587 research outputs found

    Reusing RTL assertion checkers for verification of SystemC TLM models

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    The recent trend towards system-level design gives rise to new challenges for reusing existing RTL intellectual properties (IPs) and their verification environment in TLM. While techniques and tools to abstract RTL IPs into TLM models have begun to appear, the problem of reusing, at TLM, a verification environment originally developed for an RTL IP is still under-explored, particularly when ABV is adopted. Some frameworks have been proposed to deal with ABV at TLM, but they assume a top-down design and verification flow, where assertions are defined ex-novo at TLM level. In contrast, the reuse of existing assertions in an RTL-to-TLM bottom-up design flow has not been analyzed yet, except by using transactors to create a mixed simulation between the TLM design and the RTL checkers corresponding to the assertions. However, the use of transactors may lead to longer verification time due to the need of developing and verifying the transactors themselves. Moreover, the simulation time is negatively affected by the presence of transactors, which slow down the simulation at the speed of the slowest parts (i.e., RTL checkers). This article proposes an alternative methodology that does not require transactors for reusing assertions, originally defined for a given RTL IP, in order to verify the corresponding TLM model. Experimental results have been conducted on benchmarks with different characteristics and complexity to show the applicability and the efficacy of the proposed methodology

    RTL property abstraction for TLM assertion-based verification

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    Different techniques and commercial tools are at the state of the art to reuse existing RTL IP implementations to generate more abstract (i.e., TLM) IP models for system-level design. In contrast, reusing, at TLM, an assertion-based verification (ABV) environment originally developed for an RTL IP is still an open problem. The lack of an effective and efficient solution forces verification engineers to shoulder a time consuming and error-prone manual re-definition, at TLM, of existing assertion libraries. This paper is intended to fill in the gap by presenting a technique toautomatically abstract properties defined for RTL IPs with the aim of creating dynamic ABV environments for the corresponding TLM models

    Formal Verification of Probabilistic SystemC Models with Statistical Model Checking

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    Transaction-level modeling with SystemC has been very successful in describing the behavior of embedded systems by providing high-level executable models, in which many of them have inherent probabilistic behaviors, e.g., random data and unreliable components. It thus is crucial to have both quantitative and qualitative analysis of the probabilities of system properties. Such analysis can be conducted by constructing a formal model of the system under verification and using Probabilistic Model Checking (PMC). However, this method is infeasible for large systems, due to the state space explosion. In this article, we demonstrate the successful use of Statistical Model Checking (SMC) to carry out such analysis directly from large SystemC models and allow designers to express a wide range of useful properties. The first contribution of this work is a framework to verify properties expressed in Bounded Linear Temporal Logic (BLTL) for SystemC models with both timed and probabilistic characteristics. Second, the framework allows users to expose a rich set of user-code primitives as atomic propositions in BLTL. Moreover, users can define their own fine-grained time resolution rather than the boundary of clock cycles in the SystemC simulation. The third contribution is an implementation of a statistical model checker. It contains an automatic monitor generation for producing execution traces of the model-under-verification (MUV), the mechanism for automatically instrumenting the MUV, and the interaction with statistical model checking algorithms.Comment: Journal of Software: Evolution and Process. Wiley, 2017. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1507.0818

    Formal Verification of Abstract SystemC Models

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    In this paper we present a formal verification approach for abstract SystemC models. The approach allows checking expressive properties and lifts induction known from bounded model checking to a higher level, to cope with the large state space of abstract SystemC programs. The technique is tightly integrated with our SystemC to C transformation and generation of monitoring logic to form a complete and efficient method. Properties specifying both hardware and software aspects, e.g. pre- and post-conditions as well as temporal relations of transactions and events, can be specified. As shown by experiments modern proof techniques allow verifying important non-trivial behavior. Moreover, our inductive technique gives significant speed-ups in comparison to simple methods

    On the Reuse of RTL assertions in Systemc TLM Verification

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    Reuse of existing and already verified intellectual property (IP) models is a key strategy to cope with the com- plexity of designing modern system-on-chips (SoC)s under ever stringent time-to-market requirements. In particular, the recent trend towards system-level design and transaction level modeling (TLM) gives rise to new challenges for reusing existing RTL IPs and their verification environment in TLM-based design flows. While techniques and tools to abstract RTL IPs into TLM models have begun to appear, the problem of reusing, at TLM, a verification environment originally developed for an RTL IP is still underexplored, particularly when assertion-based verification (ABV) is adopted. Some techniques and frameworks have been proposed to deal with ABV at TLM, but they assume a top-down design and verification flow, where assertions are defined ex-novo at TLM level. In contrast, the reuse of existing assertions in an RTL-to-TLM bottom-up design flow has not been analyzed yet. This paper proposes a methodology to reuse assertions originally defined for a given RTL IP, to verify the corresponding TLM model. Experimental results have been conducted on benchmarks of different characteristics and complexity to show the applicability and the efficacy of the proposed methodology

    Rapid high-level behavioral modeling of soc communication interfaces

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    Abstract. The increasing complexity of hardware and software systems increases the amount of labour and resources required to model them. Especially in system-on-chips (SoC), the complexity of modeling is evident. Electronic system-level (ESL) modeling using the benefits of transaction level modeling (TLM) reduces the required resources and speeds up the modeling time. This thesis examines approximately timed modeling in the context of behavioral modeling with abstract processing elements and abstract arbitration procedures. This thesis describes the basic principles of SoC:s and TLM, and then a problem of modeling a SoC communication interface for a company is investigated, and a TLM solution to the modeling problem is explored.Järjestelmäpiirien tiedonsiirtoyhteyksien nopea korkean tason käytösmallinnus. Tiivistelmä. Laitteistojen ja systeemien kasvava kompleksisuus lisää niiden mallinnukseen vaadittua työmäärää ja resursseja. Erityisesti järjestelmäpiireissä (SoC) mallinnuksen monimutkaistuminen näkyy. Elektronisen järjestelmätason (ESL) mallinnus käyttämällä tapahtumatason mallinnuksen (TLM) hyötyjä vähentää vaadittuja resursseja ja nopeuttaa mallinnukseen kuluvaa aikaa. Tässä opinnäytetyössä tarkastellaan likimääräisesti ajastettua mallinnusta käytösmallinnuksen kontekstissa abstrakteilla prosessointi elementeillä ja abstrakteilla sovittelu proseduureilla. Tässä työssä kuvataan myös järjestelmäpiirin ja TLM:n perusperiaatteet, jonka jälkeen tutkitaan erään yrityksen SoC:in tiedonsiirtoväylän mallinnuksen ongelmaa, ja tutkitaan TLM ratkaisua mallinnusongelmalle

    High-level modelling languages

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    This paper gives an introduction to the latest developments in modern electronic design methodology. It will give a brief history of the evolution of design software in an attempt to explain the seemingly haphazard development up to the present-day situation

    Development of open verification ip for I2C controller

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    Before any IC is fabricated it is desired to check whether the required functionalities are preserved or not. Otherwise this may lead to a huge loss to the company in case of any failure in during the design/coding stage. Verification engineers have to make sure that before fabrication all the properties of the IC can be successfully implicated. So functional verification provides a lot of benefits to the IC designers. Today, testing and verification are alternatively used for the same thing. Testing of a large design using FPGA consumes longer compilation time in case of debugging and committing small mistakes. Simulation based testing is faster and also provides capability to check all the signals buried under the design. But due to the increasing complexity in design and the concurrency behavior of the design it has become very difficult to verify the functionality using traditional testbenches. So new languages called Hardware Verification Languages (HVL) are introduced. System Verilog is an IEEE standard Verification language. The library and package oriented feature provide an efficient way of writing testbenches. The Open Verification Methodology (OVM) Class Library provides the building blocks needed to quickly develop reusable and well-constructed verification components and test environments using SystemVerilog. In this paper we have developed testing environment using system Verilog implementation of OVM for I2C controller core. Our work introduces an automated stimulus generating testing environment for the design and checks the functionality of the I2C bus controller

    High-Level verification methodology for UVMF-based C++ reference model testbench implementation

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    Abstract. This thesis was completed for Nokia and in cooperation with Siemens EDA. In this thesis a UVM Predictor component, which wraps a C++ reference model, was generated with UVM Framework (UVMF) and implemented. The Predictor was generated and implemented to Universal Verification Methodology (UVM) testbench that had HLS generated Design Under Test (DUT). First, the UVMF generated Predictor was implemented for the UVM testbench with a small HLS-generated design to learn the verification flow. After the first trial run, the UVMF-generated Predictor was implemented into an existing UVM testbench with a bigger subsystem as a DUT. The subsystem contained two manually written RTLs and one HLS-generated RTL. First, this thesis presents the UVM theory and the UVM technologies that are used in the thesis work. The third chapter introduces code coverage, different coverage metrics, and the coverage metrics used in this thesis. After theory, practical work is presented. Chapter four explains the devices under test, UVM components, testbench connections with a UVM Predictor, Predictor generation, functionality testing, and simulation. Measured coverage metrics, tools, and technologies are also presented. Finally, coverage results from thesis work with testing strategies are presented. The results of coverage closure are discussed in chapter 6, and the thesis is summarized in chapter 7. Applying a UVMF-generated Predictor to the UVM testbench for verification flow showed promising results for obtaining a faster verification process as well as produced the possibility of using various versatile verification techniques with the Predictor, such as stimulus generation with constrained random (CR).Korkeatason verifiointi metodologian testipenkki-implementaatio UVM Framework pohjautuvalla C++ referenssi mallilla. Tiivistelmä. Tämä diplomityö on tehty Nokialle yhteistyössä Siemens EDA:n kanssa. Tässä diplomityössä UVM Framework työkalulla generoitiin ja toteutettiin UVM-prediktori komponentti, joka sisältää C++ referenssimallin. Generoitu prediktori integroitiin universaalin varmennusmenetelmän testipenkkiin, joka sisälsi HLS:llä luodun testattavan suunnitelman. Ensiksi UVMF:llä generoitu prediktori implementoitiin UVM-testipenkkiin pienellä HLS generoidulla alilohkolla, jotta verifiointivuo saatiin opeteltua. Ensimmäisen testivedoksen jälkeen, UVMF generoitu prediktori implementoitiin olemassa olevaan UVM-testipenkkiin, jossa varmennettavan suunnitelmana oli suurempi osajärjestelmä. Osajärjestelmä sisälsi kolme alilohkoa, joista kaksi oli manuaalisesti kirjoitettua RTL:ää ja yksi HLS generoitu RTL. Ensiksi tässä työssä käydään läpi UVM:n teoriaa, sekä käytettävät UVM teknologiat, joita sovelletaan diplomityössä. Kolmas kappale esittelee koodin kattavuutta ja erilaisia kattavuus parametreja. Teoriaosuuden jälkeen esitellään käytännön työn asiat. Kappale 4 esittelee varmennettavat suunnitelmat, UVM komponentit, testipenkkikytkennät prediktorin kanssa, sekä prediktorin generoinnin, testauksen ja simuloinnin. Myös työssä mitattavat kattavuusparametrit, sekä käytettävät työkalut ja teknologiat esitellään. Lopuksi esitellään diplomityössä saavutetut kattavuustulokset, sekä suunnitelmien varmennusstrategiat. Diplomityössä saavutetut tulokset käydään läpi seuraavassa kappaleessa, minkä jälkeen kappaleessa 7 tiivistetään koko diplomityö. UVMF generoidun prediktorin ottaminen mukaan osaksi UVM testipenkin verifiointivuota antoi lupaavia tuloksia verifiointiprosessin nopeuttamiseksi, ja mahdollisuuden käyttää erilaisia monipuolisia verifiointitekniikoita kuten testiherätteiden luontia rajoitetun satunnaisuuden menetelmällä