6,020 research outputs found

    Myślenie krytyczne jako podstawowa kompetencja dla liderów XXI wieku

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    Critical thinking is the necessary competence for the processes of cognition, decision‑making, and taking‑action by managers. Its importance is increas­ing as fast, and relatively easy access to information of different quality and importance in terms of its possible impact can lead to decision paralysis or cognitive dissonance or result in an easier manipulation and influence. The article includes the essential aspects of critical thinking and the possibilities of developing and improving critical thinking in preparing students to be good leaders in the future.Myślenie krytyczne stanowi niezbędną kompetencję w procesach poznaw­czych, podejmowaniu decyzji i działaniach menedżerów. Jego znaczenie szybko rośnie, zaś relatywnie łatwy dostęp do informacji o różnej jakości i znaczeniu pod względem ich ewentualnych implikacji może prowadzić do paraliżu decyzyjnego, dysonansu poznawczego lub skutkować większą podat­nością na manipulację. Artykuł omawia istotne aspekty myślenia krytycznego oraz możliwości rozwijania i doskonalenia myślenia krytycznego w przygoto­waniu studentów do bycia dobrymi liderami w przyszłości

    Administracyjny typ stosowania prawa

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    The article is devoted to the specificity of application of law in the administrative type of this process. The subject is presented in the context of legal and extra-legal conditions of functioning of public administration that are linked to the necessity to implement public functions by administrative bodies. The article discusses the characteristic features of the administrative type of application of law, particularly when compared with judicial decision making. Special attention is also paid to decision making in the situation of existence of administrative approval as well as influence of politics and policies on decision making process.Niniejszy artykuł został poświęcony omówieniu specyfiki stosowania prawa w typie administracyjnym. Poprzedza je ogólna refleksja na temat uwarunkowań prawnych i pozaprawnych funkcjonowania administracji publicznej, związanych z koniecznością dążenia przez jej organy do realizacji zadań państwa. Uwarunkowania te w znaczny sposób mogą wpływać na procesy podejmowania decyzji zarówno w ujęciu jednostkowym, jak i w odniesieniu do kształtowania się pewnych linii decyzyjnych. W dalszej części omówiono cechy charakterystyczne administracyjnego typu stosowania prawa, w szczególności w zestawieniu z orzeczniczą działalnością sądów. Odrębności te wiążą się przede wszystkim z faktem, iż stosowanie prawa w typie administracyjnym jest elementem szeroko rozumianego zarządzania w sferze publicznej. Różnice dostrzegalne są również w przebiegu rozumowań podejmowanych przed decydenta. Szczególną uwagę warto zwrócić na formułowanie treści decyzji finalnej w ramach uznania administracyjnego, które uprawnia organ do wyboru tego − spośród co najmniej dwóch prawnie dopuszczalnych rozstrzygnięć − które pełniej realizuje założoną politykę decydowania (stosowania prawa). To ostatnie zagadnienie zostało szerzej omówione w ramach ostatniej części artykułu, w której zanalizowano wpływ polityki na proces stosowania prawa i rozumowania organu podejmującego decyzję

    Occupation-Based Leisure Interventions for Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury

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    The purpose of this scholarly project was to provide occupational therapists with a practical guide for implementing occupation-based leisure interventions for individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI). In recent years, the occupational therapy (OT) profession has seen a shift from a biomechanically driven paradigm back to the occupation-centered practice from which OT is rooted. Though the definition and mission of OT involves the use of occupation-centered interventions, this vision is not always evident within current treatment plans for people with a SCI diagnosis. Research has indicated that leisure participation is essential for this population due to the physical benefits and more importantly for the emotional and social benefits. This manual was created to guide OTs to address leisure engagement with individuals with SCI, ultimately resulting in higher quality of life. An extensive literature review was completed to support the need for this product and identify areas of focus. Topics of research included: 1) etiology and incidence of SCI, 2) functional ability at each SCI level, 3) role of OT, 4) problems with current OT intervention, 5) importance of occupation-based leisure interventions, and 6) utilization of the Ecological Model of Human Performance to facilitate leisure engagement with individuals with SCI. In order to address the needs identified through the literature review, a manual was created to assist OTs in enabling client-centered, occupation-based interventions for individuals with SCI. To provide highest level of care for today’s clients, OTs need to be equipped with the correct resources for creating individualized, meaningful intervention plans with client-driven goals. This manual will assist OTs in extending the range of leisure tasks available to individuals with SCI, resulting in successful engagement and increased quality of life

    Experiencing higher education, transitions and the graduate labour market: the non-traditional student perspective: book of abstracts

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    In the last three courses 2014-15, 2015-15 and 2016-17, Integration of Contents and English has been implemented at the Faculty of Sciences of Education in University of Malaga (Spain), specifically in Primary Education Studies. The initiative corresponds to the continuity of bilingualism that in the Spanish Education Normative and Curriculum begins with Child schools, continuing in Secondary and High Schools. Consequently, Education Faculty is involved in the preparation of future professional teachers, who not only will be an interpreter teacher with a degree in languages, but with knowledge and content related to the different areas of learning and teaching. That is the reason why Social Sciences Education area is researching in using CLIL and sharing didactic strategies like poster seasons among classroom groups or Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS) within different city Institutions as Malaga Museum Picasso, developing the need of being students and citizens part of the scaffolding learning in Higher Studies. Therefore, internationalizing territories in the University, city/town and its Museums will be a goal when talking about innovation for internationalizing employability and entrepreneurship.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    How Does Socio-Technical Approach Influence Sustainability? Considering the Roles of Decision Making Environment

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    Aim/purpose: the current study explains the mediation of ERP in the role of a socio-technical approach and decision-making with firms’ sustainable performance. Background: despite the existence of existing literature on success and failure factors of ERP, the current work highlights the impact of socio-technical factors and decision-making environment on ERP success. Additionally, the weak research work regarding the mediation of ERP is addressed here in this study and has tried to fill the mentioned gap. Contribution: the most important contribution of the study is assessing the mediating role of the ERP system in the linkage of decision-making environment and socio-technical factors. Moreover, the work contributes by examining the moderation of organizational culture while relating the socio-technical environment and ERP system. Findings: the study finds that there is a significant role of ERP as a mediator while relating socio-technical elements and the decision-making environment; however, we do not find any significant moderation of organizational culture in the linkage of ERP system and socio-technical elements. Impact on Society: the societal implication of the study is that it provides a reference for the firms having the same cultural characteristics while using ERP to overcome the issue of pollution in Iraq

    Customer segmentation and value proposition : the case of KG International

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    The purposes of this Master’s Degree Final Assignment are as follows: (1) Assess the relationship between customer segmentation and value propositions; (2) Review previous research on both concepts; (3) Present empirical evidence based on a curricular internship at the firm Konsulting Group International (KG International); (4) Propose a framework based on the comparison of the theory and the case. The goal is to explore the importance that Customer Segmentation has on Value Propositions. It later identifies aspects as the need for rethinking, adapting and redesigning customer segmentation and value propositions, especially in the company’s early years. The case is particularly illustrative of Value Propositions in the context of consulting services

    Unmet goals of tracking: within-track heterogeneity of students' expectations for

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    Educational systems are often characterized by some form(s) of ability grouping, like tracking. Although substantial variation in the implementation of these practices exists, it is always the aim to improve teaching efficiency by creating homogeneous groups of students in terms of capabilities and performances as well as expected pathways. If students’ expected pathways (university, graduate school, or working) are in line with the goals of tracking, one might presume that these expectations are rather homogeneous within tracks and heterogeneous between tracks. In Flanders (the northern region of Belgium), the educational system consists of four tracks. Many students start out in the most prestigious, academic track. If they fail to gain the necessary credentials, they move to the less esteemed technical and vocational tracks. Therefore, the educational system has been called a 'cascade system'. We presume that this cascade system creates homogeneous expectations in the academic track, though heterogeneous expectations in the technical and vocational tracks. We use data from the International Study of City Youth (ISCY), gathered during the 2013-2014 school year from 2354 pupils of the tenth grade across 30 secondary schools in the city of Ghent, Flanders. Preliminary results suggest that the technical and vocational tracks show more heterogeneity in student’s expectations than the academic track. If tracking does not fulfill the desired goals in some tracks, tracking practices should be questioned as tracking occurs along social and ethnic lines, causing social inequality