering, memoization and search. The new simplifier trace is integrated into the Isabelle/jEdit Prover IDE.Comment: Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics, 201

    Rewriting Logic Techniques for Program Analysis and Optimization

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    Esta tesis propone una metodología de análisis dinámico que mejora el diagnóstico de programas erróneos escritos en el lenguaje Maude. La idea clave es combinar técnicas de verificación de aserciones en tiempo de ejecución con la fragmentación dinámica de trazas de ejecución para detectar automáticamente errores en tiempo de ejecución, al tiempo que se reduce el tamaño y la complejidad de las trazas a analizar. En el caso de violarse una aserción, se infiere automáticamente el criterio de fragmentación, lo que facilita al usuario identificar rápidamente la fuente del error. En primer lugar, la tesis formaliza una técnica destinada a detectar automáticamente eventuales desviaciones del comportamiento deseado del programa (síntomas de error). Esta técnica soporta dos tipos de aserciones definidas por el usuario: aserciones funcionales (que restringen llamadas a funciones deterministas) y aserciones de sistema (que especifican los invariantes de estado del sistema). La técnica de verificación dinámica propuesta es demostrablemente correcta en el sentido de que todos los errores señalados definitivamente delatan la violación de las aserciones. Tras eventuales violaciones de aserciones, se generan automáticamente trazas fragmentadas (es decir, trazas simplificadas pero igualmente precisas) que ayudan a identificar la causa del error. Además, la técnica también sugiere una posible reparación para las reglas implicadas en la generación de los estados erróneos. La metodología propuesta se basa en (i) una notación lógica para especificar las aserciones que se imponen a la ejecución; (ii) una técnica de verificación aplicable en tiempo de ejecución que comprueba dinámicamente las aserciones; y (iii) un mecanismo basado en la generalización (ecuacional) menos general que automáticamente obtiene criterios precisos para fragmentar trazas de ejecución a partir de aserciones falsificadas. Por último, se presenta una implementación de la técnica propuesta en la herramienta de análisis dinámico basado en aserciones ABETS, que muestra cómo es posible combinar el trazado de las propiedades asertadas del programa para obtener un algoritmo preciso de análisis de trazas que resulta útil para el diagnóstico y la depuración de programas.This thesis proposes a dynamic analysis methodology for improving the diagnosis of erroneous Maude programs. The key idea is to combine runtime assertion checking and dynamic trace slicing for automatically catching errors at runtime while reducing the size and complexity of the erroneous traces to be analyzed (i.e., those leading to states that fail to satisfy the assertions). In the event of an assertion violation, the slicing criterion is automatically inferred, which facilitates the user to rapidly pinpoint the source of the error. First, a technique is formalized that aims at automatically detecting anomalous deviations of the intended program behavior (error symptoms) by using assertions that are checked at runtime. This technique supports two types of user-defined assertions: functional assertions (which constrain deterministic function calls) and system assertions (which specify system state invariants). The proposed dynamic checking is provably sound in the sense that all errors flagged definitely signal a violation of the specifications. Then, upon eventual assertion violations, accurate trace slices (i.e., simplified yet precise execution traces) are generated automatically, which help identify the cause of the error. Moreover, the technique also suggests a possible repair for the rules involved in the generation of the erroneous states. The proposed methodology is based on (i) a logical notation for specifying assertions that are imposed on execution runs; (ii) a runtime checking technique that dynamically tests the assertions; and (iii) a mechanism based on (equational) least general generalization that automatically derives accurate criteria for slicing from falsified assertions. Finally, an implementation of the proposed technique is presented in the assertion-based, dynamic analyzer ABETS, which shows how the forward and backward tracking of asserted program properties leads to a thorough trace analysis algorithm that can be used for program diagnosis and debugging.Esta tesi proposa una metodologia d'anàlisi dinàmica que millora el diagnòstic de programes erronis escrits en el llenguatge Maude. La idea clau és combinar tècniques de verificació d'assercions en temps d'execució amb la fragmentació dinàmica de traces d'execució per a detectar automàticament errors en temps d'execució, alhora que es reduïx la grandària i la complexitat de les traces a analitzar. En el cas de violar-se una asserció, s'inferix automàticament el criteri de fragmentació, la qual cosa facilita a l'usuari identificar ràpidament la font de l'error. En primer lloc, la tesi formalitza una tècnica destinada a detectar automàticament eventuals desviacions del comportament desitjat del programa (símptomes d'error). Esta tècnica suporta dos tipus d'assercions definides per l'usuari: assercions funcionals (que restringixen crides a funcions deterministes) i assercions de sistema (que especifiquen els invariants d'estat del sistema). La tècnica de verificació dinàmica proposta és demostrablement correcta en el sentit que tots els errors assenyalats definitivament delaten la violació de les assercions. Davant eventuals violacions d'assercions, es generen automàticament traces fragmentades (és a dir, traces simplificades però igualment precises) que ajuden a identificar la causa de l'error. A més, la tècnica també suggerix una possible reparació de les regles implicades en la generació dels estats erronis. La metodologia proposada es basa en (i) una notació lògica per a especificar les assercions que s'imposen a l'execució; (ii) una tècnica de verificació aplicable en temps d'execució que comprova dinàmicament les assercions; i (iii) un mecanisme basat en la generalització (ecuacional) menys general que automàticament obté criteris precisos per a fragmentar traces d'execució a partir d'assercions falsificades. Finalment, es presenta una implementació de la tècnica proposta en la ferramenta d'anàlisi dinàmica basat en assercions ABETS, que mostra com és possible combinar el traçat cap avant i cap arrere de les propietats assertades del programa per a obtindre un algoritme precís d'anàlisi de traces que resulta útil per al diagnòstic i la depuració de programes.Sapiña Sanchis, J. (2017). Rewriting Logic Techniques for Program Analysis and Optimization [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/94044TESI

    Verificación de aplicaciones web dinámicas con Web-TLR

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    Web-TLR is a software tool designed for model-checking Web applications that is based on rewriting logic. Web applications are expressed as rewrite theories that can be formally verified by using the Maude built-in LTLR model-checker. Whenever a property is refuted, it produces a counterexample trace that underlies the failing model checking computation. However, the analysis (or even the simple inspection) of large counterexamples may prove to be unfeasible due to the size and complexity of the traces under examination. This work aims to improve the understandability of the counterexamples generated by Web-TLR by developing an integrated framework for debugging Web applications that integrates a trace-slicing technique for rewriting logic theories that is particularly tailored to Web-TLR. The verification environment is also provided with a user-friendly, graphical Web interface that shields the user from unnecessary information. Trace slicing is a widely used technique for execution trace analysis that is effectively used in program debugging, analysis and comprehension. Our trace slicing technique allows us to systematically trace back rewrite sequences modulo equational axioms (such as associativity and commutativity) by means of an algorithm that dynamically simpli es the traces by detecting control and data dependencies, and dropping useless data that do not infuence the final result. Our methodology is particularly suitable for analyzing complex, textually-large system computations such as those delivered as counter-example traces by Maude model-checkers. The slicing facility implemented in Web-TLR allows the user to select the pieces of information that she is interested into by means of a suitable pattern-matching language supported by wildcards. The selected information is then traced back through inverse rewrite sequences. The slicing process drastically simpli es the computation trace by dropping useless data that do not influence the nal result. By using this facility, the Web engineer can focus on the relevant fragments of the failing application, which greatly reduces the manual debugging e ort and also decreases the number of iterative verfications.Espert Real, J. (2011). Verificación de aplicaciones web dinámicas con Web-TLR. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/11219.Archivo delegad


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    Automated behavior analysis is a valuable technique in the development and maintainence of distributed systems. In this paper, we present a tractable dataflow analysis technique for the detection of unreachable states and actions in distributed systems. The technique follows an approximate approach described by Reif and Smolka, but delivers a more accurate result in assessing unreachable states and actions. The higher accuracy is achieved by the use of two concepts: action dependency and history sets. Although the technique, does not exhaustively detect all possible errors, it detects nontrivial errors with a worst-case complexity quadratic to the system size. It can be automated and applied to systems with arbitrary loops and nondeterministic structures. The technique thus provides practical and tractable behavior analysis for preliminary designs of distributed systems. This makes it an ideal candidate for an interactive checker in software development tools. The technique is illustrated with case studies of a pump control system and an erroneous distributed program. Results from a prototype implementation are presented

    A petri net toolkit for parallel program debugging

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    An effective debugger must support the language and operating system resource abstractions that are available to the programmer. Earlier debuggers worked at the machine architecture level: they dealt with machine instructions and registers. Current debuggers, designed for single process debugging, permit access to program variables and breakpoints and single-stepping at the level of high-level language statements. Eventhough the current debuggers, are already implemented to be a powerful tool, they still cannot do a job of parallel debugger. In this thesis, a computer simulation system has been established by Petri Nets execution providing a convenient and friendly interface as it allows the user to do parallel program debugging. The Parallel Debugger is simulated by providing a time parameter for each transition and thus simulating the net performance. Hitherto, this time parameter can either be constant or exponentially distributed

    An implementation of feasible path constraints generation for reproducible testing.

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    Non-determinism features make the testing of a concurrent program not repeatable. Specification-based reproducible testing is a promising technique that may give the tester more control over the environment of concurrent testing. With a given test case, the crucial part of the test scenario which contributes to achieving the control on the execution path are input events and path constraints in terms of synchronization events. The problem considered in this thesis is to generate a significant set of path constraints automatically from the design specification in terms of design abstract under the assumption that monitors are the key mechanism to handle the synchronization events. In addition, as a considerable feature, formal methods have been applied in the implementation tool to construct the path constraints.Dept. of Computer Science. Paper copy at Leddy Library: Theses & Major Papers - Basement, West Bldg. / Call Number: Thesis2004 .L55. Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 43-01, page: 0239. Adviser: Jessica Chen. Thesis (M.Sc.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 2004